Kathy Griffin is the Victim, and You Guys Are Raping Her
2 scoops 2 many?
If this is rape, how do I sodomize her as well? Maybe she videotapes herself blasting a picture of Barron with a shotgun live on CNN?
I'm not mad about her """art""" with a beheaded Trump, I'm mad about her appropriating Muslim culture.
>Kathy Griffin
>mfw I live about a mile from where the press conference will be held, but I'm not a nigger so I'll be at work
If you want to be consistent about free speech, you should not be upset that she did this.
Just don't pay attention to it.
And remind people that it's also okay for a comedian to hold up a beheaded Obama noggin in effigy.
(((Woodland Hills)))
I don't know which is worse: Huntington Park or (((Woodland Hills)))
Stop being SJW's you stupid fucking Trumpcucks, the comedian can say whatever she likes, now shove off.
I'm fine with her being allowed to say what she wants and to have a platform to speak from.
I disagree with her thinking that imagery was defensible. Being criticized for her comments is not shutting down her ability to exercise her free speech.
A proper response to the backlash would be to apologize for thinking that sort of imagery was appropriate. Instead she seems to want to blame Trump and Trump supporters which shows she's not understanding the situation.
You can be upset she did it. Noones trying to stop her, she can do it. But calling her out on being a fucking dumbass a different matter.
>herp derp don't destroy this cunt Sup Forums we wuz better than that n sheeit
Yeah, no. It's a meme war, lad.
>Holds up your bloody decapitated head for all including your children to see
>Omg stop bullying me
Is... is this real life?
Nobody would rape that disgusting Jewess. She WISHES someone would rape her.
I will defend to the death for Kathy Griffin to 'express' herself as a comedian and artist.
But free speech, does NOT mean freedom from consequence.
You libtards seem to get that mixed up.
Don't worry, all the niggers and college kids without jobs will be there for you.
huntington park is ghetto as fuck
They seem to mix up a lot of things.
My biggest one is when they mix up "Equal opportunity" with "Equal outcomes".
>and respond to the bullying from the Trump family she has endured
>after posting an ISIS esque picture depicting her holding the decapitated head of Donald Trump
These people are fucking children. Holy fuck.
How is the backlash bullying, but her actions not bullying?
Why don't nazi fuckheads ever seem to understand this point when we punch them in the face?
>mix up
Most don't know the difference or care. Too many just run on groupthink and rhetoric and don't actually understand their positions.
spain you don't punch shit pussy
I tried to explain the difference to my sister today while chatting about affirmative action laws.
It's like she was literally incapable of understanding the difference between the two.
Note that everywhere you see this being reported, they keep referring to it as "the photograph," "the image," "the picture," and "the photographer,"sometimes multiple times in the same paragraph, just as we see in OP's image. It wasn't just a photograph -- It was a short video of about 17 seconds.
attorney (((Lisa Bloom)))
she is just setting herself up to get killed even more
>Trump family expresses disappointment
Turns in to:
>bullying from the Trump family
Wouldn't this logic make Kathy a bully herself?
>literally incapable
To a large degree she probably is.
The danger of not understanding the reasoning behind these issues, and just knowing the rhetoric of one side and tying yourself to it, is that cognitive dissonance kicks in HARD when you're forced to examine the smaller print. I personally think that's one of the reasons people act so emotionally when '''arguing''' (read: talking normally) about political/social things.
we're holding them to their own standards
Weaponized autism+Alinsky's playbook in action.
never relent. always attack
That's physical violence, though.
As far as I know, no one physically abused Griffin because of that.
So we'll shitpost and make them mad, becuase they'll never understand anyway. So we'll just laugh while it burns and help out when anyone's assed enough to give us the chance; on purpose or not.
We're like some kind of retarded justice league.
Why is she bringing a lawyer? That's what guilty people do.
Top fucking kek
>take a picture promoting the decapitation of the POTUS
>offer one of the most fake apologies ever
>barely a few days pass
>call your lawyer, set up a press conference and get ready to bitch about the family of the man whose decapitation you promoted "bullying" you
just as phony and shitty as ever. i'm looking forward to watching this washed up, never was, coat tail riding bitch crash and burn.
where can i buy tickets to this event ? or at least donate to the law firm. does she a gofundme account ?
Fuck off kike.
You just have to find the right way to approach people, then try to chip away. A lot of people are just arseholes though, who don't understand the issues OR care about them, so there's no real point in even trying.
>So we'll shitpost and make them mad, becuase they'll never understand anyway. So we'll just laugh while it burns and help out when anyone's assed enough to give us the chance; on purpose or not.
It does work, this was more or less how I was broken out of my liberal ways in 1999.
She will receive her /pol beatings until every modern day hippy cries tears of blood Then when their eyeballs have transformed into dried bacon we will sit back and discuss your pitiful demise while sitting around a campfire eating meat.
The desperate fight for attention.
Move along folks, get back to Seth Rich.
Eat a dick you pathetic worm. Go be offended elsewhere plebbit shitstain. Take your faggotry elsewhere, we don't need your speech police bullshit infecting our board.
Using that image in this context, is so irrelevant, it might be the most jewish thing I've seen here.
>The Bloomfirm
I thought Americans had freedom of speech. Wasn't there a celebrity who talked about killing Obama? Obviously, a real threat would be treated seriously, but if it's not an actual threat or inciting violence, there is no reason for this controversy.
That's not a bacteria though.
so........ what are we doing with that phone number Sup Forums ??
Hey my 11 year old son was kinda disturbed to see you mock-beheading his father, it was pretty fucked up. You really should be ashamed of your actions.
>womyn expresses the desire to kill someone
>lol just let them be
There's free speech, and then there's expressing criminal intent.
She can't keep getting away with it!
Although I'd like to physically abuse her with my penis. If you know what I mean.
*alleged* comedian
Sorry for ruining your black panthers party.
I think physical action is literally the opposite of speech.
Kathy right now
Comedian tries to be funny, gets booed, waah waah stop being mean to me
This is why women shouldn't be allowed to be comedians
Jerry Seinfeld would never act this way
This picture brings me back, it's been a long time.
True dat
Rotten.com source?
Hahaha, that's terrific. That's terrific....
Stupid, unfunny cunt looking for attention
tubgirl, you fucking newfag
Thank god they blurred out the vagina, that would've just been inappropriate.
The God Queen Joan fucking Rivers would never held a fucking press conference to complain about how the target of one of her jibes pushed back.
I was willing to cut Kathy some slack until this bullshit. Her career is deader than shit regardless of this press conference, however that Bloom creature deserves to have her firm implode for this bullshit.
Lisa Bloom -- same lawyer who represented the fake Trump "rape victim" who was a no show at her big press conference.
This woman is total scum
Fucking absolutely savage....
I'm spreading it like a virus
There was a shooting club that was giving away free turkeys for thanksgiving that used images of Bill Clinton as targets that was shut down by secret service for much less.
Remember these are the same people wanting people harassed and fired for sayinging Black Lives Mater is a hate group. FUCK THEM. We are not looking for a fair fight. It's time to destroy them all
I'm angry that she's singlehandedly lowering the overall attractiveness rating of redheads
Who's in L.A. with me should we assemble our crew and get over there with some hijabs and bloody heads?
Call the number & ask dumbass
Im sad to say, she has been doing that for some time now
Frontal Lobe Damage/Disorder effects Women more then Men. Which is why you see so many in Leftist movements.
Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences nigger
stop being beta and set your goals higher
Shes pulling the shit her character did in the episode of Seinfeld she was in.
>implying we have free speech
We have double standards because roles reversed she WOULDN'T HESITATE to deny us our rights. Shutting her down in a public forum IS FREE SPEECH, btw.
>her attorney (((Lisa Bloom)))
why am i not surprised.
In these times of rampant mental illness we need to fight sjws with their own shitty rules
Remember you do need to be involved in this thread
Penis check please. Methinks it has one.
Someone should spam her Twitter with real decapitations.
>the comedian can say whatever she likes
lol in any other time in history if a comedian/celebrity depicted themselves holding up the severed head of their president/prime minister/king/whatever, they would most likely be immediately arrested and probably killed in secret. the bitch deserves to get fired and blacklisted for this little stunt
>This post was made by Kathy Griffin.
GTFO cunt we don't care for you here.
Find another way to get out of the D-list.
The first amendment only protects free speech from the government. We're not affecting her free speech, she has the right to say whatever she wants, but that doesn't CNN or any other network has to give her a platform to say it on. We just made sure they were aware of that.
Why did she apologize. I had more respect for her before she did. She should have owned it. Now it will own her.
It's not too late...
Fuck off leaf.
That reminds me I've not listen to window licker in the longest time
What the fuck is she going to do, threaten to sue for people saying what she did eas sick in the brain?
I fully agree, but it's just you and me who think this way.
She would be 100% on the hate bandwagon if someone did hold up a Obama noggin in effigy.
She has no artistic integrity and merely did it because she thought it would make herself look cool to her friends.
I want to fuck Lisa Bloom. Hard. And not for the purpose of procreation.