>song starts playing >white woman sings about sucking dicks/fucking >verse 1 >chorus >verse 2 >chorus >beat slows down and changes to ape beat >AYO HOL UHHHH AY AY AYO AY AY AY >UHHHH >MUHFUGGA >BRABADAPAP >UHHHHHHHHHH >SHIIIIEEEEEEETTT NIGGA >UHHH >UUUHHHHHH-HUHHHHHHHHHHHH >AYO AYO AYO
Literally every pop song coming out of USA is like that. Why?
the rich have reached peak power. they're now influencing complete breakdown of traditional society. pretty soon interracial breeding camps will be a mandatory thing in schools and at work
psychological warfare trying to get white women to get horny and think about sex whenever observing an ape chimping out "uhhh muh dik uhh u hot lol dur"
Colton Lee
Gabriel Butler
Its >intro >verse >pre-chorus(synthesisers are introduced to increase tension, then beat stops for half a measure before heading to the chorus) >Chorus(the instruments in this chorus are not too loud) >verse >pre-chorus >Chorus(Slightly more instrumentation) >rapper sings some shit like "My girl X" or "You know who it is" during the bridge. >Chorus(more instrumentation and the kick drums are so loud they cause an earthquake) >outro
Lincoln Wilson
Because people buy them?
Nathan Johnson
resistance is futile
Ayden Nguyen
People can only buy something that's available in the market. People cannot buy something that doesn't exist.
Jaxon Wright
>weeb faggot btfo by best ally delicious
Leo Garcia
she look like stupid whore...this related picture of her is much better, also because she is not pretending to be of dark skin
Austin Long
The reason Jews excel so much is because of tight knit communities that outcast all non Jews and work together for success. If white people did the same you would do well too.
Carter Reyes
What are you talking about? There are plenty of good songs and artists that sing about meaningful things.
Daniel Cox
Are they getting any (((exposure))) though?
Ian King
KPOP is superior. It teaches good values, cleanliness, taking care of yourself, and doesn't have any niggers in it.
god i want to explode in her womb...and best part is it would not be race mixing because i'm arab
Xavier Thomas
>>AYO HOL UHHHH AY AY AYO AY AY AY >>UHHHH >>MUHFUGGA >>BRABADAPAP >>UHHHHHHHHHH >>SHIIIIEEEEEEETTT NIGGA >>UHHH >>UUUHHHHHH-HUHHHHHHHHHHHH >>AYO AYO AYO you forgot "bixnood", also I kækked at the fact that you actually thought that up and wrote it out. That's dedication.
Robert Wood
Dominic Miller
This. Now go listen to some Tool
Parker Jackson
Hudson Campbell
It's also funny that you start this thread right now, OP. My sister is blaring Nigger music in her music as I type this post. She's going away to university in 2 months, good fucking riddance.
Dubstep has a formula. So does this era of pop. There's no reason to suffer through professional pop music when it's relatively easy to make your own these days for a small ($xxx) investment in software and hardware.
Kayden Rodriguez
Holy shit you fucked it up! you were supposed to say "FUCKING" and someone else would say "LEAF" god damn it Denmark ohh and "LUCKING" REALLY???
Tattoos are usually gotten by degenerates. also all my farts are really fucking hot and its hurting my anus its scary.
Ian Morgan
>>Not listening to Tool I was being facetious if you didn't pick up on it.
I've listened to a decent amount of Korean music (not really by choice), and I don't think it's that much different from US music. You can find examples of decent stuff, but the majority is still trash. And obviously there's no niggers, it's South Korea. You can't pretend that no niggers means that trashy K-pop or K-rap doesn't exist though.
Ian Harris
Fucking this that bitch isn't even close to white.
Also >Be parent >Let your young daughter go to her concert >Daughter is kill
there is a non forced melody that naturally flows on a structured armony with which the instruments strung along to with riffs and bass lines
ariana grande music is a forced melody on a loop and sound effects
either way mart sharters have us by the balls with their horrendous music of nowadays, sad.
Liam Harris
stop shoving dicks inside it
Leo Cooper
I hate her because shes another kabbalist kike puppet but its just nice that she hasnt gotten any tattoos yet
Carson Jenkins
Eyetie? Ariana is queen of North Africa, you are a silly one to think she is Italian. Use eyes mister it is clear that she is not white
Grayson Cook
sorry my wifi is to slow for youtube.
Asher James
That little cunt needs to be put down like the dog she is.
Jason Powell
>All that make up Absolutely haram
Henry Phillips
Daniel Watson
The leaf is right.
Parker White
Nathaniel Cruz
>What is Bandcamp?
James Stewart
old news
Jeremiah Long
Spoiler alert: it was a song called "Bubble Pop" which is just a meaningless song with hot chicks dancing in front of cars/on dudes/whatever.
Oliver Collins
I needed some variation, user.
Oliver King
"Pop" is just short for "popular", lad.
Dylan Perez
>this triggers the burger
James Sanchez
Dominic Nguyen
>tfw you will never pull on young Ariana's red hair whilst fucking her ass
Hunter Hall
>Not people dancing on bubble wrap 1/10
Nolan Ward
Except it's in Japanese.... And usually the chorus is equal to Gundam style and makes zero sense. Inb4 two bombs weren't enough.
Jayden Adams
I never realized just how true this shit is, my younger cousins think black guy's are "hip and sexy", literally everyone else in this country has a wierd distaste for black people, she and everyone else under the age of 15 think's like this now, they listen to this brain wash dribble ofc.
James Thompson
>liking untalented uggos Based leaf having shitty taste in music
Dylan Williams
wtf is up with your internet
Dominic Wilson
>Insulting Gundam ever. Go fuck yourself.
Brody Diaz
I live in Canada.
Brody Taylor
gaypopper get OUT
Kevin Harris
My cousin who lives off of the welfare he has better internet than that, surely you have better excuse haha! Perhaps your an Australian proxy?
Jordan Richardson
I live in the middle of nowhere.
Hunter Ramirez
Does the sheboon have a big ass, do?
Justin Gutierrez
>American women
Jonathan Garcia
I don't even like gaypop but I'll take it over twice anyday chingu
Isaac Baker
>And usually the chorus is equal to Gundam style and makes zero sense.
I agree with the point you're trying to make I think, but Gangnam Style is actually kind of redpilled.
Easton Johnson
>ywn again wake up for school and watch in flames' on MTV
Jayden Morris
Hahaha I was just thinking this the other day op its fucking terribad
Nathaniel Cox
She actually is Italian, but she makes herself look latina. Look up a picture of her Italian grandparents, or a picture of her a couple years ago before she starting spray tanning. She's white but wants to be mexican.
Carter Morales
That sounds like one swell song, leaf
Hunter Collins
I love Tool but you sound like a fag any time you recommend them over pop music, as if they're remotely comparable
Ayden Robinson
Can you tell your fellow Asians to stop immigrating to Canada? there is nothing here for them I cant understand why they are coming here.
Matthew Diaz
>White Ariana is Brazilian now
Jonathan Nelson
Yeah this is what i'm referencing. She literally tries to look nonwhite.
Luke Diaz
>tries to
Jace Barnes
Xavier Watson
>Italian before Sup Forums >Italian after Sup Forums
Jace Bell
We're trying but apparently nazism is bad
Nicholas Evans
What Albanians think they look like vs what they actually look like hahahaha
Henry Richardson
Why does she have to be degenerate I want to take her to some mid-priced restaurant by the sea.
Gabriel Lee
Jesus christ that was brutal.
Jordan Evans
I don't get it
like, I don't get what she thinks is hot about bronzing her skin. Is she Italian?
I know Jersey Italians are douchers and do that all the time.
Jack Barnes
So wait, did the terrorists explode at her concert because she's a muslim but is clearly encouraging behavior against her own religion?