What happened to the Arabs?

Where did they go wrong?



Correct answer; end thread


Brits should have just let Hitler ship the Jews to Madagascar.

which came first?

Pretty sure that's a Persian or afghan. That's the old iranic style of turban. Arabs wear those white bedsheets normally.


this, I wonder why can't they simply go back to those good old times being ruled by a sultan and telling bedtime stories about djinns/efreets and flying carpets

Google the word "consanguinity".
Mohammed said it was OK for you to marry your first cousin. And the air of us have been doing this for 1400 years. They are in bed and have low IQ


arab achievements literally peaked under islam though
see golden age and caliphates

>Strayan education

Europeans figured out how to sail around the world. That's literally what happened to the Middle East. They could no longer tax the fuck out of trade caravans trying to get to India and China.

The propagation of hadiths.

They left the caravans. They were find when they were nomadic drifters, living in small, inbred family units.

Arabs have been knows as the scum of the earth since antiquity. They were the ones who traded drugs and slaves in early civilization, and were known as animal fuckers and worse. They were thieves and scoundrels and couldn't be trusted. If you look into early writings of dealings with arabs, they were looked on as subhuman - the only lower humans were blacks in africa, who were seen as half human.

Then Islam happened, and they got worse.

The decent people were the Persians, and the tribes that were their ancestors.

"Arabia", without oil, would have ceased to exist due to invasion and resettlement and genocide long ago, nothing of import came from there, only the countries and civilizations around them, like Greece, Egypt, Persia, and the Levant were important.

Only because of the Persian influence - they coopted everything the Persians were working on, and claimed it for their own under the umbrella of Islam. Arabs, had they not been mingled with superior people under Islam, would have died off a long time ago. The only reason they are more powerful with Sunni is oil. Without oil, Sunni's would have been an also-ran beside Shiites, based in Persia.

Here's a non-meme answer : mongols

Muhammad actually foresaw this.

They picked a fight with ghengis kahn


You're thinking of Pers*ans, faggot. Pic related.

Nice try though, I give 4/10 for effort and dedication.

genetics. its all in the stars op

And most of the achievements from the "Golden Age of Islam" were plagiarized from Hindus in India.

>Where did they go wrong?


Bad breeding policies for civilization, both in the sense of incentivization but also in the pure degeneracy in the emergent breeding tactics (as already mentioned, cosanguinity).

the scholars of al andalus had nothing to do with persia

Oh, look, we got a death cult member here!

One nigger named Muhammad.

The moment we fell for the zion lies and killed our only saviours

The sacking of Baghdad was the final nail in the coffin.

Inbreeding, Islam, kike espionage, western interference on the behalf of the former.

-Consaguinity thanks to marriage with 1st/2nd cousins just because Mohammed married one cousin so everyone has to copy Mohammed and keep wealth between the family/tribe.
Led and leads to inbreeding depression, increase of mental illness between Muslim believers.
-End of Golden Islamic Age meme: pogroms of kikes (that flourished along the muslims with Golden Jewish Age meme and Sack of Baghdad)
-Inviting kikes openly to Ottoman Empire specially bringing from Iberia
-Kikes resentful of late treatment of them (being relegated by their positions and Armenians /Greeks/Albanians prefered) by late Ottoman Empire and some kike massacres
-Founding of Wahabbism
-Partioning of Ottoman Empire engineered specially by Anglos (and deep Anglo kike core) that led to extension of power by Arab states in Middle East, shitty borders and shitty govts in ME and end of Ottoman Caliph of Islam.
-End of protectorates/mandates after WWII
-End of European imperialism/colonialism that also kept in check radicalism through pacification
-Wahabism exported by Saudi Arabia and other Arab states oil exportation
-.CIA support specially in 80-90s to counter USSR - instalation of Islamic ring around USSR and support of mujahidden in Soviet-Afghan
-End of the Cold War - USSR and its sucessor ain't no longer a major threat and decline of secularization by marxist / communist movements
-Decline of Pan-Arabism - reinsurgence of Pan-Islamism
-USA interventions in ME by direct war, support of end of despot in North Africa and ME
-Arab Spring engineered by CIA, Saudi Arabia, Iran and islamist groups/movements
- Jealosy by low class diaspora from Muslim world of kuffar well being and life conditions
- Degeneracy imported from (((USA)))
- European countries can't impose assimilation of diaspora or last resort - pacification from being too cucked by left populism/Troksyis,
- Israel existence and that Al-Aqsa Mosque in Israel control
- muh Palestinians

Intelligent poster, you will not be forgotten