What if we're wrong guys?

What if we're wrong guys?

What if we're actually as stupid/ignorant/evil as the Left claims.

What if our right-wing beliefs are just some kind of manifestation of mental illness and completely irrational to non-mentally ill people?

Other urls found in this thread:


conservatism never lasts. it didn't with slavery. it didn't with keeping non whites and women from voting. it didn't with oppressing lgbt people

Nothing's lasts. It goes in cycles. We were super conservative, than liberal, then conservative, than liberal, now conservative again.

Conservatism doesn't last because people are swayed with their hearts more than their brains.

That doesn't mean leftists have better policies, however.

It is well documented in the medical community that those that embrace leftists ideologies are literally twice as likely to suffer from mental illnesses and take mood altering meds than those on the more conservative side of the spectrum.

Think for yourself. Don't trust anyone. Set your own agenda. Be a man.

Ive had these thoughts.

Yes, trying to have a political interest on your own identity is being IGNORANT/STUPID.

then if 56 million voters are mentally ill, they and their movement deserve political representation too

You are in desperate need of a history lesson.

>"Well documented"
>Throws out crazy left-bashing statistic with absolutely no proof

Maybe the OP is on to something..


Alright, let's disregard the fact that this is a shill thread.

Why are leftist cities so consistently insolvent? Why have communities that have been run by leftists for half a century some of the worst in the country? If they were as smart and as effective as they pretend to be, why are they not shining utopias?

Would it happen to be that pandering to the laziest and most ignorant people with promises of free stuff and ill-conceived equality to get elected incentivise keeping those people in states of poverty and ignorance?

What do you mean?
The left is batshit insane, do you really think all their deviances are a result of rationality?

Believing in ideas such as "gender is a social construct" is an example of a mental illness

As for traditional left wing ideologies like Communism or Socialism, their views of society are actually very similar to American conservatism rather than modern day leftism

Then there's no going back and I'm riding this train to the end

> we are the new brainswashed narritive blah blah

Why cant you research it yourself?...So you cn somehow think your are witty to scoff at the source? Does someone need to wipe your ass for you too?

>Throws out crazy left-bashing statistic with absolutely no proof
>Attempts to shift the burden of proof onto someone questioning his claim

Looks like the OP really was right. How interesting.

Charge your phone also
>phone poster

>the left cant convince the right of their claims using intelligent arguments
>so they resort to deception, violence and propaganda
>what if we're wrong guise?

>1post by this id

>1post by this id

>check your id
>has more than 1 post
>can't banter you back

conservatism doesn't last for the same reason that liberalism doesn't. any time one wanes the other waxes. what one generation believes and thinks is only partially passed down to the next, and to the next, and so on, until we come full circle. the wheel keeps on turning.

whoever first drew the "yin-yang" symbol was a genius.





It's true, read some Jonathan Haidt. Five metrics for how people derive morality:
Conservatives care about all five evenly, liberals care about the first one as much as conservatives, the second one twice as much, and none of the rest.
That's why they're such backstabbing, self-cannibalizing snakes who don't really care if your daughter gets blown to smithereens as long as some Muslim isn't denied first-world accommodations. They're narcissistic and refuse to look beyond the self. Everything they do is done either for the purpose of self-aggrandizement or out of sheer stupidity.



I wish it were true.

I just wanted to be a lolabertarian living in the mountains with my hapa waifu.

But the results speak for themselves.

The right is largely motivated by rational self interest, the left alturism and ideals.

They are about What Could Be as opposed to How It Be, nigga.

That's why we tend to be right, if miserable and unpleasant.


You're not evil or stupid, just misguided. There is a lot deeply wrong with this world and you've been tricked into letting your disgust and anger dominate your ego, and latch on to immediate targets. The lefts vision of the future is actually (more or less) good except for the trannies and pedos, and we probably will have to accept that different races have different intellectual capacities on a general basis. There are parts of reality the left can't accept, the correct response to the question of whether or not Africans have lower capacity for abstract thought on a general level shouldn't be "that can't be true because it upsets my feels" nor should it be "we need to oppress/kill/hate/dominate them" - it should be "so what? They are what they are, and should be treated fairly as individuals". Muh intelligence is overrated anyway, for the most part it's just better task performance in service of "the Jew". The idea of one race of humanity is good though. I don't know why you cling to muh whiteness, it really is just an illusion in your head. However it's not something that should be forced and currently, it is.

As for "LGBQT" and all that, mostly it's the result of dysfunction in childhood and should be understood as such. But they shouldnt be hated, but sympathised with. I'm talking more about trannies I guess. I do think male homosexuality also exists in nature and is not a negative, but these men are supposed to be subservients and people that mediate between men and women. The real monstrosity is pedophilia. This should never be tolerated. Perhaps, they should just be killed, their existence is an insult to the universe.


Liberalism likewise doesn't last.

Ceaser made progress by admittin non-romans into the Senate. 500 years later the former Republic was ruined by immigration and failed integration.

Shit ebbs and flows. Clogs going up, silk slippers coming down, etc.

liberalism is literally falling apart globally in front of your eyes and you refuse to acknowledge it. your leaders have already accepted it, why do you insist on being their useful idiot ?

A recent study demonstrated that self inflicting brain damage led people to developing more liberal ideologies.

It seems to largely be a question of how we perceive threats.

Another study demonstrated OCD (lel autism) and germaphobic tendencies among people with conservative beliefs.

It would seem those at one end of the spectrum are overly sensitive to threat perception (hence conservatism, like a cat released into a new environment) and those on the far end of the liberalism spectrum being blithly unaware of threats.

The only good post in the thread

stfu nigger.

our edge is because online whereas your limp wrists manifest themselves irl

kill yourself.

I don't know why you cling to your Western Art, why even have museums? And history, why even bother recording it or passing it on? It's not going to last forever, so why bother trying to preserve anything? It's literally just an illusion in your head.

I mean, do you really think conservatives hate black people because they don't support welfare? And do you really think they hate gays just because they don't want to have to marry them in their living rooms or see sick perverted TV producers splashing images of teenage boys making out across their television screens?

Interracial relationships that spring from genuine love are fine, but the thing is a lot of them have a fetishistic dysfunctional nature. Especially in the USA. This is mostly owing the the ideas and concepts of race our culture has, but it's possible that people are more naturally inclined to truly love their own race. It's possible that different races have slight psychological differences that go beyond intelligence. But nothing is set in stone, I do believe genuine love can come from such relationships.

The Jews are more inclined to towards psychopathy and evil than other peoples. I'm not sure why, but again, they should be judged fairly as individuals, but there is a a lot of evil in that culture. I mean look at circumcision, the idea of original sin, the fear and hated of women and sex - it all stems from the Hebrew religion. Jesus was an antidote to all this, but with his message spread the Jewish nature throughout Europe and the Middle East - who have been the biggest conquerors and rapists of the earth? Europeans and Muslims, they are actually very similar in their struggle to want to dominate nature but also loving it. The Jews are locked in an eternal battle with themselves and are perhaps unfreeable as a whole, although individuals can certainly be saved.

Also Sup Forums ideology is just judaism for alienated and fearful white men. The feelings of inferiority manifesting as a racial superiority complex, the fear and hatred of women, sex, love, kindness. You can find release through humour for now but eventually this is going to start manifesting itself as a sickness, and you, like the Jews, may have to go.

Don't care, I'm rich.

Political correctness wont last.
Libertarianism is going to come around in 10-20 years and stick around till we all nuke eachother.
Liberalism is on suicide watch because they know theyre doomed.
Its why eric clanton is so angry. He knows hes fucked in the long run.
The right is peaceful now bc they know we will win the next 20 prez elections

If you think in terms of "right" and "left" you are a Jew puppet, just like Trump. The system we live in is a facade that applies to plebs. Only newfag plebbitors conscribe to such normalfag delusions. You have to go back.

Because good art actually means something and takes you into contact with the divine. Things only have value if they are good. There's nothing wrong with white people being around in the future but there's also nothing wrong if everyone is mixed. It literally means nothing, what matters is living in harmony with god and nature, what matters is happiness and love. Not your skin and bone structure, even accounting for slight psychological differences, it should be looked at in an honest way, but it has no intrinsic value and if it does it will survive so long as people just stop fucking trying to force things and let them happen naturally.

conservatism always loses on the long term, the question should: what if we are right THIS time?

Or what if with the power of our hive mind we actually created a timeline where Trump is president and Clinton consumes human flesh?

No, leftism never lasts. How many utopian communes have risen and collapsed that the left doesn't account for in their march to progress? And the classical ideas of government remain, always the same. That's why you complain a vote isn't worth anything. With universal suffrage we had to move the power away from votes, otherwise idiots would vote for ruin. That's BT design that your vote is worthless, because you're too stupid to be trusted with power. We should be happy the system is so resilient.

if throwing communists out of helicopters is wrong then I don't want to be right

Go live in a country run by lefties then come live in Texas. Conserative is better than liberal policies. THE END. All autists know this.

So Canada?

Choose 1

Check em cause this post is as based and correct as it gets

Hoppean Libertarian != Conservative

Lol, this potato tier understanding of history. Some of the most conservative persons were anti slavery- Johnson, for example

Silence brainlet. You only speak when your bull gives permission.