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Thanks King Nigger
kek. can you imagine what would happen if Trump tweeted that.
if he just tweeted the word "Good." at that?? holy shit hahahahaha
Thanks again you fucking nigger
and then for additional hilarity a few hours later tweet that "The Russians had hacked his twitter and were colluding with Hillary Clinton"
Is it true that blacks and non whites live closer to coal plants than whites and face greater health risks?
I hope so.
Meztizo here, I live in a white, retiree heavy area, so not true. I have asthma but that's because I was in Iraq sucking that fecal dust everyday.
yes, I would die laughing, lefties can not take a joke they'd immediately have a heart attack
If the kikes oppose you, you know you're doing the right thing.
>kek. can you imagine what would happen if Trump tweeted that.
Trump should post nothing but gibberish one day, record himself laughing at the liberal melt down then post his reaction video a day later.
Just to fuck with them.
>rising labour costs
You mean rental
>damn near double the debt
>leave the next guy to deal with it
>idiots everywhere throwing bitch fits because a responsible adult has to cut the government's credit card, begin reducing debt and start restructuring payments/trade deals
>mfw these retards are getting a nice fat dose of financial reality
this is why president trump is a multi-billionaire and the VAST majority of his dissenters are 5 to 6 figures in debt.
Lmao oh my fucking GOD
No, not at all. Africans have higher health risks because of their actions and hygiene.
>Raping people will spread AIDS
>Not being hygienic will spread EBOLA
>Going near a waterhole will get you killed by a hppo
>Dindu witch doctos gonna sell human parts as medicine.
Yer I think fucking coal plants are the least of their worries.
>hey we aren't spending 100 billion on other countries we can put into that welfare and projects
figured out what it covfefe means. Trump gets on Sup Forums all the time. It was late and he was sleepy and he meant to type something about media coverage on Twitter and meant to type something about Pepe on Sup Forums and got confused. Hence covfefe. God people
Would genuinely love to see how they qualify that statement.
Global warming affects poor people (ie oppressed darkies) more than it affects rich people (ie Whites with White pirvilege) therefore if you think global warming is a hoax and nothing should be done, you're a racist according to the Jews.
Seriously. I wonder how many assholes they had to probe to find something this ridiculous to pull out.
>Global warming affects poor people (ie oppressed darkies) more than it affects rich people (ie Whites with White pirvilege)
BTW, I'm white and was born poor. That's a thing!
>figured out what it covfefe means
Good, fuck people of (((color))).
Here's the archive:
>cnn com/2017/05/31/politics/al-franken-defines-covfefe-cnntv
--> archive.is
but senpai how does it affect them more
Nice. Another image for me to use when a retard mentions the ACLU as a source.
Just like pic related.
I don't give a fuck about your climate kangs
>Niggers won't be able to steal and sell your solar panels.
This is what the ACLU means by that tweet
The Paris Accord had a much larger scope than the climate. Trump scrapped another engine of Globalism today.
Good Fuck Em. They can think about this after all the times they ran into the streets screaming "Fuck whitey"
Conspiracy Theory level shit here.
thank god, im familiar with that sjw diatribe.
>but senpai how does it affect them more
Well all the bad things caused by Whites to cause global warming makes it harder for darkies to live the superior lives they would be living if it wasn't for the evil, oppressive Whites.
Like being able to live past 5 years old, make something more than mud huts to live in, eat something other than bugs, not die of every disease on the planet all at once, that sorta thing.
Holy shit that bot is everywhere.
You redpilled motherfucker you
Yeah, I'm white and I live in a coal town and it's almost all white with a few black and mexican families. Definitely mostly white so I thought that was weird.
Yeah, I wonder if the ACLU actually has any statistics on that claim.
if you left out the last sentence that would of been some pretty good bait.
>mfw learning this is a real thing
Eat monkey makes sick
now they're just making shit up.
>racial justice
So this pretty much 100% confirms that the Paris Accord was a Jewish front for destroying white Gentile Europeans. I fully oppose both the Paris Accord and the ACLU because they are nothing more than Jewish interest groups fighting for the diaspora and Israel.
Finally we're talking about the REAL issues!
>if you left out the last sentence that would of been some pretty good bait.
>So this pretty much 100% confirms that the Paris Accord was a Jewish front for destroying white Gentile Europeans.
I recall reading that there was a second of the paris climate agreement that talked about diversity, lgbt and shit like that.
>is often associated with colonialism, neoliberalism, and globalization.
left parties racysis nao
does this mean trump is friend of the coloreds now?
"Wealth re-distribution" hit the nail on the head.
nough said.
Honestly this reads more as a list of examples where people don't help themselves and instead, surprise surprise, blame other people.
You know what I would do if my drinking water was toxic? LEAVE. I wouldn't sit there bitching and moaning waiting for lord jeebus to fix it for me.
my guts say minorities in the first world pollute more than whites
their neighborhoods also have litter on the ground everywhere
>You know what I would do if my drinking water was toxic? LEAVE. I wouldn't sit there bitching and moaning waiting for lord jeebus to fix it for me.
Well, if one were White one would either come up with a solution or one wouldn't have that problem in the first place.
Not because Whites are generally smart and reasonable but because of White privilege after all.
What has the ACLU tweeted today about the Obama spying scandal?
>REUTERS: Trump, after House panel subpoenas, backs probing Obama administration
>President Trump: "The big story is the "unmasking and surveillance" of people that took place during the Obama Administration."
>'We Have Evidence Here': Bossie Applauds House for Subpoenas on Unmasking
>Nunes, sidelined from Russia probe, launches one into ‘unmasking’ of Americans
>Russia, unmasking probes expand to Obama aide Samantha Power
>Declassified memos show FBI illegally shared spy data on Americans with private parties
>Barack Obama's team secretly disclosed years of illegal NSA searches spying on Americans
>99-page FISC Memo Order / Report on Obama admin "serious 4th Amendment issue"
>NSA stops "upstream" data collection as a result of FISC Memo Order / Report
>Obama's rule changes opened door for NSA intercepts of Americans to reach political hands
Additional reading:
>VIDEO: Clear, concise explanation of this massive scandal by Chris Farrrell of Judicial Watch (Donate!)
>New Evidence Obama Administration's NSA Spied On Americans (via Realclearpolitics)
>Explosive Revelation of Obama Administration Illegal Surveillance of Americans
Go more primal than that- what would you do if your land ran out of food & water? Yep, start walking.
How in the fuck is climate to do with race, other than geographical differences between Europe and Africa
Ah ha! I think I've figured it out.
"White privilege" is the same as "Not being a lazy retard who expects handouts"
I would die of happiness tbqb kek
Didn't initially appreciate your post......
>"White privilege" is the same as "Not being a lazy retard who expects handouts"
You and your people worked hard for your stability and security but didn't give most of it to a darkie that dinnt du nuffings? White Privilege.
Global warming is our fault and it's racist, and air conditioning kills more people than terrorists!!! White Devils!!!
I don't think he is that edgy
Thx for the input Babs
Isnt it funny climate change it will make wealthy people from brown asian and black countries flee and yoll end up with immigrants more powerful than you, sounds like so much fun (if you think there are no wealthy people there out of billions of youre deluding yourself)