Jesus moonwalking Christ

Jesus moonwalking Christ

Women have the biggest inferiority complex in existence.

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she's right you know

>watching movies at all
Besides it's not even a women movie, they just say that do they can complain when it fails. I'm pretty sure the director is a man.

No, women---the smarter ones---realize they're inferior.

It wasn't even a "feminist" movie. The creator of WW is a man for God's sake.

Everything is always blown out of proportion when it comes to leftists.

what species is that mutated creature?

>The creator of WW
that was how long ago now? the movie was made by very different people. at this point what the creator was is just trivia

>director is a man

nope, its a woman

It's also just more women complaining that they're not "represented enough" in everything. The Anita Sarkeesian shit with video games wasn't enough. It's being forced into everything.

A man with a well-known bondage fetish, which makes it even funnier

Shut up carrot top, superhero movies make shitloads of money.

The point being, it's a superhero movie. Not a female movie or even aimed at a female audience. The cunts like the one in the picture are just trying to find something bitch about because the lead role is a "strong woman".

I thought the same thing ... why are you doing this carrot top ?

>When we get to make a bad superhero movie and then immediately make another bad one

Like girl ghostbusters and then that Superwoman TV show nobody watched and then Wonder Woman?

And let's be honest. If it was good, you'd be bitching about how sexist and problematic her costume is.

but nobody is disagreeing with her that batman v superman was still a terrible movie

women are so petty

I wish I didn't need one so damn badly

>but nobody is disagreeing with her that batman v superman was still a terrible movie
I am. I liked it.

>complain about superheros being too masculine
>don't support feminist or diverse superheroes

feminist don't actually care about Wonder Woman, they just pretend to on facebook so they can earn brownie points.

this is why no one should ever listen to women.

>DC Comics movies
Not even once.

What the fuck is that George Takei pepe?

Everyone remember the Ghostbusters flop last year?

Remember how many women online were championing it as being the best and greatest film that was going to show all those creepy misogynists how powerful women can be?

Well they didn't go see it. They just supported it online and then watched it tank in the box office.

for anyone reading this, in case you didnt know, if you bound wonder women with handcuffs or rope, she looses all her powers.

Stop fucking Leaf posting you faget.

BvS kicked ass. Fuck you

holy shit carrottop needs to work on his material

Lost 150 million dollars IIRC. Then they had the Amy Schumer Bud Light ad, which was so bad Anheuser Busch filed a lawsuit against the ad agency. And then there was that movie Miss Sloan that nobody remembers but it was a flop. Now this movie isn't making money. I wonder how long it'll be until the Hollywood kikes figure out that they're wasting their shekels producing this crap. Propaganda doesn't do you any good if nobody sees it.

What was Miss Sloan?

it even looks like they let a bunch of fat feminists design the attire. the original looks practical. the latter looks like they're warning of a wide load.

wonder nog looks dumb as fuck, she is a nigger right?


>It came out very close to election day last year. I can't remember if it was before or after.
>School shooting happens. Might have been the Sandy Hook shooting, IDK.
>Child gets killed
>Child's mom, played by the red-head chick from The Martian, badgers the government to make gun control laws
>I think. I didn't actually see any more than the trailer and the articles about how much money they lost

>implying leftists (communists) understand how marketing works.
Let's see how popular an empowering woman is to a group of basement dwellers.

were the ghost busters not super heros?

they fuck it up by making a gender politics commercial instead of a movie based on the character.

You would too if you were below the intelligence and physical standard of men.

>make catwoman, electra, tank girl, and other crappy female comic book movies
>keep trying and finally make a good one
>people immediately forget how many failures female heroes have had on the big screen and act like wonder woman was the first
Everyone involved in those crappy movies must be so happy it's now considered misogynistic to acknowledge they existed

kys leaf faggot


Never mind I'm way off. Turns out it's even worse.

>>keep trying and finally make a good one

Which one was that, again?

>Jesus Moonwalking Christ
No, we decided to call it the Apollo Project.

The director now has my support in his bondage fetish, I may go see this movie in the cinema now.

She looks like a burn victim.

Nvm I clearly have autism, thought the director was the one with the fetish, he's probably a cuck so I'll just avoid. Feelsbad.

Except if a movie bombs there are far less chances it makes a sequel. Superhero movies or otherwise.

But she's retarded because their have been bad super hero female movies, like Elecktra and Catwoman. They both flopped and studios backed off making female centric action flicks.

So the thing she wanted happened, she (aka the writers of the shitshow) have no idea and apparently aren't as satisfied and they're claiming to be about this event.

It's telling because it's so typical of women to find ANY reason to complain and bitch and moan, ESPECIALLY when another person is successful. Their toxic insecurity kicks in.

Yeah her only weakness was getting tied up. So she was tied up a lot too. It's hilarious how this is the image females and feminists have attached themselves too because they're always too vain and shallow to actually understand the things leech positive association from.

There's no winning with these people. It's pointless to try. This is doubly-true with nigs.

WTF is that creature?

It's so female too. Just give lip service to the thing, don't actually support the thing. Well her boyfriend is paying for the ticket so she probably had no say in whatever movie they went too.

Actions speak louder than words and all female actions say "I have no actual principles or beliefs I just squack out the same words the other females in my group are!"

I actually had The Daily (cuck) Show on in the background last night since there was literally nothing else on. At the end she said women are smarter, stronger, more creative than men. The audience ate it up of course.

Why are these woman calling it a failure before it even premiers? Why are they anticipating failure?

Yeah but she's appealing to people who actually read comics and care about super heroes. Who make them popular enough in the first place. We'll support our girl because we've always supported her, not because it's about anything other than liking the character.

(Even if her comics are boring as fuck.)

Because they're women and they can't be or handle being "wrong" or failing in any so they're setting themselves up to immediately blame men if it fails and they can't positively associate themselves with it.

there are a bunch of overated superheroes movies that make a lot of money. Suicide squad was shit, and deadpool was just alright but you virgins get a hardon when you hear the 7 banned words.

>They both flopped and studios backed off making female centric action flicks.
They were also terrible. Just bad movies with bad effects, no plot and bad writing.

They had money, decent actresses and still they sucked. Even the adaptation of Aeon Flux was terrible.

Did they have to be? NO. This was a choice to make shit. The question is, why do Hollywood Jews insist on making female lead superhero movies fail?

Also, Ultraviolet was terrible but I still liked it. Also Kill Bill was fan-fucking-tastic. Why won't these bitches talk about that one? Because it was "woman empowerment" themed and up its own ass?

>snarky face
>wall of text
>wall of text
>oh sweetie face
>bunch of words

why do tumblrites do this

Everything is a fucking political referendum for them. They can't just have a fucking movie where people punch each other.

This. It was a great movie

And yet, here's you. Triggered.

The only good super hero movie was Tim Burton's first Batman movie, i.m.h.o. (in my humble opinion).

when did the world go retarded, and/or switch timelines? bitch had her own tv series in the 70's

Well they are actually inferior so it's logical in it's own way

I actually liked Superman v Batman. I thought the final fight was a bit weak, but overall I didn't regret watching it.

edit: and didn't care much for the "Martha" bullshit.

On average, regardless of weight or age, women have 17% less neocortical neurons and 40% less synapses per neuron.
They're literally working with less proverbial 'brain power'.

This has nothing to do with women in movies. It had to do with overt feminist themes and pushing for more women in movies just for the sake of it.
Get rid of the politics and no one will judge them for their politics.

The only problem with this "argument" is it's just a race to the bottom objective.

You guys should ignore this and talk about Twin Peaks.

why did you say that name?

BvS was fucking kino

Linda Carter was a fun wonder woman. The show didn't take itself too seriously, it was campy as fuck like the Batman TV series.

lol red-headed thing says stuff in a 6 panel comic and you fags pontificate like you even know what it's name is
how is this political again? where are the mods?

>I actually liked Superman v Batman. I thought the final fight was a bit weak, but overall I didn't regret watching it.
I do

Yeah that's a good point. Even the people making these movies have little faith in them and then turn around and complain about their failures.

I think it's just systematic of all women. They don't want to actually put work and effort into succeeding, they just want to be handed the prizes because that part feels the best. And we're all fooling ourselves trying to force women to be something they know damn well they're not -- these big action stars.


At least she kinda redpilled the audience to the propaganda.

>Yeah that's a good point. Even the people making these movies have little faith in them and then turn around and complain about their failures.
(((Hollywood))) himmed and hawed for 30 fucking years over this movie. They kept kicking the Wonder Woman can down the road, refusing to invest in it calling it a failure before it happened.

The Jews did this with anime too. They refused to believe the American market would consume straight up Japanese media without heavy editing and censoring.

What ended up happening is people watched it online instead bypassing the American media outlets or started watching from online streaming like Netflix and Hulu who had a clue.

With regards to the image: just because something is a critical success doesn't mean it's a commercial success.

Bumping the lead, despite my initial repulsion. She seems to be speaking rather reasonably here ladz.

Do you have the twitter screencap about the movie theaters being empty when FemGB was screening?

That was hillarious.

Fucking snore. Holy fuck I just got bored to death

I thought the tank girl comics were decent

This Trevor Noah looks like a Jewish woman.

No yall shes right, people loved batman v one said it was a waste or a piece of poorly writen trash. As a matter of fact i dont think i know of any movie that did poorly when it had man in the title