did you know that the creator of the internet was a black guy ?
google fucking confirmed it fuck
oh man i was wrong about everything my whole life !
did you know that the creator of the internet was a black guy ?
google fucking confirmed it fuck
oh man i was wrong about everything my whole life !
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That's a weird way to say darpa
No, it was AL GORE
This is a scandoislamophobic lie, it is well known that the creator of the internet was a pious Swede Named Filip Emilsson.
Leave it to a leaf to fuck up that meme
>It’s hard to say who invented the Internet. There were many mathematicians and scientists who contributed to its development; computers were sending signals to each other as early as the 1950s. But the Web owes much of its existence to Philip Emeagwali, a math whiz who came up with the formula for allowing a large number of computers to communicate at once.
really makes me think
Yeahhhh I work for the company that founded the Internet under a DARPA contract, that's some fake news.
I do believe that our ancestors were royalty
Whoever wrote this literally did so to soothe black jealousy, as false as it is.
Just let them believe in their fairy tales, it might lead to less whites being murdered. (but probably not)
>funny way to spell "Al Gore"
we wuz pipes and tubes and shieeeetttt
lmao what the fuck is this website
No wonder the internet is full of porn.
Well, God did kind run away after he knocked up Mary.
>Literally google something
>Google confirms
Top quality journalism
What a load of horseshit. He did some cool hacks to the CM-2, but he did none of the groundbreaking work to the real structures of the Internet. And then the article proceeds with "Nobody really knows who invented it". Nigger, then your whole article is pointless!
The guy was smart. He gets credit for that - but he did not invent the internet. The roots of the internet go back to the fucking 50's.
I'm all for credit where it's due - and this guy deserves a nod, he was smart and did some cool things. But in typical nigger fashion, instead of just that, they have to lie and give him credit for EVERYTHING.
If the site wasn't a fucking joke, I'd be mad about it.
hey, wait a minute, I thought it was a woman!
not gonna be any racial bias there boyos
A bunch of ppl in the ibm thinktank in switzerland came up with the framework for the internet. To my knowledge, there are very few black ppl in switzerland. But who cares. The avg iq of black americans is 18 pts lower than the avg of white americans, so who cares if some black dude said "eureka! We could connect computers with wires! Brilliant" it doesnt matter.
The internet wouldve been invented by a chimpanzee if everybody waited long enough.
did you know that nigerians actually invented space travel?
As far as I'm aware, there's no evidence that any black society has ever invented the sail.
pretty sure is was military. Heard stories that when they were working on the prototypes, the computer would crash after every message.
>The internet wouldve been invented by a chimpanzee if everybody waited long enough.
I do believe that's what they're trying to say here
>N Sheeeit
I bet he was a kang also....
based Black Man
No single individual or group 'invented' the internet but PornHub certainly deserves some credit for making it useful for the masses.
They could of did a cool story about this guy and whatever he's up to ...but they had to get retarded and make him kang of the internet.
So fucking dumb.
Trust me that won't be there for long.
Actual history is a problem that can be overcome
case in point...
Okay he may not have invented the internet
>people say fake news isnt real
Ministry of Truth strikes again!
>no one ever knew the father of the internet because he was black
Black woman mathematician put men on the moon.
Black male mathematician invented the internet.
What's next? Black mathematician invented calculus.
Invented cosmology
Told Einstein about E=mC2
Wrote the original equations for gravity, motion, and thermodynamics
Invented Fourier transformations
He was. He also invented the Al-goreitms, so now we have computer maschines with software thanks to him.
What has Trump done?
So is he who we prosecute for all the fucked up illegal shit on the internet?
Niggers, can't even invent something without it being a criminal act.
Wtf someone explain. Why does making a nigger the internet relevant. Everyone knows that is not the case.
What do ((they)) gain from this bullshit
No, it was a cowboy named Clint Westwood
What you're missing is that your pic is based on a racist construction of "invention" that unjustly privileges cishet white male genius mythologies and fantasies of power.
What is it to "invent"? What is an "internet"? The peoples of Africa have different concepts of what these things are and to insist that cishet-white-male "invention" was responsible for the one and only "internet"--a laughable hypostatization with no basis in lived computational experience--is, consciously or unconsciously (not like it matters, for why privilege the heavily gendered concept 'consciousness'?) a violation of colored bodies.
Let me make it real simple for you. "Logic" is not a lived thing, it is an apparition, a fever dream, an imagining of Xian-Platonist symbolic colonialists painting the world with their numbers and operators like so much semen on pornographic actors. To force phallogocentric consciousness on African forms of downloading is to delimit authentic village-based expressions of the blockchain and insert a racist construction of internet-hood into the culture of societies whose videos' buffering time was just fine before you got there and "educated" them.
Read a book next time before you spew racist garbage like that.
Sup Forums is a learned board.
>What do ((they)) gain from this bullshit
Participation awards.
rewriting history
Oh, and BTW, Nubians were Egyptian/Sudanese, not sub Saharan Africans.
Type in "actual American inventors"
The www was developed by CERN. Wat n the FUCKING hell are you yammering about.
Africa isn't in Sweden and it had no input in the creation of it and it doesn't matter if those people understand it. Privilege? Jesus Christ your post gave me cancer.
We wuz al gore and shiieet
www =/= Internet. It's a part of the Internet but there were autistic newsgroups and MUDS before that. Still, dindus didn't have a significant part in the development of either.
>"Nobody really knows who invented it".
Every protocol and standard used on the internet can be traced back to a creator (usually one or two guys or a whole company).
nigger news
Dey wuz kangs dat came from the Congo, which youst to be called da Kango. Das wer we gets da name Kangs. Ejucate yo'sef.
>actual American inventors
Even if you search for that, they still put the dude that invented the super soaker on the front while Browning isn't even on the list
Google=fucking kikes
This is some hardcore revisionism. Everyone knows about Lief Erickson.
>He also invented the Al-goreitms
I just realized that neither of the lists has Samuel Morse on it
Such is the state of the world I guess
Reality has become just another falsehood
underrated post
audibly kek'd
I love that some people still remember the old memes
Even if you are not an oldfag, thanks for keeping the torch burning
>actual American inventors
Try to beat this niggers
Typical we wuz stuff. They don't even get his actual contributions to computer science right.
>Super computing
>Emeagwali received the 1989 Gordon Bell Prize for an application of the CM-2 massively-parallel computer. The application used computational fluid dynamics for oil-reservoir modelling. He won in the "price/performance" category, with a performance figure of about 400 Mflops/$1M. The winner in the "performance" category, Mobil Research and Thinking Machines, used the CM-2 for seismic data processing and achieved the higher ratio of 500 Mflops/$1M. The judges decided on one award per entry.[3][2] His method involved each microprocessor communicating with six neighbours.[7]
>Emeagwali's simulation was the first program to apply a pseudo-time approach to reservoir modeling.[1]
What he actually did was creating one of first uses for internet that would impossible to do without internet.
Pic kinda related, the guy who was main contributor to designing the CM-2.
Literally "We Wuz Kings N Sheit" the website
Don't mansplain. It's rude.
What I'm trying to get you to do is see the concept-ghost "internet" from the perspective of someone who has been systemically disenfranchised and excluded from (and by) the post-Enlightenment Western econo-cultural systems and ways of "knowing" that you take for granted. Like women of color, for instance. Or trans people. Or people who refuse to be dried butterflies in a case and play imperial-empiricist race/class/gender category games in the first place. Or survivors of abuse, who would be likely to experience cultural violation like what I outlined above as a repetition and institutional reification of their rapes.
I'm trying to get you to step into someone else's shoes and see that what seems to you perfectly natural and real--"inventing the internet"--is in fact a contingent cultural artifact that both depends on and furthers intersectional relationships of oppression. I just want you to stop contributing to these systems and perhaps even get to the point where you see yourself as an ally of the oppressed and take the initiative of making your future posts here a vehicle for positive social change.
There are as many "internets" and ways of "inventing" as there are cultures and each of these various ways of performing internets--internetting, if you will--contributes its own beautiful piece to the mosaic of subjectivities that make up this world we live in, this world we make, this world we are. Let's not give ourselves airs. We don't need to measure ourselves against some imaginary objective standard for all cultures. We don't need to be "superior" or "first" (temporally privileged superiority). Whether a mother uses a circuit board from what her culture calls an "engineer" or a vulture foot from what her culture calls a "witch doctor" to access her society's "internet," she still shows her children the same Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest.
I hope you take this to heart. Justice rocks! ^_^
Diminishing the status of the white man. You say that "Everyone knows that is not the case," but obviously false beliefs are commonly taught and held all over the Western world. For instance, I would estimate that MOST non-white Americans would agree with the statement, "White people invented slavery." Et cetera.
gave me a chuckle m8
thats racist. shut it down.
i knew it must have been stolen from someone.
>But the Web
The US invented the internet but the Brits invented the web that sits on top of the internet. If they want to allow some nigger to take credit for their work, that's their choice to make.
Unironically based Nigerians.
Igbo are brotier
lol series of tubes isn't just Sup Forums shit, it fucking spread everywhere thanks to youtube, most people who know it never saw Sup Forums in their life.
wtf I love racemixing now!
Why do they always refer to intelligent blacks as "math whiz" or "computer whiz".
>Monica, Monica, Monica.
Appropriating White peoples stuff because the only thing they can create is a turd.
Jesus krikes
same reason they eat cheese whiz
its culture
>Emeagwali studied for a Ph.D. degree from the University of Michigan from 1987 through 1991. His thesis was not accepted by a committee of internal and external examiners and thus he was not awarded the degree. Emeagwali filed a court challenge, stating that the decision was a violation of his civil rights and that the university had discriminated against him in several ways because of his race. The court challenge was dismissed, as was an appeal to the Michigan state Court of Appeals
A system of that size cannot be created by one.
What google thinks means nothing. Reality does not care what you say or thing. It only acknowledges truths.
Da truth is oppressive an sheeit.
GET /reasons/why/i/dindu/nuffin.txt HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost\r\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:48.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/48.0\r\nAccept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8\r\nAccept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5\r\nAccept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\nConnection: keep-alive
>nubian planet
that sure sounds extremely unbiased
took less than 1 second of effort to confirm bullshit
I actually went through that entire list a few times
none of them are invented anything, they all just came up with slight modifications for already existing ideas
there is the meme about nigs inventing peanut butter and potato chips but both of them have been prove false 6 gorillion times
Because they're white supremacists at heart, so they unconsciously ensure that their speech and action is ridiculously hyperbolic in the opposite direction. They're in a constant fight with themselves to prove that they're totally not white supremacists.
>that ranart of tumblr and Sup Forums
Yo we created da internetz n' shiet!