
watch this before you vote edition

>Current seat predictions:: CON 362 (+32) LAB 206 (-26)

>Mass brawl in KFC sets off edgy police

>Thousands make fake claims they were at Manchester bomb concert to scrounge free tickets

>Corbyn: 'No deal' in hung parliament

>Farage accused of being pivot of global revolution

>Sturgeon "in denial" that indyref2 caused poll drop

>Wikileaks: Corbyn surge like that of Trump / Sanders (embed)

>Election Leaders debate 2017
[YouTube] BBC Election Debate GE2017: Corbyn, Rudd, Farron, Nuttall, Robertson, Lucas, Wood (31May17) (embed)

>BBC Question Time 01/06/17

Other urls found in this thread:

im a fag
>Wikileaks: Corbyn surge like that of Trump / Sanders
>Election Leaders debate 2017

jesus imagine what theresa will look like by the time she leaves

>BASED brit/pol Theme

>Corbyn surge like that of Trump / Sanders

One of these is not like the other.

Knock Knock

Who's there?


Olga who?

Olga mad if I don't get off this loop.

How come half of Europe has nationalised rail? How come our rail is run by nationalised foreign companies? How come the French govt owns stakes Peugeot, Renault EDF etc.
Ever get the feeling you've been lied to and they just use the EU as a convenient excuse for everything?

Reminder to not ignore that Islam is actually a problem

What do you all think of the evaporation of the promised Tory landslide? I'm torn

(a) Tories achieve a true landslide, politics realigns

(b) Tories get a small majority, the Blue Blairites denied the total victory they desired


I'm sure she'll look exactly the same as she does now when she loses in a weeks time m8.

watch "I, Daniel Blake" lads. It's important to britain

>(a) Tories achieve a true landslide, politics realigns
realigns to what?

Literally where?

Reminder: I told you guys exactly one month and one day ago to get into ETH whilst it was still at 80.

You could have made thousands from a relatively small amount if you had just listened.

Check the archive if you like. You didn't listen. All you had to do was listen.

t. 21 y/o, made more than £60k in one month

I'm literally house shopping this weekend

Who told you about that?
>Muh bad Brit Rail
>Muh bad union days.
>Muh highest prices cos Wi-Fi and shiny train on some routes.
>Muh Beeching was a God.

>I own the rails.
>The health
>Your money
>Your mum
>Your bum

got in at 40, fucking Kraken takes forever

You don't age much in less than a week lad.

I will remember to not ignore

like a wet bag of shite?

xth for turning britain into best korea.

If the Labour party dies, then the Tories will eventually split (as they no longer have a credible common foe) and the former Labourites will join the leftist faction. Then you might well get a proper Peter Hitchens political divide: social conservatives/patriots vs Blairites

Gonna need context behind this one lad. I do think UKIP could win a few seats, but the problem is how rigged things are in favor of establishment parties.

And yep i was agreeing with you in that post you reffed.

>BASED rag dolls and weed on the canal. Fuck off Ted Heath who sullied the name of boats.

.. or nothing changes


a face only a mother poster could love

is living in a canal boat cheap? Should I do this?

>BASED Loach.
>BASED Looking for Eric.

I have no idea how or why some of you un ironically support Labour. Its like what u even doin here?

>What we found most interesting is Duff's assertion that the Commission is already at work on a plan B that should follow a breakdown of negotiations. The options could range from a commercial pact under Art 207 TFEU to a full-blown association agreement under Art 217. Nor would a failure to agree an Art 50 deal preclude the possibility of the UK rejoining the EU under Art 49 later on. All these options would be more costly than an Art 50 agreement.

Reminder that we will be literally Ukraine tier thanks to Brexit.

Fuck no. You have to move x amount of miles per week or w.e and the gov doesn't want people living like this and so make life difficult in all ways they can.

>We'll never die

I mean we survived fucking Mandy and blair.

Politics naturally divides into two broad factions. It has happened so many times before:
Cavalier vs Roundhead
Exclusion vs Divine Right
Reform vs Ultra-Tories
Pro-corn law vs anti-corn law


If one faction dies, the surviving faction will always eventually split.

fucking why

I think a centre party will form around the Libs, and left of the Tory centre and the right of the Labour party

>tfw no Strong and Stable leadership

I'm voting Labour because I'm not a gullible faggot.

You're literally voting because someone made a meme and you thought it was funny... you're worse than a dumb lefty imo.

You're likely under 25, low pay job, no adequate housing, etc, and you aren't voting Labour? Fucking moronic.


That is true.
But don't go house shopping.
My pill to you:
>House prices collapsing you'll be stuck in negative equity.

Any more tips user?

Because you can't be a cog in the machine if you're off swanning down canals like some modern day hippie, can you?

Why didn't we do what every other country does and merely pretend to be following the rules? Like Hungary showed with the refugees, they can't do a fucking thing if we just don't listen.
Just keep making money with our membership, who cares what they say. Our real immigration problem was the shitskins anyway.

This is the ultimate aim. If politics divides along the issues that truly matter (sovereignty, identity, social issues, immigration, multiculturalism), then people will have to choose one or the other. Judging by the British social attitudes surveys, they will broadly make the right choices.

Right now its just 'muh NHS' vs 'muh long term economic plan' memery

the UK is a fucking MESS. There hasn't been an actual lefty government in years


Wait til house prices collapse further.

could say the same about tory voters tbf

>I'm voting Labour because I'm not a gullible faggot

I'm dying over here

tell me more about how Corbyn's proposed government will be able to fund their proposals, other than by plunging the UK into catastrophic debt and giving away the falklands and gibraltar.

>Why didn't we do what every other country does and merely pretend to be following the rules?

Because our two main political parties are rabidly Europhile?

You're right, in a way. Certainly not an old fashioned class-based leftist. The UK has been ruled by people who are economically centre-right but socially left for about 20 years

>the UK is a fucking MESS. There hasn't been an actual lefty government in years

It could very easily be argued the same for the right. It depends entirely on how you wish to categorize which is left and right.

Until we get a party that lets us vote against the (((moneyed interests))) then we don't have a real choice.

we need someone who is left economically but right socially

a,,, national socialist maybe

ashame a certain party ruined that label FOREVER in the west

>I'm voting Labour because I'm not a gullible faggot.
>you're worse than a dumb lefty

user, I...

buy guns and vote ukip ARE NUTT will save the NHS and bLOW UP the EU

0 female genitals will be mutilated in the making of this government

It's the economy stupid! Socialism retards the economy someone has to pay for all that free shit. Don't tell me it's all be costed for, no one knows how many people will go for free uni. Corbyn is prepared to fuck brexit up and give those eu fucks what they want. And he doesn't want to set any limits on immigration. Why the fuck are you here?

Honestly I'm coming around to accelerationism. Part of me wishes that the result of the referendum had been rejected just so the British people would snap.

Oh so all the other parties in all the other governments were eurosceptic?
It's not like we're just a bunch of soft touch cucks is it?


what did this say niggers

Nor a right wing one. Tony Blair ruined politics.

Have you heard of Maurice Glassman's 'Blue Labour'? Or the writings of Phillip Blonde? If someone ran on their platform they'd sweep the country

>watch "I, Daniel Blake" lads. It's important to britain
Yes, watch it. Watch it and see the victim mentality that these fucking people have.
>Ring up a call centre looking for bennies
>Proceed to get shirty with the minimum wage phone drone on the other end because you can't get her tax money quick enough
This is the first few minutes of the film, and we're supposed to feel sorry for this main character.
>Be single mum
>Be late to bennies meeting because you couldn't be bothered to find out how to get there before the day of the meeting
>Get sanctioned and scream at the Jobcentre employees while they try to help you
Yeah, so hard done by. Zero personal responsibility.
>Be single mum again
>Decide to buy my kids some new clothes instead of food or electricity because they have to look good at their new school
>End up pouring baked beans into your hand and eating like a pig in a food bank because you're too stupid to realise that THE FUCKING CAN IS ALREADY A CONTAINER AND BEAN DELIVERY DEVICE
>Be skilled carpenter
>Supposedly can't work because of heart attack
He actually could and should work after a heart attack once he's home, but nevertheless...
>Make furniture and ornaments competently
>Give them to the aforementioned feckless single mother instead of selling on Etsy or eBay
There you go, you actually don't need to watch it.

>Dad died in february
>Grandmother (his mum) died a couple of days ago
>inherited a bunch of money (not property) from both because of reasons
>interest rates are shit
>house prices are massively inflated

The fuck do I do with this? I can't just have it sitting around gathering dust.

Things we need:

Nationalised Rail
Nationalised energy
More industry

Other things we need:

Patriotic Values
Immigrants assimilating

And a left wing gov will help how...?

We must end the defamation of Adolf Hitler

The examples that you gave are, yes.


wow this actually sounds pretty good

why isn't this a thing?

ideal party would be economically left, socially conservative but with acceptance of climate change and pro environmental policies

You are not an economist.

>>Give them to the aforementioned feckless single mother instead of selling on Etsy or eBay
did you even understand the film?

You had Blair-like governments (notably Bill Clinton, Paul Keating) all throughout the western world at that time. Blair didn't ruin politics - Blair was made possible by a very mistaken zeitgeist which may have ended in 2016 (centre-right economics, globalism, multiculturalism, social leftism)

Buying and selling classic cars is a great way to make money. Fix a few minor things and your off. Unless you know fuck all about cars, then go for a mutual fund or someshit.

this should have more replies because it is true, the state of britpol

It sort of (sort of) is. People like Umunna have taken interest in his ideas, read his recent essay in the New Statseman. Glasman also met with May just before the election, irrc.

corbyn will win, your shitty island will collapse and be partitioned

I don't know. Why don't you tell me what you think it was about, friend?


Most of the core countries have simply ignored EU rules when it's suited them in the past. France is notorious for not giving a shit.
We take rules too literally, other countries see them as vague suggestions or as challenges to reverse engineer and beat, F1 style.

literally this

why isn't this a thing

>may have ended in 2016

When is the debate?

That's irrelevant, you don't need to be an economist to know socialism doesn't work. Look at Venezuela for fucks sake. Also pretty much every economist thinks cutting spending and taxes is good for an economy. So i don't know wtf your point was.

Blair didn't ruin politics, he ruined the world.

Besides the environmental stuff. This sounds like my idea of a nightmare.

France is infinitely more invested in the EU than we are despite having a very large % Eurosceptic electorate. They're not a good example just because they flout certain single market rules.

>We take rules too literally

Isn't this the whole argument about the EU vs common law though?

Change of this kind can takes ages and can often zigzag as the old order dies.

The French Revolution happened in 1789, the Bourbons were restored in 1815 - but would you deny that despite this 1789 set some profound ideological forces into motion?

Good call. Shame I don't know shit about cars.
My sister's ex-boyfriend used to do up classic cars. Pity it ended badly, that might have been handy.

So YouGov's new ((election model)) now has CON at 42 and LAB at 38.


A slightly higher lead than the one on May 30th, but still not enough for a majority.

Who's this pooftah?

>It has been suggested that the name 'Blue Labour' came from a reaction to an opposite trend in the Conservative Party called Red Tory, but was also chosen to suggest a hint of sadness, nostalgia and loss.

he couldn't use technology and didn't know anything about the internet.
do you realize that many people fit into a niche where they are only good at one thing? He was a good carpenter, and could have gone back to work if the government allowed him.

you buy ISAs

you want index-linked "passive" funds. Get and American tracker and a Global one.

passive is the key bit

>but still not enough for a majority.


Buy something expensive like a proper fancy ass camera that gives TV-quality footage and then rent that shit out for a couple hundred a pop through the companies that exist for this reason.

Obviously you'll need to check insurance and it'll take some time to recoup the initial payment, but if you can secure a good stream of clients then you'll break even soon enough and then it's profit all the way.

There are probably better ways, but some people with fancy stuff rent it out like that when they aren't using for some extra cash. Obviously make sure to look into this stuff first.

What result are you hoping for?

I've probably been here longer than you all, you stupid fucks.

Tell me more about how a Tory government will help you, yes, at your mums because you can't afford rent, shit job because you can't afford training, shit prospects because you keep getting convinced to vote against your own interests under the guise of "controlling immigration", despite that having no chance of happening under any current party