Is there really anything bad about fascism? As I read more about it I cant seem to find anything so bad about it.
Why do people hate fascism so much?
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They think Fascism=Hitler so they buy into the 6 gorillion.
under fascism, you have little personal liberty
fascism, communism, and globalism are essentially the same ideology with different packaging
Satanic trips is right. Educational systems have made generations of people automatically associate Fascism with the Holocaust.
Liberals angry because they touch little dogs but the dogs ignore them.
But honestly op, fascism is legit. A benevolent dictator is the most efficient government.
>Asks about fascism
>Pic rel is Nazism
Also what said
Fascism is remarkably close to soviet communism. Both systems resulted in the loss of individual liberty and the slaughter of innocents.
Fuck you and your totalitarian regimes.
>Stalin wasnt "real" socialism
>Hitler wasnt "real" fascism
>If I were in charge...
Fuck you
The idea is that really ugly things like genocide are an inevitable consequence of implementing that kind of system.
I don't know personally whether or not it's true, but that's the idea. The 20th century saw unprecedented horrors inflicted upon the world, and a small handful of totalitarian ideologies are commonly understood to be their cause.
Yeah but the fact it works in conjunction with nationalism makes it good. Thats like saying its the same as communism because its socialist, when it really isnt because its bottles within nationalist policies.
Hitler was real fascism
And it was great
I used to think it was awful but I also figured it out over time.
Now I'm just trying to find a way we can implement it in the 21st century.
When you ask about Fascism it might help if you posted an Italian flag, that's a Nazi flag and Nazism =/= Fascism
nice trips fag
but Fascism was Mussolini's gag
>food for thought
people have related Trump's tweets to Mussolini's balcony
Because they don't want to relabel the ideology so they can be fascist themselves.
Fascism and National Socialism both essentially have the same worldview dedicated to truth
It takes away compassion and democracy, when you have a fascist nazi empire in space and they find other beings, they'll enslave them like slavs, it'll be full on genocidal extermination for resources of other worlds, nazism lacks conviction and care for what it believes, untermensch is not a very kind and diplomatic word. However, modern national socialism isn't that bad, it's important not to mix Nazism with NatSoc, or with modern socialism, the Jews invented Nazism within Hitler's administration, plus anti-semitic rhetoric was common due to Germany losing the war and having to pay heavy reparations, you can't blame people for feeling what they feel. Germany was once united under national liberalism, but now it is a shell of it's former glory.
Don't fascists have to kill their political opponents?
I'm only natsoc not fascist so I'd be scared if there were real fascists around.
If Lenin never died, or if people actually listened to Lenin's dying wish to prevent Stalin from taking power, then the whole Red Scare might never have happened. Without America actively fighting against communism, who knows how far it would have spread.
Same thing with national socialism and the Holocaust, whether you believe in it or not is irrelevant because 99% of people believe in it and that's what matters.
Yes, but Normies think National-Socialism and Fascism are the same, and that Mussolini was a literally Hitler figure.
>slaughter of innocents
I see you haven't overcome burger education yet.
They don't know anything about fascism and have been conditioned to associate fascism with the Chosenites being persecuted and killed.
I personally identify with fascism, but distance myself from Nazism. Mosley is a lot more likable than Hitler.
Fascism is inherently anti-weakling and it's therefor the single most loathed concept in modern societies
You sound like a faggot.
national socialism can still be noticed in my country to some degree, but its not allowed to mention, its like we have cheated, we are socialist, have ties to the US, stayed out of EU because democracy and we just happen to be a bit patriotic after second world war and we are proud to be Norwegian and Scandinavian, not white, though those happen to be white etc
I think it could revive under its true name if things in Europe gets shitty enough
I am
Because, speaking as a pro-facist. Its not very nice. But America and europe need conservative facism now more than ever.
>If Lenin never died, or if people actually listened to Lenin's dying wish to prevent Stalin from taking power, then the whole Red Scare might never have happened.
It would happened or the Soviet Union would collapse even faster. The reason why Marxist-Leninist governments always ended in totalitarianism is not because totalitarianism is part of is theory but because totalitarianism is the only way of making it "work".
Because it's an unstable and volatile form of government where the control is in the hands of a military power? And the current existing examples are all war torn third world shit stains because it's impossible for a facist nation to be anything else?
Moose-tortellini didn't have the ethnic pool of intelligent hard working peoples to fulfill his goal thanks to the land barrier known as the Alps.
>Just took a piss and thought this next part
If Hitler succeeded, and won his way west, then technically National Socialism would be Global Socialism, which is what we currently fight against...
>if you sign away your rights, you win
Nationalism doesn't magically make facism good by principle. Facism is a [potential cancer to from an extremist form of nationalism.
Too much of a good thing, even if you think it's the best thing, is going to kill you.
>Lenin did nothing wrong.
You fucking faggot read about dekulakization and the red terror. Lenin went on a fucking bloody rampage of terror.
national socialism is not really fascism though
Enjoy being cucked by government and no freedom.
>hurr durr hitler was a fascist
the NSDAP was not a fascist party, idiot
but muhh liburdy
To go on let me quote Lenin:
>"Comrades! The kulak uprising in your five districts must be crushed without pity ... You must make example of these people. (1) Hang (I mean hang publicly, so that people see it) at least 100 kulaks, rich bastards, and known bloodsuckers. (2) Publish their names. (3) Seize all their grain. (4) Single out the hostages per my instructions in yesterday's telegram. Do all this so that for miles around people see it all, understand it, tremble, and tell themselves that we are killing the bloodthirsty kulaks and that we will continue to do so ... Yours, Lenin. P.S. Find tougher people."
>Fascist economics is bascially Keynesianism under steroïds
>Keynesianism dont' work
How the fuck did I say that, leaf? Are you fucking serious? I said "who knows how far it would have spread", in a negative connotation. Please collect some braincells you dumb canuck, you probably voted for Cuckdeau you frozen tim horton's drinking logger
>cucked by government
every lived in a democracy???
>Fascism caused the single bloodiest war in human history, with tens of millions dead.
Gee, I wonder fucking why fascism has such a bad rap.
Until his country got invaded by superior forces, his party wiped the fuck out, all his bullshit rhetoric proven wrong, and he spent his last days in a hole strung out on drugs before putting a bullet through his brain like a coward. A real hero.
I'm an Austrian armchair economist myself and I have to look around and say that keyneisian principles work pretty well fag-chan.,,
who are your heros. user?
Also, I want to add on that I love how triggered you get when someone so much as mentions communism without condemning it vigorously in the same sentence. Afraid of something, Canuck?
On what grounds faggot? I can taste your salty pathetic tears as if they were jealous of my country's wealth.
Why do you even care about us enough to type in English? Kill yourself faggot.
Op's question:Why do people hate fascism so much?
My answer:They think Fascism=Hitler so they buy into the 6 gorillion.
The key word is 'they' referencing leftists. This is why no one fucking likes Americans
I would do anything to shove a rifle down your throat you little spoiled edgelord neet
It usually turns into something so similar it's only different in name and origin.
Still missing the point of this thread....
National Socialism was Hitler's objective, he just kept expanding the nation-state
Fascism was Mussolini's bag, and that shit couldn't even get off the ground successfully outside of his ethnic borders.
>really nicks the noodle
Not a guy who lost a war and shot himself, that's for sure.
>Is there really anything bad about fascism?
it promotes maximum government control. no thanks, i'm not a little bitch who is incapable of having a single unique thought.
I mean, it's pretty simple, what if you disagree with the guy in power? Even on one thing? Or, what happens, the guy gets old and changes his views and they aren't what you wanted? Absolute power corrupts absolutely, user. Fascism is for faggots not strong enough to make their own way.
kys illiterate nigger thanks
looks like we got a faggot here, go back to r the dongul you insidious fuck
They think it was responsible for the holocaust and inherently makes such events inevitable, in some way that capitalism wasn't inherently responsible for the Trail of Tears, monarchism wasn't inherently responsible for the Spanish genocide of the American Indians, and Communism wasn't inherently responsible for Stalins purges and pogroms.
As said, under fascism you have little personal liberties.
What if a fascist government declared that being uneducated is a crime and uneducated people should be jailed or executed. Like uneducated people linking fascism to nazism ? It would obviously be bad for you OP.
So yeah, I guess fascism isn't bad if you're not the target of it.
it's only bad if the jews don't like it.
Not a drug addled Austrian manlet who shit talked his way into a virgin grave with his creepy girlfriend as slavs kicked the shit out of his country.
>Thinking anyone gives two shits about the bullshit differences between NatSoc and Fascism
Keep dreaming, cuck.
Fascism is economic and similar to capitalism. You're free to do whatever you want as long as it doesn't harm the nation and its people.
This desu
Whites love to complain while they're sitting comfy on their PC in an air conditioned room because muh freedoms but most people regardless of race can't actually handle the unbridled directionless chaos that is complete freedom. It simply cannot last.
Because muh six gorillian
>Why do people hate fascism so much?
Because (((Hollywood))) and modern (((media))) have made a distorted image of what is really fascism. All what people know fascism is in big part a lie. The not only believe the Nazis represent all the fascist but they also believe that the Nazis gas [insert number] million of the chosen people.
>Is there really anything bad about fascism?
Not really, as far it has correct leader, and having in count fascism praise meritocracy and quality, and hate democracy it's more possible to have better leader through fascism than modern political systems.
Muh 6 gorrillion was pushed on us HARD, granted.
But Ive taken the time to educate myself on the bolsheviks, the norkies, and the maofags (we were never taught about any of that in school) enough to come to the conclusion that Hitler did in fact kill a lot of people.
Ethnic, political, religious, and racial purging are constants amongst ideological regimes based around marxism. Burger education sucks, I'll give you that, but muh holohoax is a shit meme despite the jews being radical cocksuckers
this. However of all the totalitarian regimes, Hitler was the least "horrible"
The soviets killed many many more in the name of Marx
>Fascism started a war
You mean the Bolsheviks, British government, and Winston Churchill?
>'m not a little bitch who is incapable of having a single unique thought.
Good for you, but not all people are like you, and that is why fascism exist, mostly because people like you doesn't have to deal with commies and other kind of subhumans that really should be someones little bitch.
people don't like be told what to do
>What if a fascist government declared that being uneducated is a crime and uneducated people should be jailed or executed.
I guess they should have got that education then.
trying to figure out what you're attempting to accomplish with your words though
are you a person of history or do you just read enough to make your barfag friends think you're smart?
Add to this the way our countries have been relentlessly atomized and individualized to the point that social bonds are at their lowest point in recent memory. The advent of technology, the corruption in the media, the state of politics and government, everything seems to have had a hand in destroying communication and trust. Everyone walking around today is completely removed from their surroundings. Their context. We are overdue for a change. It's not hard to see why things like natsoc are so attractive to people.
>But Ive taken the time to educate myself on the bolsheviks, the norkies, and the maofags (we were never taught about any of that in school) enough to come to the conclusion that Hitler did in fact kill a lot of people.
So you came to the conclusion that Hitler kill a lot of people by studying the bolsheviks, the norkies, and the maofags? Wow, you burger are impressive.
people want to live life anyway they want, they're dumb niggers who should have never been given anything
You clearly dont speak english very well.
Hitler studied the same ideologies that influenced lenin, castro, mao, and the north koreans. Thus, they ended up with similarly militant and murderous regimes. How do you not see this? The root of almost all modern genocides can be traced back to Marx. Read a fucking history book idiot
that is why we want the globalists kicked out and national socialism introduced again, it is the globalists who tells us what to do
Because it's not National Socialism
Or can you not understand english enough to comprehend that?
The marxists you named killed millions of civilians for things like dissidence or by the fact of have some money or some property, without count famines. The most terrible thing Hitler did was the night of the long knifes and kill some ill people, really far away to be a murderous regime.
Jesus fuck I was kidding about the english, but goddamn.
Read a history book everyone but me gotta learn this idiot
Fascism removes the socially undesirable and morally subversive (from a traditionalist POV) from a nation. It "preserves the fire", so to speak.