Was this the beginning of the end for him?

Was this the beginning of the end for him?

I think so

This was definitely the moment I became redpilled on Bernie and understood what kind of man he really is, a cuck.

Yeah pretty much that or the "white people don't know what it's like to be poor"...
What a cuck idiot.

I wonder if those 2 idiots realize they got Hillary elected and eventually Trump. Maybe we should thanks them.

Would it have looked better for him if he had tried to overpower them? I can imagine it being spun as him being racist or something.

nah, the beginning of the end for bernie was when he decided to challenge shillary for the democat nomination, when the fix was already in

No, his core supporters loved this moment.

The only thing that stopped Bernie was the DNC.

the end was already decided behind closed doors. this is just theater at the hand of hilldog....

>tfw those black lives matter dindus were shillary plants




Jews can't be racist remember? 6 gorillian of them were killed, how could you forget?
Some were masterbated to death or turned into stylish lamps.
How fucking DARE you forget.

*pretends to faint and gets back up*

Yeah I actually liked the guy and thought he would be a good president, if for no other reason than he is genuine.

Don't like a lot of his policies, but he's only one of two politicians I've ever seen run for president who wouldn't cozy up to Wall Street.

But that shit? Letting a couple screeching nigresses take your mic and emasculate you onstage?

No. The American president can't be viewed as weak.

So between this incident and his support of BLM, he lost me. If he was more centrist, but still Left, and stopped buying into the BLM nonsense, I'd vote for him.

>I'd vote for him.
I wonder why.

I just like double-spaced lines, fampai.

Habit from high school? I dunno.

>walk up to Bernie supporter,
>shake hand
>I wanna thank you from The bottom of my heart. Let me buy you a drink


>whites don't know what it's like to be poor
that's pretty much all he is. he doesn't even have a personality lol

Nobody sucks more black dicks than this Jew and they ruined him haha.

The beginning was the beginning of the end for him, actually.

Nigga had a NAP with Hilldawg and didn't expect to get slapped down when he drank the koolaid unironically.

Kiss the ring, bitch.

Do presidential candidates not have security on stage? How did this happen?


Go far enough left and everything turns into performance art.


Please explain the appeal to me. Sincerely.

have a little respect, OP

Those two courageous young ladies made a good $500 from CTR for that stunt.


>Left is automatically evil

You telling me there is literally not a single thing the Left stands for that you agree wtih?

Yeah that's when I started edging away from Bernie. I was hoping he wouldn't let toxic identity politics undermine economic populism, but he did.

yea that was fucking horrible. sheltered rich white people only know sheltered rich white people and shit all over not-rich white people.

Best way to deal with the interruption

Well, what are the attributes that define "left" in your view? Maybe our definitions are misaligned. Do you see central planning, wealth reclamation, and enforced government mandate to be core traits of leftism - increasing the further left one goes? Which, incidentally, is not dissimilar from the far right. Autocracy being the extreme of either side of the spectrum.

Nice proxy Mordecai. Kys.

>Habit from high school? I dunno.

How fucking computer illiterate do you have to be to not know that you can just check a box in MS Word to automatically double space?

I am imagining a fat autistic kid doing his homework in high school and pressing enter twice every time he gets close to the end of the page

and never wondering if there is an easier way to do it

I am now more sure than ever that you belong on Reddit.

His very beginning was his end. The DNC chose Hilary a long time ago

>unicorn Twilight

"hi, i'm bernie sanders and i'm a socialist" was the beginning of the end for him.

That moment wasn't the disease, it was just the symptom.

Berne was a cuck, through and through. That's why he didn't reclaim the stage. That's why he didn't push harder on Hillary's emails. That's why he was cucked out of the DNC nomination.

He was always a loser, and he was always gonna let people fuck him over.

Trump was the spiritual opposite of Bernie. Trump had none of the qualifications yet he cucked literally every other competitor just by summoning the power of will from deep within his ballsack.

Let this be a lesson to all of you -- you're either the guy doing the cucking or the guy being cucked.

sheboons fucked over their ally the jew. you can't make this up and i fap to his loss regularly.

Yes. Are you retarded?

Bernie lost because he let Hillary walk all over him. I was at his rally in Oakland, he was interrupted and attacked by "PETA" protestors, essentially paid agitators. I would have looked forward to a Bernie-Trump election over the soul of the country.

Bernie scared me a little, He was packing stadium size crowds while Killary couldn't fill a road side flea market. I knew Hillary couldn't beat Trump , but Bernie had more support and was less of a socialist than Hillary. I thank god the DNC chose her

Explain the appeal of right or left. It's an antiquated system of compartmentalization enabling the division of the marmalukes through masturbatory hate mongering. Meanwhile foreign and domestic policy is made in the shadow of multinational business.
As long as the minimum amount of people have adequate concessions to keep them from revolt then we're good, right?
Divided we fall.

Unfortunately I can't explain it, because I agree with every single thing you said. That's why I'm hoping somebody who does adhere to the political binary can explain their world view, and the appeal of their arbitrary "side".

>the literal socialist was less of a socialist than the neo-lib globalist
u wot

Unwitting or not, adhering to a political binary is a false dichotomy, so I doubt you'll get an enlightening appeal.

This... So. Much. This.

This was why I would never vote for him, so yes, for me.

This turned me off to DNC in a big way. Hillary turned me into a Trump voter.

Pic related was.

those chicks were definitely paid for by Hillary

It's quite ironic. He gave the coonesses the mic and the time as an offering to nogs as a whole, but now they respect him even less because he's a beta pushover.

Nigs voted Hillary over Bernie by such a massive margin, I almost felt bad for him... almost. Mostly I just laughed.

>and never wondering if there is an easier way to do it

Yeah, wow, he could have saved 0.01 seconds at the end of every line! Incredible! I am imagining a fat autistic kid getting triggered by the number of times another person presses a button on a keyboard.

The elite in the DNC are pretty tight with hillary, but they sold her out for obama back in 2007. Everyone knows she's a weak candidate with a ton of baggage, but Sanders is a pain in the ass to work with. Democrats already had 8 years of Obama not returning anyone's calls and they didn't want that same bullshit with Bernie.
If he was willing to be more controllable it's entirely possible he would have beat out hil dawg.