Masturbation = Murder

Since white men seek to regular women's bodies and the ability to get abortion, Sarah Silverman suggests men need to visit a clinic, have a camera stuck up into their balls and see the live growing in their shriveled testicles before they masturbate.

She is concerned with protecting this life. At least until men stop interfering in women's reproductive choices.

Agree or disagree, Sup Forums?

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I would fuck the jew out of her

i guess her and kathy griffin are in a race to the bottom

>sarah silverman

She looks really fuckable here

I would so hate fuck her

Sperm cells aren't human life, a fetus is.

Who cares what this morons opinion is?
Stop giving credence to brainless celebrities who in many cases have never experienced humanity at the level of us plebs.

Whats wrong with the world today? The fact that cunts like this have a voice

You sure about that?

False equivalency.

Gotta stay edgy. Hur hur hur.

Actually, in her most recent Netflix comedy special, she details how scientists have found that sperm actually smell, so they are living things that need to be protected.

I will agree to that only if white women have to get pregnant ever time they ovulate.

If I have to protect my spergs life you have to do the same for your ovum bitch.

the thumbnail looked hot

opened that shit up



>hurr what's the difference between sex cells and zygotes
>hurr what is combined DNA
>hurr fetuses aren't human beings
>what is biology
>what is science

Yuck I wouldn't even pay a nigger to fuck her

>egg isn't a human
>sperm isn't a human
>fertilized egg is a human

Why are women so fucking stupid? This isn't even complicated. Sometimes I wish men carried the child since so many women seem utterly incapable of the responsibility. They treat pregnancy like some fucking disease they want to cure themzelves of. Honestly too many women have the emotional and intellectual characteristics of a 5 year old.


>Sarah Silverman

It's real and it's horrifying.


Just another liberal poisoning our societies

This is really low quality bait, relies on an audience that is extremely ignorant if even basic, highschool education - spermatozoon or ova are not equatable to a zygote
its like comparing dead skin cells or nails to a zygote

weak cunt relies on literal children and idiots to attempt to push the abortion debate back into memery and away from rationality and science

cry more, legbeards:

>to justify abortion, suggests men should stop ejaculating outside of the explicit need to procreate
>sperm are people but fetuses aren't

this is a typical Jewish woman without makeup, a push-up bra, lighting and a professional photographer

>Since white men seek to regular women's bodies and the ability to get abortion, Sarah Silverman suggests men need to visit a clinic, have a camera stuck up into their balls and see the live growing in their shriveled testicles before they masturbate.

Yes, Sarah Silverman, get men to stop masturbating. Then they will finally quit consuming Jewish-made porn and stop letting it control them.

in a way she is right. even jesus said "it's better your seed go into the belly of a whore than onto the ground". wasting your seed for solely pleasure is degenerate. the same way abortion is taking away life, maturbation is taking away the potential for life. its not as bad as abortion but it's half as bad.

we all carry the sacred miracle of life inside of us and to waste such precious sexual energy and potential is degenerate. i'm not even religious but even i see why masturbation is bad and jesus considered it a sin.

fuck you, i'm not going to be able to fap for a week

you're an idiot and larping as a christian

spilling sperm or ova != fertilization and conception

>wasting it
You balls produce millions of sperm everyday, it doesn't run out


how upsetti was she

Masturbating definitely kills your testosterone. Just get a gf and you can blame the murders on her giving you a bj.

I agree that nobody should restrict the right of dumbasses to get abortions.

Its basically the only mass natural selection there is left.

she is 46, cmom

I'm just glad she never reproduced. All her eggs are old and moldy, and we should all rejoice. The future belongs to those who are smart enough to breed. She gets a second class Darwin award for failing the biological test to procreate. The Bible says be fruitful and multiply, Christian or not, it's sound advice. Btw, one of her relatives is some big kike in Pissrael. She's steeped in kike-self-aggrandizing, though she didn't even help her own race by producing even one new member of her rat-like people to stop the Jewish demographic decline in Palestine. All around, she is unfit for anything but being a bitter, vile jewish cunt.

Hirsute unfunny horse faced monkey kike unwanted by anyone desiring to procreate. Biological imperative fail. FUNNY!

Fapped to it before, will again, no regrets you fucking faggots.

Ejaculation is more equal to menstruation.

Women aborting babies is more like men killing retards or downers.

They aren't properly conscious and are just a collection of cells.

how the fuck does that even make any sense? not ejaculating doesn't mean the sperm just stay in your balls, they still die off, are consumed by your body and then replaced just like every single fucking cell in your body use a braille keyboard though.

Previous message references the biblical passage about "spilling your seed on the ground", and equated it to masturbation. This is a false statement. The biblical account was that a man married his dead brother's wife, which was the custom back them, and although he knew she wanted a child, she ws physically beautiful and he wanted her to remain that way so every time he had sex with her, he pulled out at the last second and "spilled his seed on the ground". Spilling seed is NOT the sin being described. Denying your wife a child when she is fertile and wants a baby is the sin.

>Actually, in her most recent Netflix comedy special, she details how scientists have found that sperm actually smell, so they are living things that need to be protected

What human life is missing half its chromosomes?

>thinking you can stick a camera into someone's balls
>not knowing that much of our sperm dies and gets recycled by our bodies every day regardless of whether we masturbate
>implying a sperm cell dying is comparable to deliberately taking another human life

Sarah Silverman is like a more slutty Kim Kardashian.

She's not that bad looking honestly. Nice tits.

I wouldn't fuck her, because hey, don't put your dick in liberalism, but still. Not bad.

Let me fuck you and I won't waste time masturbating you fucking shit, that's not how it works

you could if the camera is small enough


She's amazing.....


yes it gets recycled. you didn't intend on using a sacred resource for pure pleasure.

see above

thanks for repeating what i just said. it's not as bad but it's still bad

*blocks your path*

i can hear his voice as i read that lol

Does that mean that periods are murder? lmao, only half the chromosomes.

...throw apples and sugar cubes over her flank.

Why is abortion solely a women's issue? Why do men not have say in if their child is aborted or not? In every other action involving a man and a woman you can possibly think of, the man is given agency. But not here?

I'm not religious, so I don't give a shit about souls at conception or whatever. I just think that abortion should involve the two parties. If both agree to it, fine.

This is why Jimmy Kimmel left her.

so by your logic a wet dream is bad?

Marriage licenses should only be issued to couples planning to reproduce and divorce forbidden until every child is emancipated.

He was snorting his narcolepsy meds and fucking anything with a pulse and she still stayed around.

it's the same thing. spilling your seed IS denying the potential for a child. the only time you orgasm should be inside a woman for the sole purpose of procreation. anything but that is a perversion of sex

let me ask you this, what is sperm made for? to create life or to be expelled only for pleasure?

I completely agree with this.

whatever edge lord

a wet dream is unintentional. intention matters. if you were raped and the woman drank your seed it's not your fault

Sperm is not life. Egg is not life.
Fertilization, cell division ---> Fetus is life.

Shut the fuck up jew devil bitch.


It's probably her PA or publicist typing this with the nag peering over their shoulder.

Gross desu

some days i wonder what it would be like to fuck my refrigerator, then I see this pic

I came into this thread full mast and now I have erectile dysfunction.

i still smile when i remember her taking the podium at the DNC expecting a celebrity welcome and easy, star-struck audience and then seeing her start crying when the bernie bros started shouting "LOCK HER UP" and wouldnt let her speak

because a sperm cell and a 6 month old fetus are exactly the same thing

I fucked worse... Im a collector

>spilling your seed IS denying the potential for a child.
>the only time you orgasm should be inside a woman for the sole purpose of procreation.
Your seed is naturally spilled regardless of whether you cream inside a woman or beat your meat, dumbass. Also impregnating someone in and of itself is denying the chance of life for billions of other sperm cells anyways.

I like how we can always pinpoint the bitter white virgins in every thread.




You are too retarded even for american standards.


yes but intention matters. millions of spermatazoa are supposed to die in order for 1 to make it. the point is that you tried to create life with your seed so the spilled seed is not in vain.

my girlfriend's breath always smelled like sperm

>haploid cells
>diploid cells
wtf I hate biology now?


>saggy jew bag titty woman

>video related

lelzzz totally

all the curves of a pizza box

That is insensitive

I want to hate fuck this filthy Jewess so bad desu. Does anyone have the pick of her bent over grabbing her arse?

Ugh, nice mansplaining.

hahah that flag , no we dont have sorry :sadface:


The feminists do think so...


>jesus said "it's better your seed go into the belly of a whore than onto the ground".
When the fuck did Jesus say that? Verse please.

Fucking this. Do these people understand how DNA works?

>Masturbation = Murder

May be bitter, but damn he does have a point with how those cells aren't humans. They're cells, and once they combine, they form a multi-cellular being, aka, a human

>come on guys! shes the only person ever to be over qualified to be president! come on im voting for her with gusto! come on guys vote for her! im proud to be a part of the bernie movement and a vital part of that movement is making sure hillary clinton is the next president of the united states!

>*crowd chanting lock her up*

>"to the bernie or bust people, youre being ridiculous!!"

i supported him too guys! just ignore the fact you were cheated and the whole thing was rigged, hillary clinton for prez!!!