Post pics of women with and without makeup. The kathy Griffen episode has someone posting her pics without makeup. She doesnt look good anyways but without makeup you can really see the illusion Hollywood creates. makeup is a lie. So many of the worlds "sexiest" females are actually totally plain to unattractive women without makeup. Hollywood creates an illusion that drives women to extremes to measure up.
#freeourfaces is an idea I want to see trending. The cosmetic industry is the secret super power of social management/manipulation. lets shut them down with some truth. If you wear makeup you are not pretty. You are just camouflaged. #freeourfaces
Illusions of beauty
Literally both sides are awful.
lol this has got to be like liberal magnum opus or whatever
Imagine if men were allowed to cheat in the way they look as women are.
top left is cute
They almost look better without makeup, well, some of them.
>be ginger
>can't tan, only get burns and hideous freckles
>sunbathe anyway
what is the thought process here?
I actually like her better without make up
Honestly, the left side looks better, if you count the appeal "natural" has compared to "fake"
Do it. Rent a ferrari and a nice suit for the weekend, lie out your ass about being some hyper successful assclown and slay pussy till your legs give out.
I think women always look better without makeup. Idk it makes seem more natural and approachable.
They should make makeup edible and flavored so there's at least a reason to desire women covered in it.
I mean.. if you cant tell a girl is wearing 5lbs of makeup, youre just an idiot.
I love you proxy
how did she make all of the freckles?
Some ork plastic surgery while we're at it.
"what you staring at smooth-skin?"
Enoch 8:1-2
. Moreover Azazyel taught men to make swords, knives, shields, breastplates, the fabrication of mirrors, and the workmanship of bracelets and ornaments, the use of paint, the beautifying of the eyebrows, the use of stones of every valuable and select kind, and of all sorts of dyes, so that the world became altered.
2. Impiety increased; fornication multiplied; and they transgressed and corrupted all their ways.
Yeah most women look better natural unless they have like a deformed face or an obscene amount of ache. Then again it's probably not healthy for your skin to put in vast amount of various chemicals in your face everyday at like the age of 13.
Proxy looks cute without makeup.
god, this
That's because with the amount of makeup on them they just look like coal burners
LOL fukkin orc looks like she is about to say something really dumb
both are cute
>based leaf
>left side
Cute girl that looks approachable
>right side
Total stuck up bitch
Women are retarded
whoa...that hand looks an awfullot like a working mans hand.
totally different jawline lol
Girls on the left look alright without makeup girls in the right no.
Top left is nice
>tee hee I'm going to try on some make-up!
>wow this looks so pretty!
>uh oh haha looks like that time of the year again, my skin's breaking out
>I'll put on some makeup to cover it
>wow this looks so pretty!
>oh no I must be allergic to something! my skin's really getting out of control!
>I'll change my diet and put on some more make-up to make sure no one sees
>changing my diet didn't work! my face looks like a war-torn battlefield by now! this is so embarrassing!!
>a bit more foundation will make it better I think
So glad my gf never fell for this meme
you're onto something, user...
the finished product is really hot of course, and obviously she'd want to look that way at a fancy event or some shit, but top left is QT as fuck, just fine as a daily driver look.
What the fuck they ruined his jawline and went overboard on his chin
All the poor guy needed was the underbite fixed
>far too white
>it's racist
>better give myself skin cancer and suppress my privilege
I'll take left over right
Caked on makeup is disgusting, it's nice in small doses, but I don't care what a woman looks like, excess is nasty.
The guy posting Asians (usually Koreans) is showing off plastic surgery.
Don't care, make up, plastic surgery is the path to make anime real. 98% women are ugly in this world it's a simple fact we have to deal with.
I was about to post that one!
they need the plastic surgery...
Looks better without the makeup
I'm really sorry for her skin thing, but her eyes are still great imo.
Eyecolor does have a large effect.
they shave their jaws
ur only supposed to post the ones that look like shit before
youre doing us a disservice when you dont do it right
those are blue contacts LMAO HOW DUMB
all of the white chicks look like dirty coal burners
pic related.
Looks bad both ways
must be weird to live life with a new face
not when you getting mad powsi
face would look fine natural if she took better care of her skin
She actually looks qt without makeup.
first one that looks genuinely worse
jesus christ this is why I don't date or watch porn anymore
You getter better results with healthy eating
Evelyn Waugh's immortal phrase "painted like a whore" comes to mind.
snu snu?