Why worry about degeneracy or even society when there's nothing you can do about it?

Why not just focus on improving yourself and being the best you can be? There's very little political change you can realistically enact.

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

I agree racemixing is fun! Nothing you can do to stop it.

Being the best I can be involves leaving a nice place to live for my descendants, I don't think it's that far fetched to reverse all the things that came about because of political decisions, and the corruption of institutions, art, media and science only requirese a small amount of people to make a significant change.
Look how jews despite being a very small % of any nation have managed to subvert all these things, it's a matter of having people on your side conciously taking important positions and then moving up people with the same ideas while pushing out undesirables.

im all for hedonistic degeneracy, but why have a kid in it? Once you decide to have children, degeneracy always comes with lefty nonsense and socialism and who wants to raise them in that? Give me red-pilled non socialistic hedonism if such a thing ever existed and i'll be for it, but in the meantime...

Only pussies give up before they try.

Men do things even if they know they will fail.

A .001 % chance is still greater than 0.

I don't, but I also won't be having children because of it. Sad realization is they essential win in the end.

Nihilistic faggots. Either enjoy the ride AND give it your all.

Or just bow out now. No need to steal my oxygen with your hopeless life.

>Just ignore politics, keep blaming yourself!



Can you judge them?
These women wouldn't be anybody if they were ugly
Society gives them the chance to put their bodies on a pedestal so they take it
The issue is that there's a public, mainly composed by men.
If you look at the women in the crowd they are either looking bored or talking amonst themselves, while the men watch as if their lives depended on that
Degeneracy is literally the effect of >muh dick
Deal with the subhumans, give children a decent education, stop treating women like fuckholes and it solves itself.
Even Nazi germany knew that the way to keep society from devolving into degeneracy is pushing family ideals and teaching the importance of respecting women like what they are: women.
Modern society encourages females to treat their pussy like the bus driver treats the bus.
pay a fee and you're free to ride for as long as you need
Couple that with the existence of Chad Thundercocks always knowing exactly what the price is and the average woman devolves into some animalistic, hyper-sexualized sex toy(see video OP posted)
>inb4 tl;dr
To fix society you need to fix men in order to fix women so they can raise the next generation better

it's awful.

Watching brazil is like watching the fate of america in 50 years.

I pity your souls and weep for ours.

so why didn't their penises flop out?

>Watching brazil is like watching the fate of america in 50 years.

is right though. But however the sexual revolution began, through both women and men probably due to (((elites))) or by accident at least, the floodgates were released for women to act like this and now wear it as a badge of pride. There's no putting the genie back in the bottle. We're done.

We're not done
America right now is beyond Weimar society tier, but they managed to fix that and it stil can be done
I don't think my country has any hope left, but yours can still be salvaged
Not by any peaceful democratic means, but peace and modern democracy always end up turning proud nations into weak cesspits ruled by idiots

We're in that phase but I don't think anything short of a civil war will salvage us. The propaganda machine is too strong

Is Brazil really beyond saving? I thought you guys were on your way to modern society before your government collapsed. What's the situation there?

> t. never left Leafland

As an aside, I'd like a source on OP's webm.

Degeneracy is a effective method/tactic to make a Race/Society implode/die.

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

>fuck off kike.

> Speaking as if govt. and social structures didn't strip women away from the majority of decent men.
> Speaking as if men didn't in fact give women the necessary room to grow their heightened forms
> Speaking as if its a man's fault that women decided to go this path
> Being in degenerate fucking brazil and lecturing someone on how to not have a degenerate society

Are you fucking that dim?

Moar of dem asses?

You're in brasil, please stop lecturing America on how to not be a degenerate shithole like your native country. You have no cultural understanding of what it takes to have a non-degenerate society because you live and have been cultured in a degenerate one. So, please back the fuck up off your man-hating pedestal and stop shilling in a manner that ignores the personal choices women have taken to head down the path modern women are going impacted least of all by men.

A woman says :
> Stop oppressing me... give me room
They're given more room and they make a personal decision to become whores
> Brazil cuck blames men

>that jiggle at 0:18

you cant make people to stop doing that because you dont like it, a real human bean!

everything was set to be like that since the begining user.... im sorry

More importantly, why fight degeneracy when you can't do anything about it but you can profit from it. Women degrading themselves because Leftist media tells them they should act like men and have as much casual sex as possible? Where's the fucking downside?

>everything was set to be like that since the begining user.... im sorry


Why do they want white people to have babies with brown people?

>everything was set to be like that since the begining user.... im sorry
could't say it better, at this point it is blatantly clear there's nothing anyone can do to stop this madness, people have become such a bunch of nihilistic faggets that they don't care in the slighest what the future of their offspring will be so long as they have a beer or a football play to watch (i don't know what burgers do to escape temporarily from this awful reality, but sure a sfuck it isn't good as it'll still be there when they get down to earth again). I have found myself wondering why the hell i keep living when it's obvious shit will get sick in the future, it is frightening and sort of hilarious when you think about it for a second

Holy fuck! At 0:24 there's a nipple. Moar!!

its not so bad I guess, everyone in brazil is racemixed to hell and the chicks are still hot as fuck

>the white german women who are from south brazil and are 95% of the brazilian models that are recruited, are still hot as fuck

no shit

I've never seen a German looking Brazilian model in my life

perhaps he is referring to the fact that this sort of processes happen to all socieities at a certain point. Take roman for example, they were a powerful civilization that achieved hegemony and spread across europe and then after a long time they declined, and the same is happening right now but it is the same shit show but on a larger scale as now hedonism and nihilism (escapism as well) have taken over the world, people no longer care as long as they have their degenerate material... that or perhaps US was condemed to become Brazil due to the hunger for power of the bank cartels and your political elite that doesn't seem to give a flying fuck about the locals because they have their shekels and are untouchable

>bu bu but trump
he might be doing something now, but the dude ain't last forever and sooner or later things will get back on track to further enrichment and exploitation

>I have never been to brazil
fucking kek

What the fuck do you think we're doing?

Burgers are so fucking retarded.

i mean user, the most holy place is a wormhole....... just think about that for a moment if that doesnt shiver your timbers, what wrong with you!


natural selection is on process dude and you cannot stop this, you better not be part of sodoma and gomora again because the world is going to wipe it all once again

Objectively wrong. The German ones (ie Giselle Bundchen) look like men.

>i've never seen the most heralded Brazilian model in my life

Indeed if everyone was focusing on improving themselves instead of stuffing their nose in other people's business the world would be a better place.

All of their models have strong cheek bones, idiot.

This guy gets it. Racemixing mostly creates mongrels if done wrongly, I would know my country is Brazil lite.

models in general aren't picked for being extremely sexually attractive to men but for looking unique/striking and looking good while wearing particular fashion clothes. There are lots of Brazilians better looking or more sexually attractive than Gisele Bundchen, even if they aren't models.

>dat video
and then, after a long time, things go back to the ashes and the few that managed to survive the ride of the century have to fend for themselves in a barren land, product of selfishness, megalomany and foolishness...what a fitting ending for humanity that would be

Cheek bones aren't the problem, their jaws are.

>There are lots of Brazilians better looking or more sexually attractive than Gisele Bundchen

Why would you post the average, ugly Brazilian porn star as your example?

And they all have the same jaw line. Your point isn't being made.

because of the ass, i guess

>because of the ass

You are likely more white than that burger poster.

You could literally just Google Brazilian models. Tons of them don't have man jaws like Bundchen.

Strong cheek bones on women generally aren't attractive because they're a masculine feature but are selected for on models because they're striking, you're kind of making my point that models aren't all that attractive.

>instagram "models"

Your point isn't being made.

We can stop funding it like we always do, then you get favelas


All the Brazilian models I've seen are 'if you procreate with here you are racemixing' tier.

You're the one that mentioned Instagram you tard. I'm not gonna spoon feed you the names of Brazilian supermodels.


>just give up goy

>There's very little political change you can realistically enact.
Wrong way to look at it. If you are a normie, you easily meet 500 ppl in your adult life. You are one person away from 250 000 and two persons away from 62 500 000 000. If you can just influence a small percentage of your those 500 ppl, the effects propagate in a net like manner.
If you are not a normie, try creating soc. media accounts and spread baltant propaganda.

Love these curvy babes

sage in all fields, Please, children.

Here's what appears when you google Brazilian models.

I circled the ones that look German for reference.

Like usual a foreigner is useful for nothing.

Here's what appears when you google Brazilian models.

I circled the ones that look German for reference.

you think the man believe on answers haha! i bet he is fapping right now,
who gives a fuck .models are fuck slut coalniggers,you didnt saved the conservative natural and rural woman of this degenerancy so...

Brazil's situation? Economy skydiving while a criminal president had an audio leaked to national news involving him with bribery, hush money and prevarication. He's still only in power because his post grants him immunity to jail.

Altough he provided great funds to media corporations agree with his unpopular decisions, which they did, they threw him into the sea after undeniable evidence surfaced. We are now waiting on what type of election, direct or indirect, we should have to substitute him.

That being said, our population is driven mainly by what media say. And they fabricate facts for self-serving political agendas just like in the US, only worse. They
also massively hate the left-wing and approves anyone who gives them gibs.

Pic related: interim president's wife
and him

What kind of bjj tournament is this?

If that's what he was referring to, he could have stated it as such and I would have had no problem w/ that framing. The issue with his commentary is that he framed it in such a way that put the responsibility solely on men and ignored the significant contribution women played in it. I don't buy such nonsense scapegoating.

His logic is that someone else is to blame for giving someone the freedom to do as they so chose.... Women were given freedom. Freedom that they demanded and said would make a better world and they by and large have made a mess of said freedom. If anything, in this more empowered role, man is coming to finally admit to the natures of women.

Just gas them, m8

protip, deathstranding is all about the arribal on the stage,you better fucking believe on the watchmen they can see everything and you are on his playground

Not sure it's a 'wormhole' but I get the gist of what you're trying to refer to. I just needed someone to allude to it more concisely.

> just think about that for a moment if that doesnt shiver your timbers, what wrong with you!
I doesn't send shivers down my timbers.
It seems right.

>natural selection is on process dude and you cannot stop this, you better not be part of sodoma and gomora again because the world is going to wipe it all once again

For eyes have seen...

THIS. With males regaining their libido strength again we can begin to overthrow our shitty kike rulers

this is so fucking awesome my god i want to eat so much of all of that YES

in my face in my face in my face in my WHITE face

What about Gisele?

>You're in brasil, please stop lecturing America on how to not be a degenerate shithole like your native country.
>america calling other countries degenerate
>the majority of the brazilian population is right wing
>57% think wrongdoers should be killed
>79% against abortion
>53% against gay marriage
>79% against DUDE WEED LMAO
>83% for reducing age of criminal responsibility

brazil is shit thanks to corruption. hues can't do shit bout that in the short run (google 'operation car wash')

im creating my own closed society :)

Never seen her before, she's cute though. There was this one gif of some Brazilian model in a Brazilian flag outfit spinning a bit in slow motion and I've never seen a more fuckable body.

That face isn't very pretty though? Weird.

You're right, we should just get more sleep so we can be our best tomorrow... we should just go to bed, its late...

It might be a losing battle but its better to go down swinging. Then to stand as a cuck.


you miss every shot you dont take


> Why worry about degeneracy or even society when there's nothing you can do about it?

Because our movement is growing. The more degenerate society gets, the more regular people will continue to find and support our growing movement. This isn't natural human behavior, no matter how much you'd like it to be. Birthrates have dropped, suicides are skyrocketing, nations are collapsing, violence and lawlessness are rising, etc. The world is in pain, and your average citizens are finally beginning to feel it; and you know what? They don't like it.

>Women playing twister is degenerate.

What is this, the 1950s?

If that's the worst of your problems, consider yourself blessed. Around my parts white women are getting BLACKED.

I will be the change I want to see. Its rough.

dude, your country, as well as a hell of a lot more, are controlled by thise fucking greedy hook-nosed bastards, just look at the current situation, if you want to preserve the environment and actually try to come up with something to accomplish this, which is pretty difficult due to the characteristics of the system, those bitches will win and if you go full WE WUZ GONNA BE OIL AGAIN N SHEEEEIT NO REGULATIONS AT ALL HUUUR DUUUR, guess what: they fucking win again! the entire oil industry is owned by those son of bitches, hell the banks are theirs thus whatever you do, think, propose will eventually lead to them winning and fucking you up in some sort of way that you haven't noticed until it fucking blows up in front of your face. It is infurating, but those shitheads got everyone by the balls

poor hans

Scott Adams said it best. We should make the legal age of every vice 120 years old. No one's going to follow it anyway, and at least we can say we tried when the world goes to hell.