
Anyone who voted for this fool should be ashamed of themselves.

Other urls found in this thread:


A lot of people voted for Assad, mate.

Disgusting indeed, it's not even in alphabetic order

Proud to have a like minded leader like Assad shitting on globalist

>countries who want the US to give them free money vs countries who do not want the US to give them free money

Someone please make the friendship ended with world, new best friends are syria and nicaragua trump meme

America: JUST

holy fuck i thought I was the only one

But will the Climate Agreement do anything without a military or something to enforce it? Can we really trust the savages of the world to keep their word on keeping the earth clean?


I like how some of the countries on the left are absolutely not industrialised and emit so little CO2 that they can just meet the requiremts of the agreement by not changing anything.

Syria sucked the US's teat until Bush told them to suck it, and Nicaragua didn't sign because they wanted it to go further.

>nicaragua redpilled
Lmao I wonder why

>Trump decides that working with Russia wouldn't be a bad idea
>media and McCain cause an uproar
>Trump decides to not work with Russia on something
>media and McCain cause an uproar

OP's image is a perfect example of why Trump was elected.

The media decides who they are "for" and who they are "against".

And once that is decided, they have to go looking for reasons to stick it to the people they are against and call it news.

So in this case they're not saying why the treaty is good or bad, but simply trying to stick it to trump while calling it "news".

Reminder... this is the same media who spent a week bitching about POTUS getting an extra scoop of ice cream. And how was that news again?

Hilarious framing

Ah shit Syria and Nicaragua our niggas now. WE GONNA RUN DIS SHIT BOIZ.

And Nicaragua only rejected because it was non binding and not proactive enough

They're expected to have 90% clean energy soon.

And Syria is kind of in a civil war for the environment to be a worry

What's our excuse? Trump is a fucking idiot coal shill?

so why did three countries get to claim there is no 'renegotiations' if there are 194 countries involved?

sounds like some EU tier bullshit to me.

Fun fact: Slavery is still practiced in more countries than it's illegal.

What are you some kind of racist?

Literally the bandwagon fallacy

Think again drumpfter

Its more a promise not to industrialize until they can buy American solar panels.

Trump is throwing money out the window since the US is the #1 producer of green energy alternative materials, but his shift from giving tax cuts from those who sell to other countries and giving them to companies that only sell internally is the dumbest move possible.

>What's our excuse?

That US tax payers shouldn't be subsiding third world colored shitholes to an even larger degree than we already do.

Fuck off, juden.


Leaders of the new world order.

Trump is the sort of person who I am 90% sure still uses Windows 98.

Should've renegotiated if you loved the environment so much.

Nicaragua: Right wing contra death squads
Syria: Bashar al Assad
USA: Greatest country on the face of the earth

Besides, according to all sources there are 195 countries in the world today. Which means CNN is still faking their poll numbers.

try again sweetheart I dont care about the mcdonalds managers opinion.

It's why I voted for him

Anyone who votes left should hang

Even the rural and suburban retards all over the world support the Paris agreement. There's something wrong with the American right

You are an idiot.

"The media" is hundreds of thousands of people all putting out stories.

"The news" is nothing but the stories that people like you latch onto.

Predictably people latch onto "the news" that confirms their biases while ignoring the other 99% of stories out there.

Hence you being triggered by some libfaggots article on ice cream and turning it into a rallying cry.

Because they're the new triumvirate now that America has stepped down as the leaders of Earth.

Excuse me.

The mcdonalds manager's friend's opinion.

Great source. Just not for me!

Based nicaragua

Thats a beautiful sight

>USA: Greatest country on the face of the earth
>divided-ass 3rd world country who elected a washed up reality show star that believes that the earth is flat

Based Assad strikes again.


The US will become one of them once the coastal cities sink and their inhabitants are going to need somewhere to stay

Those rural and suburban areas look nice

You can always get the fuck out of it you unamerican cuck.

Your belief in the independence of the media is so precious.

3rd world countries and "developing countries" will be apart of it because they get a good deal.

1. Gibs from 1st world countries
2. Because of regulations are able to compete more easily with 1st world countries
3. They dont have to reduce their emissions at the same rate as 1st world countries

The first world excluding the US get to tie the US economy making them able to compete in an uneven playing field.

>you should do it because everyone else is

Honestly have no clue why trump pulled out. Not like paris agreement really made us do anything other than say we will do something while continuing to do absolutely nothing about it.


>197 total
>only 196 countries in the world today
>North Korea is not in the reject column

as someone who voted green, I must admit this bums me out :(

no which is why anything globalist will not work because lazy niggers will exploit it

its part of making a deal. we will go back in, but hes going to negotiate better rates for us and harsher rates for the shit tier countries like chinka

lol fag

Even NK signed the agreement

Nah, I'm comfortable here. Plus, if I leave, then how can I annoy people like you?

Meanwhile in reality:
The Paris Accord makes no difference to temperatures even in alarmist global warming models (which are BS, but whatever), but would cost the US trillions in lost GDP:
>Full study:


Because you were dumb enough to think the Paris Accord had anything to do with protecting the environment.

The US was lost before you were born.

>1960: 85.4% white

>Immigration act of 1965

>1970: 83.5%
>1980: 79.6%
>1990: 75.6%
>2000: 69.1%
>2010: 63.7%

White children under the age of 5 became a minority in 2014. Whites under the age of 18 will become a minority by the next presidential election (2020.)

>tfw American
>tfw share the same country as people who unironically think global warming is a hoax thought up by globalists
>tfw its actually globalists spreading propaganda to keep big oil in power
>tfw the rest of the world wants to keep Earth clean while our fat asses do nothing

So this is what being a cuck is like

If the accord is the way to save the entire world, surely America alone couldn't possibly be the tipping point between paradise and Waterworld.

Race is irrelevant.

It's not anyone's problem but your own if you're enough of a sheep to form your identity around your culture.

>china and india produce more pollution than the US
>neither are required to reduce their emissions
>both are actually promised billions of dollars from the US


Problem is the rates for countries that produce the most are already impossible.
Unless a mass die off happens in those countries won't be realistic.

>Race is irrelevant.

>literally using peer pressure as a reason to pay billions to an unelected beurocracy with no garuntee it will do anything

The left are children

Show me photographic evidence of sea levels rising

Hint - you cant

That's 194 shit countries then
t. shit country

I am proud of Donald Trump, I voted proudly the first time and I will vote proudly the second and third time.

Sorry bro I don't read fake news.

Nicaragua has excellent surfing and it's only going to get better with the kowabunga climate waves.

yee haw praiz our first president jesus christ

I'm all for American Juche you globalist cucks. It works great for best Korea

well then you're a fucking moron

Muh climate!!!!

Damn hippies


>mfw faggots actually believe this


Those are countries that opted out of the agreement. There are more countries not in it.

So without the billions America would be paying to most countries, what are the odds more countries back out?

Shariahblue is really at it tonight. I guess they've been paid to build up some anti-trump resentment due to Trump just abolishing our standing with the climate accords.

This. Trump is retarded.

>The full US promise for the COP21 climate conference in Paris, its so-called Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC) will reduce temperature rise by 0.031°C. The EU 20-20 policy has an impact of 0.026°C, the EU INDC 0.053°C, and China INDC 0.048°C. All climate policies by the US, China, the EU and the rest of the world, implemented from the early 2000s to 2030 and sustained through the century will likely reduce global temperature rise about 0.17°C in 2100. These impact estimates are robust to different calibrations of climate sensitivity, carbon cycling and different climate scenarios. Current climate policy promises will do little to stabilize the climate and their impact will be undetectable for many decades.

Holy fuck my sides.

KYS faggot

>CNN logic: everyone else is jumping off of the cliff, so america, the supposed "leader of the free world" needs to do it, too

strong cognitive dissonance/ignorance as usual from these piece of shit scumbags.

It looks similar to that CNN list of Clinton Supporters vs Trump Supporters.




woah dont shoot me cleetus ill be on my way

Guys Literally everything is linked to global warming and I have the studies to prove it. How fucking ridiculous is it that Warmist literally try to link everything to climate change. Literally not one thing in any of these studies is proven but heres the science.
>Hair loss
>Feces in water
>Weight loss
>Weight gain
>Bad attitude
>Low Sex Drive
>Snow storms

It's more about preventing countries who will start industrializing soon like India and Africa from microwaving the entire planter you ignorant faggot.


>"The media" is hundreds of thousands of people all putting out stories.
Mass media is literally a cabal of about 10 people controlling everything
>"The news" is nothing but the stories that people like you latch onto.
Carefully designed information spoonfed to a clueless population. See gamergate and trumps "dark speech" for examples of collusion between "independent" news sources
>Predictably people latch onto "the news" that confirms their biases while ignoring the other 99% of stories out there.
The news is carefully designed to tell you precisely what's "good" and what's "bad", ergo something that confirms your bias is inherently a falsehood
>Hence you being triggered by some libfaggots article on ice cream and turning it into a rallying cry.
Another great example of collusion in the media

CNN told me that all the Scientists are fleeing Syria, so why doesn't that mean they know something?

>194 parties signed on to it
>95% of those are 3rd world shitholes which the deal is designed specifically to benefit over the first world
>the other 5% is made up of cucked Euronations

Wow, really made me think!

Yeah, and they're still in the agreement. Good luck to them. (Also Africa isn't a country)

>As Wigley (1998) found for the Kyoto Protocol, the emissions reductions promised until 2030 will do little to stabilize the climate and their impact will be undetectable for many decades. This clearly indicates that if we want to reduce climate impacts significantly, we will have to find better ways than the ones currently proposed.

Face it, even if something better than the Paris agreement showed up Trump wouldn't sign it to appease his big oil friends

Syria only didn't join because of the meeting expenses. Have to economise when you have a serious ongoing war desu


Better how? US emissions have been trending down since 2007. That's because of the free market, not government intervention. What does a giant global boondoggle get you for actual results?