Lol, this faggot was just over retarded, yet managed to become head of the CIA, and was the POTUS

Lol, this faggot was just over retarded, yet managed to become head of the CIA, and was the POTUS.

What the fuck America?

Other urls found in this thread: bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Look at the Bush family in general, particularly his father Prescott, his connection to the Rockefellers and thereby Rothschilds. Also into Skull & Bones.

Connections mean something.

Fake news. His IQ was at least 120 IIRC.

>that link

I have a confirmed IQ of 144 and I work at KFC as a head chef making 300k a year. I also have a 10" cock.

This not to mention he (gwb sr) played a key role in killing kennedy WAS even brought in for questioning.

I doubt it the guy was head of the CIA

This. He was at the top of the White Man game. He was a crusader for the NWO and is misguided in his quest for globalism but that's the indoctrination. Had to be a very, very smart guy at a time when the world was being fought over by some of the greatest White Man that have ever lived.

140-150 IQ easy.

- director of the CIA
- Navy pilot during WW2
- got picked up by a submarine when he got shot down and adapted to the crew and conditions.
- war hero
- graduated university when it was harder

Bush was a hero to the WASPs.

how do you make connections if you're completely average in intellect and not someone that people would be impressed by?

I don't think 98 is accurate. At 98 people tend to not even be intellectually curious.

He was born in to it. But I very much doubt he was 98. You have to figure even GWB was skull & bones, and even though he came off as a doofus, Jeb (not skull & bones) makes him look like a smooth operator by comparison.

t. 150

98 is too low. Gotta be above average.

Probably 120-140 if he wasn't 150-200 Illuminati Illusive Man tier.

Bush hung out with dudes like John Sununu who were in MENSA.

Forgot the part where he was in charge of the assassination of JFK.

The little minds on Sup Forums like to think they're smarter.

>Bibi's IQ is 180

I wonder who's behind these (((scores)))

Wrong. Everyone knows it was C.G.B. Spender. He also did the MLK assassination.

hmm. guess this explains 45 even though i voted for him.

Fake. Did well at Yale and was a pilot

Yeah I'm gonna call fake too.

i agree with the 120-140 range most presidents probably cluster there

Good lord hes the king jew alright.

this is completely fake lmfao

unless they are using that other scale where 160 is the median instead of 100

Eli Manning is smarter than

Adolf Hitler
Al Gore
Al Franklin
Bill Clinton
Dwight Eisenhower
Ronald Reagan
Both Bushes
Hillary Clinton
Tom Brady
Richard Nixon
Tim Tebow
And only 4 points behind Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein

Is Eli intellectually elite?

There is no way that mouth-breather Madonna has an IQ above 90

You mean wendys not kfc

Donovan Mcnabb: IQ 88

Mike Anderson: IQ 96

Muhammad Ali: IQ 78

OJ Simpson: IQ 89

They're not even hiding the fact that niggers are retarded, so there's clearly no bias.

There's three possibilities for why Bush's IQ is so low:

1. He took an IQ test as a child, and never took one again

2. Must've been an outside source, which could have possibly given a biased rough estimate

3. George Bush is a legitimate idiot

4. This websites stats are bullshit.
I'm 116 (tested with Stanford-Binet).

I'll take it, since I'm a Mestizo.

I think you're right

I tested it by selecting random answers, and I still somehow got an 87 IQ. I know that's close to borderline retardation, but it's still way too high.

You don't have to be Smart inorder to Rule.

All you have to do is keep the Public Dumb,Distracted & Dependent. bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

yes he is. He's beaten cheating brady twice.

Bush Sr. literally is the one who started this shit we be in now - anybody remember Tienanmen Sq - most favoured nation status for China? n all that NWO shit - I believe absolutely of the connections with the Rothschild and Rockefeller and it was a time( now too) that connections are what gets one ahead and the Bilderberg meeting
wtf is that