Post your state/country and what it would have going for it in WW3
I'll start.
There's no reason to bomb us.

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They wouldn't let the Russians take the center of the US... would they?

Just badass and unbeatable in every way.

Kentucky here, can confirm.

OP here
Here's a better flag man for Kentucky
Please clap



-Good farmland

-Tons of crazy rednecks/Florida Man to defend the state



-The liberal parts of the state will probably be the ones targeted.


-Almost unbearable without AC

-Possible hordes of roving minorities

-At sea level

Also I live in one of the possible targeted areas for nukes, but I'm not to far from Mar-a-Lago so we might have some extra protection.

Plebs root for the cats. t. Louisville master race.

Fuck off Louishill

I love this state so much.


We the center of a continent. We are so far away from the ocean that it would be really stupid to nuke/invade us.


Like we did the British, we're going to stop the Russian naval invasion by chucking all the niggers that rioted in Baltimore in the bay as marine barricades.

louisville, kentucky

it's more relevant so might get bombed


Major target when Nuclear war starts

>Please for the love of god let North Korea nuke this fucking shitlib of a state there's nothing but fags and niggers here

We have nukes, and since we're pretty much America's bitch, we'd have your support in return.

Please take back your diaspora community. They ruined Ohio.

hawaii. we have this thing. it's a state of the art radar system that can intercept icbms

Says the mountain kike.

If you love Kentucky please read Jayber Crow by Wendell Berry. It'll bring a tear to your eye. Such a wonderful book.

We are too cucked to be a danger and will not be attacked.


colorado here (proxy) , we want independance


plz nuke Seattle.

We have nothing going for us. Such is life in the Balkans.


plz nuke Seattle, Olympia and Bellingham.

Fucking Californians moving into our state telling us how to think.. The revolution starts here

and Vancouver (Portland)

mfw i live in Bellingham.

its an ocean of cucks, newmales, fobs, and micro brews.

fuck canada

Pls don't shoot down if they are heading for California


We are completely irrelevant on the world stage.


Lots of Canadian coastline to go pillage.


Pros: large agriculture base, lots of wilderness for hunting/partisan operations, everyone has guns, lots of water sources.

Cons: Milwaukee, harsh winters after the infrastructure is destroyed, no oil or natural gas or coal.

Vermont. Freedom, equality, and brotherhood. Defend civil liberties and nationhood until death.

>Defend civil liberties and nationhood until death.

All five of you?

>Also I live in one of the possible targeted areas for nukes, but I'm not to far from Mar-a-Lago so we might have some extra protection.

>from nukes


underage edgelord detected


Pros: Lots of military bases = lots of troops to keep out dirty foreigners. Also lots of desert to hide in if things don't go very well.

Cons: Directly in the path of fallout form Commiefornia and summers in the desert aren't fun when there's no AC.

but an awesome fucking island

Vermont was a lovely place to grow up. Differing political views managed to work together. I'd fight to the death to preserve it, even with 4 comrades.

Only steers and queers come from Texas

Louisiana has the new orleans port which is one of america's best ports for importing and exporting goods.

Only problem is that would make us a target if the US is invaded.

>not knowing kentucky manufactures most of the aircraft parts that are made in the USA

God you're fucking retarded kill yourself

Imagine guerilla warfare in fucking Vermont.

Texas. We'll lead the charge. Alone.

-gators are not a deterrent, they are placid compared to what we got.

Bear grills Florida special gets in the water with the gators
Bear grills Australia special, saltwater crocs just fucking NOPE

Strategically located away from everyone, vast harsh desert wastland. Animals here will fuck you up crocs, snakes and emus etc etc

Plenty of guns, game and wilderness for bases/ training camps
Bullshit, you know we'd be right there along side yall

Tennessee here, not a damn thing would be good here. with the fags and cucks on one side, and the right wing trump supporter on the other side. we would probably have our own little civil war during it. it'll be a blood bath

We can take 10 million inmigrants/refugees, no sweat.
Perhaps up to 40 if shit hits the fan bad.

Sorry to burst your bubble but there are multiple military installations in KY as well as several bridges along the Ohio river that would cripple transportation and shipping if they were destroyed.

North Carolina
Especially in the east, a military base is pretty much always nearby.
OBX have in the past, and continue to provide outstanding natural defenses on the ocean. Coast guard stationed at every other inlet. We're practically unconquerable these days. We are known as the tar heels for a reason, after all.

Oregon, we'll be hiding in the trees.

you also forgot some casinos have underground basements and eateries that they dont use anymore and people can practically live down there. Also we are going to die because of nellis we are a nuke target ourselves unless area 51 memes are true to tell.

Our Big Brother America and papa UK will help us.
Also we're big, so it would be hard to conquer all of us.

Vermonters of all political stripes would band together to defend their home. I feel reasonable sure that it would be Vermont first in any case. Also, we've got very liberal CC laws.


If they bomb literally any city they'll just kill a bunch of beans or bean sympathizers


We're actually a high priority nuclear target thanks to DOW Chemical, should be fine if you're in the Upper Penninsula though.

South Fucking Carolina. Men still born here, Most military installations. Will take on impossible odds just for the hell out of it. Most military experience of any states

Pretty sure there is/would be defense systems set up around Nellis, but even if it does get hit, the wind probably won't bring fallout to Vegas. It's LA's nuke fallout that you should worry about.

Our neighbours are frozen/flaming hellscapes.

Idk about your meme country, but I'm sure we have some kind of ICBM interceptors. And if they can only protect us from a limited number of nukes, protecting South Florida **may** be higher on the list than normal because Trump is here a lot.

You know what isn't tamer here?

Our gun rights. Boom, roasted.

Except that every military base is a nuke target.


Fire tornadoes, fuck Australia.

Tfw I wish they'd just stick to bombing Detroit

>There's no reason to bomb us.
What? We have fucking Fort Knox, Fort Campbell and the Paducah Uranium Enrichment Plant.

Needs to look more like Colonel Sanders.

they may want our gooey butter cake.

Dude, I'm from Louisville and this place is pozzed as fuck. Also the fucking university took down our Confederate monument, fuck UofL!

Detroit bombed itself user, if you're mid like me you would probably have 15-30 minutes before you were hit by the fallout, this is assuming you're about an hour away from DOW.

Edit: GM is also a primary target along with Lansing, so unless you are far east or far north or in the Upper, kinda fucked.


No reason to bomb (other for keks).
Already a wasteland.
Near mountains makes it easier to hide.

first battleground/first victims maybe

we have plenty of forestry and mountains to hide in and wage a guerrilla war if invaded
plus no reason to bomb us to begin with

Democrat here. Pacific Northwest.
You're a fool if you think progressives aren't armed. Shit man a lot of us served. Those of us who haven't have family who have, family in law enforcement, and so on. I've hunted and gutted deer. I've slaughtered squirrel in potato fields. I've fought. I've wrestled. I used to skate and I've broken so many bones I've literally lost count and walked half of them off. And there's nothing special or exceptional about me. You're a fool if you don't think progressives are formidable. For every straw man pic you have of a faggy liberal I have a pic of a fat virgin beta orbiter with a weak stance who still flinches when he fires. I don't presume that the alt right is not formidable. I grew up surrounded by the tea party before they became the tea party. I know what they can do. I've hunted with them. But that's what's funny about these neolibertarian pseudofascists. They assume they're the toughest guys in the world and everyone else is soft. That's why they keep losing wars. The south loses. Every time they flex. Progressives are ruthless when cornered. We burned Atlanta to the ground and used rape as a weapon of mass psychological operation, disrupted troops and marched right up to Jefferson Davis front door. We designed a bomb that destroyed entire cities, then we upgraded it. We invented remote control flying guns and remote control bombers.. Don't fuck with us. The south will rise again? Fine. We'll put em down again.

California (San Diego).
Marine corps bases
Navy Bases
Win Win for America because either we kick ass or california gets bombed to shit and the US has less liberals and illegals


It does not matter what side you chose to affiliate with, your experiences and knowledge acquired is your own to wield in whatever fashion you see fit, that aside, IF civil war hits it will be pure chaos in the flash that it happens, and it will not be strength that perseveres, but wit and stealth.