Explain to me, without being a shill or bootlicker why pulling out of the Paris Climate deal is actually a good thing. Explain and list the positives of pulling out with factual evidence.
Don't bother posting "shill" or "le based trump", redditor.
Explain to me, without being a shill or bootlicker why pulling out of the Paris Climate deal is actually a good thing. Explain and list the positives of pulling out with factual evidence.
Don't bother posting "shill" or "le based trump", redditor.
Don't worry about it. 99% of the people who post here listened to his speech but didn't hear the important part: that he's ready to sign us back onto it once he gets some rhetorical changes made to it.
Neither will any of the water carriers that pass as conservative media point out that this is not a reversal to the """globalists""" climate change policy, but a temporary suspension on our part.
climate change isn't real, it snowed in my state last winter
antisage :^)
trump already said he was gonna do it.
He even said he doens't care, he only wants to remove it because "muh regulations"
remember those videos of chinese buildings falling down on their own?
By 2025 you will see the same videos, except in cali and new york.
I know the OP wanted to know the opinion of you r/rthe_donal redditor fucks, but sage is not a downvote.
Global warming is a communist hoax.
Anyone who defends trump on this is a republican partisan shill.
Just ignore and slide
It allows countries to set their own emissions standards, which were set very high for the US (and every other "western" nation for that matter) but very low for second and third world industrial nations like China or India. This would rape the American worker by sending even more jobs to third world nations. The kicker is that the Paris Agreement is actually WORSE for Nature than no agreement at all. More jobs in third-world countries means more pollution because their standards are very low.
Also, if you want to get into why this whole climate change scare is a big lie, you can look at NASA data which shows that the icecaps in 2016 are actually larger than they were several decades ago. The Sahara is actually shrinking and turning into grasslands by a few centimeters every year because of the higher CO2 content of the atmosphere. This only makes sense since plants absorb CO2 for respiration. More CO2 should equal more plants right? Geographical data shows that we are at the end of a 12,000 year warm period and are due for another Ice Age in the next thousand years.
Hope this answered your question, shill.
>spot the redditor
1)It contribute to isolate them a little more on the international scene. They won't have a say in this deal anymore, they won't let Trump lead it like they did with Obama.
2)It contribute to lower Trump credibility on the international scene. It's not the cool black guy anymore, it's the orange retard. Europe is already distancing itself. So when the US will say we must sanction X like they did with Russia, Europe will not say the cool black guy said it let's do it but instead they will at least think about it for a minute.
3)It divide their country a little more
It's only been 4 months and god it has been 4 productive months. Let's have a laugh for 3 years and go back to the shilling in 4. This guy must be reelected.
>Argumentum ad populum
If every country jumped off a cliff would yours do it too?
>If every country jumped off a cliff would yours do it too?
You're replying to a kike, they push every other country off the cliff.
It's just Sup Forums being contrarian.
It doesn't matter that Trump's policy and actions are being heavily influenced by corporate interest, look how mad the newspapers are! How ebin!
Think of the promises his team had to make to overcome the Clinton influence.
He's nothing more than a neocon.
>replying to a kike
>every country off the cliff
>getting this assblasted about a non binding agreement people were going to skirt or ignore anyways
You''re right he should have just ignored it the way the Chinese are going to
>The kicker is that the Paris Agreement is actually WORSE for Nature than no agreement at all. More jobs in third-world countries means more pollution because their standards are very low
I hope you understand you're not making an argument that's going to penetrate a leftist. They only see that the producers are being punished, which makes them feel good about themselves.
>Also, if you want to get into why this whole climate change scare is a big lie, you can look at NASA data which shows that the icecaps in 2016 are actually larger than they were several decades ago. The Sahara is actually shrinking and turning into grasslands by a few centimeters every year because of the higher CO2 content of the atmosphere. This only makes sense since plants absorb CO2 for respiration. More CO2 should equal more plants right? Geographical data shows that we are at the end of a 12,000 year warm period and are due for another Ice Age in the next thousand years.
And neither is going over the science going to be helpful.
No argument penetrates a leftist. They are naturally weak-willed and low-testosterone.
That being said, I posted my post into the public domain of Sup Forums. Posting your beliefs does two things: aligns your consciousness more with the collective, and align's the collective's unconscious with your own.
Maybe my post gets through to this man, maybe it doesn't, that's not the purpose.
Paris Agreement doesn't do shit for the climate. It's just a handy way to transfer the wealth of first world taxpayers over to third world dictators.
There are literally a dozen other posts regarding the PCA. One might know this if they browsed the catalogue instead of trying to make it to "le front page XDDDD".