> this kills the republican
this kills the republican
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No thank you!
Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day.
Teach a man to fish and he'll never be hungry again
what bible verse is that from sweetie?
>Christianity is the same as catholicism
Lol kys
Wtf I'm American now.
Hail freedoms! Death to communists!
your correct which is why republicans have cut education funding!
Jesus didn't help people by stealing money from other people.
christians do help the poor and the homeless tho, they just do it through charity with their own money instead of through government with other people's money
It's from CAFOD
Either way.
Give a man a fire, he'll be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
no its not
theres nothing wrong with teaching people to fish but theres nothing wrong with giving them one either
people use that as an excuse to not be charitable
you wouldnt need to if atheists werent so greedy
what can you do when nobody wants to help anyone
>cut state funding forcing people to actually care about the education the children will receive because they will directly pay for it and be held accountable
>hurr just cutting education funding durr
typical leftist subversion of facts
I must have missed the verse about redistributing wealth with the force of the state.
>Letting your kids go to public school where they can be taught that casual sex is acceptable.
oh dear, you seem to be confused sweetie
>Jesus meant for his teachings to apply to running a country and not individual lives
>"When an enemy attacks your country... turn the other cheek!"
>"Your country should give all its belongings to the poor!"
>"Love your neighboring countries as if they were your own country!"
>"Let all the refugees come in!"
>>this kills the republican
you're right cuz im dying laughing at how stupid you are
"Leftists"/"libruuuls" are straight up Jesus incarnate, naturally, without even realizing it or claiming it.
Meanwhile Sup Forums and rightwing and alt-right are straight up villainous, devilish, and satanic, and realize it full stop and extol it.
um sweetie why do you pretend to be a christian when you have obviously never read the bible?
In Matthew 19:21, Jesus tells a young man “If you wish to be perfect, go, sell your possessions, and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven,” and in Luke 3:10–11, he proclaims to an assembled crowd “Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do likewise.”
You obviously don't understand the messages in the Bible at all. It preaches care towards one another through voluntary means. Forcing someone else to give there money is not Christian. I'm not even religious and I understand this. Fucking watch Jordan Peterson already
>cut food stamps
Good, more tax money back for me
>Cut affordable healthcare
But it's not affordable, I pay 10% of my paycheck in medical coverage and I shouldnt have to foot the bill for others too
>Demonize homeless
>block equal rights
No, that's democrats you retard.
remember the bit where jesus brutally killed all the (((money lenders)))?
remember the part where jesus said let he who is without sin cast the first stone? and then proceeded to brain some slut with a rock the size of a dogs skull while laughing with his m8s?
I'm pretty sure Jesus' end game is world domination, so I don't if you've really thought this through.
>Liberal Hippie Jesus
love everyone
don't worry about sin baby, I got you
Expect other people to just help you out man
College should be like free for everyone #OneLove
>Actual Jesus
hypocrites go to hell
Pay your taxes and stop complaining about imperialism
fucking greedy jews get out of my temple REEEEEE
If i give you money or something else you better make something of it and if I don't get a return on my investment you will be punished
Yes, charity is good.
Taking other people's things at gunpoint is bad. Are you having trouble following, honey?
umm, no sweetie
In Luke 3:10–11, Jesus proclaims to an assembled crowd “Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do likewise.”
> rob people and inefficiently waste their money
> let people keep their money but preach values of charity and helping your fellow man
i practice turn the other cheek in my life but that has nothing to do with your immigration policy
the church is supposed to do it but when everyone is an edgy atheist and wont help anybody what can you do
you need taxes
remember the part where the bible says to kill homosexuals? checkmate libcucks
That passage corroborates what the dude just said.
No such thing is taught in public school.
Such things are advocated here.
There is no leftist subversion of anything. They cut education funding, that is a fact.
>Pay your taxes and stop complaining about imperialism
That's not actually what Jesus meant. Jesus preached that you should pay taxes just so as to avoid violent confrontation. But the slave-driving and Christian-persecuting ways of the Romans weren't acceptable.
Taxation is still wrong, because it's arrogance of man to assume that they should collect those things which in truth, belong to God.
>hypocrites go to hell
This is also true
>love everyone
You actually are supposed to love everyone user, that is scriptural. But there is a difference between that and letting yourself get taken advantage of.
Remember, Gentle as a dove, but wise as a serpent.
ummm sweetie you realize christians dont follow the old testament right?
there was this little thing called jesus dying on the cross, you might have heard of it
he did it so that all sinners could be forgiven and accepted into heaven
Republican Jesus is way fucking cool.
>ummm sweetie you realize christians dont follow the old testament right?
uhh sorry cupcake, but they do.
Funding for education has skyrocketed over the past decades, with only flatlines and dips in student performance.
We aren't feeding a ravenous, bloated beuracracy that deserves to have its funding cut.
>No such thing is taught in public school.
Maybe not at yours. But I specifically remember being shown dildos in my health class and having a girl brought in who rambled on for hours to us about how casual sex is healthy as long as you have "safe sex"
christ you retards should actually read the bible once in a while
You can tell the idiot who made this has no idea why republicans believe what they believe. Liberals have actually ingested the slandering media meme that republicans are just retards who hate minorities and gays. Wrong. They're people of all levels of intelligence who hate minorities and gays.
Jews follow the Old Testament.
Christians follow the red text that is present in the New Testament
>they just do it through charity with their own money instead of through government with other people's money
>what is tithe
>what are fundraisers
Not really. It's a content-free argument. Christ advocated charity--which Republicans are plenty in support of.
He also didn't call for the murder of infants and the destruction of monuments, or to rioting in the streets and beating people for holding different beliefs. Actually, who did call for that?
Oh right. Mohammed. Destroying monuments in particular is a big Islam thing.
oh honey, you are so confused
Hebrews 8:13 By calling this covenant "new," he has made the first one obsolete; and what is obsolete and outdated will soon disappear.
1 John 3:17
17 But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?
Matthew 5:42
42 Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away.
actually jesus does teach getting taken advantage of as the righteous thing to do
sorry you cant handle that
Matthew 5:44
But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
uhh sorry buttercup, christians follow the ENTIRE bible. try to keep up honeybuns.
Barely anyone on here is republican, idiot
Nice fake story.
why did you bring up mohammed for no reason?
First step is stop replacing god with the gubmt. Stop making people dependent on getting free things.
That's an abuse and a blasphemy.
Shame on whoever made it.
turning the other cheek is one of the hardest things for me
i just avoid being in that situation in the first place kek
but yeah a lot of Christians mistakenly believe taht we're supposed to apply Biblical teachings to running a modern capitalist country
if that was true every country that did so would fail unless God directly intervened in the world's affairs
>feed the hungry OR GO TO PRISON
>care for the sick OR GO TO PRISON
>Shelter the homeless OR GO TO PRISON
Stop mixing up voluntary charity with forced state programs that are poorly and wastefully run.
>Jesus literally tells them to do things
>Bible makes it clear that not following Jesus teachings leads to eternal damnation
Greed is literally one of the 7 sins.
> thinking you can pick and choose what bible verses you have to follow
>if government doesn't provide X you can't have X at all goyim!
When did Jesus ever degree that the government should become a giant charity while also suppressing all other charities and punish people who don't donate with jail time?
Can I get a chapter and a verse?
>implying you cant
kikes have revised the bible so many times that you literally have to pick and choose what to follow
I read the taxation thing as if you're going to use Caesars money then play by Caesar's rules, like its meant to shame them.
Banning Muslims and criminal spics is out of compassion for normal people's lives.
>Liberal memes
>anything other than retarded
i think pastor anderson is shutting his heart to the least of these believers and the poor and hes wrong on this big time
its not jesus to despise the poor
and not give anything to anybody
that aint biblical
The first thing Jesus would do is drive the moneychangers outta the Temple.
That's why this is sacrilegious abuse.
I'm glad you agree with me. Being in favor of taxing other people so you can get gibmedats is greed.
Charity needs to be a willful act. Taxing people so heavily that they have nothing to spare actually undermines the act of charity because it makes people less able to give.
Why is it so hard for people to understand that socialism is not charity? Socialism is taking other people's money.
So he did
Say " ceasar should take from those who have two coats and give to the poor"
That is because you went to a private school, you rich white shill. One of these days you and David Brock will get anally probed by me
kill yourself
>that aint biblical
He quotes the bible
Fuckin a, you don't need the government to do what Jesus wants. Stupid ass
Keep that in mind next time you read a sign that tells you not to feed the animals when you're in the park, assuming you ever go outside.
>virtue signalling is Jesus incarnate
actually that's the direct opposite of what Jesus told us to do
and also Jesus and God are one and the same and God said homosexuality and anything similar are disgusting abominations
Why do liberals take the Bible literally? I thought conservatives were supposed to do that.
Because they don't understand charity, or caritas, means love and that it's an act of the will.
Jesus also beat up jews and told us to sell our cloaks and buy a sword.
I think Jesus would be happy if he knew I could now buy a fucking rifle and not just a sword.
>7 sins
Catholics man...
Jesus literally had to use magic to accomplish these tasks without pissing everyone off though
Using Jesus for pushing your agenda. (((Satan))) is delighted
>That's an abuse and a blasphemy.
>Shame on whoever made it.
>Leftists think they understand the bible better than people that actually read the bible
>"If you wish to be perfect"
>Implying that God gave us free will so that a gov't could restrict us and force us to be what they consider to be perfect
>implying forcing your will upon others involuntarily isn't a sin
Liberals are the pro America, pro Christianity, pro military camo now. It's like they all think they're living in an 80s action movie since the Russian theory dropped
Not literally, they selectively abuse verses to suit their ends, like televangelists do, but they don't know what anything means and don't really care ... or obviously they wouldn't do it.
If they don't willingly do it, then it isn't love, and they won't go to Heaven.
ya but in modern times with edgy atheism and not enough people who would actually help the poor
the only reason people are against taxes anyways is because they shut their heart to the poor anyways so you just know its the wrong motivations
its a sin to be lazy thats all the bible says
for me jesus would help people even if they were mentally ill or on drugs or something
nothing wrong with helping people while theyre in transit and eventually going to start supporting themselves
it might not happen and some people just will be dependant and theres nothing wrong with that they just dont have the capacity to take care of themselves
This one's got it.
"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's" in Romans.
Further expanded upon during Jesus' conversation with Pilate in John.
He makes a clear distinction between earthly matters and the kindgom of God.
Literally tell me the difference you bugerfucker
So because they did, it's ok for you to?
Lol, complete misreading on my part, thought you were saying the opposite of what you said.
It certainly is biblical.
Republicans are the devil.
>love everyone
retarded, jesus talks often and explicitly about the eternal pain of the damned
>equality rights
>nothing wrong with helping people while theyre in transit and eventually going to start supporting themselves
Which means you don't support the welfare state, and support willing charity?
One of them actually read the bible.
It's a god damn metaphor you faggot op.
>kike revised this thing, i better follow it to the letter
you must be braindead