>have Catholic grade school a few blocks from home >was always majority, if not entirely white >they have annual summer festival with rides and games and beer tent for adults >nigger children (up to 20yo have been confronted so far) begin to flood neighborhood >was always nice, quaint little fest with parents taking kids and playing games together >last 5ish years they require 2 gang units and 1 sheriff paddy wagon >niggers always leave trash everywhere and walk through back yards trespassing and littering >2 yrs ago around 10:30pm sounds like a fight or rape in my front lawn >neighbor and I each exit front door simultaneously with firearms drawn >nothing but a friendly nigger group brawl on both of our properties >he fires into the air, they scatter like Turks >rinse fucking repeat for 2 more years
Tomorrow begins round 4 and I'm about fucking done. The niggers get bolder and don't pay for the houses they buy up closer to white haven. Probably gonna set the house up so the niggers try to "break in" and steal shit. Castle law and stand your ground state so I'm trying to kill a few nigger children this weekend. AMA and how do I keep niggers at bay since poor white liberal college students are now gentrifying their designated areas?
Wait for Trump to enact even more draconian no-tolerance laws so we can double the number of nigger males in prison from 10% to 20% of their total population
Colton Ward
That's entrapment my g, careful. Very hard to prove but your sack isn't the only thing you're risking.
Ryder Thompson
just let the diversity happen, its for the best. offer your daughters hand in marriage to the tribal elder negro
Lucas King
'go to bed' early pajamas and all (in the nude would work wonders desu) then wait. you hear shit shoot shit. You can also leave a window open/unlocked but don't stay too near it because as others have said entrapment.
Xavier Bailey
They say niggers hate classical music, maybe all you need to do is blast Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries
Adam Wood
The trap is basically shutting all first floor lights off except the one shining on our China cabinet. All doors will be locked, but a few more obviously expensive items will be placed in the cabinet.
I figure that's not really a trap, its just nigger bait.
Liam Cruz
I like the idea but I don't want to constantly disturb my white neighbors. Ill probably go with in the hall of the mountain king or ave maria for this weekend tho, thanks.
Jose Morris
>nigger children (up to 20yo have been confronted so far) begin to flood neighborhood This is what happened in many Catholic neighborhoods. The government intentionally moved blacks into Catholic ethnic neighborhoods to create "white flight."
There is a lot of data on this. When Catholics had the ethnic neighborhoods, Catholics were strong. Hollywood was under the Catholic thumb, through the Legion of Decency. WASP's tried to reign in the degeneracy of Hollywood, but failed. The Catholics strong-armed the Jews into submission. >en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Legion_of_Decency
This fell apart after WW2. They snuck in a tit in a movie about the Holocaust, and the Church in America remained silent because...Holocaust. It was downhill from there.
But, the destroying of the Catholic ethnic neighborhoods was a psyop to destroy Catholic power, sending Catholics to the suburbs. And in the suburbs, the only thing in common you have with your neighbors is... what you watched on TV last night. Sports. Nothing of substance at all.
If you're interested in how the Jews and Quakers (yes, the protestant Quakers aided the Jews in breaking up Catholic neighborhoods), check out this video (and the book). youtube.com/watch?v=4k2GLdJK1nI
Jaxon Martin
OP idgaf who you are but you gave enough info I can figure out where you might be. Cross referencing festival, Catholic school, and dead nigger in home invasion wouldn't be hard. Setting traps is illegal.
Josiah Reed
>I can prove things on an anonymous website
kys. Also the news never reports this shit so good luck on that, faggot.
Noah Wilson
Killing a Negro in self defense doesn't get national fucking attention? How anonymous did George Zimmerman stay?
Brandon Gutierrez
Back roof bathroom window is open nigger. I want to smell your metallic insides all over my house while i wait for the police to scrape whats left for evidence.
Josiah Scott
Sounds like a plan. kek
Jordan Jones
Don't reply to obvious Honeypot
Nathaniel Edwards
interesting photo. David spade is hamming it up as if he's the sleazeball character that he plays in a sitcom from 5 years ago. But the girl is not pleased. if you don't believe the facial expression, look at the way she grasps the piece of clothing in her hands.
Asher Parker
I'm a little too drunk to read through all your source material, but I generally blame the government and niggers for the nigger problem.
Colton Gomez
The cops will say, "Mustve felt good to kill that fucking nigger right bro?"
And you'll go into every fucking detail to show off.
Then after incriminating yourself you'll do 85 years.
You're not smart or quiet enough for this. Abandon it.
Michael Bell
Paranoid much? Are you saying they set up a trap thread about nigger trap. Fuck that's so fucking clever
Grayson Campbell
Good luck, make sure you have paid your intruder defence tax so you have the right to defend your house. I renewed mine last month after it lapsed.
Adam Garcia
you could just leave a poisoned watermelon or poisoned fried chicken
Ayden Cruz
You spelt clinton wrong
Hunter Butler
Nigger. I'll be sober for that. Come find my house if it makes the news. I'll have my first kill at that point and won't be at all nervous. I'll probably have time to look in your eyes and ask your name.
Having expensive property on display in your home isn't a trap, its nigger bait. Want to fault me? Fault niggers for stealing nice white people property. They'll die as soon as they set foot in my house. 00 buck then 3" mag slugs alternating. Those nigger families won't have enough to put in a coffin.
Juan Watson
This is a man who knows how to do this right OP.
Christopher Jones
Just be careful man
Brayden Gomez
If you're dumb enough to brag here you're dumb enough to brag to the cops or your friends who will likely narc on you. Do what you will, but factor your IQ and big mouth into your planning process. Later gator.
Kevin Rodriguez
why does this bitch look like Ducky from land before time??
Ian White
That's illegal, I want to kill them scott free. Breaking into my home is my get out of jail card and a nigger can't resist taking someone elses nice things.
Lincoln Gray
Based post. Jews openly admit to it as well
Jason Gray
Gtfo nigger
Leo Russell
Make your neighborhood more expensive
Adrian Williams
Niggers and spics need to live in their own lands. I say give them each a few states here.
>"Its like an invasion, saidThomas Kelaher, Toms Rivers three-term mayor, whos fielded complaints from the North Dover section since mid-2015. Its the old throwback to the 1960s, when blockbusting happened in Philadelphia and Chicago with the African-American community -- I want to buy your house. Youll be sorry if you dont. It scares the hell out of people."
Hudson Scott
God, those tits
Christian James
It's probably the 2nd most expensive area of my city. I work with Norfolk southern so we aren't hurting. The most expensive is full of elderly and bullshit HoA restrictions that I don't have the time to comply with.
Fuck you nigger spic.
Ryder Barnes
home defense solution: budget shotties 200 dollars. used glocks 9mm 400.
Juan Martinez
Make it look like you're rich or you just bought something big and expensive. Niggers LOVE an easy target. You better make sure you're prepared though, or your time on this earth will be over. They are like feral dogs and will have no problem killing you at all if you screw up.
> Create only one way in/out (make it easily "breachable" so they enter from that point.
> Create a way to turn off all the lights so they won't be able to see when they're scared (it's ok, you're familiar with the layout of your house)
> After they enter, stand at the entrance, scare the shit out of them (they will instantly run for the same entrance they came through with you already waiting there for them), then start popping them with a shot gun as they try to leave. It'll be like "duck hunt".
Caleb Nelson
>Local man posted racist plan to commit premeditated murder on white supremacist website
I can see the headlines now. This is just fantasy this guy won't, and shouldn't do this.
Nathan Nguyen
Sounds like a plan.
Michael Sanchez
Is there something in your mind that makes you unusually preoccupied with the idea of black men?
Jackson Price
better hide this computer if you end up shooting someone then isnt she 14 why is she in a bar
Michael Sullivan
I know Jews are the primary enemy, but you can't practically fight them. Even a cross word is anti semitism and a death sentence anymore. Niggers are a real and tangible threat I can confront and stave off.
Dylan Davis
Yeah, violent crime and property destruction/theft rates. Nigger.
Lincoln Young
Assume that everything you do online can be traced back to you in the event of say, a murder trial. Now think about how you'll look in front of a jury. And don't tell me it won't matter because it will.
Eli White
Go and fuck a kangaroo you homo from down-under aka rectum
Jackson Price
what's your mailing address and caliber you shoot? i'll send you a case of ammo
Parker James
>property destruction/theft rates You mean destruction of small, tight white vaginas?
Ian Miller
That's too much. All I need is them to break in. Will add more expensive property that's visible from the front yard. Have a few semi auto rifles and handguns and 3 shotguns. All always loaded. All i need is to get them in the house.
Dominic Mitchell
No, I know. The blockbusting issue is not just a Jewish thing, it's a Protestant thing, too. Protestants gave themselves over to contraception after they changed their doctrine on it in 1930. WASP ruling class got worried that the Catholic population was continuing to grow while their numbers were dwindling. Thus the major propaganda war for birth control began in Catholic circles. Canadian Bishops dissented. Notre Dame apostatized.
I literally moved my family out of a neighborhood two years ago because of Muslim immigration. Crime skyrocketed. I completely understand. But, user, don't do anything stupid like set a trap. The only trap your setting is for yourself.
Be vigilant and protect your family. Return to prayer.
Cooper Ross
>have Catholic grade school a few blocks from home Lel.
Daniel Morales
Don't bite OP. It might be set up, you know Honeypot
Andrew Hall
>pornstar >tight/small
pick one
Brody Parker
I press my own and collect brass from the range. Thanks tho.
Camden James
>unusually preoccupied >nigger vocab
Verbal IQ too high.
Prognosis: kike.
David Evans
Leave a big pitcher of purple anti-freeze on the porch.
Adam Hughes
If they break into my home with all doors and windows locked just because I have nice things visible from the front of my house and I'm found guilty then the killing will continue. Aryan brotherhood is prominent in my states prisons.
Nolan Cook
>Leave a big pitcher of purple anti-freeze on the porch. And don't forget the bananas
Carson Ross
True, they just need to come inside unwelcomed and you're good to go. At the very least, I'd say have your rifles locked and loaded. with one in each main room so you're always prepared just in case they get the drop on you (this is something you don't want to leave to chance). I have an AR-15 myself that I keep ready because I've been seeing a lot of questionable negroids runny amuck near my neighborhood (east Texas).
It's getting worse and worse out here. I need to get moved up north where they haven't invaded yet and either prepare ourselves for what's to come, or prepare ourselves to move back to the homeland and fight for it (England).
Noah Sanchez
don't go no 7 buckshot. no 4 at least.
Logan Fisher
>thinking vaginal tightness is affected by penises inside >being this virginal
Juan Rogers
>unusually preoccupied My home, my entire neughborhood is about to be swarmed with destructive, thieving niglets but it's my strange Freudian obsession. Get out of my country.
Aiden Sanchez
I've got 4 rounds of no 1 for starters, followed by 3 slugs in case they've found cover after the opening volley.
Dominic Young
>as if he's the sleazeball character that he plays in a sitcom from 5 years ago david spade has been crawling in 19yo hollywood pussy for 15 years. the dude is a legend.
Elijah Hill
I was referring to the blacked shill
I by no means wish to imply your concerns are unwarranted.
I share them.
I've got a 9 in arms reach and a shotgun at the foot of my bed.
Jordan White
a perfect snack pairing
Christopher Flores
Eli Davis
would be cautious, you haven't given enough information at this point to be dangerous to yourself, but if you did proceed to blast a nigger in otherwise legal situation, you've given more than enough for some kike attorney to civil suit the fuck out of you, if you didn't get some huge backlash and wind up with nignog brigade pressing your local DA for a 1st degree murder conviction
extremely unlikely, but supposedly eric "bike lock faggot" clanton's kike lawyer is going for a "b-b-but offensive nazi kkk rally and Sup Forums conspiracy" defense
leftfags are scared, look for them to push back at us any way they can figure out. i'm sure its not all that hard to find faggot liberal IT majors at universities they can rally to their cause.
more than likely open and shut "oh dead nigger burglar! hold on, we'll call the body snatchers" case, but be careful my friend
Landon Sanders
Really admire Spade's sleeper skills. He's a fucking Hefner incognito.
Jose Thompson
Because Ducky is thick.
Jonathan Sullivan
My apologies, I'd move your shotgun to your headboard. It's easy to find 10 cent brackets for mounting.
Juan Ramirez
Called "Purple Haze" with the hint of banana. kek
Thomas Adams
Lmao oh stormboy you are so cute!
Nathan Carter
You mean David "Dig into it like with a spade" Spade?
Hunter Walker
if the orcs are coming you need tactical shotty 5 + 1 with recoil pad, not that elmer fudd shit.
Wyatt Turner
Are you talking about Springfest in Coon Rapids MN?
Coon Rapids has always lived up to its name. Fridley is worse.
Brody Barnes
Really you shouldn't tell us if you're serious
Aaron Flores
>faggot liberal IT majors
Those types won't be worth shit at producing results
I say give them niggers hell.
If the kikes want some, give them hell too.
Cede not one inch!
David Wood
Thanks for the heads up, im not giving anymore personal details about my location or anything that could be tied to me. Hopefully nothing will happen, I'd love it if they didn't show up. It would just be tipsy parents walking around with their kids carrying a giant stuffed animal.
If I do make headlines keep and eye out because if I'm going down, it won't end there.
Dylan Johnson
Who's the girl?
Michael Anderson
>being this much of cuck Ya keep believing that. I'm sure your gf only had 3 partners. You want to trust her right?
You should listen to that guy mate. Nobody here is against the idea of dead niggers, but we don't want you to do life without parole.
There's already a precedent for this. A man very much like you had niggers who constantly robbed his home. He baited them into robbing it again while he was home and executed them, and now because the police figured out he baited them he's doing life without parole.
You are not smart enough to pull this off.
Xavier Perez
I was never a white nationalist until niggers became a very real problem. My hand was forced nigger. No, only mean to MN once in my life, sorry to hear it's a wide spread problem. My neighbors and I are working to petition the shutdown of this festival. If having nice things in your locked home is a crime then I'm done playing by the rules and would rather kill niggers in prison than become Germany or Sweden.
Thomas Fisher
just rack the shotgun and inform the african gentelman of colour they have the wrong house
Missoula man baited a German guy, killed him, and was convicted.
Jaxson Williams
The guy that happened to left his garage door open with goodies inside and sat their in a dark corner with his gun ready to shoot. This is not going to happen to OP. As long as he doesn't just wait there in a dark corner with his gun out while leaving his front door open with a sign that says i'm am extremely wealthy and have many valuable goods inside he won't be prosecuted.
Jaxson Phillips
>Kaarma's lawyers argued at trial that he feared for his life, didn't know if the intruder was armed, and was on edge because his garage was burglarized at least once in the weeks before the shooting. They said under Montana's "stand your ground" law, Kaarma's actions were justifiable because he feared for his family's safety.
Prosecutors maintained that after the previous burglary, Kaarma was intent on luring an intruder into his garage and then harming that person. That night, Kaarma left his garage door partially open with a purse inside.
At trial, neighbors testified that Kaarma's girlfriend, Janelle Pflager, told them of the couple's plans to bait an intruder and catch a burglar themselves because they believed police weren't responding to area break-ins.
Nathan Long
>Literally talking about committing murder in ITT. This is why this board needs to be shut down. We're an image board, not ISIS.
Lucas Watson
Second this. Nigger Falls (aka coon rapids) deteriorated quickly
Leo Hernandez
Turn the other cheek like a good Christcuck. We are all one in Christ's light, after all! Now excuse me, I need to go prep the bull and then go to church.
Hunter Butler
>He baited them into robbing it again So maybe OP should put a sign "niggers are not welcomed in this house" and wait with his arsenal, would that be considered as not baiting even actually discouraging
Levi Bell
Please make a thread on Monday with results!
Hunter Lewis
Why is setting a trap illegal? Just because their is bait doesn't mean they didn't commit a crime.
Ayden Russell
op only defend against orcs in your home if you feel your life is in danger. they will ethier charge you (shoot), retreat (don't shoot) or shit in their pants (call PD). I have fullfilled my legal obligations.
Ryder Perry
guy was asian, pic related is his kid and wife
Colton Cook
Nope, they die if they step foot into my home. Thank you. I won't leave all my doors open with cash on the door mats. All doors and windows will be locked, but my best shit will be visible. That is not bait. It is not a crime. LEGAL murder. It's called self defense nigger.
Matthew Rogers
>>Literally talking about committing murder in ITT. Murder? What about civil duty
Luke Peterson
Will do leafy wheats. Image will be the same, I'm guessing 95% chance nothing happens. Castle law state, shoot to kill.