Part 1
The school is Oglethorpe University in Brookhaven, GA (part of Atlanta, GA)
Illegal immigrant college student bragging about being illegal again
Part 2. Actually blood boiling to have people flaunt not having citizenship in people's faces
She seems nice
>be illegal immigrant
>be DREAMer
>wake up because someone dumped ICE on you
fucking tacos
Wtf is she on about? If she qualified for DACA then she isn't undocumented. Is she retarded?
Has anyone notified ICE?
there's not much point reporting these, they always find someone to marry so they can't be deported, like that mexican girl who bragged about a 4.0 gpa on twitter
How can you let illegals go to Univerity/College without legal documentation? Why does this happen in America?
"Thank you, your submission has been received." at least 1 tip sent
>Be Sup Forums
>Spend time reporting 21 year old catholic mexican graduates to ICE
>Tyrone takes TV
>be illegal immigrant
>spend several years and full of endless sleepless nights to earn a degree
>publicly ask to be deported from the country, effectively making degree useless
Report her parents too, itll hurt moar
Nice try, based Trump said he would take care of the dreamers. If he was going to repeal DACA he could have on day one by executive order. Based God Emperor understands that the dreamers give vibrancy to this great multicultural nation.
DACA illegals have already started being deported, shill
just like that treats herself to our country like a fucking gold digger I swear.. same ol' shit
>tfw I have to stay here for two years for a 1million lawsuit
>when I get that money Cali will fuck me
>MAGApedes always stand ready to defend based Trump, savior of the dreamers
who cares?
Problem solved.
Aww, she doesn't look like a bad immigrant...
Nevermind, reporting her to ICE right now.
Private industry.
lol me 2
Reported her.
Keep up phone calls and reports, you faggots. If homeland security keeps hearing her name over and over again, then they might think that she's some real deal illegal freeboater and thus, a high priority target.
Why? She already has a degree and is planning on staying. Hasn't committed any crimes and can contribute to this country. It's not like shes some trashy criminal. Most importantly, keep the hot woman, deport their men. Don't be stupid now. Immigration sucks in Europe b/c its a bunch of young horny restless men who don't share any of our values and don't want to integrate. Shes probably some catholic raised hispanic. Only thing I see bad here is that she is a vote for the left.
tldr don't be an asshole
Get her ICE'd effective immediately
Why should she have the right to study for free here when I'd have to pay out the ass to get a degree in yurop? On top of that, let's assume I did, would I assume that automatically entitles me to citizenship in any European country? No, things don't work that way.
deport yourself, jackass.
I've already tipped ICE. fuck you.
Anyone laugh libshits are racist and always find the whitest person they can find to spread their exploitive ideas upon nations.
Are you the spic-bitch in OP's pic related?
the temerity of kids who promote that they are ILLEGAL. That diploma doesn't mean a fucking thing if the bitch is dumb enough to out herself.
fuck off racist, and thanks for your job and the degree faggot. Now i'm going to go fuck some big black man at the club and cuck you while you watch white boi.
jk though. All i'm saying is that shes already here and can be used as an asset as long as her degree isn't something gay like woman's studies. She's educated, a young good looking female, bilingual. Or we can just deport her already. She already got in and used this country. Now shes at that stage were she can get a job and pay taxes and benefit the society.
>Her parents even have Facebook
College is a scam and if the shekels flow nothing else matters
They all have to go back
For every success, there's a....
How does an undocumented immigrant even graduate from a university?
I was born here and it takes me hours to open a bank account.
Repeat after me
wow ogelthorp is an expensive school in downtown atlanta. i bet she went for some sorry ass gender studies degree though
They get preferential treatment by administrators who think it's cute.
Keep saying that word you worthless fucking niggerlover