We win, nationalism has won

Libshits and never-trumpers can offically shut the fuck up.

Shills are on fucking suicide watch right now. Their worst nightmares are coming true, Trump is doing what he said he was going to do. All of it. I bet we'll even get a fucking wall.

8 years libshits. We're fisting your loose worn out assholes for 8 years.

Other urls found in this thread:


Keep sucking Jewish cock faggot he is going to sell you out and you're going to thank him for it you cuck.

How much did you get for this post?

>every elitist Jew on suicide watch
>soros in tears in Europe today
>bilderburgs doing an emergency meeting in Virginia
>n-..no shut up faggot! Trump is a shill! s-..stop it :(

Hahahahahaahahahha horrible day to be a shill

And I thought the shills would love Cassidy Banks.

Good attitude. Rub it in. Push harder.

Liberals win because they NEVER stop pushing. We have to be the same.

>bilderburg meeting in virginia

awhat now

I decided last year that Cassidy banks is the sexiest woman alive, no discussion it's fact
I am spamming my facefuck account right now. Libshit environmentalist cult members on full meltdown.

Soros basically just surrendered today and admitted he lost and that he's fucking

>"w-well, maybe we can regroup in 5 years"

LOL OLD WRINKLY FAGGOT GET THE IN THE GRAVE ALREADY. Shills, libshits, globalist elites, college professors, millenials and never-trumpers BLOWN. THE. FUCK. OUT. ETERNALLY.

pic related, how we should be every day

It's funny, because Hitler also had Jews in his Administration, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Bilderburg faggots got their assholes fisted so hard by Trump today, that they are having a "secret emergency meeting" at a rented out hotel in Virginia.

Billionaire jewish bankers getting BTFO'd by rural and suburban retards and autistic NEETs making memes in microsoft paint. Literally just going to spin clockwise on double sided dildos crying about what to do.


>Trump is doing what he said he was going to do. All of it.

But he isn't. Might want to head over to reddit to discuss this further with your fellow pedes.

That's a regular Bilderberg meeting, you shill. And Trump's cabinet is there.

>This year's group includes Mr Trump's Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, his National Security Adviser HR McMaster

>but he isn't

But he is, might want to head back to TRS and have a circle jerk over a Richard's new podcast starring three low-test betas with history degrees discussing how we can reject egalitarianism in the future. That might be more soothing for your LARP fantasies

>8 years

Good goy

go back to 'ddit you dumb kike loving cuck

>Leaf flag
>thinks opinion matters

Im ok with this

I've never been so proud of a president

t. shariablue

Merkel and the Greens are pretty butthurt right now, he must have done something right.

You're only going to fuck yourselves.

>regular bilderberg meeting

Yeah their all fucking secret. They rented out an entire hotel so nobody else can stay there, planted new trees out front so nobody could see in, and hired a mob of security guards so nobody can get in.

lad ive just woke up,what about soros? you shitting me mang?

There is no reason to stop either just fucking bury them over the next eight years

>But he is

No, he isn't. He's already flip-flopped on some of his promises, such as declaring China a currency manipulator. You can argue what he did in Saudi Arabia also goes against the spirit of his campaign. Choose your words wisely and don't say he will do "all of it".

No niggers look at this shit. Look at this wrinkley little faggot


Nice proof shill KYS

>Yeah their all fucking secret.
Yes, they are. But this is not an "emergency meeting". It's a regular one which was scheduled already.

Worry about the sorry fucking state of affairs you find yourself in you deluded cuck. The world has moved on from Treudeau

>deserving of a (You)

Nationalism won't win because the white nationalists will just get louder and freak everyone out so they vote against them.

You might want to read the sticky before you use a tu quoque fallacy.

You might want to learn the difference between an opinion and a fact. Cuck.

I do know the difference. I posted a fact. You posted an opinion.

No. Liberals are losing because they kept pushing when everyone was pretty much okay with them being ahead.
You can enjoy being the dominant ideology as long as you compromise and work with the opposition.
When everyone against whatever bullshit they were pushing turned into "LITERALLY HITLER" every normal central person (the vast majority) saw through the bullshit and pushed back.
It's just a pendulum, the harder you push the harder it swings back, balance is the key to political victory.

I agree with this post 100%! Trump did let me down on moving our Embassy to Jerusalem. I want to move it to start shit with the Palestinians. While you fucks wanna attack a Trump supporter like OP I wanna turn 100% on our enemies. KSA has been an ally of Yisrael and the United States for 3 decades. They need us a lot more than we need them. KSA is not buying. M16. They are buying Systems, that we wrote the software, wink, so just chill out. We are fucking the EU shit less. Demanding they pay their NATO bill on Top making them think they need population. Now we can go into this "zones" that were once Doucheland and make the fuck out of money in sweat shops.
We have so much energy we actually sold diesel fuel to the Saudis and Yisrael. Made a killing.
America First.

Where. Oh that's right you didn't did you cuck you just made an assumption.

the_donald is so fucking cringey

In a democracy with half of population bitterly against tradition and it's own identity, nationalism will never win a decisive victory, all conquests are always 4 years away from total regression.

>Where. Oh that's right you didn't did you cuck you just made an assumption.

No, I posted a fact.
He said he would declare China a currency manipulator. He didn't.
He was railing against Saudi Arabia during the campaign, and significantly softened his position after taking office.

Just because I don't suck Trump's cock doesn't make me a leftist, you fucking moron.

It makes you a cuck comming in here bleating while your country is turning to shit (this is an opinion not a fact) Comprehend you retarded fucking cunt?

>Hillary For Prison!?

This is some sort of neo-nationalism in a globalized world though.

Nationalism has never been tried in an environment like ours today. This is a time when nationalism is not a result of stupidity and poverty, but as a practical option.

You really are from reddit.

edgy but relevant

No i just loathe Canadians, you are shit, your people are shit, your country is shit. If i could i would genocide weak effeminate cucks like yourself and there is nothing you could do to stop it from happening. Instead we must suffer your feeble attempts at black pilling everyone else who actually has a real shot of pulling up and away from the liberal madness engulfing your nation. Now go fuck yourself you worthless limp wristed sack of shit.

Sieg Heil.

no proof

Is that a new zealand flag? Either way youre fucking jealous of someone

religion poll: strawpoll.me/13091457

You sound like an edgy teenager. Just stop embarrassing yourself.