Racist jokes from liberal friends & family

Anyone got friends or family who are "Drumpf" hating liberals, yet you've seen/heard them make a bunch of racist jokes before?

Out of nowhere at a recent family dinner my liberal uncle tells us that he recently found out there was a black person in our family tree... "he was just hanging there", he says.

I was startled for a quick second that we had nigger blood in our heritage and was disgusted he thought it was something to be happy about, but I quickly busted out laughing once I got the joke.

Everyone laughed at that (no discomfort or awkward laughs either) and at many other hilarious racist jokes he told throughout dinner. Even some really dark, graphic ones. I was loving it, although I was a tad confused since all these people were fiercely opposed to "Drumpf" and even talked about it in other conversations that night. Their best argument was literally "he's just so stupid & crazy".

Anyone have similar family members or friends?

Other urls found in this thread:


One of my good friends absolutely hates blacks and talks about wanting to see them get lynched and how she is disgusted when she sees them at work. She voted for Hillary and hates Trump with a passion though.

Liberals are the most racist ppl. They love being racist but pretending to be morally virtuous at the same time. Basically they do nothing wrong and its everyone else's fault.

I have a day of the week where some family and a really close circle of friends have a text chain we call "Republican Wednesday". We're all extremely liberal but love stuff that isn't fucking PC because it's just plain out funny. I'm a liberal leaning independent but would have voted for Romney had Paul fucking Ryan not been chosen as his VP. Paul Ryan is the fucking devil and Trump is one of his puppets. Trump is a fuck. He has no clue what he's doing. He is literally so confused everyday and you can see him just losing his mind slowly (which kind of shows how stressful being president really is and how he's the first in my generation who is literally losing his shit from how hard it is.) Paul Ryan is an evil fuck who is the only thing between us removing that idiot of a president that we have.

I want to vote for a republican guys...I can't do it with Paul Ryan, Trump, McConnell....not when they are leading the party.

>tfw Romney should be in his second term if it weren't for Paul Ryan ruining a good option for independent voters.


Every single SJW I know in real life used to say racist shit constantly before becoming an SJW

This leads to me to believe one of two things:

1. They subconiously believe they are atoning for the sin of being a horrible racist person (which they really are) by becoming an SJW. They assume that everybody else are as vindictive as they are, which is why they are so aggressive with their SJW ideology.

2. SJWs do not actually give a shit about racism and just use it as a talking point to silence opposition over whatever subject they want to shut them up about

>Paul Ryan is an evil fuck
yes agreed, I live in Wisconsin (his homestate) and people think he's a massive faggot
>Trump is his puppet
lmao definitely not. Paul Ryan is a retarded little bitch, a public sector employee. He does not understand how ANYTHING in the real world works, which showed during Trump's election.
>Trump is losing his mind day by day
I think just the opposite, seems like he is becoming sharper and more effective with each month that goes by.

effective at what exactly? honest question.

Pushing through a nationalist agenda in an environment full of wall-street politicians and billionaire globalists, despite having 0 political experience.

He has already done everything that I voted for him to do, actually.

what substantial action has he really taken though? it's mostly been just bullshit like an EO to "Look into building the wall...maybe...at some point" from my point of view. I'm not into him at all...but really it seems like has no clue...this shit today for example...it will change very little...it's all symbolic...he's just being an asshole.

>pulled out of TPP
>removed most of Obama's pointless environmental regulations that hurt multiple industries
>banned Islamists in Michigan from performing female genital mutilation
>illegal immigration down by 70%
>NATO already contributing more
>put sanctions on Canadian lumber
>put limitations on lobbyists, fucking finally

Bunch of other shit but that's all I can think of off the top of my head. Anti-Trump people always tell me that he hasn't done anything, but this seems like a lot to me.

>this shit today is just symbolic

All he has to do is stop participating with the contract and quit carbon tax. That's all there is to it.

All liberals are racist themselves.

Its all about virtue signaling to make them look tolerant of all races on the outside.

I hope you drink bleach Code Blue shill.

>>pulled out of TPP


>>removed most of Obama's pointless environmental regulations that hurt multiple industries

Fucking over the entire Great Lake Restoration project and thus affecting the drinking water of 5 states that gave him the election.

>>banned Islamists in Michigan from performing female genital mutilation

Lol no thats not how the law works. She did it. She was caught. She was jailed. It's already law. She broke it. He didn't ban shit.

>>illegal immigration down by 70%

Legitimate study/source please.

>>NATO already contributing more

Legitimate study/source please.

>>put sanctions on Canadian lumber

Trudeau is an actual politician. He's going to cuck Trump hard somehow. I guarantee it. He's a scummy fuck who pretends to be the coolest PM ever while drilling oil wells as deep as he fucking can. I don't care about the oil drilling there..do it I don't care if it's in canada...but the way he lowkey is an asshole playing emotions is downright filthy.

>>put limitations on lobbyists, fucking finally

By saying the people that work directly for him in the WH can't lobby anymore? That's like 50 people. What about congress?

Fuck you faggot I'm no shill.

I came here expecting a racist joke thread

What's the difference between a dead dog in the road and a dead nigger in the road?




There's skidmarks in front of the dog.

What do people and jellybeans have in common?

Nobody likes the black ones.

(I don't like that joke because it implies blacks are humans)

>proof of decreased illegal immigration
There's a bunch of studies/reports. Here's one

>that's not how the law works
This was the first time It was enforced in a long time

>nato spending more

>limitations on lobbyists

You win. I clicked on the links and started getting pop up windows. Thanks for the virus from your bullshit links that I shouldn't have clicked on because they are fake news like the one about the female genital mutilation.

>he's going to cuck trump on canadian lumber

Anything could happen. I think Trump's main goal is to get the dairy industry in Wisconsin moving, so he put a tariff on Canadian lumber.

Also coal mines just opened up as well.

Lmao dude they're fine I just scrolled through it

Liberals are fucking morons. Being racist has absolutely nothing to do with Trump. Liberals just try to divide everyone based on color in order to try and secure votes based on party rather than principles.