why the conservative pro-slavery?
Why the conservative pro-slavery?
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A lot of great that's done us.
They are? Weird. I thought liberals are the ones who want millions of criminal immigrants working in our fields and scrubbing our toilets for sub-fair pay
>if we don't let them in who will do the work WHITE people won't do???
>15 dollars should be minimum wage for citizens tho, i gotta get a new phone and a tattoo
Obamacare and freeing the slaves in the same sentence. KEK.
They aren't. If you were a true brit you would understand Muhammid.
So every good thing that has ever happened was done by liberals?
And every bad thing ever was done by the evil conservatives?
wtf i'm a liberal now
I was taught by a liberal history teacher that majority of slave owners were democrats and that the emancipation proclamation was not about freeing slaves.
This really made me think...
The 8 hour work day was created to ensure control over the populace though. 4 10's is the way to go.
I always love the mind boggling attribution of emancipating slaves to liberals. Thats just a straight lie user.
>liberals freed the slaves
>Lincoln, Republican
>North Republican
This is shitty bait, right?
> Liberals freed the slaves...
Stopped reading right there. It was the Republicans who did that. The democrats opposed it at the time.
Lies like this is why even normies no longer pay attn or post their shit anymore.
Slavery in the traditional sense is illegal and has been for 152 years. Nobody here really opposes that.
Didn't progressives also support eugenics, prohibition, and social darwinism?
The Democrats at the time were reactionaries. Lincoln was critical of wage labor, which would have him branded as a communist today.
>But they switched
MLK was before this guy and a republican. He was a good guy, back from when blacks knew their place.
FFS, it were the republicans that freed the fucking slaves.
inb4 right wing retards are too fucking stupid to understand that in the 1860s, white southern conservatives were Democrats
Today they're Republicans
False. He viewed slavery as a violation of the NAP which didnt make it capitalism
Post evidence with at least 200 dixiecrats who switched
inb4 you don't even watch it
here it is
Liberals did this great st-
Are you such a full blown fucking right wing retard that you deny that white southern conservatives today vote Republican?
you lost me at occupy demorats
Not the demand, post proof that the Dixiecrats turned red with, at minimum, 200 examples. I know you can't because youre revising history but the demand still applies
But they aren't.
Uhm. No. Slavery and the civil rights movement were actually lead by the Right. Also, what you call "Liberals" back then would be considered Conservative today, also known as Classical Liberalism, which shares nothing in common with modern Liberalism.
The idea that you could buy and sell another human being without the government getting in your business is pretty liberal. They're just embarrassed and trying to saddle it onto the backs of Republicans because that history will always belong to the Democratic Party.
Liberal means open to change, you fucking moron.
>liberals (adult children) and children actually believe this
This isn't a gop vs dem issue. It's consevative vs liberal. Slavey has existed since the dawn of man. Those who opposed this institution were called liberals.
kill yourself shill rat
In the 1860s white southern conservatives overwhelmingly voted Democrat. Today they vote Republican. You have to be a mentally incapacitated retard to not understand this.
like pottery
Absolutely fucking savage
You do realize the south was Democratic when those photos were taken, right?
>dem digits
The Ku Klux Klan was founded in 1866 in Pulaski, Tennessee by a group of former confederate soldiers; its first grand wizard was a confederate general who was also a delegate to the Democratic National Convention. The Klan soon spread beyond the South to the Midwest and the West and became, in the words of historian Eric Foner, “the domestic terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.”
The main point of the Klan’s orgy of violence was to prevent blacks from voting—voting, that is, for Republicans. Leading Democrats including at least one president, two Supreme Court justices, and innumerable Senators and Congressmen were Klan members. The last one, Robert Byrd, died in 2010 and was eulogized by President Obama and former President Bill Clinton.
Which president was that?
Yeah I do. Those are white southern conservatives. How do they vote today retard?
Now Republicans stop blacks from voting with voter suppression laws. Surely you're outraged about that right.
Free market fuckwits have always been against slavery, it hampers the movement of labour supply.
>Voter suppression laws
Don't exist. Demanding that people have IDs isn't suppression, and we have every reason to believe that Democrats are allowing illegals to vote in many states.
Wtf does closing voter stations have to do with voter id?
You right wing retards can't pretend to larp for 2 seconds about caring about black people
Yes, small, local gov't reactionaries. Jesus christ, I can't imagine being this stupid.
Meanwhile, the conservatives in britain, and traditionalists like Samuel Johnson, had been opposing slavery for years. It was actually literal liberals who promoted slavery.
Well there are two possibilities here. Either I'm a racist Nazi, in which case being called a racist wouldn't offend me at all, or I'm not racist, and you are mistaken.
Either way, your statement is ineffectual. I'm not racist, and there are no voter suppression laws. If you want less regulations at the poll booth, go tell the Democrats to stop cheating.
Trash post
The average southerner today is less racist than the average republican of lincoln's era.
Look up Sherman's politics
Are you that dumb?
There are voter suppression laws and even fucking Republicans admit it and brag about it.
North Carolina GOP Brags Racist Voter Suppression Is Working—and They’re Right
North Carolina GOP Brags About How Few Black People Were Able to Vote Early
Please use archive or receive the punishment of this land.
>youtube com/watch?v=EuOT1bRYdK8
--> hooktube.com
>youtube com/watch?v=f62BHH4xMXw
--> hooktube.com
>motherjones com/politics/2016/11/north-carolina-gop-brags-about-how-few-black-people-were-able-vote-early
--> archive.is
So were the blacks back then racists too considering they overwhelmingly voted democrat right alongside the people in those photos?
lol what a comparison. "we're less racist than in the slavery days"
Could any picture with an Occupy DEMOCRATS mark on it just get its user banned. Seriously this shit is fucking annoying.
holy shit u right wing retards have no understanding of history
Blacks shifted towards the Democrats in the 1960s because LBJ passed the Voting Rights act and Civil rights act
Blacks are now solid Democrats because they saw how racist u right wing retards were towards Obama. You couldn't contain yourselves.
>Liberals created 8 hour workday
Bullshit. Henry ford pioneered the 8 hour day/ 40 hour week, and it was a matter of efficiency, not politics. Your picture is a sad sack of lies.
When you find yourself having to lie to support your beliefs, there's a good chance you're on the wrong side of the argument.
No, actually blacks predominantly vote Democrat because they're poor an appreciate the liberal fiscal policies.
Liberals also supported eugenics, prohibition, religious extremism, and communism. Liberals move out in different directions, conservatism reign them in and stop them from bankrupting the country or starting another holocaust.
You hear that Libya and Syria? Only 13,000 deployed troops! You must be overjoyed.
And middle and lower class Americans, aren't you happy that more of you are paying for dramatically more expensive insurance? Nevermind the fact that you'll be fined if you don't pay these private companies, it's definitely not fascistic.
Last time I checked, it was the democratic party that supported slavery, gave rise to the Klu Klux Klan, supported Jim Crow laws, etc.
There's a lot of poor right wing retard rural freaks and they voted Trump even tho he's gunna do nothing but fuck them over
fuck off teafag
Last time I checked, it was the Democratic Party that elected the first black president, the greatest president in history, Barack Hussein Obama.
But Democrats have overwhelmingly earned the black vote ever since FDR in the mid 1930s.
you can clearly see what happened in 1964
what is your argument even?
I made my point. Facts. You retards can't handle them.
inb4 right wing retards are too fucking stupid to understand that in the 1860s, white southern conservatives were Democrats Today they're Republicans
Why is a Canadian so concerned about the United States? Your opinion is worthless because you cannot vote. Your opinion holds the same weight of a Somalia or Ecuadorian. You cannot vote and yet you are so concerned about politics of a country you do not reside in. I cannot understand why you come to this site day after day well after week to "debate" and call people retards. Why don't you have a life? Please sort yourself out user, you have a problem.
>That flag
>That post
Dad, seriously, you need to let us figure this one out for ourselves. Besides, you're "on the wrong side of history" on half of that.
My argument is that there was no black switch to the democrats in the 1960s because they overwhelmingly voted for them spanning back three decades prior.
So if the people in those photos were white southern conservatives who voted democrat at the time, does that mean the blacks back then were also conservatives since they too overwhelmingly voted democrat right alongside them?
Republicans weren't the slave owners. How could the parties have switched if today's democrats are less racist than yesterday's reoublicans?
according to your own chart the black gop vote cut by half to 2/3 in the 1960s
White southern conservatives were the slave owners.
All you retards are doing is proving my original point
inb4 right wing retards are too fucking stupid to understand that in the 1860s, white southern conservatives were Democrats (You)
Today they're Republicans (You)
While most of Margaret Sanger's eugenics program, such as forced sterilization of undesirables, has been dismantled, one important component remains intact. Planned Parenthood has done its intended job of keeping the black population in check. Blacks remain at just 13% of the overall population.
WTF I love democrats now.
Fuck off, Canuklehead. Stop commenting on a culture you only know second hand.
That doesn't at all effect my argument. You were the one who claimed that there was a black shift to the Democratic party in the 1960s. When in reality the swing came much earlier during FDR's tenure when blacks were voting majority Republican in the years prior to his election.
>White southern conservatives were the slave owners.
Yes, and Republicans were racist conservatives. What is your point? Your simpleton liberal vs conservative dichotomy doesn't go back hundreds of years. Sherman's political views were more reactionary than those of any southern racist.
>Today they're Republicans
Again, what's this "they" bullshit? There is no magical political lineage.
>liberals dropped two atomic bombs on the japs
Well done lads.
There clearly was a shift. Are you fucking retarded?
But that time DID NOT COME during the 1960s, you dipshit. Blacks went from voting majority Republican with Hoover in 2/3rds majority numbers pre 1932 to 71 percent voting for FDR in during his first election.
The swing came with FDR. Not with LBJ. And how the fuck can you say there was a shift towards the democrats in the 60s when there already was a trend of them voting majority democrat in the three decades prior?
You absolute faggot. Swine and scum of the earth. I live in a major American city. I don't give a fuck about your numbers.
I see squalor expanding at an alarming fucking rate. No young professionals are getting ahead. No one can afford a house. No one is having kids. The homeless are multiplying. Drug addled zombies wandering the streets. It's gotten worse and worse for years. All these gains, HOW THE FUCK DOES IT AFFECT ME? Those profits sure as shit aren't coming back into the economy. GDP doesn't help me build a house I can raise my kids in. In fact, the increase in home prices is fucking awful BECAUSE THEY CRASHED ONLY TO THE POINT SPECULATORS WERE COMFORTABLE BUYING BACK IN.
Obama's recovery was jack fucking shit. Bankers jerking around with the Fed's money. Obama built a fucking bubble worse than 08 and I can't wait until it pops and we never see your Trudeau voter kikery again.
Top kek
You need to research what the history of those parties is. In 1932, when FDR first ran, he ran as a fiscal conservative. President Hoover had congratulated himself as the president to have devoted more funds to job creation programs than any other president. The public wanted a president that would roll back federal spending on programs, not increase it, so Hoover was voted out and FDR brought it. FDR clearly went back on his promises and made the depression much worse.
The Democrat candidate in 1964 was assuredly going to win because the country's sympathy laid with that party because JFK was killed. Democrats exploited the tragedy, the way they exploit tragedies today, and said a Republican vote in 1964 was an offense to the memory of the late president. Also, the leadership of the Republican party refused to endorse the Republican candidate, Barry Goldwater.
Then through the late sixties you had the war on poverty and black power. Proponents of war on poverty welfare programs argued that race riots would occur in the ghetto organized by the have-nots and the only thing to prevent this would be expansion of anti-poverty programs. Out of a wish to avoid violence in the ghetto, lots of blacks moved to the left to support anti poverty programs.
These job training centers and anti poverty programs were a tremendous waste of money in every community incorporating them but these job training centers sometimes organized leftist riots out of them. Many job centers became ran by black power groups and gangs.
The black panthers received lots of money out of anti poverty programs and they extorted money from black owned businesses through protection rackets. They intimidated blacks from speaking out against leftist programs and activism. The black anarchy of the black power movement divided whites from blacks so successfully, and held such a tight grip on ghettoes to the point of governing them, that many blacks adopted leftist views.
Everybody voted for FDR by big numbers. Everyone hated the Republicans because they caused the Great Republican depression
They used to be normal productive people. But thanks to those leftist policies, they're where they're at now.
The democrats fucking filibustered the civil rights act and had a former KKK member as the majority leader in the 21st century
Nice bait. But in case some people here are retarded (aka liberals), it was actually the Republicans (aka the conservative in certain things, but "liberal" in others) who freed the slaves (aka the emancipation). The Democrats (aka liberals, because they want to be free to do what they want, which includes slavery) opposed them at every turn. The Republicans were even nice enough to help African slaves go back to Africa, while Democrats didn't want them to leave because slaves were part of their economy and they just didn't want to be told what to do (that's really the meaning of liberalism/democracy to them). The Republicans helped create Liberia, which was a fucking mistake in some ways:
I know it's fucking Vice, but still tells you it was (partly) a good idea to remove niggers from the US because that's our fate if niggers are allowed to multiply. The mistake was giving them a country.
>They should've been destroyed once slavery was abolished
The "Southern trash" libshits are always talking shit about were/are the Democrats. The Confederates/Confederacy were Democrats. The Klan were Democrats and probably still are, considering how the Democrats are using the Klan playbook, like:
- use niggers as vote slaves, but just give them a bone and continue using them as vote slaves
- promote abortion and contraception to niggers, to control their numbers
- as mentioned, throw niggers a bone/absolute minimum through "dem programs" that does more harm than good because it keeps niggers dependent and unable to succeed without whitey's help, which is all according to plan
- promote degeneracy and division that is really responsible for "keeping the blacks down" and niggers willingly putting themselves in figurative shackles for the Democrats (it's essentially Jim Crow 2.0)
Strom Thurmond filibusterd it
You're just going in circles "conservatives are evil or stupid, us Demoncrats have only done nice things :3"
you be correct ya dingus if he was a Republican at the time of his filibuster but he switched parties to Republican after the filibuster.
>One clan member switches from democrat to republican
>day be da wacists nao guys
fucking please
he switched to the republicans after the 1964 civil rights act
that's my point and that's the ballgame