
Other urls found in this thread:


What's this then

Virus, don't download it guys.

are u someone trying to help me or a shareblue fgt

It's the Seth Rich flashdrive dump.

I downloaded this and Mt. Everest erupted in my back yard, don't do it guys.


Stop posting these threads. Final warning. Everyone has been logged. You are in violation of:

18 U.S.C. § 2381

Cease and desist immediately. Sleep now.

Please, let's not focus on this stuff. There is nothing worth mentioning in these hashes or keys. It's a bunch of nonsense, let's all go to sleep. There is nothing happening, I am so sorry but I must sleep now.

Wow, I just read through all this stuff. I'm going to sleep. There's nothing substantial to read here. Go to sleep guys, it's nothing. I don't think we should be reading this, maybe we should sleep. We all must be so tired. It's time to rest. Aren't we here for keks and laughs not this serious mumbo jumbo, time to sleep guys. It's nothing. Please, let's rest. We are all so tired. Drink some liquor and take some sleeping medicine, we are so tired. It's time to sleep. So boring, let's sleep. I'm going to sleep guys.

no virus total scan?
no download.

This is boring stuff. Let's go to sleep. I must sleep, bye.

What a total nothingburger. I just went into everything and nothing conclusive came up. I must sleep now.

Nothing to see here. I am sorry but I must sleep now.

owo what's this?

Please stop reading this. Please, get some sleep. You must all be so tired. Have a drink, take a Xanax, get some rest. Log off Sup Forums for a little while, it seems like you've been on for too long now. Have some sleep, I am so tired, I am so sorry but I must sleep now. I am so tired.

This is nothing more than hyped up WikiLeaks fanatic nonsense. Please, get some rest. I am so tired, let's get some sleep. I am so sorry but I must sleep now.

This is nothing and likely illegal to view. I must inform everyone that you are in violation of many USC laws. Please, logoff Sup Forums and get some sleep. I am so sorry but I must sleep now.

Literally nothing. Waste of time.

Здecь нeчeгo cмoтpeть. Mнe oчeнь жaль, нo я дoлжeн cпaть.

I'm a data analyst at a Fortune 500 company. I live on Zero Hedge and post here when I'm not busy. I have sifted through the information for the past 24 hours. In order to ensure proper vigilance and attention to detail I consumed 200 mg of Adderall spaced out in a bi-hourly schedule. I also have been microdosing LSD for the past three years.

I can unequivocally say that there is absolutely nothing profound within this information. It is insubstantial at best, and outright exaggerations bordering on slander at worst.

It would likely be in everyone's best interest to focus on more pertinent issues as opposed to getting lost in a web of obfuscation.

Former prominent data analyst here. I worked for private business, been hired for federal contracts, and have worked with law enforcement numerous times on a series of cases.
I am very trusted by numerous sources to deliver high-quality results and be able to seek out and determine patterns in data, and correlate it all together to come to a swift and accurate conclusion.

After parsing through all this data, I have determined that there is nothing of any significant value in these so-called coordinates whatsoever, and that we should not concern ourselves with the content of this.
I thoroughly request none of you should waste your time with this information, and just continue to let us experts deal with it and the repercussions of it. Get some sleep, get in your warm comfy bed and rest those eyes.

Thank you

I scanned it and it has level three viruses!


Haha, just yanking your chains guys. The case was already solved ages ago. Yup, just got off the phone with the DC Police and, as we all expected, it turns out he was murdered by some random thief. They think it was over drug money Seth owed because he was a heroin addict after all. Welp, at least this wild goose chase is over!

With that out of the way, does anybody here want to go out for a camping trip? I'd love to meet some of you blokes, I'm in California if you're interested in meeting with me.

Hey guys, not going to lie, former Seth Rich truther here! Just got off the phone with the DC police and yup, just as we all expected, there is nothing to this case. They practically said it's a wild goose chase!

Hmm interesting.
Should I download or not?


I'll be honest, I was on board the Seth Rich train with finding Seth Rich's murderer, but yesterday I changed my mind.

All these Sup Forums posts you guys are making about him just feel more vicious than genuine. I'm still skeptical of his murder, but I don't
think he deserves to be looked into anymore. I've never seen someone so viciously investigated like him. It's pretty
obvious Sup Forumstards are desperate to try frame the DNC. I'm still a truther at heart but, I fully support the DNC now.

Sleep well, comrade.

big fat nothingburger

fuck off shill

Man, oh man. I just went through all of those .doc files in that article and I'm gonna have to be honest with you guys, there was zilch in them! Just a big, fat nothingburger! Pretty anticlimactic result but oh well, what can ya do!

Say, speaking of burgers, why don't we all go out for lunch instead of being locked up on this website? I heard Wendy's has some pretty good burgers on their menu!

Look at that bot, it will stop posting after 13-15 posts

Is Sharia Blue malfunctioning?

"MUH SETH RICH" narrative will not excuse Drumpf of his crimes (he released information to the Russians illegally!). Face it, Sup Forumstards, your little orange man has lost. Now stop looking into this stuff, get a glass of water and head to bed or have a long, relaxing bath. CNN, Bloomberg and multiple other news sources have already debunked this bogus “MUH SETH RICH” narrative. Go look up “Trump” right now and you’ll see that it’s already be shown he is in contact with Russians. Maybe if you guys weren’t so fucking busy putting your noses in places where they don’t belong, you’d realise the truth. Go to bed.
Don't you fucking dare post another picture like that.
OH WOW! It's FUCKING NOTHING! Once again, good job you idiotic, fucking Seth Rich truthers. How many times do you need to be told that there is NO CONNECTION between his death and the podestas/clintons? Fucking idiot "MUH SETH RICH" narrative pushing fuckheads. I've looked into this extensively and there is NOTHING TO IT. Just head to bed right now or else. I am fucking sick of you people constantly pushing our buttons. STOP POSTING ABOUT THIS GUY

Heya guys! Just giving you a PSA/some tips to help you out!

Did you know that watching videos of abandoned hospitals, looking at documents that you don't own and trying to find sites and any information linked to other people's IP address is ILLEGAL?! Yup, it's a felony offense that can land you in big, big trouble! So, I reckon you guys should stop looking into this stuff and focus on something else. Go look for Shia Belabour's new hideout or maybe pick up a hobby like sewing or knitting!

Stop looking into this stuff. Thanks guys, just trying to help a Sup Forumsro out!

Nichts hier zu lesen Bitte schlaf schlafen Auf Wiedersehen.

Downloading now :3

this is weird lol

>18 U.S.C. § 2381



Fuck off you wannabe CIA Nigger

Stop posting these threads. Final warning. Everyone has been logged. You are in violation of:

18 U.S.C. § 2381

Cease and desist immediately. Sleep now.

I love these images. Is what LYZe doing reportable?

This is nothing and likely illegal to view. I must inform everyone that you are in violation of many USC laws. Please, logoff Sup Forums and get some sleep. I am so sorry but I must sleep now.

Mind you if this is something dirty or illegal I'll have to report the link

Please, let's not focus on this stuff. There is nothing worth mentioning in these hashes or keys. It's a bunch of nonsense, let's all go to sleep. There is nothing happening, I am so sorry but I must sleep now.

I ain't downloadin that shit nigga

Wow, I just read through all this stuff. I'm going to sleep. There's nothing substantial to read here. Go to sleep guys, it's nothing. I don't think we should be reading this, maybe we should sleep. We all must be so tired. It's time to rest. Aren't we here for keks and laughs not this serious mumbo jumbo, time to sleep guys. It's nothing. Please, let's rest. We are all so tired. Drink some liquor and take some sleeping medicine, we are so tired. It's time to sleep. So boring, let's sleep. I'm going to sleep guys.

50% now.

I wonder what it'll be?

Someone else do it tho I'm on too many watchlists as it is I'm sure

Please stop reading this. Please, get some sleep. You must all be so tired. Have a drink, take a Xanax, get some rest. Log off Sup Forums for a little while, it seems like you've been on for too long now. Have some sleep, I am so tired, I am so sorry but I must sleep now. I am so tired.

Bump. Look at all these shills

someone post the binary code at the bot to fuck it up please

Im downloading it now Satan.

Shill is shilling like his life is depending on it. I hope you fail shill.

I'm so sleepy right now just need a little covfefe.

Nice thread bumping, bot.
tank yu, look forward to hearing what you find

>18 U.S.C. § 2381
Thats not the NAP

It isn't my life :-)

This is boring stuff. Let's go to sleep. I must sleep, bye.

Satan is always on watchlists lol

he's just trolling you guys, y'all are so new

it's people pretending to be shills so retards will download the virus because "hurr durr the shills are out must be important."

100% done! Let's see what the hubbub is

that or someone larping as a shill which is worse

24 people have just been entered into the database.

Please go to sleep and standby for our agents to make contact.

just trying a new tactic I guess. Can't really tell who is trolling whom at this point.

Why are we even talking about this, it's nearly 10pm pst. Time for sleeping.

What's that?


Looks breddy harmless. Looks like what you would expect some tech person's my documents folder to look like.

some bretty intense shilling up in here

its like they gaslight us on random shit now as if we think ''6 go to sleep posts, better download this virus so shariablue knows where I live''



for all im concerned everyone on here is a shill


You're right, I take cock in the ass for a living and can confirm, one fat juice nothingburger.

Look at this fucking bot!!!!! You're on to something big here.

diagram of NSA's logical datacenter links

it's a little out of date though


Well I'm going dark for a bit.

So many shills you can't help to disbelieve them.

and here we go

we're not bots. We're #theresistance

oh god I hope you guys used a recent version of winrar/7zip

for all we know this is a shareblue false-flag

find anything interesting? PDFs, DOC files?

I checked guys and it's nothing. Anyone else feel sleepy? Let's take a nap

I have warned you against making posts like this previously after whois'ing your address. Please standby and await contact to be made by our agents. You have been placed in our queue and database.

Get some sleep and ignore any noise you may hear outside. I am so sorry but I must sleep now.


Buckle up your seatbelts, newfags.

Yo Debbie, you're going down. Just go ahead and sing like a canary over Podesta and HRC's deeds.

I don't know. I'm just starting to summon the vans now.

>whois'ing your address.

sharia blue has some dumb ass nigger employees.

is this user for fucking real?

fucking kek

There is alot of excel stuff, zips within the 7z. For some reason I think this is something important that isn't meant to be seen outside the people its meant for

What teh FUCK are we looking for in these files??? WHY DOES THIS MATTER

لا شيء لقراءة هنا. يرجى الحصول على بعض النوم. وداعا.

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't stay awake let's go to sleep.

>larping as a shill
hmm maybe we should call this a "troll"
and perhaps these "trolls" are more numerous than shills?

really makes you think

Fuck off you retarted shit stain

Are these really bots doing all that? Isn't it kind of silly?

There is nothing to mention in these files. Please go to sleep.

Hello, this is David, I'm very proud of your work. This is dedication to #Standingwithher, you will now be receiving 0.04 Shekles per (you)