Hey Sup Forums.
There is something about the Georgia Guidestones we should look into. (((They))) have something to do with it right?.
Give me some redpills.
Pic related. Will post more.
Hey Sup Forums
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rich man larp
This is the shit im looking into.
Last one
Fuck off kike
WTF? There's something odd there. Fuck, unless it's that's like Fly Geyser where it looks all imposing until you realize it's actually five feet tall.
Welp. Let's start looking into it before the kike shills come
Ted Turner of (((CNN))) fame has likely funded this project
He is openly anti populace, also know as population programs, definitely soft kill advocate, possible hard kill but not openly
the GGS advocate for a Yuge reduction of global population
I have this.
Scientology. Nothing to see here.
breddy globbalist do be onest wif u fom
>Avoid petty laws and useless officials
>Let all nations rule internally
>Protect people and nations
Seems based as well though
of course there must be elements of truth that appeal to human nature to sell it, I agree those are good statutes
the problem is not with the kernels of truth but with the mode of implementation and with the decision of who will be the (((fortunate ones))) that would enjoy such an Earth, because it's not you or I brother
Georgie Guidestones provide sensible suggestions to rebuild society after Trump destroys all civilisation. It's humanity's best hope for survival after apocalypse. I am thankful to the benevolent overlords who funded it.
You're right, but so are the statues. Where does that leave us?
the intermediary methods of implementation from now to then
and there is a great capacity to do it with incredible evil or ultimate compassion
as we find ourselves in history, only evil powers with incredible resources are attempting to implement these values
over throw the psychopaths and use their reason and calculations against them
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000
How do you think the global elite plan to bring the population from 7 billion to 500 mil?
you guys realise that all the immigration to first world countries is mainly due to overpopulation....r..right?
You'll find out on September 23rd.
Sure thing
But i'm just a guy on a mongolian throat singing forum
Is that when the weather cools?
>not just a guy
>a man
>always dig my brother
>Ted Turner is a monster
A retard wrote this. Only specifics given is the world population.
>fair laws and just courts
>rule with tempered reasons
>avoid petty laws
Maybe it should just say "don't be a faggot", would be less vague.
Truly the music of the brisk high mountain air
Ted Turner will be looked into
The definition of the word faggot changes with time
I was joking of course. The definition of fair is even more vague and changes from person to person.
the top 500 million would be the top 6.65% of the population
lets assume that we go by income
guess what the top 6.65% income is?
about 16,000 a year. Unless you really are a piece of third world shit you will be just fine.
if anybody can find me a better/more accurate depiction of current wages then please let me know.
That is true
This doesn't sound right
Is it taking children into account?
People that don't earn money right now but who are well off
safe burgerbro'preciate it
>find bigger fish to fry
>reveal sociology of the elite
>wisdom and the true light of understanding
>the Highest Truth
Good to know there are more renaissances to go.. we will be needing them
the evil lives within you
secure your soul
or be """captive""""
Will I get laid that day?
"we will be needing them"
>"we will be ⌂ them"
thanks bro, agreed
Hi, kike
A bunch a vague platitudes, and the only thing it isn't vague about is completely mental.
fair point. its a rough estimate. couldent image the number of people well off and children of those who make the cut would put make up that many. the majority are in the labor force.
say we cut my estimate in half then. its only the top 3.25% of wage earners that make the cut. the other half is those who are either children or elderly.
3.325% that's still 20,700 a year.
top 2% would be 25,000
top 1% of wage earners are 32,400
we are still going to need plumbers and electricians for ahwile. i think a soft billion alone would be enough. we dont need to cut down to just 500m immediately.
maybe evil is as evil does. i didn't ask to be put into a material plane where there are only a limited amount of resources available.
excuse me for having a survival instinct.
People would be fucked once a virus takes hold with so few people for genetic diversity.
blows my mind that entry level salary in USA = top 1%
Though I doubt thats the criteria they would care about
If the 500,000,000 was just whites all the rest would be solved desu
so true
you didn't ask to be be put in the material plane
and yet, the truth of manifestation has caused you to have existence, survive and establish a higher meaning to your consciousness, your being, divine trust
Blew my mind aswell.
America truly deserves to be on top.
Intelligence would make more sense, but that would mean we would be getting those with high intelligence but perhaps lower work ethic or personal drive. debate there might be if conscientiousness is environmental or genetic. either way, they are ultimately more achieving and on the mean it would be fair enough.
this is entirely speculative. 500m for me is honestly setting the bar a little too high. even though i do believe i would make the cut. I'm putting myself thru school while working full time (measly 25k a year)
Best way would probably be to take those that fit in higher, say 50k or 80k a year and then clear the entire immediate family (spouse and children) or surviving family if they died before retiring.
those that can survive on SS or personal wealth for the rest of their lives are free to. they will be gone soon anyway.
At most we would still have 1-3 billion however unlikely. a 50% drop will be well enough to manage.
Then why shouldent I try all i can to survive,even at the cost of other life?
is that not exactly what it means to live? something must die every time I eat. either animal, fruit or vegetable.
Albeit we give human beings higher importance over all of those, rightly so. But if a human being does not compete up to a certain standard in (as seen in ALL of human history) he is at a disadvantage to those that do.
We both inherit a long evolutionary line where only those that had what it took to survive would be able to continue their genetic variance in the species.
Every step you take is on the bones of a hundred million men as it is.
trying to avoid my response nihilist?
yup, this is biologically correct
but understand why virtue has importance
and why long term ethical analysis has significance, please understand human conscious sovereignty
t. 8ch nahzi
Were talking about a world where virtue is cut down and forgotten even in the face of laughter.
It grows again and cherished only as long as we have food to eat and shelter to sleep under.
The moment the lights go out we desecrate all fondness and good manner. Then, only in the soft light of instinctual protection of ourselves and those we trust can see the first signs of virtue shine again.
and then we get pic related and we have to question what have we truely distanced ourselves from, and what reflection into our hearts is entwined in shadow.
is your
God bless the who peoples
but except niggers
but nah, with them too
make them awesome guys
guide the future
Hope in myself, that i will meet what life demands of me.
Hope that I will be able to always have my siblings in my life, they are my joy, and a family of my own so i could make more.
A beautiful spouse that is equally yoked and desires a life of sacrifice to bring happy children into the world as my parents did.
I hope to see my mother just one more time and feel her embrace, atleast before I'm cast into hell.
?ho'w to prono''unce יהוה
DESU I agree with this. We should leave room for nature and cull the herd. I wouldn't mind seeing 7 billion people die.
Brought up in the Mormon faith.
I knew him as יהוה, son of אלוהים. Given endowment in temple as בר
But that was everyone's name that day.
es&kysrewarding beyond ¯
no, you are not nearly close to ready
Nobody is ready today anymore than yesterday, until they see themselves as always being "ready".
Its a foolish word, meant suppose to project a division cast of vapors when the heart is mearly what the heart is. and no division there either.
When you look at the ocean do you see only salt or only water?
Elites are fucking scum. Overpopulation is a myth. Humans ought to spread in space.
Figured as much.
You cant bother to butcher without softening the handle first. Be sure to mind those splinters.
Wow, you really are a Jew.
>>Here it is. Hope for all mankind, just 4 payments of 9.95 per month and you too can be captain planet.
As you lose value for pain, you lose value for pain in others ya ding dong.
You think that "karma" just disappears?
You want to skirt your way in with nothing short of echoes. all i get from you now is just echoes.
Hope for your sanity I don't have to spell that out too. jeez.
Agenda 2030, which is what the Paris Treaty was based off of.
they were put there by a retarded farmer who watched Zeitgeist too many times and thought it was a set of viable rules to run their dumb commie Venus project
Why they want our guns.
also the architectural equivalent of a forced meme.
deadly RNA editing, carried in three parts, as retroviral flu.
Only when someone has been infected by all 3 components does the inserted RNA form toxic proteins, making the source impossible to pin down. simple but unstoppable.
This is the truth.
Do they all say the same thing just in different languages? Trippy.