Keep your dragons and shit to yourselves.
Fuck you Australia
Other urls found in this thread:
nigger and islamic shithole
Their friendly and they kill and eat Red Backs
But Red Backs Kill snakes
fuck that
Not politics.
Also who gives a shit about women, fucking women are scum shit degenerates who have to attention whore for everything, this story included.
I can't wait until women are replaced with artificial wombs/robots so we can finally execute them and become greater beings.
That thing is tiny. What a fucking pussy.
Grow a sack burger
He Protects me when I sleep
>coin sized spider in the news
Americans truly are subhuman
Damn straya u scary
kek i wake up to spiders this size above my face almost weekly cos i live outside
That's not even big. Actual giant huntsmans like the aussies have are as big as your hand.
>aussies can't even come up with a better name to describe a red and black spider than "red black"
The fuck is that? Is that an exposed toothbrush? Near some meds?
who is their right mind banned guns on your continent when that shit goes down?
Oh shid
why would any white person want to live in a place so obviously meant for niggers?
>always hot
>full of nigger animals
>fly's evolved to land in nigger eyes
>no snow
fuck that shit
Please stop fucking up our flag's reputation with your stupidity.
Gee I wonder what type of 8 legged creature could behind this post..
Hahaha too right mate
How the fuck do people sleep with these shits in their houses?
god i fucking hate your shitass country
Red BACK you moran.
pffft there are hundreds of spiders in my backyard bigger than that in Arizona.
Do any of you ausbros know what finally became of that Filipino dude in Vic who had his legs amputated? Was it a spider/snake as suspected?
>dat tumblr tarantula
only needs some nerd chick glasses
This is upsetting
thats an awesome looking spider
Had one of these suckers run through my room about 10 years ago. Big as my hand, which is pretty big. Scared the hell out of me. Finally caught it after about an hour and dumped it outside. At one point it was on the wall and launched itself at me.
is that honestly better?
Its ok as long as they kill the critters before
they crawl in your ears
eyy we got something (maybe the same thing) where im at in pa, scared the niggas outta me when i grabbed a rock and saw it next to my hand lol.
Did you survived?
The dickhead had a flesh eating bacteria, a spider had nothing to do with it
Did he have to tie him in a knot like that?
>Always hot
It's like ten degrees where I am
>nigger animals
Like what? Snakes? There's no snakes in America?
>no snow
>burger education
>That feel when I realize I'm in the dark and my legs are under my desk.
>Literal ear crawlers
I thought that was a myth
No wonder God removed Australian from all the continents. Also, I am sleeping with earplugs from this day forward.
What the fuck am I looking at? is that a snake tied in a knot inside a spiders web?
1500 species of huntsman spiders around the world.
>only 150 species in straya
shills btfo
fuck you Australia.
Keep your goddamn spiders to yourself.
>tumblr tarantula
what did you mean by this
I fucking love greenbottles. They're much faster than they look, and they're hungry little bastards. Lots of entertainment value for a beginner T.
>tfw you live in PA
>tfw every building is infested with giant centipedes
>tfw every rug our vent contains an endless swarm of these ugly fast moving bastards
aw fuck.
Put these on, breuh.
They were all the rage for special snowflakes before Ritalin and fidget spinners
>Like what
Holy shit
>tumblr tarantula
excessive hair dye
Huntsman spiders are harmless
Besides, they kill all the other things. You either have one or two spiders who mind their own business, or you have to deal with giant roaches chewing their way into your cereal
Of course in America it would be called a Devil Demon Beezlebub sponsored by Pepsi spider.
Enjoy constant ear scabs and burning inner ears.
>what did you mean by this
looks like a hispter tarantula that bleached and dyed its abdomen
when it's natural, its beautiful as fuck huh
Arabs brought over these fuckers.
are we all living in hell right now and just don't realize it?
Aww, we don't have any cool critters like this. The largest spiders are like 2-3cm in diameter (including legs) and they aren't poisonous to humans. :(
i fucking hate them so much
back in elementary school we couldnt use the sinks or water fountains because they would literally gush out in place of water
House centipedes are top tier pest control, son. Almost as good as jumpers.
buying earplugs right now
i think i'll just wear them 24/7
those things aint for messing with!
better not forget it
forgot image
They are friendly, they watch over you while you sleep and keep biting insects away. Here is how you deal with them.
>Give them a name
>Politely ask them to move to another if they are disturbing you
>Offer them insect sacrifices and have them grow as big as you can.
>Once they get to a certain they can mimic certain english words (very basic ones)
>Dig a burrow for it in your yard and you now have an an animal with more fear factor than an American Pitbull.
It is our gift to you America, because we care about you. So don't be >pic related.
Everything's a coke, including pepsi
Michigan jumpers are cute as fuck, they are no bigger than an ant.
Fuck you
They did not go there by choice. The British sent the dregs of their empire there to die but they survived.
they like my car, keep finding them trying to nest in the wheel arches
Challenge accepted. I'l pwn those cunts!
Not even being hyperbolic
I'd eat my 38 if that happened to me
I just take them outside with a jar.
They're bro tier compared to other spiders
How the fuck do I get over insects freaking me the fuck out holy shit
Slide non-Seth Rich threads. Saged.
BBC Nature Docs are the only worth thing BBC should be paid and win awards for.
Now I feel like I got shit crawling all over me FUCK
Underrated Post
Its Redback you idiot.
Also we have:
- Brown snake
- Black snake
- Red-bellied black snake
- Blue ringed octopus
- Red kangaroo
We like naming things after what they look like. Just makes things easier.
Is it me, or did it just run over into her other ear?
>The hobo spider
SLIDE THREAD get in here
Aww aint she a cutie
>look out burgers the invasion has begun.
You are forgetting about mount buggery desu