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Who cares? They can do whatever they want.
Bbbbut Trump said Pittsburger was with him!
Pittsburgh going to cough up the billions of dollars in foreign aid that shit show calls for?
This nigger don't even know how to capitalize proper nouns.
No they can't.
Look up the American Civil War.
So sick of America, our faggot citizens are so easily meme'd into action by shitty fads perpetuated by Kikes in all the jesuit universities.
what industry in Pittsburgh??? LOL
they don't even have the ketchup factory anymore
>States Rights
who cares
whats wrong with it? just Agreement?
this is how federalism works op.
He capitalized everything that should have been in that sentence. Not sure what you're getting at.
>bill peduto
>ill but pedo
What did he mean by this?
>states, cities, etc can't enforce their own laws... because the civil war
get out
along with the other rogue states, I'm sure they will find their pockets as big as their hearts
Psst, we call him Mayor Potatohead for a reason.
good so they're gonna cut emissions and not send any money over to europe. sounds good. don't need a lawyer document to help save the planet
>what industry in Pittsburgh??? LOL
Fuck if I know. Been trying to get an accounting job for so long here. Had a call today, missed it, they left no message. Fuck!
civil war when?
Wow it's fucking nothing.
who cares?
i-isn't... this a good thing... we can combat climate change without paying billions of dollars?
Pennsylvania went red you cuck
States rights nigger
Wow a bought globalist supports an agreement that moves towards world government, how surprising
>follow the guidelines
They can do whatever the fuck they want. Following guidelines means nothing as long as they aren't giving taxpayer money to the UN.
>the only time the 10th amendment has been relevant to democrats over the last X decades has been in the last 6 months
The false song of democracy is being sung.
FUCK america.
So are they going to give all of their money to shitskins?
What's the issue? Let him do whatever he wants so he never gets elected again.
How is a state going to be involved with an international treaty?
Yeah the north won
We can do what we want
What are States rights for $200 Alex?
its an international treaty
All of a sudden Democrats discover federalism
Lol this is amazing
>the federal government isn't going to send billions of dollars to the un
>well fine blumpfo we will just have better climate standards for our city
Holy shit trump is inadvertently teaching liberals how our government was meant to work!
Not too down solutions bottom up solutions voluntarily undertaken
It's a goddamn miracle
Lefttard cities should pay more taxes anyway
It irks me that these faggots look for social media brownie points in such transparent ways, and it works.
This guy may be the mayor, but Trump was talking about the city's people, not their pandering politicians.
>Holy shit trump is inadvertently teaching liberals how our government was meant to work!
I've seen this ever since the election - people are actually running for local positions and remember how many people donated to the national park service? Trump is getting people to stop relying on the government
If it's federal or state law, you're going to do what your told.
If you want to buy vegetable oil powered garbage trucks for your city - well, you hold the nuclear launch codes for that, Bill.
Yes Pittsburgh cannot officially sign the Paris agreement but the federal government can do nothing to prevent Pittsburgh from following it.
This. There's fucking dogs that are mayors in US cities.
It's goddamn beautiful.
I find myself reading my state and local papers more. Myself and people I know are talking about local issues more and getting more involved in my community.
>we can do what we want
Except signing international treaties.
>you have to sign the treaty to actually follow it
Are you retarded? The people making a big deal out of this are plain retarded idiots who think only the fed has power to do anything.
If the city of Pittsburgh want to funnel 100 trillion dollars to "developing" African countries they can go right ahead.
Also, have any liberals actually read this agreement? Seems like we have degenerated into such a moronic click bait culture that stops at reading the name of something and calling it good.
I was just saying states can not participate in a treaty that taxpayer money to third world countries.
meant to
>this coming from Pittsburgh
Oh i am laffin
Who's next? The mayor of Detroit and LA?
Why doesn't Pittsburgh pass environmental protection laws then?
The mayor of Pittsburgh is gonna give billions to climate change research and prevention?
Nobody here gives a shit about what potatohead has to say. The political figures in this city are and have been corrupt as fuck for a long time. Check out his predecessor, Luke Ravenstahl.
The US did not ratify the Kyoto protocol but became the first Western nation to meet its carbon dioxide cut requirements under the protocol.
International agreements do not suffice to produce change, nor are they necessary. The US may well beat its Paris accord requirements without being part of the accord.
Carbon dioxide is not the goal that the globalists are fretting about: they are worried about wealth transfer and gibs and migration. Look beyond the headlines and reasearch the fine print.
>gone rogue
Nobody's stopping them from enacting whatever stupid carbon taxes and emissions standards they want... Trump's just withdrawing from a treaty that forces them to.
Arrests when?
What a stupid cuckold
I followed Eris there through astral projection a year and a half ago, and she ran away through some kind of portal in a warehouse.
>Nobody's stopping them from enacting whatever stupid carbon taxes and emissions standards they want.
Of course.
But they are openly acknowledging a treaty the US government rejects. That is illegal. It's too bad he didn't state it differently. Oh well... to US Marshalls with him.
>mayor of a flyover "city" proves the invisible hand works
>implying Koch brothers tier titans will do the same
Cities and towns aren't their own state, despite what libcucks think
No one who is upset by Trump leaving the Paris Accords even know what it means. They just think it's "good for the environment" to be in it.
It's good we left.
as soon as Trump mentioned Pittsburgh I knew some kike faggot would pull shit like this
As someone who has been debating libs all day I can confirm that no liberal has read this document.
> they don't even have the ketchup factory anymore
top kek
Logan Act. He wont do a fucking thing.
Pittsburgh related.
it's the same faggots who will scream THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED but be completely unable to explain that science.
It's a religion to them.
This needs to be a Youtube video. Ask random people what is included in the Paris Accords. What exactly are the targets prescribed? What else is included? How many billions are to be transferred to the corrupt leaders of nations whose poor citizens will never see a dime of that money?
There is a golden opportunity to drop red pills in video form here.
All these tears over a fucking 0.18 degree reduction in temperatures over 90 fucking years.
What a bunch of lunatics.
I mean it sounds like he's saying that he wants Pittsburgh to keep limiting its pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Go for it, that's perfectly fine, nothing wrong with reducing emissions on your own time and dime.
The big idea was that US would put money in a big global ponzi scheme in the name of 'climate change prevention' with the Paris accord. Fuck that
Do you know what I do to mouthy mayors in my crusader kings game?
Massachusetts still has treaties with other nations laying around from the colonial period
Should have said some other P-town in a super red state like Alabama. Kek
He's getting at
>American Education
Forgive him
>it's real