What was it like growing up in the late 80s to mid 90s? Detailed responses please
What was it like growing up in the late 80s to mid 90s? Detailed responses please
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I assume you are Chelsea Clinton.
>pic related
The sky was very blue, the sun was yellow. Food was nutritious and people were very kind, more wholesome than now. I think around the time Disney channel, Brittney spear and backstreat boys blew up people started degenerating. Then 9/11 seemed to change everyones attitude...or we all just fell asleep after that. Either way, shit was better up here in the siburbs of Minnesota.
It wasn't that great, there was still niggers around
What did people do while sitting around in the car or waiting in line etc... now everyone is buried in a phone.
read the tabloid magazines you still see in the queues
Talk to each other. Make new friends. Listen to walkman or tapes in the car.
>I think around the time Disney channel, Brittney spear and backstreat boys blew up people started degenerating
>started degenerating
Yeah. The 60s, hippies, birth control, 2nd wave feminism, communist professors, and the WASP/Jew war had nothing to do with anything.
I'm 33. Growing up, I remember reading a lot of books. Seinfeld was huge. Cars weren't as nice as they are now; air bags were not so common. Smoking sections in restaurants were a lot more common. The music was great.
what was everyday life like compared to now?
special time
Almost completely different than it is now. The world was much much smaller without the internet. We didnt have a global auhority to turn to, to answer our questions so urban legends were very popular. Politics was less discussed. You spent way more time with friends doing stuff because you couldnt text them and it was harder to coordinate so you just spent all day with them. The country was optimistic, people talked openly about how much they loved America and being white was okay.
sounds amazing
I'm also 33.
People were generally a lot more friendly. Smartphones and internet social media changed everything. People had manners. swearing was a lot less common even proactive. Howard Stern was socially relevant (now everything is like him thanks jews). South Park which is nothing was once very shocking.
Music was really good from the late 80s into the early 1990s. But hip hop exploded and by the late 90s it was total shit. Limp fucking Bisket.
People were also a lot less afraid of each other. But the rash of school shootings created a lot of distrust. I got in trouble post Columbine for literally nothing.
I miss AIM.
Being born in 1985 is the ideal, because every school grade you grew up in is attributed to the corresponding year that it is.
1991 = 1st grade
1992 = 2nd grade
1993 = 3rd grade
Pretty much the same but the Internet was not so evolved and TVs were lower resolution. Politically, the country was a lot less divided, although Clinton's impeachment was a deal. There was a bit of a "PC" phase back then but nothing like what we have now. I also kind of feel like people were somewhat less sophisticated (fuck, we used to watch Dr. Quinn: Medicine Woman), but at least people seemed to agree on more. I honestly feel like race was waaaay less of an issue--there was a black Ghostbuster, after all!
Oh and of course one huge difference: nobody had piercings piercings all over their faces or tattoos everywhere. The most you got was a Pamela Anderson-style barbed wire around your bicep or maybe something tribal, and even those were for idiots.
Sounds normal, what we have today is what sounds like a nightmare or a warning tale about marxism infiltration.
This. It was much harder to come by info like leaks or new happenings. Slower pace since info couldn't travel as fast. More difficult to obtain red pilled materials, had to be hard copy.
Also Voltron, Trasformers, original NES & Atari, the music was unfuckingbelievable, the chicks were right at the point of peak slut but still feminine cuties before it cascaded into what you see today. It was bretty guud.
Big box stores weren't everywhere. Coffee/drinks didn't have a million choices. Cars weren't all aerodynamic bubbles,. Pagers and then cellies were the only affordable mobile coms. LQGBTQRSTBBQ+ wasn't being programmed to preschoolers yet, Mass mind control via gov't sponsored terrorism and contolled media.
Porn on dialup sucked, but you could keep a boner for hours.
No real internet so most of us were in various cults. Also, cheese tasted better.
>Detailed responses please
Have you considered doing your own homework?
Nirvana, Pearl Jam, we rode bikes as kids all day. Rocky vs. Ivan Drago. McGwire vs Sosa.
You want to know? Well, keg parties, every chick dressed like madonna, Metallica was good, gas was less than a dollar, Ivan Boesky (before he got caught), the 86 Mets, the 86 Giants, and of course, Samantha Fox
I'm 40 years old (and white). And I grew up in Baltimore City.
I grew up in the 1980s. Neighborhoods were still segregated at the time... so niggers didn't come through white neighborhoods, or they would get their heads bashed in, and vice-versa for whites in black neighborhoods.
It was such a GREAT era.
Nobody sat in the house, you ALWAYS were outside. Their was no internet, which was a good thing. There were no cell phones. If you were waiting for a girl to call, you had to wait until you went in the house and someone told you she called.
There were only 3 main television stations, and prime time was at 8pm.
The style was great. We didn't have the internet, so there was no "avatar effect", which means, you HAD to go outside to be noticed, so people had to dress as "funky" as possible to out-do the next person.
There's much more, but it was such a geat era.
I'm 37, so this was during my teenage years. That may color my views. The world was shit, but you focused on your happiness.
The economy was getting out of the shitter so you had families that were doing well and those that were not. An odd time economically. If you were poor (my senpai was) Your ass got beat at school and no one gave a fuck. Boy or girl. It was still very white with the typical group of Mexicans, blacks and adopted asian kids being in small minority. Title 9 came out so I was forced to take Industrial Tech (I just did what they told me to do not understanding what they were talking about).
Polically-Socially the world was on fire and in chaos, unfiltered adult themes were not filtered out. Crack and AIDS were to be feared. Friends got hooked and you never saw them again. Crazy rumors which probably were not true. After school specials were the method of choice by parents and teachers to address issues. Movies like New Jack City, Unsolved Mysteries and whatever skin flick you could catch on Skinimax taught you what was going on in the world. I was watching Tiannamen Square Protests on CNN when it went down and I thought is was some rebroadcast of old shit until my Mom clarified that it was happening.
The radio was king though, and we all had boom boxes and shitty headphones. Lots of mixed tapes. Dr. Dimento, INXS, White Snake, Billy Idol.
VHS tapes were expensive to buy so everyone rented them. If you had two VCRs you could make a copy and sell bootlegs. Often advertise in magazine back pages to request "lists" of what was available. I knew a few people that did this until late 90s. Hilarious to think back at that.
We also hung out at malls all summer long for AC and relieve boredom.
Something called "thinking".
>what was everyday life like compared to now?
I’m not exactly your target group, but my college years were late 80s/early 90s so I’ll give it a go anyway.
I grew up in a small ranching community and had only been to a proper city once, for 2 days, when I turned 18. I moved from there to Phoenix for school and experiences felt new; as in, all I really knew about the place is that it was a city and it gets really hot there. I remember driving through it once when I was about 5, going to visit my uncle in Globe, but that’s it. I saw someone die for the first time a week after I moved there, a nigger beat his girlfriend’s head in with a hammer in the parking lot of my apartments right when I got home from work one night. I couldn’t afford a home phone then, so I called the police from a payphone by the pool. Saw someone die for the second time a couple of months later when a nigger shot up a house party in Tempe. I learned really quick to avoid niggers as they weren’t at all like they appeared in movies and on TV—I’d never even seen one IRL until I was 17.
Grocery stores used to have sales, without scanning a card to let them track all of your purchases.
Like I mentioned, I didn’t have a phone, so anyone who wanted to talk to me had to come over and knock on my door.
New music was a big deal, as where I grew up only had 3 radio stations, 2 were country/western and 1 was top 40. Concerts were amazing then.
Only had 4TV stations growing up—CBS, NBC, PBS (which was unwatchable most of the time because of shitty signal), and a WGN rebroadcast from Chicago.
I shot my first gun when I was three, went hunting the first time at 5, and was given a 10/22 as my first gun when I turned 8. Sometimes I’d ride the school bus to my friend’s place, with that 10/22 that I put in my locker while in school, and stay overnight. We’d go shoot cans and prairie dogs before having dinner with his parents and doing homework.
NO Starbucks.
>it was one huge party until fucking cell phones and the internet came along and fucked up our privacy...fucking technology.
What did the social rejects do? Did they actually play D&D a lot? What was the state of vidya in this time?
mall goths, and vidya was great in the 90's genesis snes
Thats not how you spell "drinking"
Cell phones are insane when you stop and think about it. I never could have imagined this, it's star trek shit.
Even social rejects had friends.
>Never seen a black person as a child
> Only ever saw them on sesame Street.
>Racial Marxist propaganda must have been strong back then because I remember believing being black must be the best thing ever.
>One day mum and dad take me to some beach for the day
>As I get out the car I see a bunch of African people get out of their car too
>I freak out. So excited. "MUM MUM LOOK ITS AFRICANS"
>Mum is mortified and apologises to them
I still chuckle when I think about it
This, pretty much, and also nokia snake.
I hate yu
Leftest teachers then, would be considered right wing now. Girls were still sluts but they only slutted with one guy at a time. Underground music was harder to come by as all the good bands of the 60's and 70's really started to suck, except for the Grateful Dead of coarse. Acid, booze and weed ruled the day while coke was strictly for the weekends. That was until crack showed up and made degenerates of everybody without impulse control. Food was better, water and air were cleaner and we had more rights than we do now. People didn't go to jail for traffic violations and unpaid summons. Drugs got you probation at best and DUI's were for people that got belligerent and lippy. Girl's hairstyles were so fucking stupid but stds were uncommon unless you went to nigger town.
Born in 1980. The only super big happenings I remember pre 9/11 were space shuttle blowing up, Gulf War and fall of Soviet Union. Other than that life was pretty quiet and I spent most time playing in the woods like a good lad.
I think you had to interact more with people.
There were no cell phone or internet for the most part so all the tech stuff wasn't happening.
The biggest change I notice (and I'm an OLD faggot) is the politics now are extremely shrill.
When I look back at high school I swear to god... I didn't even know who was right wing or left wing among my peer group. It just wasn't nearly as political.
Kids weren't expected or encouraged to be activists. They would do things like volunteer or donate to various causes...it's not like they didn't 'care'... but there didn't seem to be any rancour about it.
Somewhere along the line - this changed drastically.. I noticed it first in college in the early 90's.
Perhaps it was different for others because I was from a largely white community and we all had similar backgrounds...
Even at Christmas we always get into politics now... and NEVER did that till maybe 8-10 years ago.
Also the video games were fairly crude... there was a lot more sports and outdoor activities. (it seems anyway)
Yeah I remember when dad brought one home and they were totally unheard of. Mum didn't even believe him when he explained what it was. He put it up on a case like a prized vase and showed everyone that came over. We also got a 486 computer specially imported from Japan which wasn't even available in Australia yet. We didn't even know what we could use it for. It only had DOS.
none of you faggots had, aol ,prodigy etc...?
No they didn't. Lying fuck.
Social rejects...you had to go to your grandparents house more in summer. Hung out with friends or talked on the phone a lot and tried to meet at XYZ location. When Jacob Wetterling disappeared in midwest, it made us less adventerous. D&D wasn't in my age group. By early 90s It was more Nintendo and that damn Legends of Link or whatever you could trade at Funcoland of friends. Really you just stayed up as much as you could to watch Cinemax for the dirty shit, HBO for Tales from the Crypt (that maybe was mid 90s) and tried not to get beat by the kids with the long hair and skateboards. If you had a computer you could try bulletin boards, but I only got to talk to supermarket accountants on that thing. Lots of tetris. Fucking late 90s was the shit with AOL and Prodigy though. Really you just did your own thing.
...It was a lot easlier to steal shit. No RFID chips or sensors. Cops were more lenient. Parents were doing their own shit so you could easily fucking hide things. And schools were not up your ass...I think I missed 35 days of class per year and still graduated with HS honors.
im 30 from small town, never knew any of my friends political views thru age 22. lost touch in college years but now thanks to facebook i know who is what. i blame zuck
Yes we had AOL. I entered a chat room and some girl opened a privste convo and asked if I wanted to be her boyfriend. I said I didn't even know who she was or what she looked like. She called me a loser and blocked me. Those were the days.
i remember the mtv chat rooms were super populated and everyone talked about greenday
Early to mid-80s were the best, late 80s were still pretty fucking awesome, early 90s shit started to suck a bit, and by mid-90s, we were headed quickly toward the shitty state we're in now.
Being born in the early 70s was optimal time to be alive to be the last to know real freedom and innocence before the 90s flushed it all away.
In the 80's they formed punk rock bands and did PCP.
Yup. My friend came over and learned we had internet. Asked if I wanted to see some boobs. I said no way that's pretty bad dude. It took like a minute to load one pic of low quality tits. Now it's like HD bluray quality of a poor lass gargling 80 loads
You wanna talk about South Park? Beavis and Butthead was once toxic waste.
wwf chat rooms i fell for a guy catfishing that he was sean waltman (xpac)
used to chat with someone with severe MS and i have no idea who it was but we were friends for some reason
yahoo chat rooms you could talk any subject with anons , i assume someday i will look back on pol with nostalgia when there is no good space in the web left
>none of you faggots had, aol ,prodigy etc...?
AOL, Prodigy, etc. weren't big until the end of the 90s.
Tech was changing rapidly, but most of us oldfags used dial-up BBS to troll back then.
Buying a 28.8 modem let you shitpost at lightspeed, for 2 hours a day.
Bless Sup Forums, for it's the modern version of alt.tasteless.
You could still smoke inside grocery stores.
I learned english in those chatrooms. School only taught me so much but just chatting about it improved my english manifold.
Also pen-pals.
36, it's the same as it is for everyone else. nothing changes. everyone thinks their youth years are so special and important, but they aren't humans are a disease that needs to be purged from this planet. nuclear holocaust can't come soon enough
>It took like a minute to load one pic of low quality tits.
Nothing much has changed for Australia in the past 2 decades.
Having pen pals and getting a surprise letter was fun. Now I dread going to the mailbox and I don't like email.
Well I have access to the optic fibre network now. I live rural and the irony is the rural cunts have better internet than the city slickers.
Played outside a lot.
If you called someone's house and they weren't there, they may as well be on the moon - you're not reaching them.
To have a song you liked you had to tape the radio onto a cassette.
Mafia crime was still a public thing. I remember Gotti getting arrested.
As said elsewhere - extremely cools toys/cartoons. Transformers particularly.
Considering you'd consume a similar amount of content from a bus ride reading a book, magazine, trashy tabloid or smartphone news, maybe not that much has changed after all.
pretty much most days started out pretty dark
then it would get light for a while
finally, it got dark at the end of every damn day - that part was a bitch
Yeah you need proper foundation and ideology to process it all correctly or you'll come out of it a poltard or tumblrfag
Pen-pals was fun. i'm half french but grew up in germany, having pen-pals in France and Canada made me keep my french skills fresh and the british chick and south african dude I wrote with taught me a lot about different language versions.
Does such a thing even still exist? I feel like it would be less magical with an Email.
No one eve knew what Muslims were.
Porn stars had big fuckin tits
>What was it like growing up in the late 80s to mid 90s?
Shows a person from the 60s...
>Being born in 1985 is the ideal, because every school grade you grew up in is attributed to the corresponding year that it is.
>I can connect to Sydney at lightspeed
Now you don't have to make an effort to go to the fag parade, it comes to you!
Just like public transportation lets niggers rob places they could only dream of robbing during the dark ages, faggots can shitpost so much that people think they're 10% of the population instead of 1%.
We live in miraculous times.
wiggers in bull jackets claiming b-world cuz and fawning over 5.0s with da bass listening to ace is base
Had to jerk off on family computer with super slow Internet, where one pic might take 30-90sec to download. Very fucking dangerous.
Big Ben, Flipper, Greatest American Hero, SWAT, TJ Hooker, golden
Late 80s crack epidemic, thank god C.O.P.S. was there to cover it,
Do you young bitchers know about Dr. Dememto? Fish heads and dead pupppies, and Kinko the Kid Loving Clown? look this shir up kids
weed was 10 bucks mexican shwag from 18th st and wrapped in newspaper just off Normandie, this is los angeles
Riots.. thing is the Mexicans and Niggerians hate each other more than any white/nig or white.bean hate.........this hate is still strong and the streets hate it. Black homies knock up a fertile border hoppin bean and then that nig nog has to BBQ with her cousins, who are MS or 18th. shit is toxic
Rodney King was real, the riots were real, get some guns
How old are you newfag?
29, I just dont remember much of the 90s
redpill: asians are the new whites
Go to gun store, pick out gun, pay at counter, leave with gun.
good times
tabs were 3 bucks for rat poison shit, 4 for normal and then that shit i had the fucking bomb, no strychnine LSD pure as all hell, for 5 bucks a tab.
Just don't think kids take acid like they used to
i dropped at least 100 tabs in high school and jr. college
The same. You drive to work, fool around at a desk or lift heavy things, drive home, watch moving pictures, sleep.
Pretty great. Kinda miss it. I just wish my family wasn't a bunch of fucking weirdos but yeah I liked growing up then. I just wish I could have enjoyed what the 90's had to offer then but I was too young.
>Porn stars had big fuckin tits
To this day, Traci Lords is still the cocksucking champion.
NO ONE ever thought she was only 15.
It was incredible, but none of us knew how good it was. The cars were cool, the music rocked, women were women (not maladjusted feminazi fuckwits losing their shit at you for holding a door open) and the movies were cool as fuck. Ever wonder why Hollywood is perpetually remaking shit from the 80s and 90s? Because it was like the top of the bell curve for creativity. 1985-1995 music was fucking amazing. I want to start a list of all the fuckin great albums but I'm too lazy for it to be comprehensive so here's what I can think of
Use Your Illusion
Siamese Dream
Mellon Collie
Angel Dust
Dr. Feelgood
Rust In Peace
Cowboys From Hell
The Real Thing
Blood Sugar Sex Magic
Sixteen Stone
Moving Pictures
The Razor's Edge
Chaos A.D.
No More Tears
And Justice For All
Master of Puppets
Throwing Copper
Rage Against The Machine
Surfing With The Alien
Sailing the Seas of Cheese
Astro Creep 2000
Feel free to add
43 year old here. I grew up in a very conservative rural community in Eastern Oregon.
Everyone had a huge boner for Ronald Reagan. I was expected to adore him. By the tail end of his 2nd term he started getting twisted up in the Iran Contra shit and all his supporters were such fair weather fans. People would argue over whether he was corrupt or whether he had alzheimers but it was always followed up with ".. I mean I'm no fan but .."
Tons of gang violence on the news. I was untouched by it. Massive skinhead movement, again I was untouched by it.
Skateboarding blossomed out of the retarded carve this carve that phase into a genuine sport with rad tricks. I immersed myself into it. Huge new innovations every day. Nothing like today's tricks but this was the era where it all started.
Fuckin sick music. Sick music. Rap evolved into hip hop and god damn was it good. Punk rock evolved from retarded noise to focused rage. Heavy metal was utter perfection.
TV shows sucked. Nothing but canned laughter and stale jokes. Simpsons were pretty cool. So was SNL. Lots of great movies though.
What do you want to know? AMA I guess
You rode your bike down to the local Blockbuster or family run video store with your friends to rent movies/games. It was social, it was fun times. The internet is the best and worst thing to happen in my lifetime.
There were a lot less brown people where I live
It was a lot easier to find a decent paying job
No zero hour contracts, agencies didn't have the monopoly on job allocation
Sundays were actually quiet
I miss the 90s like fuck.
You play outside with neighbor kids, even if you don't like them or their games. Use plenty of imagination and read books because video games are indoors or take more batteries than your parents are willing to buy for you. You only have one screen in the house, a small television with maybe 80 channels and your internet takes twenty minutes to load the hentai your 6-year-old self doesn't even know what to do with yet. You watch cartoons early Saturday mornings, some American, some carefully edited anime so that you can't tell its foreign but you still fall for the same anime tropes as today. Internet is paid for my-the-minute and it blocks phone calls. Your dad is always watching TV when he comes home at 5. You have to go to a rental store to watch movies.
That's basically it. The 2000s were much nicer.
Also nirvana
>1985-1995 music was fucking amazing.
Oldfag here. It just takes that one fantastic concert to make you understand.
Some are shit, sure. And some performers are shit at it and probably shouldn’t be doing live shows.
But the ones that are great are almost impossible to describe to someone who wasn’t there.
Gen X did luck out on the concert scene.
So far, I’ve seen live
Oingo Boingo (twice)—and, they were my first concert.
Billy Idol
Johnny Cash
Depeche Mode (twice)
Prince, Metallica (twice)
Guns n Roses, Front Line Assembly
Jane’s Addiction (twice)
Tom Waits (4 times)
Joe Jackson
Rammstein (twice)
Peter Murphy
They Might be Giants (3 times)
Erasure, New Order
Gunther and the Sunshine Girls
Mannheim Steamroller, Radiohead
Love and Rockets, The B-52s
Garbage (twice)
GWAR, Marilyn Manson
The Cramps (twice)
Lords of Acid
Jesus and Mary Chain (twice)
KMFDM (4 times)
Nine Inch Nails (3 times)
David Bowie (twice)
Siouxsie and the Banshees
Skinny Puppy, Jesus Jones
Samantha Fox, Pantera
Kenny Rogers, Poison
Primus (twice)
Bruce Springsteen and the E Street band (3 times)
Concrete Blonde, Van Halen
Tool (3 times)
Gin Blossoms
Ministry (twice)
Rob Zombie, Peter Gabriel
Rollins Band, The Pixies
Sonic Youth, Willie Nelson
Mojo Nixon, Front 242
Lamb of God
Social Distortion (3 times)
The first 4 Lollapalooza’s
and at least a dozen others I’m forgetting right now.
This isn’t even counting local bands or “DJs”.
Some were quite memorable.
to not sound cliche, it was more upfront socially and people were more nice and calm, you had more interactions, technology and the economy were at a good pace of growing, simple things were taken for granted, your mother didn't possibly have a penis, nothing was too advanced, you could share different opinions without being slandered, and in my area of Toronto you didn't have to deal with niggers a whole lot
Take away half the beaners and all the muslims
real nice
No drug ads
No one gave a fuck about calories and public gorguing wasn't offensive. Someone always picked up the check for the whole table. None of this check splitting Dutch shit.
Cable was easy to steal and a major status symbol at school.
Cheat codes/fight moves were currency at lunch tables.
Seeing people watch hours on end of the OJ trial was unnerving. There were couch potatoes, but obsessively watching one thing (bingeing) was disturbing to me.
G and L activism hated B and T. They swore + would never happen.
All I can think of at the moment.
The main difference to me is the lack of special snowflakes. Back then if a kid was into weird faggot shit like anime he would just get bullied until he stopped, then he would go the rest of his life being normal and you'd never have known he was a tard as a kid. Similarly if a kid was fat he'd get bullied until the start of the next school year when he came back from summer /fit/ as a fiddle and became one of the cool kids and you'd never know he used to be fat. Basically, there was individualism but degeneracy was quickly stamped out.
Compare to today where whatever degenerate nonsense you're into you can find someone else on the internet who's into the same trash, and they end up developing these communities where they tell each other it's okay to be a degenerate and they never change: it's okay to be fat, it's okay to like anime, etc, etc. In the 90s if one day a boy showed up to school with a purse he'd get his ass kicked. Sounds cruel, but fast forward 20 years and he's a grown man with a family and a career-- he's normal, he's successful, he's happy. Today if a kid brings a purse everyone tells him it's okay and then he goes online and finds these "articles" about trannies and starts thinking maybe he's genderfluid or whatever and next thing you know he's ruining his life taking estrogen supplements and wants to lop off his dick then we wonder why 20 years later he/she is depressed as shit, alone, and winds up committing suicide.
Basically, people have become complacent. Whatever fucked up shit is going on, people just ignore it rather than trying to correct it. You misbehaved as a kid in the 90s, you got your shit slapped and you didn't act out again. Now you'd be hard pressed to find a parent willing to discipline their child, and then you wonder why today's children are a bunch of self-entitled little shits.
Only communications were much different:
To play with your friends, you had to knock on their door and ask their mom if friend could come out. Sometimes mom would lie and say friend wasn't home or similar excuse.
You could also call friend's house phoneline, which might be busy, or friend's family member picks up and you ask them for friend.
If you had an esoteric interest, you enjoyed it alone.
In 2nd/3rd grade: after school, I would watch TV/play vidya/go over friend's house/read book/play with toys until dinner.
Being born in 1980 is ideal, because your age matches with the year and you get to be 19/20 during the millennium parties
40yo here
Lived through the tail end of glam-music,punk and reggae, right into new-wave, 2nd wave ska, synthpop, funk and soul were still going strong, new-romantic, hip-hop with (breakdancing/boddy-poppping and robotics) glam-rock, metal, rock, then the house/rave scene kicked off bigtime, then into the early 90's when rock was dying out, grunge and the 90's alt-scene was starting, electronic/house still going strong, Britpop came to be and vanished.... Then the internet kicked in and society just changed for the better and the worse
It was a pretty insane couple of decades for music
>You only have one screen in the house, a small television with maybe 80 channels
>maybe 80 channels
I know that shit blew up in the 90s, but even in the late 80s when I moved from rural to the city it only went from 3 channels to 12 or so.
People I knew only watched 3-4 hours of TV a week.
>I miss AIM.
ma nigga. i used to leave it on 24/7 and id check my messages when i got home and id use it to coordinate plans for the weekend, night etc.
fucking love it way more than having a cell phone
did you suck a lot of cock?