>Thu 18 May: Seven-way ITV leaders' debate in Salford without Theresa May or Jeremy Corbyn youtube.com/watch?v=wEgi50lP8co >Sun 21 May: Scottish leaders debate youtube.com/watch?v=6lFJh-jTVbk >Mon 22 May: Theresa May interviewed by BBC's Andrew Neil youtube.com/watch?v=QPzlFxYhR28 >Fri 26 May: Jeremy Corbyn interviewed by BBC's Andrew Neil youtube.com/watch?v=KkbmKUiCP2k >Fri 26 May: Nicola Sturgeon interviewed by BBC's Andrew Neil youtube.com/watch?v=Scstc4QmJTg >Mon 29 May: Victria Derbyshire - The Big Debate youtube.com/watch?v=JoI9fOGmw1g >Mon 29 May: Paul Nuttall interviewed by BBC's Andrew Neil youtube.com/watch?v=Vzs0GwnTMl8 >Mon 29 May: Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May interviewed by Channel 4's Jeremy Paxman in front of live studio audience youtube.com/watch?v=LiDvn3ZWgN4 >Wed 31 May: Seven-way BBC debate between key figures from each party, without May youtube.com/watch?v=YnAeSqjSnio >Thu 1 June: Tim Farron interviewed by BBC's Andrew Neil youtube.com/watch?v=FDnebtweXzY >Fri 2 June: Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn BBC Question Time special >Sun 4 June: Question Time with Nicola Sturgeon and Tim Farron >Sun 4 June: Election Questions to Plaid Cymru leader Leanne Wood and UKIP leader Paul Nuttall on BBC >Tue 6 June: BBC Newsbeat youth debate >Fri 9 June: Additional Question Time
Brody Cox
c-can i join? im not a mutt i swear
Andrew Ortiz
Fell asleep at 8 last night... how was BBC Question time?
James Green
post ancestry
Jackson Williams
Only if you hold the hysterical (but justified) pessimism of this general, as opposed to the naive optimism of trump general and the rest of Sup Forums
Jackson Sanders
Only if you are pure anglo/celt and don't believe in the principles of America
Sebastian Anderson
What do you mean? The Constitution was basically a copy paste of our 1688 Bill of Rights
Alexander Bennett
Do you think Karen would vote Brexit?
Alexander White
tfw southern.
Ryder Howard
i'm not interested in what your autistic arse thinks is real or not. you chase bits of paper with the queens face on and nothing to back it up besides promises and guess what? as long as everyone goes along with the fiction it all works fine. and to me that's all that matters. so just because the money only exists as digits on a screen doesn't make it any less real. now i've gotta work.
Hudson Phillips
>It's a politician uses the one example of Jo Cox to dismiss any discussion of jihadist terrorism episode
Joseph Myers
Have a Common Law frog maymay
Elijah Russell
What are you watching?
Gavin Cook
Inb4 economically illiterate Labour shills
Jose Rogers
Referencing some of the quotes from the recent leader's debate, which I did not watch
Joshua Cruz
Jose Rivera
davey davis and suzanne evans were pretty based. clegg and that scottish twat were dreadful, as was some gay looking and sounding labour politican
Basing the economy on numbers with no real value is only going to end in tears. Our entire society is built on having no value in anything, and look how that has turned out for us. Don't make the same mistake with the economy too.
Leo Brown
love this picture. can someone make it into a gif with a pepe riding a bmx down the street wearing a MAGA cap?
Aiden Brooks
this guy was noteworthy actually
Jaxson Cooper
>punjab mc is non-british Not very progressive of you user.
Mason Ramirez
>6% irish it's a grey area, lads
Adrian Brooks
The banks are lending money they don't have! Our economic recovery is built on a housing bubble caused by low interest rates. This whole thing could collapse given a few shitty trading days. Fuck whenever i read up on this shit i just think FUCK! Like wtf can be done, wtf can we do?
Landon Brown
Cool the housing market and raise productivity
Levi Walker
Forced positively is common here and the trump generals reflect that. I suppose its always bothered me so knowing brits don't do it is reassuring. That picture sums up my feels.
Bentley Peterson
What did he say?
Landon Phillips
britain is no longer british because of immigration under labour. migrants should learn english.
Henry Sanchez
I think its welsh. The test says it may be and i don't recall any potatoes in my family line.
Samuel Bennett
Your idiotic thinking will be the end of our global economy. We need to base this shit on real things. You don't get how badly this could go, simply because people like you ignorant. Watch max Keiser for fucks sake.
Indians are always more openly patriotic of this country than the actual natives. Their education system and culture is still very much styled upon the colonial vision of Britain. Lucky them.
Anthony Parker
That's a good start, but what about interest rates?
Jayden Lopez
I support Labour because they are for labourers
Matthew Morales
I know, it's terrifying. Spending more money and increasing the nations indebtedness isn't going to help, the only solution is to Blitz Spirit things for a while and reduce that debt, but most people nowadays would never allow a democratic party to do that because it might affect their holiday plans or some shit, so they'll keep voting for the parties that keep increasing debt because it all looks good in the short term and they can live their materially abundant lives without having to think about the impending doom of a world economic system that is built on fake money and could collapse at any time. It's fucked, mates.
Colton Miller
I'm not too sure senpai, I only have a fading A-level knowledge of econ.
Jesus i really wish i didn't drop out of society to do drugs for a few years. I should have been saving and got some gold or someshit. I even had savings, now I'm broke.
Nicholas Sullivan
Dan Savage is a parasite. REEE why did I have to be gay.
Isaac Rogers
The Conservatives are for the rich, correct?
John Sullivan
You do realise that your kind are not welcome in these parts?
Adrian Morgan
national borrowing is fine within reason. its built on the confidence that a country will continue to create more value in the future thus being able to pay back a certain amount of the debt and continue to borrow more. a nations debt is representative of its value over a few years or even decades, based on the confidence that that value will be produced in that time period. this is why americas debt is so high, there is huge confidence the country will continue to produce value for decades into the future. poor countries find it hard to actually get into trillions of $ in debt because there is no confidence that they can pay it back in value. they can only get into so much debt based on their GDP (value) usally not more than 100% of GDP.
Alexander Foster
Just enjoy the ride lad, we're witnessing history everyday. I always wondered when I was younger just how the people of Rome could have let their society fall, what could have caused such a catastrophe? Well, we're finding that out ourselves, aren't we? The fall of Rome seems decidedly peaceful compared to what could happen in our time.
Anthony Harris
Don't even try to pretend that the majority of this board are not massive faggots.
Dominic Bennett
The Jews outlasted both
Asher Foster
Indian media says Theresa May is a massive egomaniac who wants to ban blue films and is very Victorian.
Wyatt Rivera
But when does it end. Through fractional reserve banking the banksnaee leading money they don't even have. This can't end well. This is a crazy experiment and we have no idea how it will turn out but it can't be good.
Anthony Thompson
Hate to break it to you but you need a lot of money to become an MP and funnily enough them as can afford it don't give a single solitary fuck about labourers.
>they're all for the rich
Bentley Mitchell
Been away from British politics for a while.
I thought Labor was making big leads? But the forecast says they're losing like 25 seats? And the Tories were already majority?
A quick rundown, if one of you friends could.
Juan Brown
Yes, although this was not always so. In Disraeli's day, the Conservatives were in an alliance between the working-classes and the aristocracy against the rich of their day.
Luke Williams
Nathaniel Nguyen
Yes he's a bit of an autistic mental. Without porn all your lot will go crazy and start the rape train, just like you do back home.
Liam Ross
Jordan Ortiz
The USA has been in debt pretty much every single year it's existed, the debt gets bigger and the US gets stronger. You have no idea what you are on about you just have vague ideas about what you think is right and proper and no idea about how the world actually works.
David Green
the UK gov is basically lending itself money based on the confidence of continued yearly GDP.
Aiden Rogers
>very Victorian Would we be so lucky
Isaac Green
I don't even know what futa is
Ryan Gray
It's naive to build an economy on blind trust instead of carefulness and conservation of ones own resources.
Kayden Sullivan
it's totally faggot behavior desu
Samuel Hall
But where is diversity on that chart? I was told diversity was important to the economy?
Parker Myers
There is nothing wrong with being Victorian.
Brayden Gutierrez
Then you haven't lived my boy! Who knows, maybe it'll turn you bi?
Josiah Clark
Fat and German, you dirty spunker.
Jaxson Wright
Someone should draw a series of Karen getting gangbanged by pakis in a kebab shop.
Lucas Taylor
welsh are bro-tier
Jaxon Rogers
You fap to futa to prove you're not gay by focusing on the woman and not the dick. It's all about self-discipline.
Blake Edwards
Parker Parker
Not sure we know right know, it depends on turnout, some people (survation/yougov) are predicting youth turnout as high as 80%, which could push labour into being the biggest party.
Caleb Cruz
national debt is usually somewhere aorund a country GDP. thus the national debt doesn't matter, its just a time factor and buys a bit of cashflow for investment/spending.
say you make £50k a year and need some instant cashflow for a new car. a bank will lend you £50k because it knows you make that much in a year and can easily pay it off including interest payments.
Jordan James
Oh, but you do, I assume? Which head of state are you? You must be a very important person if you know better than most people that spiralling debt is a good thing. Do you think America would remain such a strong player in the world if China and the banks asked for its money back or else? Indebtedness is national weakness. If you're a nationalist you should know this. If you aren't, then I advise you to return to Reddit where you'll get upvotes and even pretty gold passes for advocating more and more governent spending where it's not needed.
Samuel Allen
How likely are the 2018 boundary changes to go through? Looks like they fuck Labour and SNP hard.
Justin Williams
You may talk about your Guards boys Your Lancers and Hussars boys Your Fusiliers and Royal Artillery -without the guns! The girls we drive them crazy, the foe we beat them easy The Rangers from old Connaught- yaarrrgh- the land across the sea!
Jeremiah Walker
Only if the Tories win a majority.
Please convince me it'll happen lads.
Chase Torres
Parker Jones
>British females with the exception of mummy >pure
Julian Nguyen
Looks likely, I'd put money on ~365 seats +-10
t. called Brexit and 2015 almost perfectly
James Foster
Anthony Howard
Joseph Cruz
Morning, user. Would you care for a hot mug of Pak juice to ease you into the day?
Blake Young
Huffington Post leans slightly Labour
Jack Richardson
Lads, work hired a muzzie this week. He sits opposite me and has already had a conversation with a colleague about how his is the religion of peace. He also has time off today to go to prayer.
WTF do I do? He's been here since Tuesday and I've barely spoken to him. How do I avoid getting sacked?
Michael Ward
asking the relevant questions. I doubt Karen would be allowed to vote though.
Nathaniel Ramirez
Just had some blueberries and milk
Nathan Carter
Funny, isn't it?
Thomas Thomas
Imagine Karen being DP'd by a couple of fat, bearded pakis, with bits of doner meat and chilli sauce in her hair, whilst every now and then having a quick swig on a bottle of Smirnoff Ice.
Jonathan Thompson
honour rape him, obviously
Ryan Baker
93rd for Comrade Corbyn.
James Barnes
Get him sacked, or even better don't have a shitty job that holds you accountable for innocuous things.
Jack Rivera
Wear a cross to work
Brody Ramirez
kek are you trying to be american? we've got a monopoly on cuck porn sorry. Karen is off limits
Elijah Ward
Morning lads. Voting is pointless. Britain is dead.
David Morales
I am ready to be a mercenary if you pay me 2 lakhs rupees
Luis Rogers
Boss is okay I guess, HR is all about muh diversity.