Honest Jew Here

Can we please just be accepted as White? I will 100% disown Jewishness and try to do away with it. I'd practically gas myself if I could, guys, not even joking. The Jew World Order is gonna fucking destroy everyone, including middle class losers like me.

Zionism isn't even true ethnonationalism (I know they do DNA tests, but that isn't the whole story). Israel is full of muddy Sephardic and Yemeni and even Ethiopian Jews, and they want us to mix it up. Jewry is cucked. I know Ashkenazi Jews aren't *really* white, but we are close enough. As long as I reject Jewishness and accept White identity and all that, can't I please just be your ally?

I'm as White or whiter than Bashar Al Assad, for instance. We aren't *white* like a Polish or German person is, but neither are Greeks really. My fellow Jews have fucked up so badly by supporting the colored races of the world, and have royally fucked it up for us all. I fully admit this and feel disgusted by my Jewish heritage. Jewishness/Judaism is a stupid warlike desert cult, and modern Ashkenazi Jews are just not that. We are like slightly White wanderers who RETARDEDLY decided to be antiwhite because it strokes our ego.

You will see a lot more Jews come out like this in the coming years.

What do Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Go to Israel.

I explained why I hate Zionism. No.

stop calling yourself a jew then, also stop making this thread.

You guys caused most of the deterioration, so you are all-in with the results.

I see a scenario where you will have to scurry to Israel once the shit hits the fan and things get ugly.

I'm not even talking about the rightwing whites... You guys have no idea how much non-whites hate you!... you are like super whites to them

It never ceases to amaze me how jews took the absolute best situation they could ever imagine in white/western nations and just completely fuck it up.... for *everyone*.... but for themselves more than anyone... by far.

You pissed away everything. You had prosperity and security... any anti-semitism was mild and of the non-violent sort... even the low-brow Christians were nice to you in the US!... it was *in their religion* to be friendly !!... That's fucking luck that you can't buy.

I don't know... the hate was too strong and you had to upset it all. It's a compulsion. I can't figure it out.

I don't see a good cute for the west, but I see a very bleak future for Jews. What you don't realize is it's been whites and their Christian values and also their secular enlightenment values who have been protecting you ...all the while you've been telling yourselves and your children that we've been persecuting you.

When whites have been stripped of their authority.... best of luck to you.

in any kind of racial conflict, I side with the Whites. I just want to be honorary!!!!!!!

holy fucking shit

Jewish infiltration tactics

>Jigger...a Jew who parasites of the nigger host.

Fake Jew spotted. REAL Jews know that they are superior in intellect to whites. Look at how easily we control them

Are you a Christian?

You are white
Just not human

like the irish

Really you could be white ...nobody knows unless you have a very Semitic look.

Just blend in. That's all anybody asked I the first place.

Unless they start doing ancestry tests like the NAZIs.... you should be as OK as anyone else.

Also senpai, join israel, you can be part of an extremist fascist state, enjoy it!

I never sad I'm inferior, fucktard, I'm probably smarter than the average White person, but it doesn't matter.

I am considering converting, but it's not something I've decided


But the only hope for the world is for White nationalism to fully ascend to power, otherwise EVERYONE is fucked.

The JQ isn't going away, sadly, and either the brown antisemites or the white antisemites will finish us if we don't take a side.

fuck no, Israel encourages Ashkenazi Jews to mix with non-Ashkenazim, Ben Shapiro's wife is a Sfardic mudwoman, disgusting.

I'm loyal to my Ashkenazi blood and to White civilization, nothing else.

Seeing as anti-semitism will make a full return in the form of anti-zionisn, you should take your chances with Argentina, nobody gives a fuck about Argentina.

forgive me for saying so dude, but if you disown your culture and your religion and embrace a different one, aren't you "no longer a jew"?

for me personally, i've thought about this, and if i found a really beautiful blonde haired, blue eyed woman who was ashkenazi jew, and she was willing to denounce her culture and her religion and embrace the same values i had + raise the children with those values, i decided i would marry her as "jewishness" is an ideology and not as important as the DNA.

this is just my thinking on the matter. many disagree with me. i'm sure that many here would disagree with me. i am no jew sympathizer and would never marry or even associate with a jew that openly associated with their religion. but if they truly disowned it, and i theoretically knew that they had truly disowned it (and not just being manipulative jews, lol), then i wouldn't really care :(

but its fascinating, israels policy of BLANDAING UP.

Its creating a new race, a new people. Its the last remnant of 20th century racism today; inventing a new race through trial and war and blanda!

Join in friend!


Give me all your jew gold first.

Ashkenazim are Jewish, right now, and I was raised Jewish.

My goal is to de-kike/de-Judaize the Ashkenazi race/ethnic group and make us allies of White nationalism. Nothing else will save us.


Israel is encouraging me TO MIX WITH NON-ASHKENAZIM

I would go IF ISRAEL WAS ASHKENAZISTAN. Also I hate Judaism and the toxic anti-majority and anti-western culture it breeds.

You made this thread yesterday. Start killing your family members of fuck off.

This topic MATTERS and no I want to help redpill and de-Judaize my family, NOT FUCKING BE A HOMICIDAL NUTCASE


I'm ashkenazi too. Stop trying to save your own skin. You claim to detest jew behavior yet you are participating in it as we speak. I can't wait to be gassed, I only hope I get to see you put into the ovens first.

OP, this is fucking cringe. I can't speak for everybody but my beef with Jews is derived from their involvement in the founding of the Frankfurt School (i.e., the precursor to a lot of fucked up modern day social policies). As long as you don't buy into that or it's derivatives, then you're cool with me. Here's a diagram that someone else on here made.

senpai, you are gonna end up blandaing anyway if you aren't a religio-jew (assuming you aren't among the 20% of jews who are gay, of course). Might as well blanda in service of a greater project

A parasite is a parasite, no matter his religion.
It is in his blood, not his words.

You're sick in the head. I'm redpilled, but part of being redpilled is being loyal TO ONE'S RACE.

You are disgusting. I'm opposing Judaism, I want us to be a real race not a pseudo bunch of crap.

No! I am going to marry a redpilled Ashkenazi girl who hates communism, Judaism and thinks like me. I'm trying to save my people from the toxic virus of Jewishness.

Jewishness is fucking stupid, and every persecution of Jews was EARNED by behaving JEWISHLY.

That's all.

Parasitism is NOT IN MY BLOOD. Parasitism is just the culture of Judaism/Jewishness, which must be erased.

and heres the extended

Hi, I never considered jews anything else but white. I wouldn't even really care what you consider yourself..
As long as your people are aligned with us in keeping both our societies alive you're an ally to me.
There's some subculture among your people, just like there's one among ours, that is out there to destroy all of us. We'll all have to deal with that somehow.

the entire point of the zionist project is to create a new jew, who farms, toils, fights, etc. Who doesn't behave jewishly.

And part of that concept is to take all jews from everywhere, and blend them into an invented race, the sabra race. Its fascinating. Its like how mexicans were invented by our lady of guadeloupe, but israelis were invented out of pure intention and will.

Or whatever, you might roll your dice and hope to find to find a heterosexual (.8) right wing (.1) attractive (.35) jewish (.02) female (.5) who likes you (.15).

Look at the odds and go to israel and blanda

I like Jews. You have a much better value system than whites. We can be bros.

this clearly can't be blamed on ALL JEWS you fucking idiot. lmfao

I am not White in a sense because my blood is not fully European, I'm mixed race.

I want to formally make Ashkenazim (my race) a race and separate from Jewishness.

I don't want to be a new Jew. I want to be Ashkenazi and speak Yiddish and be a quirky European ethnic group that hates immigration. I know we can do it.

Fuck Zionism. I will never become part of a race that includes Mizrahim (dirty Arab nigger-tier people who practice Judaism). They are NOT MY PEOPLE.

Your mistake is thinking ideology and race don't go hand in hand. You aren't red pilled at all.
You and I both know its in our blood.
Not a single day goes by where I fantasize about the power trips I could have. In my entire life I have not had a single day in which the thought of coming up with some get rich quick scheme didn't conjure up in my mind.
If you ever met me in person i'd be the nicest guy you know. I hate them yet I naturally and instinctively put up this facade to trick the stupid goys.

Please though, where do you propose go for our new homeland?

>I'm honest
>I'm a Jew

You know how this game is played, pick one

>You have a much better value system than whites
This is nonsense. Every Jew I knows is a raging SJW-tier politic, and our women are insanely slutty, and the guys tend to be passive aggressive and HATE whites and when I tell them they should be loyal to their Ashkenazi blood they freak out. Fuck no.

I'm not sure we should have a separate homeland. Just let us be an Ashkenazi racial minority (minus Judaism) living in Europe and America.

Also, legally bar us from holding office or running media, I'd be great with that.

I'm loyal to Whites, not to non-Ashkenazi Jews.

>unironically begging a bunch of irrelevant rednecks for pity

#not all muslims
Again, claiming to be anti jew while using jew arguments.
If you were truly red pilled you would accept your role and self sacrifice.
Its not a coincidence most of us are extreme liberals. Are you actually a jew or are you role playing? 99% of my family are giga liberals. The conservative ones are neocons.

I`ve dated Jewish girls who had blue eyes and curly black hair but milky white thighs. If you ashkenazi jews straighten out your jew ways and become decent non Babylonian death cultist then yes we can consider you (ashkenazi) white.

It's where you belong

Dude, I don't have a problem with jewishness, and I'm one of those guys that harshly criticises jewish influence.
For me it's really just about being aligned. You want Israel not to be destroyed (I wouldn't want this either), and millions of your people live in the West, so we share a destiny.
Therefore it's our common interest to not undermine our societies. I'm certainly not out there to undermine your people and I hope the majority of your people has the same interest.

>Honest Jew Here

there is no such thing

Enjoy your 95 IQ dipshit half Mizrahi babies, kike

I want nothing to do with you. These guys know the truth, they are smart, and calling them irrelevant rednecks means nothing.

Like it or not, White nationalism is becoming a strong force in White communities, everywhere, and if we don't join them and preserve our Ashkenazi blood, we'll be mixed into a Sfardic/Ethiopian/Mizrahi casserole of shittiness.


>I don't have a problem with jewishness
you should, I am working on de-Judaizing Ashkenazim because we can be better. Jewishness/Judaism is a toxic cultural cancer.

>this clearly can't be blamed on ALL JEWS

NAXALT fallacy. No one is saying that all Jews are like this. But if you were to identify the people in your own group that are "up to no good" so to speak, then they'd tend to fit very nicely into this category. And the really insidious thing is that after a while the people propping up that system might not even be aware of it themselves anymore (i.e., the so-called "useful idiots").

The problem is not that some people are uneducated, but rather that some people are just educated enough to believe what they've been taught, but not educated enough to question it.

>jew argument
So when are you going to kill yourself for plundering the world for centuries? You're clearly personally responsible for every unnecessary American war in history. No #NotAllAmericans Jewish arguments please.

just change your name and tell people you're greek or Sicilian. nobody will know but (you)

Fuck you and your kind how can anyone who killed Jesus Christ ever be trusted go school out more you fucking vermin

>I want nothing to do with you.
Literally nobody wants anything to do with you. Now get on your knees and suck the room-temperature-IQ redneck dick for pity, Schlomo.

I tried that. The fucking White nationalist group doxxed me and labeled me an infiltrator. Now they know my face. I'm fucked!

We didn't plunder the world, we were just sadistic closedminded sons of bitches who thought it was OK and justified to fuck over others because of our IMAGINARY oppression.


digits of truth


>Also, legally bar us from holding office or running media, I'd be great with that.
Its already been done before and we swore vengeance on them. Every single time we ended up sneaking our way into every facet of their society until we essentially ruled over them.
>I'm not sure we should have a separate homeland. Just let us be an Ashkenazi racial minority (minus Judaism) living in Europe and America.
No. Another jewish idea. I thought you said you wanted to distance yourself from the current Juden, yet here you are. This is exactly why nobody likes us by the way. Just be straight forward. You want the fruits of white society. You want to live among white people while also being a different race. If I didn't know any better, it would sound like you are promoting diversity.
>I'm loyal to Whites, not to non-Ashkenazi Jews.
The problem is that it is Ashkenazi jews that are the ones attacking the soul of white society.

>I don't have a problem with jewishness
>you should
I simply don't care what "jewishness" is. Again, as long as we don't undermine each other I couldn't care less what opinions jews hold about us.
I just care about the results.

You realize you are a race traitor, right?

>he thinks the mild LARPing adds realism and credibility to his post

Stopping posting this shit, you'll never be white

I'm too much of a coward to kill myself. Besides, its too expensive. I'll let the goyim do if for me for free.

>honest jew
come here instead


You parasites have already done a damn good job pretending to be white with the average goy. When you put on your "I'm one of you goy" disguise you tend to fuck every nation you invade over. Die.

I like this one, he will be the last in the ovens.

Thats a big mistake.

It was when you guys got BLEACHED you started doing well, straighten your hair and you can pass. 80% of Jews look white anyways cause they've been in Europe so long. Sera Jews are not welcome though.

Come on, Cletus. Even on this board nobody is dumb enough to fall for your LARPing. You know what I meant: by your logic, every burgershart should kill himself immediately.

>The problem is that it is Ashkenazi jews that are the ones attacking the soul of white society.
Agreed, but also Jewishness has raped the Ashkenazi soul, I want to help my people see that they can be better.

Jewishness is a cultural cancer which in essence is what makes gypsies so evil, too, but gypsies don't have a high IQ.

how is it bait? Everything I said was true.

>No. Another jewish idea. I thought you said you wanted to distance yourself from the current Juden, yet here you are. This is exactly why nobody likes us by the way. Just be straight forward. You want the fruits of white society. You want to live among white people while also being a different race. If I didn't know any better, it would sound like you are promoting diversity.
just let us live in peace like everyone else, we're a small group, with enforced anti-Jewish education and so forth, and whatever it takes.

Ashkenazim will take maybe 200 yrs to fully reform, we have rotten souls from Judaism, deeply rotten. I want our affairs 100% run by Anglo White people.

Tell your elitist Jews to stop, then we will talk.

>Practically Gassing yourself

One of smartest posters here is a Jew that knows its fucking place. Dead.

My God our race needs to shred itself of its empathetic genes.

Stop being a cuck. We had our chance. Our race should have been massacred a 1000 years ago. We should have fought until the last breath. Instead we fled like parasites and sicken the nations of Europe.





Oy vey, they are the sons of Abraham and Israel just like you Schlomo :^)

Just get sterilized and I'm fine with you, but we can't hand out this kind of exception without restrictions for obvious reasons.

>how is it bait?
Oh, I get it. You're just slightly retarded and thought my post was referring to Cletus' Jewish LARP persona, even though it clearly talks about Americans in general.

typical jew....

Yeah, just stop trying to fucking kill us. Fucking hell.

Exact same thread you made yesterday


I already caught you, give it up. You're full of shit.

Fuck off.

I will never accept dirty Mizrahim as my brethren. Fuck that.

I'm actually giving money to White nationalist groups and I never supported it. I'm ashamed of my people.

ashkenazi jews are white. they are europian.

Oh, but I thought #NotAllX. So now I'm personally responsible for someone else having "incredible amounts of power" in media and finance in another country? At least do your shit tier LARPing consistently.

>y-your just larping
Nope I really am half jew. I guess it would be hard to believe.
>by your logic, every burgershart should kill himself immediately.
No every jew should kill themselves immediately is the logical conclusion of your past statement. Don't tell a slave to kill himself because his master ordered him to do something.
Every single one of us need to be removed from earth. We as a race do not deserve to exist. We exist solely because others took pity on us. And what did we do to them in return? We destroyed their society and continued to demand more tribute from pity.

>I already caught you
You "caught" me by contradicting yourself and getting exposed?

Judaism is not a religion, it is tribalism masked as a religion. Denounce jewish supremacy and rejoin the human race. Denounce abrahamic monotheism, it is a plague on humanity in all of its forms.

"Nobody blames every Jew for the actions of the overwhelming majority but it's still an undeniable fact that most of the dire issues we face in our nations simply wouldn't exist if Jews weren't here. Jewish influence is overwhelming negative and they've overstayed their welcome, time for the chosen people to go to their chosen land. No exceptions."

What the hell do we have to do with all this??


>I say something reasonable
>get told to fuck off
Another Jew infiltrator beaten back.

No, you're not personally guilty of anything, but you need to understand that we need to show people that we're not like the stereotypes.


Too many Jews just accept that it's OK for us to oppress and fuck over White people and say nothing about it. Fuck you, have some basic respect

I respect ALL PEOPLE who are MORAL. You are a sadistic psychopathic piece of shit, though, so you're not my brother.

I'm conflicted, but than again southern Italian are basically Ashkenazi genetically.

>b...but we wuz slaves! da j00z MADE us do everything!
Oh, okay. The evil Rabbis MADE the poor Jewish bankers do everything you're complaining about.

>we need to show people that we're not like the stereotypes
I don't view anyone who rejects the concept of individual justice as human. The people you're appealing to are complete cretins.

nice try, Goldberg

Remove the Jew remove the problem. They have their ethnostate and its time for them to populate it without exception. Only then we can talk reparations for communism, embargos, etc. and consider long term peace.


Actually Jews were fine with fucking over all non-Jews because of our backwards ass sadistic cult. I'm a recovering ex-religious Jew and proud of it.

Have some fucking compassion, you pig. You are not a victim. Fuck off.

You're ok for a Jew op, so do you have a moment to talk about Jesus Christ?

Convert to Holy Catholic Faith, and we will see.

>. The people you're appealing to are complete cretins.


Yes, originally there was unjustifiable antisemitism BUT THAT WAS CENTURIES AGO, FUCK OFF.

link me to whatever you guys have, I am VERY open to converting to any church, right now

Like I said, maybe your shit-tier LARPing will look more believable if you stop jumping between stormfag logic and "I'm a poor Jewish victim! Not all! Not all"


No conversions and no exceptions. Read up on the Young Turk revolution and the "Donmeh" crypto-kikes that facilitated it. Even wikipedia is honest enough.

Askenazi are merely white mongrel jews. It is in our DNA to be jewish. It is not culture. You aren't red pilled. Next your going to tell me that niggers only act like niggers because of gangster culture.
>just let us live in peace like everyone else, we're a small group, with enforced anti-Jewish education and so forth, and whatever it takes.
Stop. Either we invade a country by PHYSICAL force and establish it as one for ourselves or we all die.
There is no such thing as letting us live side by side peacefully. This is no different then letting a pack of niggers roam your streets.
We need a homeland in a place where everybody doesn't hate our guts. Maybe a small chunk of Iceland.
If your so afraid of death and really want to live then the only real solution is complete castration of all jews in white society. There will never be peace until then.

> they are well meaning people
No, you're not a well-meaning person. Please stop this cringe-tier LARPing.