Thanks for destroying the planet, Trump.
But hey at least you saved 70 jobs for rural and suburban retards.
Thanks for destroying the planet, Trump.
But hey at least you saved 70 jobs for rural and suburban retards.
> believes the same great lefty feelingz science that brought us Hillary's 99% chance of winning the election
>Has no proof to counter the overwhelming scientific evidence that suggests otherwise
Welcome to 2017 where conservacucks claim liberals are snowflakes but value their feelings over science
>listening to CNN
Jewish shill, gtfo
It's always the leafs
Given the climate-change import of the election, where were the scientists and mathematicians countering the 99% claim?
Hurrr global warming real / drumpf bad / fuck off
>Can't argue the point because he knows he's wrong
>Better meme post
>70 jobs that will provide the same amount of power as 5,530 solar workers
If the difference is so minuscule, then why the butthurt?
You can't claim this won't have any significant impact in industry and resource extraction and claim it is the worst thing ever for the environment. It is either one or the other.
>china and india have no plans of stopping their coal production anytime soon
>somehow America is the bad guy for pointing this out
really gets the noggin joggin
>vote for us otherwise the entire planet will explode!!!
stay fukt
Pic related: Lefty science -- it pays more not to contest it.
You stupid fucking piece of shit.
This was not about 'muh coal jobs'. This was about saving billions by not funneling money to corrupt developing countries where it will all end up in the hands of the dictators ruling those places.
>one guy predictions something
>all scientists
>think's he's making a good argument
nigger neck yourself.
Isn't it better to create more jobs tho?
Solar is trash and does way more damage to the environment because of rare earth metals needed to mine it you stupid fucking leaf
trump is literally jewish
You know what doesn't make sense?
Paying 3 billion a year to help the chinks air that we already owe trillions too.
> predictions something
> think's he's
You write like an uneducated retard. No wonder you're a leftist.
>implying I'm advocating for solar
>literally has to make up imaginary arguments to make a point
Nice try retard.
Sam wang isn't a climate scientist...
Fucking orange nigger
>call out grammar on the internet because his argument is baseless
>literally has no other options
Stop consuming so much, city retard.
>I'm advocating
Idiot leaf retard, the environment clean energy movement that is going apeshit over Trump has a massive hard on for solar faggot. Holy shit go swallow bleach you pathetic low IQ subhuman leaf
Not really.
No shit.
Just buy more iPads and Priuses, those are saving the environment
Those 70 jobs are the equivalent of 5,530 solar jobs.
>It takes 79 solar workers to produce same amount of electric power as one coal worker
Wouldn't allow me to archive.
It's hard to fathom how retarded you must be to think that guessing who will win an election has anything whatsoever to do with science.
Consider that if the majority of humans were like you, we would still be living in caves.
>>china and india have no plans of stopping their coal production anytime soon
Dude, Chinks have plan of replacement 30% of coal energy to 2020
Relax its going to take fucking long time + go tell china to stop poluting.
kill yourself shill rat
Hey, can you provide a repeatable model that proves that humans CO2 outputs are strongly correlated with an increase in global temperature?
No, it's because I recognize you as the leaf who continually drops this "uneducated suburban and rural retard" thing. Yet you write like a nigger dropped on his head. So get an education and learn English, you deadbeat nigger.
Son youre nothing but a faggot from a country run by a pretty goy.. errr pretty boy. You ought to look in your backyard before you start calling America's WINNING out.
So what you're saying is that solar is inefficient as fuck? Gotcha
You should really kys. Nobody would miss you. Matter of fact your death would bring great joy to the masses
He's Chinese, you should understand.
Nigger thinks he has the sophistication required to lecture on science when he can't even pass basic grammar.
It's hilarious showing that to Liberals, they actually think it's a good thing.
>signs waiver preventing US embassy move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
>Israel's claim to own all of Jerusalem BTFO
yeah, he's totally a jew
13 years isn't anytime soon and they only have to get it below the carbon amount they produced in 2005
>I'm proud to be one of the stupid masses, intelligent people should kill themselves
Shouldn't you be moving to Africa? Pretty sure you'd be happier there together with people who share your sentiments.
>country run by a pretty goy
And your country run by fat goy.
Another retard who misses the point. If the left lack the intellectual integrity required to call out a simple fucking election prediction, then I don't trust them with something more complex.
>has literally never made a spelling error on the internet in his entire life
>still has no real proof to combat the overwhelming evidence that climate change is real and there is empirical evidence to back it
>Implying that if I was born in Canada that it'd be my choice to make
>Implying that being born in a country means that you suddenly support everything it stands for and have to respect the governing bodies and what they stand for
I'm American born on a work trip in Canada faggot nice try though. Would you prefer if I proxy to make you feel better?
Can't tell if aussiposting or genuinely retarded
>13 years
3 years.
And it's still better than American oil-coal oligarchy
>they still think insulting half of the American voters is a winning strategy
>one scientist predicts Hillary to win
>this must mean all science is leftist
>this must mean all scientists are leftists
>this must mean that all science is wrong because someone called a prediction science and I believed them
my thought exactly
That's one. With the criminal regulations destroyed, more will follow.
Fuck off, faggot.
>It's another "I can't argue the facts so I better just insult them" post
Your point is pretty easy to miss when it's so far off mark user.
I know you're autistic so I'll explain it to you:
The people who predicted Hillary's winning chances are not the same people who research climate change. CNN analysts don't work for NASA in their spare time. You massive fucking retard.
How to solve Climate Change:
Exterminate the mouth breathers in Africa causing it.
Problem solved.
One of the distinguishing features of science is falsifiability. Climate science fails one falsifiable prediction after another.
>creating 70 jobs is a bad thing
The ocean is made of drops.
>3 years.
sorry I was thinking about the 60% mark for 2030.
>And it's still better than American oil-coal oligarchy
Its way better than dumping large amounts of money to the UN that's going to steal 90% of it and used to rest to build solar panels in 3rd world countries.
they weren't criminal dumbass. you not liking them doesn't make them illegal, if they were then why isn't obama being prosecuted?? republicans have a lot of the power what's stopping them?/ oh yeah it's because your narrative of "overreach" is bullshit. If it was overreach then they would have ended up like Trump's FAILED travel ban. Sad!
when the government needs to step in and literally make up random bs jobs, you're in trouble.
the russians and east germans tried that.
the resulting proverb goes "they pretend to pay us and we pretend to work"
you say that like it's a good thing
How many scientists contested the claim or pointed out that the claim wasn't scientific? Jeezus fuck you're dumb with your nigger genes.
Listening to reporters who are required to cite their sources before publishing. You guys are fucking retarded. Get out of your God damn vacuum and do a little bit of critical thinking.
>nebulous, unenforceable "legislation"
>destroying the planet
Does JIDF even try?
Missed the point again.
Africa doesn't contribute to climate change whatsoever, retard. The biggest culprits are the US, China and Russia.
Your control of the government has been broken, and your criminal behavior will no longer be tolerated. Our people will be allowed to conduct their business again free of your shackles.
I'm sorry that you lost. Well, not actually, I'm quite glad. You will have a very pleasant few days when the Supreme Court strikes down the similarly criminal court decision against the Travel Ban, as well.
Embarrassing to be so ignorant. Also Obama is being probed right now--I expect he'll be made to suffer as well. Good, I say. He deserves to be imprisoned for his crimes against the American people.
>implying that real scientists concern themselves with disproving someone speculating on polling data which is essentially a grade 10 statistics math class project
Lad please you're embarrassing the trash-land you come from
You are an actual retard with an IQ lower than 70. I use my lefty science powers to predict that you are an aboriginal. Go back to the bush and get high, it's all you're good for.
>Its way better than dumping large amounts of money to the UN that's going to steal 90% of it and used to rest to build solar panels in 3rd world countries.
Yeah, just give them to Wall Street and Trump
s family.
Cool things, that americans workplaces will be the first replaced by machines
Sweet irony, real communism will start from USA
Fuck the planet, it's God's Earth and he shall do with it as he chooses.
> Argues about all scientists
> Not all scientists!
The process of leaving the Paris accord takes about three and a half years. Guess what? The next President is just going to re-sign it. Even if it's a Republican. Because it certainly won't be Trump.
Is there some graph that includes nuclear power too?
70 rural and suburban retards is definitely worth the millions of dead urban retards that will be stranded in coastal cities when an event the likes of hurricane Katrina happens on a global scale. You fucking queers should post pictures of yourselves. You're already vagina blasted about dying soon, so datamining isn't an issue. Let us see your ugly fucking faces so we can all laugh at you when your corpse is floating down the road of your mom's neighborhood.
>Only considers the outlandish statements made by talking heads that have no real scientific credibility
>Doesn't consider the hundreds of examples of scientists who've created models that predicted the increase in temperature, adverse weather conditions, rise in sea levels, etcetc
>still trying to argue about a poll by one "scientist" as a way to dismiss the entire scientific community like it's a valid argument
The election was very important for climate science if we're to believe the hysteria, so yeah. Perhaps that's too subtle a point for your nigger genes.
So what exactly did the Paris climate deal entail? What effects has it had so far? How much did it affect the US? What will change now the US is out of it?
It just seems like everyone is circklejerking each other off about MUH GLOBAL WARMING that they forgot to provide any details or evidence about what this entails, another case of liberal's chicken little syndrome.
>thinking the Paris Accord would combat (((climate change))) instead of throwing money at shit tier countries to squander it on attempts at green energy when they can't even handle plumbing
>I am so independant that I cannot take responsibility for my action.
>triggered and literally shaking over someone making fun of a typo
I'll bet you slay all the pussy.
>Argues about all climate scientists
>A guy who does math is basically a scientist right guys? please I'm desperate and I don't have any way to argue against someone who has actual facts backing them
>coal mine
>70 jobs
Fake news, 70 guys is about the amount of telecommunication crew decently-sized coal mine employs.
IRL it's probably 70+5000 from some other mine that was depleted.
> Go back to the bush and get high, it's all you're good for
Comma splice. You're another uneducated moron who fails basic English but wants to lecture on something more complex.
Im sure thats exactly what would happen and thats exactly why Trump/Exxon Mobil voted out.
>d-d-d-don't use effective power sources!
Have fun with your 79 fold electric bills.
Still writes like a nigger and can't understand the point being made. OMG I'M JUST LEARNING SAM WANG ISN'T A CLIMATE SCIENTIST. Go to bed, you fucking coon.
Climate change policy is an excuse to enact a carbon tax on the populace. You wanna stop global warming? Suck on the end of a car exhaust you faggot
Does that count the Chinese workers that assemble the solar panels and mine the rare earth metals required for the batteries needed to store the electricity at night?
>thinks this is what triggered looks like
>can't handle when he's btfo'd about a subject
>Literally just saying shit in the hopes it'll derail the conversation far enough that he can pretend he's making valid points
You'd have to be a daft cunt to think that actual scientists would take speculation as an actual metric to indicate the winner in an election. Science doesn't predict elections or public opinion. It has absolutely nothing to do with the brainless cuck in the article.
>free market
>government making up jobs
seriously? check subsidies on coal vs solar. which jobs are being created by the government, shill?
Trump destroyed the planet now? Guess I missed that when I passed out when I passed your mother on the street and passed out from the smell of cum methane from her nasty giant slot.
>saving earth for the Afro-Islamic generations of the future.
funny the left embraces science.... but cept when it comes to placating mentally ill people who are confused about their genders
they then trade science for safe spaces and pronouns ayy lmao even though science doesn't give a fuck about your pronoun