It's finally fucking happened. Speaking against pedophilia makes you pedophobic. Is this the point of no return for the left? When the DNC is full of pedophiles and have conditioned their supporters so thoroughly that what should be seen as abhorrent to all is now just another goddamn sexuality they can't help anymore than homosexuals can?
We're all pedophobic now
It's only a stepping stone, since the lefties like Islam so fucking much they'll condone and attach Islam to pedophilia and mix the two. The only way to fight this is to divide and conquer.
These people unironically gotta go. This Blaire thing as well. Thorough gassings.
In Europe they put their admitted pedophiles in the EU Parliament.
If one good thing comes out of the left it will be making pedophilia legal
Thank fuck
If pedo piles become a special interest group that people across the left defend I will flip the fuck out. I was molested as a kid by some faggot piece of shit and it fucked me up. Pedos are predators. At that point rapists should be defended too for fucks sake
>pedo piles
Kys sick fuck
The left is going to devour itself and disappear. Ever notice how feminists push for consent laws in the first place? This is because older(uglier) women didn't like men giving young women attention. The election of macron was partly due to the old hags gleefully seeing another old hag with a younger man. The left will actually start to lose the women vote if they turn on their interests.
This shit about pedophilia has been coming for a while though. A few years back there was an uproar and counter-uproar because an 18 yr old girl had sex with a 13 yr old girl. The gays were mad she was being prosecuted while others were mad that the homos were protesting such an obvious case of statutory molestation. If it had been an 18 yr old boy, no one would have noticed or cared. Another avenue the gays have taken is to now claim that gays don't have "real sex" and that sex is subjective now which of course means gay sex with minors can't be prosecuted.
I can't find the original video from a few years back but it seems other gays are stating the same thing now:
This guy claims that "being a bottom" doesn't count as "losing virginity". Other videos push similar bullshit claiming that gays get to decide what is and isn't sex. Statutory rape laws wouldn't apply to them if they got their way.
my phone auto corrected it
>I was just pretending
> Is this the point of no return for the left?
depends on whether the left decides to go this direction, it´s most certainly the end of her and her career though.
I'm not scared of pedos I just think they are disgusting and need to be exterminated
Blair is a useful idiot and helps attract liberals and normies to the cause. Why does this trigger you so much?
this was actually a major point in the 80s. In the 70s, and early 80s, pedophiles, and most other sexual deviants were prominent at LGBT parades and events. Literally, if you went to a gay bar or parade, you would see NAMBLA flags, and members.
There was a conscious decision to exclude pedophiles form LGBT rights in the mid 80s in order to become mainstream. Now, you just see some of those weasels trying to sneak back into the conversation. I don't think they will succeed, but pedophilia was one of the main sticking points of gay rights back in the day. They miss their place.
Look up the history of it all, its really crazy. The gay rights movement was incredibly radical before normalization.
As a wise man once said
"Hide yo kids hide your wife hide your dog because they be raping everyone out there they crawlin through yo widows snatchin yo people up"
I think pedophilia is bad when it breaks off of lolicon
This is to be expected desu
People who voted against gay marriage knew that is would be a domino effect until the U.S. becomes Sodom 2.0, lo and behold it passed and here we are, it won't stop unless there is bloodshed, a lot of it.
Wouldn't that mean you're afraid of children?
As in when they start wanting to fuck real little girls that's when it's bad
she doesn't attract liberals lol.
Hi blair.
I miss 2010.
>The Savanah Ape
Truth in advertising.
fear of children?
That article is required reading.
>Slippery slopes aren't real
>T. 2014 activists.
It's time, Sup Forums. Start the ovens.
Lol shit, most faggots are 100% mentally ill.
Pedos should be rounded up and publically hanged.
what's wrong with pedophilia? especially considering you're a tranny fanboy?
wtf is a pede anyway. I keep seeing people calling others here that, so I'm assuming it's associated with leddit somehow.
it was actually a shareblue division meme, that got popular
I did not know what NAMBLA stood for until now. Disgusting.
I listened a little bit of Jesse Ventura and gotta say that motherfucker knows how to deal with the pedos. No sympathy for freaks.
Pedophobic means you're scared of children, not pedophiles.
In a decade or so pedophobic is going to be the new homophobic.
Get digits.
Your country is a band name
Why do you watch this tranny
Normalization of pedophilia was always the end goal.
nice, we should push the mohamud was a pedophile and call anyone who disagrees a pedophobe.
>Leading scientists claim
They could start with a few stepping stones. Bestiality, necrophilia.
I'm intolerant and I'm proud
Fuck off you dumb cunt. That meme was made by an user during the counter-MAGApede insurgency when we took the board back after Don bombed Syria and everyone realised he had a fuckton of Jews Jewing his shit up.
Pedes have been calling each other pedes since at least 2016 in the Trumpgen. It's some RlD shit about centipedes and nimble navigators that only traps, boomers, and based niggers get.
Donald is having a good few days here. Don't go fucking it up with your everyone is a le Brock shill bullshit dickhead.
>The left is going to devour itself and disappear.
Agreed. JBP said something along the lines of "SJWs destroy everything they touch." Self destruction is inevitable.
At which point our society will collapse.
So sad.
Necro and Beast
When we said "THIS TRAIN HAS NO BREAKS" and you thought we were talking about Trump we really meant "THEIR TRAINWRECK HAS NO BREAKS"
They ask for getting stomped into the ground. There's no reason to vote for a centrist or leftist party.
you have to accept pedophilia one way or another, you cant have degeneracy like gayshit without all the rest.
They're about to be caught redhanded. Pushing normalization is a hail Mary. They're done.
Brown and yellow people are Europhobic. They fear the white race.
Anytime someone talks shit about white people just ask them why they are being Europhobic?
Saying 'racist' only works against stupid white people. No other race feels any guilt for being racist.
1. There are child sex rings, in Hollywood and at the top of the chain in DC, and across the fucking globe in every pocket of power ever
2. People are becoming aware (ex: pizzagate, see documentary An Open Secret)
3. Powers at the top are aware of #2 so they start paying/ordering MSM to slowly roll out the narritive that PEDOS AREN'T ALL BAD, PEDOS ARE MISUNDERSTOOD, PEDO IS NATURAL, WE'RE ALL A LITTLE PEDO AT HEART
4. So when the floor breaks out and they're all exposed, we've already been conditioned to feel pity, to forgive them, to not fucking murder them and to punish them lightly
We are being played, psychologically conditioned to accept what they're doing. It's happening now, look around you.
So you feel repulsed by children then?
>Pedophile pride parades when
pretty disgusting she hasn't done a face fuck scene yet
The globalist pedo conspiracy better not touch my tranny waifu!
I hardly see what's wrong with accepting it is a mental illness and attempting to treat it from there
Say they are anti white. Keep saying it until they admit it. They usually will.
Of course the kiwi brings up beast
>Liberals legalized child prostitution in CA
>Now they are considering underage anal rape to not be a real crime
That's about enough insanity for now
I'll never have pity for a fucking pedophile they all deserve to be Hanged gassed and ovened.
The fucking faggot sodomites are taking over, what a surprise. Why the hell did we let them start this shit with homosexuality to begin with? How do we reverse it?
Pretty soon they'll get blacks to say WE WUZ PEDOS N SHEIT
It's faggot hunting time.
>not wanting to fuck children
They need to not use that word, it should be if anything anti-pedophile
Except I think this is the last straw that will break the camel's back. Children hold a special place in most people's hearts and they will care more about this in than two consenting adult faggots shagging out of sight.
They try coming out officially and they are dead. The media trying to say nice things about them is one thing, but if it becomes policy then all he'll will break loose.
I love my 2D lolis because I want to take care of them, raise them properly and send them to school, not because I want you fuck them.
clean get
confirmed and furious
>Step 1: Reduce the number of responsible American families that have and care about their children
Honestly, if society becomes so corrupt that pedophilia becomes socially acceptable by the common person I will no longer have a reason not to go on a murder spree.
If children are the future, a society that destroys children has no future. If the there is no civilization to leave to my grandchildren because my children were eaten by predators of that civilization, I will have nothing to lose. My blood will already be dead.
excuse me what the fuck
The fuck is with these antsyfags always being such fucking mutants. I used to be affiliated with ISO (International Socialist Org) back in uni through my activist circles, the whole lot were fucking weirdos. There was wool-boy, an androgyne who wore only black fluffy wool clothes. There was Frodo, an utterly insane pint sized zealot. There was Falkor, a pimply-ass reject who looked like that fucking dragon from the Neverending Story. Snagglepants, a fatass bitch with retarded half-ass dreads dyed all sorts of stupid colours and had the face of a Troll Doll and the mental fortitude of a table lamp. Mr Wook, an utterly useless human who looked and smelt like a turd that had been rolled in loose fibres. And the list just goes on.
digits confirm this is the only rational path
I agree. Not all pedos. Look at this nice old man trying to make and honest living. Pedophobia harms many.
goddam, you TRS cunts are delusional.
I want to un-take the redpill
Blaire will only be based once he reverts back to male.
Hell, if he just goes back to his birth name, referrs to himself as a male constantly but remains on all those hormones and shit, it'd be fine
This is why homosexuality and feminism should've been forbidden for all eternity. You allow for any of those degeneracy to happen, they're going to want more. Never give in to begin with.
Because the left seeks to destroy beauty and standards by any means possible. They're essentially children left to fuck up an adult body in any way they feel like with no social whiplash whatsoever.
Finally a chance to post it
Me to man me to the red pill has made me cold dead and angry inside. Shits gonna hit the fan real soon and I hope we can finally hang every oen opf these luciferian kikes for what they have done. They shill here because they fear us man they fear us. If the masses of ignorant sheeple can ever awaken we will make the fictious atrocitious of the past a reality. Fuck these luciferian kikes and what they have done.
dump it
>only reason to live is worrying about what other people do in their homes and free time.
You really never had anything going for you huh
Blaire de-transitioning would suck, it'd be like my waifu literally dying.
But they're children REEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Yup, lots of protest images from the 1960s and 1970s featured pedo groups marching among the LGBT groups. Not surprising they cut them out, still absolutely nuts that their is any attempt to normalize this whatsoever.
>Liberals legalized child prostitution in CA
I think they only did that as a technicality so that the child victims wouldn't be slapped with prostitution charges like an adult would, but they already weren't so the "legalization" was just to officially put it on the books. Pimping a child or soliciting one for sex is still EXTREMELY illegal, thank God.
>Now they are considering underage anal rape to not be a real crime
That's new though. Fucking California is the new Sodom
Notice how there exists NO queer or queer sub-species EVER who also attention obsessed.
Man oh man! the queers even out niggers and fat-ugly chicks to shame on the Narcissistic personality disorder crap. Disingenuous.
kek, homophobia would be fear of people like oneself then