Has anyone here ever actually READ The Communist Manifesto or do you just go "LOL COMMUNISM SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"?
Has anyone here ever actually READ The Communist Manifesto or do you just go "LOL COMMUNISM...
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Lots of right-wing people read Marx, Alinsky, etc.
Yes, that's why we go LOL COMMUNISM SUCKS, because it really sucks. Hail Pinochet.
Have you ever actually SHOT someone or do you just go 'LOL GUNS CAN KILL!!!!!'?
I started reading TCM and Das Kapital as a Communist, I left a Capitalist. It's that outdated and wrong.
I used to be a marxist
the reality is he's garbage and just a meme for edgy teenagers
there's dozens of far better leftists you could read instead if you're dead set on being a pinko faggot
All I see are meme responses.
Case closed, no one's actually read it.
Yeah I've read it, it's pretty good tbqh. It was written in an age where workers had no rights and were basically cucked by their capitalist overlords.
I read it when i was 14 faggot.
I've read it cover to cover over the years and in various classes and the biggest bulwark against believing in such stupid ideas is to actually read them. It's delusion and wishful thinking sprinkled with pseudophilosophical insights in a neat package.
>thinking it takes reading the communist manfiesto to see how retarded the ideas are
why not just take a 5th grade civics course that touches on like 3 of the tenets
You haven't read it.
Hurrr we're all equal
You can't name a single good thing about communism that I can't shoot down effortlessly. Try it faggot.
I did read part of it. It was a forced study subject both in high school and university. But of course they heavily censored it to fit the view point of the party or so I heard.
I did. It's ideological garbage meant to rile up people.
>he thinks he knows communism from a manifesto
I read that and a bunch of marxist crap. It's poison for the mind of the weak. Even sensible leftists reject it.
Not an argument
Yes, Marx's labor theory of value is retarded.
Yes, I read the manifesto.
It explicitly calls for a violent purge of the upper & middle classes.
So.. what if I don't want a violent purge of the upper & middle classes? What if that leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Does that make me reactionary??
i listened to the audio on libravox
he jibber jabbers about commoddities, how it the quest for surplus value leads to terrible conditions, and probably why he wants to ban private property
his criticisms of capitalism are fine
whats so great about it? do tell.
I've read it. As a teenager, I used to BE a communist. It has some fair critiques of capitalism, but the solutions it proposes are laughable and completely out of touch with any understanding of human nature or cause and effect.
did you read the meme version written by Lenin-Stalin or sth?????
He never said it has to be a violent purge. A society could reach to communism through normal, peaceful mean.
The working class is oppressed because nature is oppressive, this is not grounds to kill everyone else who isnt a laborer.
Father Gapon shouldve been let into the utopia.
The Hegalian dialect isn't compatible Marx's dualist resolution.
Yeah Communism is great. There are so many successful countries that are communist in 2017. Bye I'll see you guys later I'm about to masturbate to Kathy Griffin and give all of my money to an African Prince that emailed me and said he needed help.
who needs to read the handbook when you can see the results for yourself?
I lived it
also the Pleb Patrician class did not evolve into the Knight/Noble Serf and Peasant class.
Those were Germanic and Celtic and did not relate to Roman administrative, ethic or practice. Also Marx can't explain Greek democracy.
Marx wasn't even respected as an intellectual in his time. you have to be 13 to think Marx stands up to any economic or philosophical scrutiny.
I read it as an edgy teen. Fell for the old "not true communism" meme but not anymore.
>From each according to his abilities and to each according to his needs
or some bullshit like that...
very dry dull reading but I did it - may not have meant a damn thing to me but I did read it.
huh so no different from today. wonder why pol is such a corporate cock sucker
Yes, I have. It's emotionally manipulative, stirring but shallow rhetoric. How erudite people latched onto it is beyond me. You'd think they'd find the rhetoric offensively blunt.
Yea I had to read it during political philosophy and science but I forgot most of it since then, while I haven't forgotten other things like John Locks or Thomas Hobbes or Thomas Aquinas, I think my teach loved people named thomas that commie creep, marx was a hack fraud who lived in his cousin/wives basement due to debt and loans
Locke* damn late night brain
that wasn't real gommunism though
>Huh, you disagree with it????
>M-must be because you didn't read it, haha...
Also read it as a edgy teen who thought communism was cool, though after reading it not so much. Such an authoritarian system only protects those in power at the expense of the workers they claim to support.
Read it some years ago. I plan on rereading it sometime as I'm trying to get more into philosophy. From what I remember, it was nothing special, and certainly not something to base your entire worldview on. Maybe the second time around it will come across as more profound
I did, it is fucking insane. At one point it declares that children should be taken away from both mother and father to be raised by the government. Disgusting pamphlet.
True. It never is.
Locke, Aquinas and Hobbes were actually great writers as such. Marx, not so much.
college kids who need the required (((humanities))) credit
Marx wrote something on the American Civil War, i didn't read
Burgers won't be able to read Marx as they don't posses the necessary background. Marxism didn't grow well in France and Britain and did even worse so in America.
Russian Marxists KNEW German language and READ Germ magazines and newspapers
>no private property
>no religion
>no marriage
>giving the means of production to retards that will fuck it all up
>literal execution of the "rich" in society to give to poor faggots
Reading the Communist Manifesto made me not a communist anymore. I used to be one of those "yea communism is great" retards, until I actually read the fucking book. It's like a horror novel
And das capital. He has some valid points. But I'm not going to ignore the last hundred years of practice.
>communism has killed 100 million people
Fuck off
>Reading the Communist Manifesto made me not a communist anymore
Why would you identify with an ideology before actually reading up on its basic tenants? Communism by definition is about expropriating private property an socializing the means of production
If those things turned you off to communism, why did you think communism was great in the first place?
The first part is actually solid, and it could well form part of a conservative Christian critique of capitalist decadence. The other three parts are mainly of historical not philosophical interest.
I need to get some sleep
brain washing by people from my high school, as well as some teachers. I had a professor in college that was literally a member of the communist party and on his syllabus said the class would be taught "from a Marxist perspective. I knew vaguely about communism before I read it, but the full implications didn't hit me.
Yeah my teacher loved marx and made us read the whole communist manifesto as the second part of the course like a big grand finale dessert, yummmmm...
and he crunched all the good stuff from locke vs hobbes, machiavelli and aquinas, platos allegory of the cave and some other greek/athens stuff I can't remember into the first part, I love and hate that teach, he introduced me to some great guys and really challenged me but he was a retard who would always rant about the local radio conservatives and lecture about "leniency" right after he shouted down some strawman and tried to push his hush hush communist desserts, fucking boomers
Why? It's literally propaganda, if you want to read his cirque of capitalism, you'd read das kapital or whatever the Fuck it is you dumb drooling fag.
I sort of get that, but what did you think communism was if not an anti-private property socialist system?
they never have an answer for this
it just slips past them
>ohh yeah my stuff
>my house
>my time
lol, he sounds like a great teacher overall though. At least he introduced you to the classics. Now it's all about diversity even in subject matter. There's some room for that, but to the exclusion of the classic western canon? Fuck that.
>point out true problems with society
>concludes the people need to give up all personal freedom
Marxism is a well marketed meme
its like 70 pages and reads like a comic book for brainlets. i read das kapital + everything by hegel and kant faggot
He was, he was a big guy
for you
Just an old hippie who couldn't decide whether he was his still like a leader a hero the old football bro or the hippie bookworm nerdy neck beard, I blame his wife
>60 pages of my free time
fick off commie fsggot
this guy gets it
Know thy enemy...
Hitler himself spent years reading every bit of commie propaganda he could find to understand them better. From communist manifesto to local union papers
lol communism sucks
employing the heuristic method marvelously!
>Has anyone here ever actually READ The Communist Manifesto
>Has anyone ever NOT posted the same thread about Communism over and over again ad-nauseam?
communism is for faggots
I read the marxist manifesto in a college course. Thought it was gay and boring, didn't really think much of it.
Alinksy on the other hand, that's good shit. All right-wingers should read Alinsky. That guy knew what he was doing.
Yes, I've read Capital and the Manifesto. Capital is the actual economic document though. The Manifesto is a pamphlet that covers the basics.
He does have somewhat of a point though that alot of Sup Forums doesn't know what communism or socialism are and just calls random things as such.
Assuming the people on here know how to read is being generous.
I did. And the fact 90% of my fellow university commie 'friends' at the time didn't was the main reason i left and started exploring other political schools of thought.
Then i realized it's all based on the same retarded assumption of paleo diet and other mongolidic 'durr people in the past did X so lets do X too!'
>no religion
>no marriage
Those aren't in the Manifesto.
Hitler was a participant of the Bavarian Socialist Republic led by Jews, one of them was from Russia
Four years later he'll try to repeat this experience in the Beer Hall Putch, taking example from from ex-radical-socialist Mussolini
They didn't just "read it to understand", they were Marxists themselves. Mussolini being an extremely radical one, more radical than the left wing of Italian Socialist Party
I read it, dogmatic rhetoric.
Giving government instead of people more power is shit. In practice: government gets to choose who starves, what's fair, and what's equal - and the ones who will ultimately make that choice will either have an agenda or be Jews.
alinsky is a fetal faggot compared to the Father youtube.com
Charles Coughlin the man who made Eleanor clean old Franks trousers on the regular
Everything I needed to know about communism I learned from Red Dawn
>historical howlers
>it is inevitable that the people will own the means
>we just go full brave new world instead
They did join those organizations but their own ideologies were more like collectivist capitalism and you're intentionally trying to confuse people into thinking it's marxism.
No. Nor have I read Mein Kampf. I am an American with my own way of seeing the world, and my own function. Following a red-pilled ideology doesn't make you red-pilled... It can help at first but you will only end up a slave stuck in that one-sided mindset.
Isn't this the same manifesto that declares history has an end and that end is when machines do all the labor and everyone just lays about jerking off in peace?
The same manifesto that got BTFO when the American working class did not overthrow the owners of the factories because they had made lucrative deals with them instead and created a comfortable middle class?
Mussolini was an editor-of-chief of Avanti!, an official newspaper of the Italian Socialist Party
He was the main figure of the Socialist party and as such dragged Italy to war, which cost them as many lives as the UK lost.
Mussolini was the most influental Marxist in Italy
Yep, that's when I stopped being communist. And started looking into actual economics. Was around 22 when that happened
It's barely comprehensible and loaded with contradictions and bullshit. Read it for yourself if you really want to see
Read it. Not impressed. It's massively outdated and made in a time when secondary industries where king. Much of the modern world runs on tertiary and quaternary industries which the CM has very little relevance to.
>normies and rich people will peacefully surrender their property
>the unxerclass wouldn't just take it without asking
Its a 10 pag pamphlet that addresses issues that are no longer relevant.
Some of its outdated arguments:
>> Capitalism is on a cycle of crisis because overproduction.
It was a real problem until microeconomics became a thing
>>Workers are slaves because the competition between them lowers the value of their work to the minimum, in practice not allowing them to save money. Therefore guaranteeing that they will always be low wage workers.
Yeah, also an obsolete idea , modern capitalism frowns upon people not having enough money to spend on goods. Consumerism made this point moot.
Have you ever read Mein Kampf? Or do you just go "LOL FASHISUM IS EBIL WYTE SUPREEEEEMIST"
Yes I have. The book actually started out as an early science fiction novel, but was adopted into a strange sudo-religion by idiots much in the way Scientology was created.
The more you know!
I don't want my hard work as a medic to be worth the same as a guy that cleans the street you fucking SHITLORD!!!!
>This upper middle class white Australian boi will tell you all aboot it though, I'm sure.
>collectivist capitalism
Are you being stupid on purpose?
What's next?
Communistic free markets ?
Damn dude. Peruvian education blows.
>Has anyone here ever actually READ The Communist Manifesto
It was like reading a fucking horror story.
Yes have you read the wretched of the earth?
Is probably 100xs more important then the communist manifesto in understabding the mentality of the modern sjw movement
Though I doubt any millenials ever heard of it, all their social science and humanity professors poisoning their minds have
Why people automatically assume that if you read a book you believe it to be true or righteous?
I read Mein Kampf, its fucking trash, poorly written & overall one of the worst books i've read so far.
Never read Fanon myself. Is it literally "the wretched of the earth (i.e. non-whites) are good, and whites are bad"?
That's what it was. Hitler and Mussolini noticed how communists and socialists used collectivism to get their point across and they borrowed it. Capitalism isn't inherently individualist though marxism is inherently collectivist.
To be honest, Marx and Hitler were not good writers
Mein Kampf is just Hitler ranting about Jews, WWI, syphilis and other random shit.
has anyone here even read the paris agreement? judging by a lot of threads and tweets a lot of people havnt even read the bloody thing and cant even tell you what article 22 entails. because fuck reading, it's for fags. Smart people take selfies
>Capitalism isn't inherently individualist
What do you mean by this? Isn't this self defeating?