Liberals suck at debate

Why do liberals just call people names when they try to use logic or present sources and facts? would it literally kill a liberal to have to change their mind on an issue because what they believed was actually horseshit?

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It's because their positions are contradictory and therefore intellectually untenable. Take feminism: You can't argue for feminism while supporting the Clintons and Islam. Easier just to call people names.

They don't even need to change their mind. Just recieve the information of an opposing view without getting highly emotional.

Somebody who has gravitated towards modern day leftist ideology is usually a heavily flawed dysfunctional person. They don't believe in God, they don't really understand economics, usually on anti-depressants, consume a lot of Jewish media (which makes them miserable), among many other things.

So you're talking to somebody who is already not in a good mental or spiritual state, and has latched onto some pretty ridiculous ideology. It's not surprising, really.

Their actual agenda is the death of the West, and the death of western values.

The reason they are able to support feminism and Islam at the same time is because both of them contribute to the west. In their minds, it does not contradict because the goal is to destroy the west.

It does not matter that Islam wants to kill feminists, because the actual goal is destroying the west.

the people running the show believe in that, but somehow they have these nitwits spreading their gospel that have everything to lose from it.

Because their argument is based on this rather feminine trait called 'feelings.' Haven't you noticed they always use emotionally charged words such as 'nazi' or '----phobe?' To the liberal, they derive their accomplishments from what they think makes them feel good. That's also why their submovements consists of what bearers of the testicles would refer to as 'gay shit.' "Equality" and "acceptance" are all words that are charged with positive feelings. That which feels good therefor must be good. Ask any wimman, fag, or cuck if you doubt this. To the liberal footsoldiers, their movement is not seen as the destruction of the west. To them, they believe wholeheartedly that they are reforming the west by instituting what "feels good and is therefor righteous" is considered saving civilization, contrary to the fact logic is what built everything and made so many discoveries. Remember, these are the same fags that will adopt every dog in a shelter because it makes them *feel* good to take cute things out of a situation that makes them *feel* bad.

Now, as to how suicide bombers and perpetual destruction of western society became labeled with positive feels is a complete (((mystery))) to me.

Shit good analysis, never thought of this.

Libtards really do just function on emotions

You seem to be forgetting that the general population doesn't have autism and gets suckered by their feelings. Emotions aren't necessarily bad, but they can be used as a backdoor to controlling people, particularily feminine emotions. However, these very same emotions can be used to turn against the (((left))) but rightwingers, except for Trump or Hitler, are otherwise too autistic to understand this. I bet 10 shekels a nazi could, in theory, very well have a successful presidency campaign if only he wasn't autistic and knew how to frame it to the general populace. You just don't see it because all modern neonazis are autistic and/or too poor to run, as everyone else running in politics is always involved with some form of jewry. They wouldn't be rich any other way after all.

>rightwingers, except trump or hitler, are otherwise too autistic to understand this


Holy shit conservatards are so FUCKING STUPID it drives me INSANE. They've lost every culture war because they don't know how to appeal to emotions.

People change their minds when they are emotionally inspired, not when you present your 3 point plan to lowering taxes by 3%. Right wingers do not understand the art of propaganda, they fucking suck dick at everything.

Everybody needs to read "Propaganda" by Edward Bernays before they can be fully redpilled.

You start to understand what part of their brain this is coming from when you're around women or faggots enough. Leftists vs Rightwinger politics is like a never ending argument in a marriage that should never have happened, and is why democracy fails since it puts no end in sight. Sometimes there's a divorce (civil war) but the only way to end this is a complete take-over by one side (Masculine: fascist police state/natsoc/some other rightwing system my dumbass wouldn't know about) or the other. (Feminine: marxist socialism/communism)

With this new generation of young people, it's become apparant that the political ecosystem seems to be preparing for a take-over of one side or the other as an increasing amount of millenials are either full blown marxists, or, in the case of many Sup Forumsacks and elsewhere, subscribers to the dark enlightenment. It's not a matter of if but when. Trump was the first happening of the dark enlightenment.

>with the new generation of young people, civil war is coming

Yep I have been telling everybody this but nobody believes me. When babyboomer faggots die off, what is going to stop Millenials/Gen X/Gen Z from kill each other?

Left/right fucking hates each other in those generations, especially Millenials/Gen Z. They don't want to work it out, it's not a joke or a game, they literally fantasize about killing the other.

If rightwingers don't take a lesson from Trump sooner or later, then the west is perpetually doomed to marxism. No matter what, normal humans are emotional animals, and people will always ride the feels train before they listen to logic.

I mean, after all, would you rather party on the campaign or sit their listening to some boring mofo talking about taxes?

With all that analysis in mind, the reason why nazism, eugenics and conservatism has picked up in recent years is due to the meme wars. The more offensive memes are thrown out there in a "positive" (funny) light, the more young viewers get sucked, if slowly, into the ideology and away from marxism. If the weaponized autists around here would start implementing this shit in other fashionable forms, it would further garner the youth into the ideology.
The only way to win the culture wars is to make western values and traditions "hip" again. And as a former sales associate, it's only a matter of how you sell it, not what you're selling.

You're missing something

They want to feel good, yes....but they also seek validation. But being a pathetic schmuck who satisfies their primal urges by binge eating, doing drugs, having lots of sex and being lazy, they will never find acceptance from their fathers or white society. So how do they seek validation? From 'the oppressed'

It's one thing to argue the merits of a plan when you have a shared outcome. But regular folk and SJWs do not share a common goal. Go ahead, have a conversation about refugees with an SJW. Ask them what if mass migration from the third world could destroy all that our ancestors have made in western civilization. Chances are good that they will reply, not that they think it's unlikely, but that we deserve it. They don't want to prevent destruction....they think we deserve it.

And this allows them to have their animal desires and still get validation from the brown peoples of the world

because generally speaking, logic is not on their side. in almost every stance a liberal takes, they have already set themselves up to lose against logic by defending a retarded premise. so really all they can do is dig in their heels and shut their ears to logic, and just shout names like "RACIST and BIGOT!"

>Why do liberals just call people names when they try to use logic or present sources and facts
it's actually a pretty good propaganda device via solinsky/rules for radicals. The smart ones use it because they know they have a loosing argument. The useful idiots use it because they are just mimicking the smart ones.

Liberals are only liberals because nowdays it's trendy to be political, so they join the most accessible braindead group to represent and go with whatever they are told.

I also used to work in sales. We used top/down selling, 5 times no rule, and a bunch of other ridiculous shit. It is crazy the stuff that works on people.

I am a musician with albums out and some decently big stuff coming up, but I don't know how to utilize that into right-wing propaganda.

I've had this discussion before with a 50+ year old pilot. Gen Z/millenials, which I'm caught between as well, tend to be VERY polarized politically. In other words, we consist of a lot of radicals. (normies still run the majority but a lot of genZ/millenials are more politically involved than in other generations) It's essentially nazis vs communists. Culturally, it's WWII.

However, insisting there will be a civil war is just retarded. That won't happen. It'll most likely be a take over by the far left or far right, and the other side will just be left to protest in the streets or boil hatred in the silence of their homes, LARPing for a civil war one day. Pessimistically, I'm afraid we'll most likely see the U.S. nosedive into marxist politics after Trump is gone. But who knows. Those on here who bitch about the massive amount of newfags coming here don't seem to realize that we've entered the dark enlightenment, and the revolution has caused the astronomical number of redpilling, and hence increased traffic, we're seeing today. If anything, we should be speeding this process up. Recruitment is the only way we'll win the culture wars.

Agreed, I forgot to touch up on that as well.
The need for validation is another feminine trait of the leftists.

>civil war is just retarded

Nah dude I really don't think it's retarded. I don't think Gen Z/Millenials are going to sit in their homes and take it.

We are the 50% divorce rate-2008 recession-Jewish entertainment monopoly generation. The extreme existential hatred/depression/rage is unreal. People don't always come out and say it, but you can tell. People want violence and a vision for a new world to give meaning in their lives, because the institutions that make the human experience have failed them (family, marriage, relationships, community, religion).

We are in the process of a re-discovery of values. People (mostly younger people) are re-evaluating religion, the idea of family/marriage, and stuff like that. I think it will either end up in civil war or a peaceful separation of the states.

I honestly think they've been psychologically abused as kids, again in highschool, and again in college. They come from shit parents who didn't spend any time with them, so they enter highschool desperate for any kind of authority figure.

Highschools are run like prisons by incompetent administrators, teachers are poorly trained and burned out by stress or age, lessons are tailored not to create good students but to create as big a number as possible so the school can keep getting it's government check. This acclimates the students to authoritarianism, crushes their individuality, stunts their creativity, and makes them antisocial. They are also propagandized from the second they enter middle school that they absolutely must go to college to succeed in life, so they do so due to social pressure from parents, peers, and authority figures because they don't know any better and haven't been trained to question authority at all.

The third stage during college is when the heavy indoctrination begins, at this point some colleges actually mandate students to take part in liberal propaganda and a majority of desirable colleges discriminate and subdue opposing views. Professors in the once credible but now dead field of social """science""" often evangelize to their students and as recent college riots indicate, they are actively indoctrinating students into domestic terrorist groups like BLM or Antifa.

Sometimes I am legitimately tempted to hate these frothing, screaming, violent adult children, but at the end of the day all you can do is feel sorry for them because they've been abused since childhood and taken advantage of as adults.

Because they know they'll lose debate. It's that simple. They know that following an intellectual discourse to its conclusion will show their position to be completely internally and externally contradictory.

I don't know what kind of music you listen to, but if it's niggertunes, look how J. Cole and Hopsin do it. They're more redpilled than other nigger musicians. (Hopsin especially) It's not hard to incorporate right wing ideals into lyrics at all. How does the downfall of society make you feel? The demoralization of the population? The crime? The rape?
Makes you feel sad or angry, doesn't it? Incorporate how you feel into your music but in a masculine way. An easy one would be messages like "fuck society" which always appeal to the rebellious kids.

In other words, "put your soul into your message."

Oh I know. I'm part of that group. I mentally masturbate to a nazi uprising and occasionally have thoughts of an hero-ing downtown in my spic infested city. (which I'll never enact on, FBI faggots) I just assume I'm all by myself in this mindset because of where I live, being the second most cucked city in Texas. I hope you're right though and it's just me being outnumbered here. I just want leave at this point.

This is the wrong mindset to have when engaging with a liberal. Read above posts.
If tl;dr they think like wimmin.

If they they want to destroy America (The West), then shouldn't they be executed for treason?

I think the civic nationalist will completely win out over the other side and put the boot of the constitution on the neck of leftist delusional faggots. The former have a righteous and red-blooded spirit and physicality, the latter are degenerate turdlings that can't do anything but whine and lie.

Because they are indoctrinated. They are manlets and women they only use their feelings. And the Jews know that. They'll flash a couple of dead children and all the progress we've made as Europeans and Americans dont matter anymore. There is a reason strong men tend to become conservatives and even psychology proves that.

Gee, you'd fucking hope.

They should hire a firing squad just for this purpose. Think of the jobs we'd create.

Damn right.

Agree with this.

I think once people wake up (which they are), leftism won't stand a chance. Right-wing politics has been dead for a long time. Neo-cons were basically just New World Order corporate faggots who were completely worthless in every way.

The new-right is kind of sexy and rebellious. The current left is just gross and depressing. It's just a constant parade of weird sex stuff, "abortion rights", really vague socialist policies, and illogical fits about completely mundane things.

Why would they attract any new-comers (meaning young people getting into politics or older people formulating an opinion)?

The current right is kinda badass, funny, and with lots of irony.

>present arguments for the holocaust, global climate change, suspicions about Trump's administration, and other things
>get called a stupid faggot, shareblue shill, or have completely fake and made up shit shoved back as evidence
>but it's liberals who are the emotional ones

it's Sup Forums dude it's just some good bantz

if this were IRL i bet the majority of these people would listen to your argument and consider the facts.

They have their views affirmed by every teacher, politician, media personality and many people in our society.

This video got 1.5 million views for a reason before it was taken down. It appealed to emotion, NatSoc propaganda still works today. Show people images of authoritative men marching around and they will begin to turn.

Okay so is the Hitler meme just propaganda or not?

I watched The greatest story never told and read Mein Kempf.

But my grandfather fought in World War 2 and personally evacuated one of the concentration camps. Said that Jews were actually being tortured to death and that Hitler was literally possessed by demons.

So I am really confused at this point. To me, it seems like Hitler was an evil person who did some interesting things along the way. It seems like Sup Forums's nazi propaganda is bullshit, even though it is fun.

Was Hitler the incarnation of satan or not?

Because when you can't make a logical point the only thing left to do is appeal to their emotions.