Sup Forums was too harsh with him
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Cruz won my heart with the El Chapo Act.
Trump said he would teach them how to win.
The best ones at BTFOing SJWs are often the targets of Sup Forums's autistic rage. Ted Cruz, Ben Shapiro, etc..
So is it Ted or Kanye in 2024?
because the problem is the CEO of a dozen super successful companies WORKING ON GREEN TECHNOLOGIES getting efficiently from point A to point B
fucking pandering elitist Harvard moron
The battle for the delegates made him stronger.
We did what we had to. We put the right man in the White House.
sometimes you need to be beaten into shape
Top Bantz Ted
Oh captain my captain!
If Trump cucks on literally everything, maybe at least he'll have taught Republicans that chucking to liberal narratives doesn't do shit.
Honestly since Trump was elected, Ted
has never been better. It's almost as if he is now in the proper environment to succeed and be heard. Win win.
Cruz came out of the 2016 election a better man. His experience competing against Trump red-pilled him by proxy and also taught him a lot of lessons in humility.
So close friend. Try these numerals on for sizs
greatest comeback arc ever
Cruz is my favorite spic
phoneposters get out
Lion Ted.
Ted starting to learn what winning tastes like
Ted Cruz has his uses, but just like every other fucking politician he is in the back pocket of Israel. Cruz, Levine, Lee, so called "constitutional conservatives" are all sucking Israel dick.
Find me 1 politician who hates Israel and i'll fins you a dog that shits leprachauns that in turns shits gold bars.
no,ted learned quickly after the convention that trump was the future and fell in line
rats now how to adapt....that being said,i have grown to like cruz since the election
Tendies politician. He wishes he had Musk's clout
yeah, sure, because in our modern day and age with the internet and everything you obviously need to travel that much, especially when half the destinations are leisure
and yes, the problem is them, they alone contribute more than the private market combined yet its the private market that always have to pay the price!
fuck the shill
>you should be called
>Soarin' Ted
>like an eagle
Gets me every time.
People forget El Rato was pretty cool for a while in the campaign before he started attacking.
Trump warned him "you better not attack."
"If you do not stand with Israel, I do not stand with you."
Yep. I actually voted for Cruz in the primary because I'm Texan, I had voted for him for senate already, and he had not gone crazy yet.
But then the establishment or whoever started handing him a script that was full blown retard. Even before Trump pulled way ahead, I knew I was off the Cruz missile and on the Trump train.
I'm still mad he didn't bend the knee at the convention, but if he keeps his energy high, I might vote for his senate re-election.
the bantz
well he learned from the best
>Elon Musk
soaring ted!
the vegeta to our goku
We weren't. The tough ones can take the banter and fix themselves when they realise they'd done wrong.
Ted learned a lot.
I really liked Cruz, I just liked Trump more.
>Yep. I actually voted for Cruz in the primary because I'm Texan
But only a semi faggot.
I must admit this one made me want to give el rato a big ol piece of cheese. Why are we not taxing chapo to build the wall at a price of 12 billion dollars?
Too much lying not enough honor. Vegetable beats his opponents fairly or dies trying because he loves a challenge
> especially when half the destinations are leisure
so while he's running huge companies that feed tens of thousands of families and employ the smartest people, he should waste half his time waiting in lines, you idiot?
wtf i'm a missile now
What's the deal with Chapo recently anyway? Haven't heard anything about him at all.
You forget on Namek he killed the unconscious enemies Goku beat.