Times you went full Sup Forums in public?

Times you went full Sup Forums in public?

>a few years ago at bar
>open mic karaoke
>get drunk
>sing "born to be wild, but switch it to born to be white... power ad lib all lyrics
>do nazi salute
>they let me do the whole song
>people at bar getting pissed
>moron friend records it
>puts it on social media
>its still there
>still get shit for it

Other urls found in this thread:


social media is holding people accountable for their actions 1000x better than the thread of divine punishment

fuck u my dumbass friend hasn't logged onto his youtube in years and i cant delete the video

i liked that video.good job white brother

He's not your friend.

Yea I agree, but cant do anything about it now.



Post or be a faggot.

Today against two of my neighbors that don't mind the homeless that have been swamping our neighborhood recently. This bitch wants everyone to go all Seventh Heaven on them and invite them into your house instead of chasing them away. Its almost like they virtue signal just to troll. I laid down the law and somehow that was suppose to shame me.

Settle down there, gramps.

im 34 faggot

I did this with "Can't Help Falling in Love With You" and changed it to "Can't Help Wanting to Gas the Jews"

I've seen you post this story on Sup Forums before.

>go to normie party
>get high as fuck
>sing Horst wessel lied and start crying

my man

Yea I have and u fags posted hilarious comments on the youtube vid, its still not taken down figured id have some fun with it

>Play cards against humanity with girlfriend, her friend, and my girl's mother on new years
>We turned it into a drinking game somehow and I was drunk
>The card put down said something "this neighborhood was fine until ____ ruined it"
>There was custom cards where we got to write whatever on it and I had written Jews and someone got the card and placed it down.
>We all laughed and said that was definitely the worst one and therefore the winner
>I blurted out "Yeah, plus it's actually true!"
>We all continue to laugh but after awhile I just think to myself "oh fuck did I really just say that?"

>driving mom somewhere
>skinny black guy on bike steering with one hand, holding a bag concealing something in the other
>I say "I wonder what tyrone stole today"
>"Yea probably..."

I feel like she's starting to agree with me though

>Sitting on bus
>Nig singing fuck the police next to me
>Lean over and say
"I can't wait till you get shot by the police"
Kinda feel guilty.

no way was that you, you fucking idiot!

it is moron and i regret it a bit

I did a Nazi salute in a bar once too, but it was crowded enough that only my friends saw it

Man your video sucks. Big time. I got about 30 seconds in and was thinking how I wanted to watch it just to be a bro. Check back in with ya.
>Haha, so and so part was funny.
No, it was pure shit. This is like watching a 14 year old girls snapchat story, but instead of a 14 year old girl it's a sad, racist 40 year old. Watching you desperately sing your provocative song was pathetic. It was like a drunken yell out of a cabin door in a blizzard, a prayer that some digusting ho from the lonely tuesday night bar crowd would notice you and you could bask off the attention you love, even though it's completely negative.


i still find it amusing and i was drunk as fuck no shit


posted itt.

Man globalization really fucked your job didn't it

>does retarded shit in public
>calls friend "moron" for documenting it

Eat shit Warren


do you have actual autism?

no i dont was just drunk

those are some big drunk balls


>mfw name is Warren and I like to get belligerently drunk and sing karaoke

Are you me? It seriously freaked me out when I saw the title of the video cause I've done all sorts of stupid shit while singing karaoke and am terrified of becoming a meme someday because I sometimes go full Sup Forums when I drink

a fight broke out after the video ended fun times.

> Let me over-analyze something to attempt to discredit you
> Thinking he cares about the video after he linked it to a bunch of faggots on Sup Forums's Sup Forums board

Get over yourself and go photosynthesize, faggot. If you really want to save the world, keep up being a cog in the wheel and suck that carbon out of the air.

>played cards against humanity back in 2014
>write "ISIS posing as Syrian refugees" on the blank card way back when Sup Forums was the only place in earth talking about this
>friend plays it, other friend reads it as one of the possible answers
>a few small chuckles, everyone seemed confused

Guess I was too ahead of the curb for those plebs. *tips fedora* *teleports away*

Based Leaf truthies

Nice one, Warren.


i had one today
>little moozie looking kid stood next to me at the train station
>has backpack on
>crazy eyes
wait for the next train

It's not really public, but

>black co-worker posts a paypal donation link on normiebook, says he's going through hard times
>send him $14.88

>Be me
>student in major city
>walking home from class
>see a black guy with a white wife and their mixed child
>As I get closer the guy says excuse me and tries to get my attention, probably to ask for directions or money some shit
>I don't make eye contact, just walk past him without saying a word

His eyes stills care me, just screams crazy.

seems like an ok guy


If that was really you, than you sound like a faggot


Is this is?


ok thanks

holy shit that's funny. where can i find the video?


pretty funny, who cares what nigs and libcucks think?

>Internet tough guy writes fan fics for GBP

I got really drunk after a school dance one night and ranted for like an hour about how I demand a white nation. My friends won't let me hear the end of it.


He linked the actual video in the thread.

Thats funny shit man. Are you even trying?

i was drunk and thought it was funny

Hahaha, you're a faggot

>walking down to the local mini-mart to take a shart and get some dew
>going through "that" part of town
>nigger and his mutt wife pull up near where I'm walking
>he's in a pharaoh shirt
>his wife has an ankh necklace
>being laughing uncontrollably
>the nigger tries to talk to me
>his wife thinks I'm a murderer
>thinks blue eyes are the eyes of a killer
>tells her "maayne" to drive away
>maayne nigger drives away like the whipped cuck he is
I still can't get over encountering a real life meme

Fuck all of you, I bet you look just like that shitskins on typical pol meetings.
Gj Warren, when I do NS stuff dunk it looks way worse. And people around aren't that friendly.

I was known as a Nazi in high school. I was pretty well liked though. Got along with all the different groups. But people knew that I had a bunch of marches from the 3rd Reich on my iPod. Plus I brought Mein Kampf to school one day. Good times.

lmao fuck yeah

Living with my cousin and her husband and kids, got super drunk with her normie, Jimmy Fallon loving Albertan husband.
>Everyone else went to bed
>Test the waters by talking shit about gays
>goes pretty well, so I randomly blurt out
"I'll be honest, I don't like Jews. In fact, I hate them all, and I think the only thing hitler did wrong was lose the war"
>Cousin's husband staring at me, also wasted
>no reaction on his face while I'm talking whatsoever
>Feel so nervous waiting for feedback from him
>2 second delay before he replies feels like the longest in my life
>Without changing expression at all he says

>be in geology club
>5 girls all talking about disney movies, some are debating what order the movies came out in
>I say all the monster movies came out after the company went out of the sons control and conspiracy theorists think the jewish CEOs of disney are trying to promote racemixing with the minority princesses

>trying this hard to be controversially trolling


I recently referred to facebook as faceberg in conversation, which led to a discussion on the line between observation and antisemitism.

I proceded to get blackout drunk after that as we laughed about how women ruin everything and shouldn't be allowed to vote, and talk shit about religion and personal philosophy.
My cousin heard a lot of our rantings from the bedroom, I'm just glad I didn't loudly talk about nazi shit.

>get drunk with some buddies at local bar
>I mean shitfaced drunk, which I rarely ever do
>talk turns to politics
>For some reason, I nonchalantly say that "the world would be better off without Jews"
>I get a bunch of silent nods and one of my buddies says "You're probably right"

I wasn't even participating in the conversation and I have no idea why I said it since it was mostly out of context.

Yeah, I got a bunch of friends who know all about the Jews, and we talk about that shit in the bar sometimes. My Dutch friend's sister's husband told him he oughta teach his son about X things like a dutchman, now he just gotta find a Jew to teach him about money;
"NO dude, Jews are fucking evil"
me: "Yeah, sorry bud, but he's right, Jews are fucking evil"
him: "Oh... OK lmao"

A lot of people know it really, but don't wanna be anti-semitic. And when you get them drinking they will call it out. Basically anyone who believes in illuminati knows they are all Jews.


This. Everybody knows. It's just such a taboo subject that everybody waits for someone else to say it.

Strange that so many people are afraid to talk about in public, the (((media))) has got mostly everyone convinced that everyone else loves the Jews or at least hates anti-semites.

I guess it's (((their))) way of isolating their enemies and making them feel alone and outnumbered.

I can't tell if that's a short 40 year old man or an old looking 10 year old kid.

I thought it was pretty funny. It sucks you're named Warren.


>op wasn't bullshitting what so ever.

Got an audible laugh from me, Leafbro. Has there ever been more developments from this?

>be in faggy english class in year 11
>teacher leaves class
>roasties start writing shit on the whiteboard while she's gone
>get up and write "The Jews did 9/11"
>"user what does that mean?"
>don't answer
>just laugh

>be walking down a mall in CBD on the way to Dinner.
>Some libtard kids are handing out "Help the Refugees"and the like communist propaganda.
>They ask me if I want their fake news
>I say "No"politely
>and then add "I am a Racist"
>Provide to walk through their space, while they looked shocked and have no comebacks.
>One brave soul says "You should consider changing your stance"
>I stop and turn to him and firmly but politely say "No"".
>I continue on to Dinner.

>its exactly what he said it was

You look ten years older than that in a four year old video. Life has not been kind to you.

>Playing cards against humanity with my family
>Never play any of the anti-white cards of any of the cards that imply blacks are sexually superior
>The shame of failure is less than the shame of playing a card that says "The Biggest Blackest Dick" around my little sister and mom

Does everything have to be so slighted against white men? The game was made be kikes by the way. Yeah, after trying it for the first time I knew it had to be the Jews and sure enough it was. Every fuckin' time.

I'm all for lads making drunken asses out of themselves but I don't know why you willingly told Sup Forums about this one.

It's just really cringe. Like really fuckin cringe, mate.

No Cringe there. Just pure Aryan male awesomeness.

>at buddies house, bored
>Took Xanax and drank a beer
>didn't realize Xanax + alcohol makes you black out
>I'm a fucking idiot for doing this
>his family came home, brought dinner
>I'm blacked out at this point
>told that I rambled for 20 minutes on how the Jew Zionist got America in ww1 and were behind the Russian revolution.
>was kindly kicked out of the house

>be 16
>go to party
>get smashed 20 drinks or something
>friend invited a few people from other schools
>non-binary or some trash like that
>pass out, can't remember the rest of the night
>wake up and go to school next morning
>friends tell me I pissed off half the people there
>TF did I do.jpeg
>apparently I started screaming shit like 'there's only 2 genders'
>called everyone faggot
>scream something about how lefties had mental disorders
>80% the people there hate me
>'Fuck you user' 'Fuck off user' becomes a catch phrase at school

This cunts alright

kek you cant leave me hanging what was the reaction


Top kek burger bro

>rambled for 20 minutes on how the Jew Zionist got America in ww1 and were behind the Russian revolution

>sing "born to be wild, but switch it to born to be white... power ad lib all lyrics

Stopped reading here. This never happened

you idiot, you missing the good part!

nigga he posted a link to the vid

OP, have you been diagnosed yet?
