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Niggers don't even know what white flight is yet, you want your own state? Might just happen.
Detroit 2.0 happening at Mizzou.
It's incredible how niggers are only 13% of the total american population and yet they are responsible for so much misery, annoyance, and barbarity.
Let them drown in poverty
They lost quite a bit last year as well, didn't they?
No one wants to study faeces swastikas?
>no one wants to graduate from a school that future employers will blacklist
I live near Mizzou and I want this place to fucking crash
School is also announcing layoffs
Maybe they can eliminate the "black" and "women" studies program and come out on top.
We need more chimpouts.
/new/ and /n/ were right all those years ago.
If there's one thing that'll scare these self-righteous boards and fat cats, it's losing dough.
I can't wait until Trump finishes them off.
social justice warriors will be the death of education itself. lol
2 month old news faggot shill what are you trying to slide?
Kikes are trying to blame it on them not being progressive enough
Saying it's racist incidents are keeping students away
As if all the absent students are niggers just so afraid of poop swastikas
just what we all said would happen
>bringing niggers to your school en masse
top fucking lol
there's a critical mass of nignog and it's low.
Good, as someone in possesion of a bachelors let me tell you college is a scam.
guess they don't need that muscle anymore
Theyve already murdered and buried public K-12
2 months old and never reported EVEN ONCE by MSM
yeah, I think overall they lost the same numbers last time
It's not enough until 100% of non-retards jump ship.
The problem is they just follow wherever whites end up moving to.
Ha, the black plague.
It's no laughing matter user
Clearly i need to move to Idaho
I suppose segregation truly is the answer.
I'm dumb. Give me a quick rundown. Why is this happening Sup Forums?
seems that way
Wait. What race riots? I only watch the happening, I don't care where they happen.
It sucks for me I sell a lot of stuff to Mizzou, that being said it is best known for journalism. So I'll take the hit if a few less commies come out of there. I think our Governer will straighten the place up fairly soon. Republican super majority in MO.
Or some punk ass self-hating White bureaucrat looks around and says, "You know what this place could use? More trash!" and moves them into our areas anyway.
By self hating white you mean democrats zand by trash you mean votes
B-but I had nothing to do with that nigger and cuck brigade!
No they don't.
>University of
> Missouri
why would anyone pay for that
We should have listened to the fairy tales, they tried to warn us about everything. Muslims, niggers, kikes, you name it.
Wasbt one of their college professors calling for white genocide on twitter? Yes he was a white cuck antifa type.
more room for mizzou faculty to rape children
What is the past tense verb for white flight?
>my parents white flighted?
>my parents white flew?
>Utter rejection of niggers and the diversity narrative
>Significantly less shekels to fund "kill whitey" studies, which translates to less shekels for the Jew
>Open rejection of (((their))) agenda, as well as (((their))) place in academia (aka precursor to purging of (((academia))) )
It doesn't go far enough. Get as many unis to drop enrollment figures as possible to hasten the destruction of (((academia))).
White Flit.
It's amazing that they think it's people saying "wow fuck that racist place I don't want to go to school at somewhere RACIST. I love all people :')" as to why enrolment is tanking.
College enrolment is down all over the US and the world. My university I went to in the US was tanking too a couple years ago before I moved back home.
The reason enrolment is down at Mizzou is because:
1. No one wants to go to school because the partisan curriculum and debt is not fucking worth it.
2. No one who can afford college wants to go to school with uppity niggers.
My school started crashing and burning when they received equality grants to bring in more blacks and latinos. They cut SAT score and HS GPA requirements and got FLOODED with hood rats and illegals who can't even speak English. Course quality went down, campus got dirtier and dirtier, and people started getting shot and robbed in dorms.
can you actually start these riots up here? It wouldn't take long to close Canada's universities, there's not that many.
Northern Arizona university is having a huge influx of student population and its a shitty college to boot.
wow, 14%...
Made a comment earlier that Berkeley, Mizzou, the "no white day" school, and others are now only known for their protests rather than education.
It's the latinos user. Give it two years and they'll drop out and the enrolment will start shitting out.
The trend in the US is (from what I can tell) smaller schools get found by a class of high school seniors, gets popular and becomes party school, foundations and societies offer equality money, flooded with minorities, white students leave, minorities drop out, no one wants to go to shitty nigger school, university folds and merges with bigger regional school as satellite campus.
t. Went to school in the US for BA and MA and saw the process happen from start to finish.
>Mizzou tries to stop whites from going to certain places on campus
>whites stop going to any place on campus
Who would have thought alienating the largest demographic in the country wasn't conducive to success.
More like the forced repatriation of Africa.
>started getting shot and robbed in dorms.
Don't forget the raping, user. Someone is doing the raping.
>"hey man africa the most beautiful country in the world man white ppl raped it and us for our resources it da most resource-rich place in the world man lmao more than europe we wuz kangz n queens of egypt when u wuz livin in caves nigga sheeeit u stole us from our land 2 pick ur cotton"
>bring niggers back to africa
>"hey man wtf u do dat fo mayne where my ebt where my welfare check where my wic where my snap nigga SHEEEEEIT"
>they all die within a month
my alma mater has just built thousands of new rooms for new students.
it's very simple why, as people are not any richer now than they were a few years ago
>nobody fucking pays for college anyway
you BORROW for college and as the more students you have the better the administration looks (fuck the actual students and their QoL), why not just lower your standards and pump the place full of more debtors that do not understand the burdens they're taking on until they're out of school and you are no longer responsible for any aspect of their life?
i never finished my degree (complicated) and while i am not in the position to go back to school, i do not want to.
while i am NOW* in the position to go back
Their enablers are at least partially responsible. I mean, niggers and niggers only are responsible for the violence within their areas and among their people. But there's absolutely no reason whatsoever that we should have niggers in our colleges. The 0.2% of 'groids that can actually get 110+ IQs still ought to be doing my fucking laundry and cleaning my toilets. But for some reason, we've seen to it that a huge number of these apes wind up in our institutions of higher learning. It's insane, and white people are to blame.
They didn't win their fucking rights. We gave them to them. We did it because a large enough portion of our own people got suckered by jewish bullshit. But I'm not gonna totally blame the jews, because it takes two to tango, and we have a ton of fucking retards who lap up the jewish narrative like it's ice cream. Without traitors among us, none of this would be possible.
>i never finished my degree (complicated)
being too dumb and/or too poor is not complicated
well yea. nigs dont want to go cus is raicis. Whites dont want to go cus of nigs
Niggers destroy everything they come in contact with.
> be government and gibmedats
> give scholarships and free fucking rides to minorities that don't do shit but hood rat activities
> white person with high GPA, successful at sports and extra curricular activities?
> here's 300 dollars for your 10k/year university, now fuck off m8
This is how college works in today's world, it's such a terrible tragedy. I'm not saying free college is the answer, but give a hand to those that actually want to succeed in college and not to fucking nobodies.
Letting jews in to sell niggers has ruined the Americas.
>White people are so awful and evil and oppressive.
>Hey lets follow them wherever they go!
My parents used their brain cells and ran from the pack of feral niggers that are slowly encroaching on White land
maxed out on federal loans when my family lost our house to a jew who illegally obtained our mortgage (consequence of the fallout from 2008) and i moved several states away for a few years
never transferred because i never knew when i was moving back and because transferring TO my old school was a bitch where you lost a fuckload of credits
i've only just returned post-election
kill yourself