Question to all idiots who still support Trump.
Do any of you have children? If so, you must really hate them.
Question to all idiots who still support Trump.
Do any of you have children? If so, you must really hate them.
He's autistic
>Give me clean, beautiful and healthy air
>And let's deregulate industries so they can compete with China (whose industries pump toxic waste into the land, air, and sea)
Oh hey look everyone, it's this thread again
>implying people here still support Trump
Member Syria? This is just another reason to hate that orange kike sellout.
No you hate your children because you want them to be blown up or raped by sand niggers.
>deregulate industries
what a pitiful pair of worn out buzzwords
Just recently, Trump gave Saudis a $1bn deal in arms.
You're a fucking moron for supporting Trump.
But hey, I'm sure it's all fine and dandy in your world. Go blame Obama for being a million times better president. Idiot.
thank you for your interest in the american youth, Slovenia
>tfw saw the signs of decay years ago and decided to never have kids
>tfw it was easy to do cause ugly sperg
>tfw can ride out the rest of my life only having to look after myself and if the earth ends so be it
And they called me a loser all those years but now im better off than they are.
>fucking buzzwords
>says he will remove regulations
>deregulate = to remove regulations
It's not really a buzzword.
>No you hate your children because you want them to be blown up or raped by sand niggers with american weapon and explosives
I don't see saudis flooding into europe, it's mostly african muslims and "syrians" driven out of their homes by kike operatives. And even if it wasn't if you weren't such a bunch of cucks you'd be shooting them at the border, Like we should be doing with mexicans but fail to because we still aren't far right enough to make us men.
We haven't had a good President since McKinley. That's how pathetic this country has become.
>retarded Slovenian still believes that the Paris bullshit was about anything other than kike taxation and regulation
>and "syrians"
And guess from where they've came to Syria?
Trump could fuck their mothers and beat the shit out of their dads and they would still support le ebin may may president
Whether or not it was kike taxation or regulation the US had no business in pulling out because climate change is indeed a real thing and this was the best possible scenario for the entire world.
I hate the kikes too but come on, denying scientific research vehemently? Drumpftards really are a new form of subhuman cultists just as Sup Forums believes now.
America is so great it can't afford to keep his land clean LMAO
Fuck off subhuman cunt. Each one of my kids will have a V8 a ute a landcruiser and a six bedroom house like me and we will use more electricity and fossil fuels every day than your whole commie block faggot country and laugh while we do it.
Your head is way too far up your own asshole to even realize what the fuck I just said.
Let's do a thought experiment. Imagine, if you're capable of that is - that Obama just made a $1bn arms deal with Saudis. What would your reaction be?
Yeah I fucking thought so. You're a racist hypocrite. As long as a black man isn't running your government, you're fine with your country burning to the ground. You're fine with doing every hypocritical thing in the world that you would yourself mercilessly oppose if the roles were reversed.
Your idiocy doesn't just amaze me, it fascinates me. I have no idea how it must feel to be this stupid. I guess it's kind of alright because when you're past a certain point you don't really realize you're stupid. And that's likely the case for you.
Yep. It's pathetic how these cultists are. They've been gaslit for months now and in 2 years, none of us will be posting here if worst comes to worst, in which knowing Drumpf, it may very well happen with his sub 100 IQ and Alzheimers like symptoms that just recently came up for discussion.
Hold your fucking horses faggot, If it's kike taxation we have every right to take a fat nasty shit all over it regardless of what some half coon negroid signed on for in the name of gommunism, and if you don't like it you can move to somalia where nigger politics is the norm rather than a momentary lapse in judgement.
>muh international bullshit agreements are going to force us along
Did Obama help combat climate change? He didn't have some faggy French/German agreement in place to tell him what to do.
It's a strawman.
Do I dare say......... /ourguy/?
I'm not a hypocrite, and there's nothing wrong with being racist against niggers, be they sand, prairie, jungle, or otherwise. If he wants to sell the saudis weaponry to make us some spare cash on the suffering of their neighbors that's more than fine, that's good, because if the muslims want to shoot eachother and we can make a profit that's to our benefit.
>communist state
>still buying the capitalism is good meme
>what are income discrepancies that need to be addressed
>what are island nations already disappearing and will be gone in the next 2 years at current trends
Wew lad
Why are you even on Sup Forums lefty, you know you're just going to be made fun of.
Hope you don't have children, because that would mean your bloodline will continue. I have six kids and they all have brains enough to actually read scientific studies on the matter, and guess what? No scientific study with actual data supports your ignorance.
Question to all idiots who still support open borders.
Do any of you have children? If so, you must really hate them.
finally we see drumpf do something good and you're bitching? go away
Yeah, none of that is true.
Dumbass slav. You know arms deals take years to work out right? He had little to do with it and little power to stop it. I don't even like Trump but that's a retarded criticism.
Trump has killed us all!
I love my children, which is why we need to kill all the shitskins and Jews.
Because Sup Forums isn't your hugbox. You can go to r/The_Donald if you want everyone agreeing with you. Sup Forums is more left than right if we're basing the general opinion from 2011 onwards.
What's more important? Your island nation, which is slated to sink in the next 3-4 years because of America pulling out of the Paris agreement and thus, causing catastrophic consequences, or people similarly disaffected by climate change, flooding your countries in search of opportunities that have been stripped by imperialists whose climate change have inadvertently may have ruined all future opportunities there.
You know national socialist is not considered lefty right? Libertarians and capitalists are degenerate scum.
Let me get this straight.. You're shilling about the Paris agreement being dropped which would've funneled Billions of dollars into developed nations that have no indication of changing their climate policies, and you're mad about us trading some weapons for cash.
You should worry more. The stress will help end it faster.
The world might not exist in another decade. This is on par with the Syria strikes with how Trump fucked up. Unfortunately, cultists and science deniers like you fail to see this because its Jews pulling both strings.
Wrong answer lefty faggot, no one said pol was our hugbox, but your ideas still don't fly here because they're fucking stupid and since this place is anonymous no one is required to tongue your aids riddled anus over them.
that's literally exactly what happens, wave after wave, in economies. Governments deregulate and regulate periodically. I'm failing to see how it's a buzzword?
Trump means he's woke on chemtrails
Yeah but nobody would agree with you.
Natsoc is also not marxist, it's anti-marxist, and insofar as it's economics are concerned predominantly capitalist in it's leanings. L2Economics queerbait.
Do i have children? No... mwahahaha.
>trading weapons is good
>stopping climate change is bad
I'm not marxist you faggot.
You act like it is your hugbox, but then proceed to decide it wasn't, only to act like it was again seconds later by deeming other ideas as stupid. Really, can you not accept ANY opposing opinion? Is this what r/The_Donald has bred into you cultists? Fuck off and go back, NOW.
Most of Sup Forums is leftist and favors socialism as opposed to capitalism. Here is where you are wrong and everyone here will object to what you think, myself included.
Stay rekt kid
No, I act like communists aren't welcome here, and they aren't, get your shit and leave bolshy
Then why are you backing this faggoty communist nigger?
So trading weapons in exchange for oil, a leading component of fossil fuel burning is good, but stopping a real problem like climate change is bad? I hope you live on the coast, because I honestly hope your fat ass is the first to drown when the sea levels rise 12 feet a year from now with how Trump plans to utilize the EPA
So it's pretty much fact now that the United States is responsible for the entire fate of the world. We're pretty much the strongest nation in the world and we can destroy or save the world and no one can do anything about it. Just wanted to make sure.
Moving money from one place to another does nothing to combat climate change. Nice try though.
I'm not really "backing" anyone you retard. I'm attacking you for being retarded. National Socialism is socialist, plain and simple. You're the retarded nigger who's been brainwashed by the kikes into loving capitalism.
What is wrong with trading weapons? I bet you think that there is always a perfect situation to everything. I bet you think the Iran contra was bad. I bet you think NATO making Serbia fuck off of old Yugoslavia was wrong.
Is your fridge running? Well you'd better go catch it.
Money that could be used on preventing fossil fuels from burning, in which trillions of it come straight from Middle Eastern oil. Checkmate, cultist.
>there are people who believe that decreasing the average temperature by 0.2 degrees by 2100 is worth 100 billion dollars
>there are people who think that if the climate changes by any amount whatsoever, that the world will turn into a smog-filled wasteland devoid of color, beauty, and life
>Most of Sup Forums is leftist and favors socialism as opposed to capitalism. Here is where you are wrong and everyone here will object to what you think, myself included.
National Socialism, you retard
all Trump cares about is ruining Obama's legacy even at the cost of hurting the country. The idiot even signed the bill against net neutrality, something that benefited the people.
>>Exposed: How world leaders were duped into investing billions over manipulated global warming data
>>Whistle-Blower: ‘Global Warming’ Data Manipulated Before Paris Conference
>>NOAA Attempts To Hide The Pause In Global Warming: The Most Disgraceful Cover-Up Since Climategate
>>Climate Change Hoax? NOAA Data Exaggerated Global Warming, Alleged Whistleblower Claims
>>NOAA Scientists Falsify Data to Dupe World Leaders on Climate Change
>>Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation
>>More Countries Caught Manipulating Their Climate Data
Yes, socialist, but in actual function capitalist with the caveat that a company acting against the national interest could be censured by the government for acting in a degenerate or destructive manner. This is not the same as gibs me dats, which is all marxism is, a fat jewish neet asking for universal gibes me dats for the retarded so they can be more efficiently enslaved.
Guys it's done the temperatures already started rising US will become Mordor and Isengard before your very eyes...Trump is Voldemort
You realize Germany had extensive welfare programs under Nazi rule?
>liking your children
Fuck no. Birds have the right idea. You take care of them as they're growing up. You train them to be functional humans then you kick them out. If they fail to fly on the way down, no sweat off your ass. Can always have more kids.
>implying your point is relevant
This. Hitler explicitly states in Mein Kampf that National "Socialism" has nothing to do with Marxist Socialism and is more accurately defined as a "national unity".
>welfare for the disabled and retired is the same as giving shaneequa a monthly stipend to shit out more negroid/mixed babies that will never do shit for society.
There are clearly nuances you've failed to recognize.
NatSoc Germany had no niggers or spics to take money from people who actually required welfare
CO2 is good for plants, thus it's good for us.
When did I ever claim to want welfare for retarded niggers?
I see, and when these moneys go to these "developing nations" what will they be using besides coal, and fossil fuels en mass to provide their energy? Nuclear? Still takes an overwhelming amount of fossil fuels to obtain uranium. A developing nation needs cheap and easily obtainable sources of fuel, and fossil fuels are usually the answer. Mindless douche.
Why are all liberals prone to hyperbolic nonsense?
Completely happy he pulled out of Paris. Best thing for my country and my extended family.
You didn't, but comparing welfare under national socialism to welfare under socialism in europe and america is ridiculous, as is implying national socialism is left wing. Morality > Economic policy.
>I don't see saudis flooding into europe
The Saudis are behind much of the funding of Islamic centres and mosques. They also train imams and send them back to the West to spread their wahabbi filth so we end up with more radicalized faggots.
I never said any of that, now you're saying what I originally said. The first thing I said was that national socialism is not left wing. I think you're confusing me with the original communist you argued with.
Then they truly are our greatest ally in the middle east, you can't have a genocide of brown people without plenty of brown people asking to be genocided.
Are you 7 years old?
If you were my age, you would have heard a different climate scam every decade since the 1970s.
But I know you're not 7... I know you're a female that is paid to leave comments here. Bet you're wondering how I know.
This is entirely possible and if so I apologize, I just woke up a little while ago.
Are you serious? Paris is the dirtiest city i've ever been too. I was there last summer, absolutely filthy. Trash piled everywhere, dog shit in the streets, migrants with their dicks out jacking off to women walking by, etc. If that's the Paris definition of clean we can do just fine without any of your accords.
Global warmings real but you can't it on humans. One volcano spews more carbon then humanity has in its existence. Look it up.
KYS faggot
No kids. Just me and the wife in a big house. Very full inefficient sports cars. Lots of disposable income so we frequently travel ( by jet ). Glad I didn't fuck up and have kids. Slave so the "next" batch can live the life I have now.
Question to all idiots who believe in global warming.
Do you have an IQ over 85? If so, you are lying and better stop talking about science related topics.
Global warming is bullshit
if it were possible or true it would be in the bible
im not even memeing, dont bother replying
So your wife decided she didn't want to bear you an heir because of feminism so you groveled like a proper cuck and decided it was better to be a failed organism than fight for the continuation of your genetics, got it.
Nope. Never wanted kids. Being a slave isn't for everyone. I'm retired at 45. Just went to Maldives so it's ok if they go under now. Sorry folks. The next generation will have lots of life extending options so they can play viyda from their underwater homes. I've just got to make the best with what is here now. Def not a failed organism. Very large (white) family. Lots of nieces and nephews. I feel sorry for them.
EU becomes Middle East in 5 years, but the air is so much cleaner!
>Being a slave isn't for everyone
is married to some whore who doesnt even want to bear his children kek
could you BE more of a cuck?
To be fair though, we're both effectively failed organisms because we have failed to pursue our secondary genetic directive which is to eliminate competitor species, which makes us both liberalism's bitch. I still believe what I believe about you, but at least you don't do what you do as some last heir to a family line with a history of success or something.