"Global warming" is bullshit?

What a surprise! Well, not really...

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>It is photoshopped, but it's, it has to be.
Stop being a spherecuck.

world is cooling, we need 3% gdp growth to survive the coming winter. trump knows this, he's trying to tell us winter is coming.




Why the fuck is climate change such a partisan issue?

because some people are blue pilled and believe Jewish tricks


Wh- what?

This. The climate is changing all the time, including right now. We didn't cause it, though.

Because liberals think they can save the world by spending more and lowering quality of life.

Dumbass christcucks ITT denying science, typical.

Because normies who buy new cellphones every 6 months, eat beef seven days a week, drive brand new cars, live in big houses, fly all over the world to go on vacations, and buy sweatshop clothes and electronics made for pennies in third world countries with zero environmental regulations like to way their fingers at and belittle those of us who don't get spoon fed our opinions by Neil Degrasse Tyson.

Neil drives an 8 cylinder Audi that gets 16mpg, btw.

Everything in America is a partisan issue

"Anthropogenic" means man-made, in case you don't know the meaning of this word.

>But but the world has been warm before XD
Correct, however the current warming does not fit previous warming patterns. stop pretending that you understand climatology, you don't.

BINGO! It has nothing to do with the environment, it's a control issue.

Funny how "environmentalists" don't seem to ever give one fuck about the carpet of plastic floating on the worlds oceans. Or garabge in general. Their #1 concern is natures plant food..

Global = entire world, yet some areas are getting colder and some are getting warmer. There's a correlation between population density growth and temperature increase. it's almost as if cities produce heat from things like electricity, general human activity, asphalt etc. Really makes you think.

really would like to know who gives you these ideas

climate change does occur natrually, but very slowly. human caused climate change is several orders of magnitude faster.

we wouldnt even be spending more. we would be adding regulations on oil and coal industries. but new renewable energies are predicted to offer more jobs that those industries in the future anyway.

>implying the earth is round
fucking spherefags, when will they learn?

if nothing else we should be investing in renewable energy regardless.

If climate change is a hoax, or mis calculated. Lets fucken work on not digging up Oil and Coal which are finite resources.

My partisan view, either way.

They have to keep people terrified to maintain their grip on power. After 50 years of their Chicken Little bullshit, nobody is listening any more.

So according to this map niggers prevent temperature rise?

so, middle america?

So, middle America that wants to be hipster?

How about we just sequester the greenhouse gas using technology that has been around since the 1950s and is still the core of our agricultural infrastructure today?

Yes, and faggot millennials. They think """climate change""" is another issue they can solve with echo chamber facebook posts, celebrity scientists, hashtags, and working peoples' money.

probably because building underground facilities to draw Co2 emissions would be unfathomably expensive.

Hey, neat flag. I assume you're a climatologist, and you can give us the real scoop on climate change right? You can tell us why climate models never fucking predict shit, right?

>climate change does occur natrually, but very slowly. human caused climate change is several orders of magnitude faster.
Based on what? The only relevant historical data we have are CO2 and sea level. The most commonly used temperature data is historical METAR reports. What are METAR reports? Ground-based reports from stations scattered around the country. Some are human, some are automated. Where are they located? ON THE GROUND, primarily in and around population centers, including at airports. All this tells us is that where there is human infrastructure, there is more heat. No shit. Everything we do produces local heat.

If you want to prove your case, you have to prove that the disproportionate temperature increases are from CO2 and not from local human activity. Good luck with that.

It didn't show the data they wanted, so they changed it to make it go up.

>Global warming" is bullshit?
claims tiny insignificant apeman who just figured out how to walk on it's hind legs.

Those machinations work apparently.

It's a fake, nonexistent """problem""" whose solution requires massive government expansion. That means people will gain power.

Globe warms
Evaporates water
water rains
droughtfags can now have water

Lets wait for the ice caps to melt before we make a decision.


Wtf the world is black and white now!?

Trump needs to be impeached ASAP

>trusting nasa


>stop pretending that you understand climatology, you don't.

>listen to me, I understand climatology and you don't.

well for 1 we don't have records past a few hundred years. before that everything is speculation based on carbon dating and weathering.

as much as I believe in carbon dating, it's not an exact science, so to say.

>Cherry Picks the whole Tweet.

>I don't know what the word "anthropogenic" means
>but I know more about climatology than this Israeli, I promise you!

Not an argument

Not an argument, faggot.

IPCC has presented and used wrong datas several time , massmedia simply ignores that

The real problem is not the warming but the acidification of the oceans. huge amounts of C02 can make the ocean acidic and kill off all life inside the ocean, including phytoplankton. Phytoplankton accounts for about 50% of the world's oxygen so we would simply all die from suffocation

Why is it bad though?

>unironically believes in global warming

You can't make this shit up

>climate shills cant prove c02 is a climate driver
>b-but muh humans
kys fgt

>sign a fucking piece of paper
>will save the earth from climate change



CO2 lags temperature.

that smug chinese cartoon face really made your post look good huh, looks like you won

>1000-540 million years ago in the Neoproterozoic era the global temperature was 90F, 30 degrees higher than today's

>56 million years ago in Paleocene-Eocene epochs had an average global temperature 8C above average (73F, 13F higher than today)

>40 million years ago it was 4.5C higher

>These measurements show fairly convincingly that the long-term cooling trend over the last 50 million years is associated with a gradual decrease in carbon dioxide levels, from 2000-3000 parts per million during the Eocene Optimum to 200 p.p.m. during the Ice Age. The cause of this decrease is not fully understood, but seems to indicate that the total amount of carbon that can influence climate (carbon in the atmosphere, biosphere and ocean) is slowly decreasing, possibly because an increasing amount of carbon is being tied up in sedimentary rocks such as limestone.



Wow it's like CO2 and temperature are intrinsically linked. Who would have thought?


>The role of greenhouse gases in glacial-interglacial cycles

>From the air in our oldest Antarctic ice core, we can see that CO2 changed in a remarkably similar way to Antarctic climate, with low concentrations during cold times, and high concentrations during warm periods (see Fig. 3 overleaf). This is entirely consistent with the idea that temperature and CO2 are intimately linked, and each acts to amplify changes in the other (what we call a positive feedback). It is believed that the warmings out of glacial periods are paced by changes in Earth’s orbit around the Sun, but the tiny changes in climate this should cause are amplified, mainly by the resulting increase in CO2, and by the retreat of sea ice and ice sheets (which leads to less sunlight being reflected away). Looking at the warming out of the last glacial period in detail, we can see how remarkably closely Antarctic temperature and CO2 tracked each other. It is often said that the temperature ‘leads’ the CO2 during the warming out of a glacial period. On the most recent records, there is a hint that the temperature started to rise slightly (at most a few tenths of a degree) before the CO2, as expected if changes in Earth’s orbit cause an initial small warming. But for most of the 6,000-year long ‘transition’, Antarctic temperature and CO2 rose together, consistent with the role of CO2 as an important amplifier of climate change (see Fig. 4 overleaf). In our modern era, of course, it is human emissions of CO2 that are expected to kick-start the sequence of events. We see no examples in the ice core record of a major increase in CO2 that was not accompanied by an increase in temperature. Methane concentration also tracks the glacial-interglacial changes, probably because there were less wetlands in the colder, drier glacial periods.