>Sup Forums doesn't listen to us. If Sup Forums starts an op to destroy the confidence of celebritys' children because the left is making it okay to target kids, all we can do is sit back and watch.
We here may feel like allies to those on Sup Forums, and they may even privately bask in the glow of our admiration, but just remember: Sup Forums is the OG internet hate machine. And thus far, we've simply been very very lucky that the left is so easy to hate.
All it takes is one bad day.



fuck off with your legion bullshit. You are nothing because you claim to be a part of everything.

Your not fooling us Barron, we know it's you.

hello newfag

Someone tell me this is real

dunno saw it on redshit

>tfw not the real internet

They are also scared of fostering a situation where celebs / politicians become the favourite target of psychos

hence chelsea clinton talking about agreeing not to joke about killing the president regardless of politics

Anonymous is so amazingly dysfunctional in so many different ways that I cannot even make a decent comment on here other than to say everything I detest about you guys is summed up in the stupid mask you guys wear. How could you use a misguided symbol from such a retarded movie? Bleh.


>They'll just say what they always do
>Tits or GTFO?

Well we did poop down his chimney

>It is amazing what these people can do. "Here is a picture of Shea with a little bit of paneling in the background" and what 2 hours later narrow it down to 3 cabins in buttfuck Iceland or where ever, or finding Bike Lock Dick... these are people you don't want to piss off, THEY WILL WIN. Glad they are on our side.

>fuck off with your legion bullshit


wew brad

I think we have to be very, very careful about Barron. There's something scary brewing.

All you faggots do is ruin shit
Piss off


Heh heh heh, fuck it I'm in.

Maybe he will "finish the job"

i vote we do robert de negro

Why? Like even if we were to listen to fucking REDDIT of all nigger tier half thinkers, why RDN?

If we were ever going to go full internet hate machine on some retards wouldn't it be better to wait for the next ISIS attack in Europe and muck around with the victims families for allowing this to happen to their kin? That's the kind of shit that really riles jimmies.

>fucking google already knows

What the fuck is up with that chimp in the front lol

I vote this faggot. Seems like he's already 2 steps from the edge

Why not? the cuck said he wanted to punch our God-emperor in the face

lol, this

get the fuck back to t_d or at least your containment thread before I ask my petting zoo if I can borrow the emu

My god why the actual fuck did i click that link and read some of the posts. Its litreal cancer with a bunch of faggots who are just reposting old memes that the probably weren't even a part of. These people come here and post on this board holy fuck i need a drink

Hah knew I had this somewhere...

> wait for the next ISIS attack in Europe


we wuz legionz n sheeit

Bump. This sounds pretty fun.

>the_donald thinking it has the memes of production and therefore gets to dictate what gets memed
um, i smell a t_d secession/war for independence being (((brewed)))
wonder how much this has to do with their (((mods))) and its recent (((closing)))
i wonder how the pedes will fare with this psyop being played on them
(((they))) are gonna be fully ramping up the bots and the shilling for this one, if they can divide us then they can steer the_chattel back to (((the reservation)))
gonna be interesting, maybe we should go on the offensive and start battling shills there and breaking the (((cognitive dissonance)))?

>newfags think Sup Forums doesn't go anywhere else I'm not 12 faggot, this isn't a seekrit club

As far as I can tell they screencapped a Sup Forums thread and posted in on redshit

Besides, fuck you, I'm joining "THE REAL INTERNET"

Just fuck off back to your echochamber faggot sorry u mean your "real internet"

I mean, if we were allowed to have real raid targets still the #1 priority would be at reddit staff and mods, not at random libshit celebrities spoiled ass kid.

its not that, when our shit leaves the boards and goes elsewhere we abandon it and create new oc, thats the cycle of Sup Forums content

what reddit is doing there is just.. dumb. there isn't any other word for it. they're fucking dumb.

This is a dumb idea.

The left is doing our work for us by attacking children... why would we return the favor?

And here's a bigger point... all these 11 year old kids, regardless of their parents' political views, will be rolling through Sup Forums. Most kids are NOT liberal... the kids you see today, who are not nigger-tier... will be on Sup Forums... coordinating master plots.

I wouldn't attack any celebrity's kids... Inwould rather recruit them... that's the best revenge.

we have more than enough resources and funding to do both


resources and funding? the fuck are you talking about? all you need for a raid is a half dozen email accounts, photoshop, and a day off.

we used to do that shit underage b& as fuck after school


M8, I don't give a fuck about reddit, I want to fucking be part of what could be an epic lulz (yes I have been around for longer than 2 weeks)

how is it epic lulz? aus how drunk are you? like how far past typical tuesday afternoon aus?

you okay? got alcohol poisoning?

You realise someone posted doxx on shariablue cunts in another thread earlier

and no, haven't had a drink in 5 days unfortunately

>God emperor
This is plebbit, abandon thread, abandon thread

Shareblue gets dox info leaked all the time but i honestly dont think anything of actual note has been done with info we should really cord with Sup Forums if we really want to do something

it's one x, you are new

>falls for the xx bait

Sup Forums is shit, all fucking traps an sheeit

>another seekrit klub kid

A few years ago we could have, but now Sup Forums is all disgusting newfags from pewdiepie saying XD and even if we tried they would say 'not your personal army'. Also mods would do their best to shut it down.

You're not getting in, kid

your mom said different last night

True although not a half bad idea would be planning something for july 13th since everyone over there will still be in a raiding mood cause the 12th is the annual pools closed raid

Pretty sure you're either shariablue sliding important topics, or a little kid from what you just said. Either way, fuck.off back to your containment site and consider an hero faggot

Yeah but what would make them give a fuck? On Sup Forums every raid used to be for the luls but now they spam not your personal army. A good idea would be to do something similar to what the guy said on reddit, upload porn to a site like yt as a private video and coordinate making it public. Something pike that but with gore to traumatised lefties or a political spin?

>'containment site'

You shills need to check which page of your "HOW TO BE Sup Forums" manual the guy sitting next to you is on so that you don't make it so fucking obvious, please, at least try to have some pride in your work