>Climate change is a hoax
Climate change is a hoax
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Are you afraid yet? You sure look afraid, you don't mind paying some more taxes do you?
Yeah, that what I though, now bend over and hand in those Kronor.
Not an argument
>USA isn't going to give billions of dollars to China and India who can keep polluting as much as they want.
Oh no the earth is eternally doomed now, it's so bad even if the democrats are elected in 4 years it will be too late.
listen, you take away global warmism and what the fuck does the Weather Channel have to talk about?
Dra åt Helvete, du är fanimej inte bättre
Lol sug kuk negertos.
>California disappearing into the sea
Is this supposed to make me want to fight global warming?
shitcountries like bangladash could disappear - so what . niggers could stave in dat evil sun . so what ?
climate change ( if it does exist ) has no impact on my life .
this is what desperation looks like
pretty much this
also i see a 5 in that filename can you please dump the rest
Haha this
>the weather changes
woooow better tax us to shit then and outsource factories to countries with laxer regulations
I mean weather geniuses can't predict the weather a year from now, but we'll be dead in 500 for sure
>not wanting to let UN globalistd siphon all of your wealth for measures that won't do jack shit to solve climate change makes you a climate change denying retard
Propoganda is a hell of a drug. Not even halfway through Trump's first year and the Jews are already in full panic mode, this shit is amazing.
Look, nobody with a bit of brain denies the climate changes. But what braindead liberals don't get is, that there's nothing we can do against climate change. There's a thing called Milankovic cycles and it's causing climate changes of +-6 degrees Celsius. It's responsible for glacier periods and for warm periods. We are currently at the peak of a warm period. It doesn't matter if we stop producing CO2 or not.
What's stopping the proprietor of that website or it's demographic from doing something about climate change?
Is the greenhouse effect a significant factor in the overall temperature?
Whether it is or not has no impact on the fact that the Paris Agreement was a bad idea for the US. In the same way that free trade can be good, but the TPP was bad.
>the only way to combat climate change was with the Paris agreement
what the fuck are these people smoking? The only way to really beat this shit is technology.
>The earth is spontaneously combusting thanks to Trump (and his white male supporters)
>Sweden (pic related)
The only things who will flood Sweden is shitskins and niggers...
long term: it's not warming that we need to worry about. CO2 rich air is also great for reforrestaion and crops
Why dont we remove CO2 from air?
our crops need it though. its technically the other shit in the air thats bad for the environment, but the paris accords aren't going to scrap regulations about scrubbers over night
Because plants use co2, and climate alarmists would have to admit that more co2 and uv rays = more plants and more oxygen. Climate change is a fucking hoax
A factor? Of course, you don't just burn billions of tons of carbon products that have been buried away for millions of years and expect it not to change SOMTHING, but the real question is, as you said, if it's "significant." One thing we do know is that plants incorporate excess carbon into their bodies when they're in a high CO2 environment, so plants naturally filter out this excess. Though this causes other interesting effects, like herbivores having to eat significantly more plant matter to get the same nutrition intake because strangely enough high mass plants raised in carbon rich environments are less nutritious.
sure I'm talking about reducing it not completely removing
the cO2 goes to the fucking atmosphere not in the air you dipshit.
Whats reducing it going to do? Absolutely nothing at this point.
>White people have a culture
Oh wait.. fuck
it would stop the greenhouse effect and cool the fucking planet
Not really, and the Paris climate agreement would have only reduced the temperature increase by about 0.2°C over the next 50 years or so.
The gist of the story is, that global ice ages and periods of hot climate have always alternated throughout history and humans can barely have any influence on that shit overall.
One should also keep in mind, that CO2 is pretty much one of the least dangerous pollutants of all, since it is pretty much a natural component of air, which gets absorbed by the flora again, while shit like nuclear waste will poison the planet for the next 2 million years.
>the atmosphere not in the air
what did the tiny mongoloid-brained, crooked toothed bongistanian mean by this? If you're trying to imply that the CO2 gas goes to the UPPER atmosphere instead of the biosphere, CO2 is a heavier molecule than O2 so it actually hangs CLOSER to the ground than the O2 that you breath, ever seen gas sublime off of dry ice?
>the earth was still getting hotter under the agreement
I don't get it....
thats right, fuck planet earth
no it wouldn't human CO2 emissions are a fraction of total, about 3%.
We have far more to fear from cooling, which is happening, than from warming.
> shit like nuclear waste
kill yourself, you hippie retard
No it wouldn't you fucking retard. Human co2 emissions are pathetically low in the grand scheme of things.
It is literally impossible for us to stop the greenhouse effect by reducing our emissions.
ok so now weather isn't climate and the air is not atmosphere.
please explain clearly the difference between the air and the atmosphere
its just carbon that was originally in the atmosphere in the first place. it just got trapped for a while
Are you responding to me or to him (mongo-stanian)? If it's to me I don't think you read my post
That's bollocks, how can a toast sandwich be only 330 calories when a single slice of bread is 105? Just how thin are they spreading the butter for it to only add 10-15 calories?
i was agreeing with you
heard of sarcasm
check the flag son
We should make republicans president from now on so they have to take tge blame.
Plants remove CO2 from air.
No need for expensive bullshit technology like tons of solar panels.
Global warming is a Hoax funded by Shlomo Scheckelberg
Guess, why we stopped using nuclear energy?
Thats right my man, because you can't safely store the radioactive waste.
wow dude, nice cathedral
what is it, almost 10 meters tall XDDD
Why do you think Trump was put into power
>human CO2 emissions are a fraction of total, about 3%
>Human co2 emissions are pathetically low in the grand scheme of things
Yeah nah I just thought you read my post and thought I was saying the same thing the other guy was
>plants remove co2 from the air
Good thing we aren't seeing unprecedented deforestation oh shi-
Global warming is not a hoax it is being done intentionally and the solutions are a hoax.
you're a disgusting and stupid nigger hippie retard
the only reason "nuclear waste" even exists is because nuclear energy is not subisidized like oil and dirty jews want to cut corners
we are currently capable of perfectly dispatching any form of nuclear waste
we also have reactors that run on nuclear waste
russians have a prototype breeder reactor that doesn't produce waste
you're just a fucking hippy retard and you should kill yourself
we have the fucking IAEA HQ here in Austria and then there's trash like you
73 degrees?
Jesus christ, how isn't Chicago a barren wasteland?!
China is currently the biggest investor in green energy
>Good thing we aren't seeing unprecedented deforestation oh shi-
The US has more trees now than ever before. You better go cry somewhere else, fag.
Fucking Jews...
>california coasts
It's called the tide you fucking city retards.
Holy shit the kike assumes youre all fucking idiots. This reads like the Enquirer.
And their cities are still filled with smog
The world's 15 largest seagoing ships annually annihilate more harmful sulfur oxides than all 760 million cars worldwide. And not one of the luxurious cruise ships that are now entering large fanfares in Hamburg would create the exhaust gas standards that have long been valid for cars or trucks, "said Alexander Porschke, Nabu Hamburg's President, at the press conference. "Especially at the coasts and in the ports, the inhabitants are suffering from the toxic exhaust gas cloud and have their nose full in the truest sense," emphasized Porschke. In the North Sea up to 90 percent of the ship's exhaust gases are blown into the air within 90 kilometers of the coast.
all the arguments made in this pic are retarded and don't debunk global warming
>models have been wrong
pic related
>10 east steps to learn to suck yourself off
I've been wondering how to do this...
Natural CO2 emission is absorbed by nature...We fuck up the balance by adding more CO2
>Trump misunderstood MIT climate research, university officials say
And how the fuck would you or anyone know what the balance is hey?
go and drink some of that evil plum brandy you drink
>sea levels are rising at an alarming rate
yes, compared to what they were thousands of years ago
what happened even before that is irrelevant, because human civilization didn't exist then
also ice is melting at an alarming rate
>muh global cooling
your image is a strawman, because nobody says most of the stuff in your image
factually wrong on both points
Not really a hoax but definitely being used by globalists.
>Exposed: How world leaders were duped into investing billions over manipulated global warming data
>Whistle-Blower: ‘Global Warming’ Data Manipulated Before Paris Conference
>NOAA Attempts To Hide The Pause In Global Warming: The Most Disgraceful Cover-Up Since Climategate
>Climate Change Hoax? NOAA Data Exaggerated Global Warming, Alleged Whistleblower Claims
>NOAA Scientists Falsify Data to Dupe World Leaders on Climate Change
>Climate change: this is the worst scientific scandal of our generation
>More Countries Caught Manipulating Their Climate Data
>California coastal home here
Trying to devalue my property eh Schlomo?
It doesn't matter how much or little our emissions are of the total, what matters is that our emissions are breaking the balance on Earth.
Earth releases as much CO2 as it absorbs, humans release more, and this constantly adds up. It's already added up to 410PPM
Not having enough natyre to destroy now that the Great Reef is dead, eh?
>sea ice
Dipshit, land ice is what matters.
That said, it's been consistently declining for decades too.
which is why they're currently the biggest investors in green energy
Quick, my coworkers are talking right now how shit Trump is and that he did it again. How can I destroy them with a few sentences?
>more trees than ever before
Are you retarded ? Also global warming is global retard. Even if the us has forests it doesn't matter since the rainforests are disappearing
>Plants remove CO2 from air.
No they don't. They release nearly the same amount as they absorb (both directly and indirectly, when animals release the CO2 that the plants absorbed)
LOL at climate alarmists.
I have personally been observing the weather here for 3 months.
1. The weather is normal. There are no heatwaves happening here
2. The rain is normal. There are no rainstorms here
3. The trees are in bloom, which climate Scientists predicted would stop happening
4. Bees are alive, climate scientists said bees would be extinct by 2012
5. People are walking their dogs, many climate scientists said that dogs would not be able to breathe the air as they require pollen to breath and without bees no pollen would exist
6. Water still comes from the tap, no water shortages as predicted
Climate Scientists are a bunch of snake oil salesmen.
Where is the ice age that Time Magazine predicted after they consulted with 90% of the worlds climate scientists?
Where are the 200 meter sea level rises?
Why does boiling water still take the same length of time? The world was meant to be 40 degrees celcius right now so water should be warmer and boil faster right?
Fuck climate scientists.
Get on all fours with your pants down and present to them
If they fuck you, you win.
>you said "cherry"
>I cherry-picked that word to suit my purposes
>pic related
Time for a game of "let's see how ridiculous leftists are and is there anything we can't connect to climate change?" - any suggestions?
(I started this game yesterday and we played for hours. It was fun.)
Yeah its embaressing some times.....
He's actual 100% correct. Increased CO2 is responsible for a 28% increase in vegatative growth since the start of the Industrial revolution.
Greening of the Earth and its drivers
Overall, climate change has dominant contributions to the greening trend over 28.4% of the global vegetated area(Fig. 3c,d). Positive effects of climate change in the northern high latitudes and the Tibetan Plateau are attributed to rising temperature, which enhances photosynthesis and lengthens the growing season, whereas the greening of the Sahel and South Africa are primarily driven by increasing precipitation
(Supplementary Fig. 13). South America is the only continent where negative climate effects were statistically significant
(Supplementary Figs 10 and 11b). This is particularly important owing to the role of the Amazon forests in the global carbon cycle 19,20
. Ecosystem models may tend to overestimate the responses of vegetation growth to precipitation 12 (Supplementary Section 10), which is one of the reasons why the fate of the Amazon forests continues to be debated.
I agree with everything your saying except that actually the visible vapour coming off the Dry Ice is water vapour in the air condensing, CO2 is colourless.
>water should be warmer and boil faster
My sides
>hey guys let's give those scientists massive government grants to study climate change, I'm sure nothing unethical will happen like publishing misleading data in order to ensure the future cash flow from aforementioned government grants lol
Climate science is a valid field of research but at this point it's currently a pseudoscience with poor quality published data