Europeans wont fight for thenselves

... Europe, at least the EU is fully cucked, yearning to be Islamized and ruled by the Anglo-Zionist elite...

But since they dont care to fight for their own nations

Why should we care?

10 years ago there was some hope - but the loss of Wilders and Le Pen have sealed the fate of western Europe.

Other urls found in this thread:

20 men who are willing to die for their country are stronger than 1000 muslims/leftists

Anyone who's not willing to fight and die for their country should be gassed

Western Europe with the exception of the UK and possibly the Scandinavian countries is gone just forget about it, salvage what you can and let the rest collapse. The rest of Europe will survive and thrive.

>fighting when you're allied to a nuclear armed state
Just hurl nukes at the attackers population centres.

>with the exception of the UK

UK voted to retain their sovereignty and ditch the EU so kek all you want they can change their circumstances.

The fact that Sweden is higher than most of Europe proves that this is meaningless.

1995 will come again

>literally fewer brits are willing to fight for their country than the french

It just proves that Europe is truly fucked.

Not really, most of us would fight for it.

The lefties and niggers pulling our numbers down famalam

The cause of the war matters as well, if people would fight or not.
Ie most wont fight a "meaningless" war.

>die for us or just fucking die

jeez, that's a health world view.

They would fight for Somalia not Sweden

We are STRONK!

>who are the scottish
top retard.

Maybe 70 years ago, but not now.

probably thanks to them being an island
sandniggers hate water and cant swim

In the current state it really is meaningless but if there actually turned into a war then countries like mine would fare better off than for instance Germany with low morale as there is enough people who would not hesitate to fight the enemy.
Top kek, implying there is a differance between Somalia and Sweden soon..

I've got a german, a swiss and a spanish passport but still, the only country I'd fight for is Switzerland. I'm a proud aryan, but why should I fight for Germany if the only one I'm defending are some retarded goatfuckers. And Spain can't be helped. Also Poland is based and Scandinavia too, to some extent. I'm a huge fan of the Swedish Empire btw.

im not going to die for zog and fugees, even though i love my country

The question is just posed badly.

"Would you fight for YOUR PEOPLE?" would be more interesting, since the german germans and the turk germans would both say yes, this way, it's like: "Would you like to die for Angela Merkel, Refugees and EU-Bureaucracy?"
Barely anyone wants that.

>Sweden: 55%
Bullshit. I'm not even buying that for a second. If that was the case then what the fuck is that 55% waiting for?

But I suppose I shouldn't be talking. Even though my country's score is relatively okay when compared to most European countries, it's still pathetic. God, we're doomed.

Honestly, all you need to do is to look at Turkey's score, their diaspora in Europe and how they voted, and how big their military is to see how FUCKED we are.

Fight for your country implies that another state attacks you with their armed forces and not rapefugee invasion fyi.

they just dont want to die for Politicians and leftists who would hate them anyway
nothing wrong with that

Yes, I realize that, I'm not a fucking baboon. But still, are you willing to argue that there's much difference between an invasion from another state and the current "refugee" crisis? I could very easily make such an analogy.

Yeah.. I mean.. there's a reason why Berlin is now called "Little Istanbul" and why Hamburg has been utterly infested with Mosques and mudslime sandniggers blocking streets and entrances to houses multiple times a day to supposedly "pray".

Duisburg too, I suppose.

>poland 47%
>sweden 55
I call this bullshit

You don't understand: we don't want to fight for our country because we are vassal to the US and economically enslaved to the EU Globalist.

Why should i help the US goverment fight their inhumane wars?

If Italy was an independent state I would certanly do it, but i don't think i will see my country liberated from the US vassalage in my lifetime, so fuck it and fuck fucking EU

True for people like you and me we know that this is an invasion but the problem is that the average normie does not get affected enough by it hence why this is not seen as an invasion as very few actually get direct consequences of the invasion, Because the picture of an invasion is that the invador is armed and occupy areas, The rapefugees don't tick those boxes in the average normie head unfortunately.
How come?

Daily reminder:

If less that %50 of your country is willing to fight for it, your country is cucked and is beyond saving.

If less than 70% of your country is willing to fight for it, than your country is weak.

Are ottomans the strongest race?

Daily reminder: If your Country has 20% of the Population hating your guts and waging war against you, you are Turkey


It's a meme you dip

Well, at least Simo is proud of his offspring.

don't care

True. Oh well.. then I suppose our incapability to conceptualize an invasion as potentially something other than an army marching into our territory, armed and willing to take-over, and then make the analogy shall be our downfall.

>occupy areas
>mfw that's literally what no-go zones are
You have 'em, I have 'em. When natives are threatened with violence for entering that area, when services refuse to enter because of that reason as well, and when those areas become self-governing and national law doesn't apply to them, I'd say it would be safe to assume that to be occupied land.

B-but Ireland is neutral.
Plus the vast majority of Irish people over 35 are racist and Catholic so good luck getting a foothold here, Islam.

Would you want to fight for a government that is actively going against your interests? I think not.

>I suppose our incapability to conceptualize an invasion as potentially something other than an army marching into our territory, armed and willing to take-over, and then make the analogy shall be our downfall.
Yup this is the reason why the invadors haven't been thrown out yet due to ZOG brainwashing and heavy propaganda creating a picture of the invadors being poor fleeing defenceless creatures but reality..
>No-go zones
This issue alone has made our nationalist party SD climb to become largest party in Sweden, I count it as occupied land aswell but it is not occupation in the sense that armed soldiers take control over local governmental institutions etc, Its basically semi-lawless territories with gangs and rockthrowing invading scum.
This issue can be solved with police given the right to go third-world on their rockthrowing asses, Throw a rock get shot behind a bush.
Fortunately the average Swede is becoming woke on this issue as this has become a huge problem.

>yearning to be Islamized and ruled by the Anglo-Zionist elite...

Talking about the EU or the US now? Remember, everything that's bad in europe is 100 times worse in the US.

All the things we europeans, rightfully, complain about are established facts in the US since decades. We moan about our 10% share of migrants however, the US is already only 65% white, more than a third are shitskins. Completely unthinkable in current Europe.

We would not fight for our country, because there is nothing left worth fighting for.

Wait a second.. assuming both images refer to citizens, which they probably do, Turkey is made up of 70% ethnic Turks yet 73% of Turkish citizens are willing to fight for Turkey? Holy shit, there sure is some cleaning up of traitors to do.

Is a police operation like that ever going to happen though? Have we reached a point where the required acts so as to remove the "invaders" would be deemed "unacceptable" and therefore never materialize. And even then, even if you were to kick out all the trouble makers sustaining the no-go zones, and restored law and order, there's still the issue of birthrates and the fact that these people, or at the very least the vast majority of them, essentially wish for the country they live in to be turned into a Theocratic state, a Caliphate. So given the birthrates and the fact that they and their children will gain citizen and therefore the right to vote as well, and eventually become the majority through birthrates, we'll see a similar phenomenon to Turkey, where Democracy is removed through Democratic means. Demographics are key to Democracy. Who would've thought, right? The "Demos" is the one who has control in a DEMOcracy.


did Le Pen lose as bad as they say really or was there some fuckery afoot with the vote count?

no, she lost really bad. I read about ipsos france reserach today. Macron has now got an even bigger lead, taking 425 seat out of 577. le pen is mere 15 at the most.

Die for this shithole of a country filled with corrupt politicians seeking their own interest while the population is becoming overwhelmingly infected with the disease known as liberalism? Yeah, no thanks. Perhaps if my hometown was directly getting invaded, fuck the rest of the country.

>i will convert to muslim

Death to America and Israel!

its not unthinkable though - its 25/50 years away in several EU states

USA will be completely non-white before Europe
Migrant Steals Le Pen Ballots - Deliberately removing complete led ballots for destruction
>Reports are emerging of torn – and therefore invalid – Le Pen ballot papers being received by voters ahead of tomorrow’s all important French presidential election. In each case, the ballots of Rotschild candidate, Emmanuel Macron, are intact.
>In addition, the interior ministry reported a record number of blank and invalid ballots, accounting for nine percent of all registered voters, compared to two percent in the first round.
>Don't Worry, just another blunder

Make of this what you will.

Alright, where's the figure ?

>Will we ever see such a police operation.
With the current government we will never see that, However if SD were able to get M+KD along for next election and win then we would see a huge crackdown on these hoods, SD wants to create a genderarmie French style that would police these areas with watercannons and rubberbullets and other also they want to create specifically designed courts to prosecute these type of offenders as fast as possible, removal of citizenship of foreigners who commit crimes and deportation of them, Anti-Swedish behaviour from foreigners would lead to removal of citizenship and deportation, If you your residence permit was given on false grounds (If you lied about being an actual refugee and or if your homecountry is safe) you will have your residence permit shredded and get deported.
If a 2013 Husby style riot started SD would send in the army to crack down on the riot.
I don't think that will be enough but it will surely stop these areas from being essentially lawless areas with local thugs harrassing people.
For instance my brother and his friends were in a semi-bad neighborhood yesterday and they were told to shut up by some local druggie immigrant shit, they laughed at him and continued their buisness the guy then threw a half filled can with coke at them and they then pointed their middle finger at the guy like fuck you dude, he then pulled out a screwdriver and went full fucking retard and punched one of the guys and ran to his car where his friend was waiting and they sped of quick as fuck, My brothers friend managed to get a photo of them and of the license plates which they handed to police, Stories like this are common as fuck but i find it ironic that my 18 year old brother and his 16-18 year old friends scared a mid 20s thug shitless by not backing down when he threatned them.
Such is life in those hoods.

oh no, why wouldn't germans fight for their kike masters

This map is just stupid

What the fuck do they mean by fighting for your country? joining the military? taking orders from the merkel style crypto commies who rule us? rebelling against those people? or is that fighting against your own country? I'd gladly fight for my country, but I would never subjugate myself to a military hierarchy that takes their order from the same people who are trying to exterminate us.

Based Finns

10% is a huge misconception. You have to take age and fertility into account.

is this the famed Sisu?


Most wont fight. A sizeable minority absolutely will. Lucky thing is European armies (and to a lesser extent) police are very white and usually fairly "racist" behind closed doors due to their constant first hand negative experiences with shitskins (soldiers fighting in cameland, police dealing with endless nigger and middle eastern crime etc)

I didn't know 26% of Finland are Swedes.

>I don't think that will be enough
I assume you're referring to the issue I brought up regarding birthrates and the fact that we're becoming a minority within out countries, and as a result, due to how Democracy works, our power to affect our nation's politics diminishes.

So then what is there to be done about this? I suppose one solution was to immediately eliminate all social benefits and government handouts of any form so that it becomes unsustainable for these people to keep reproducing at such rates, and will have to instead rely on whatever money they make. And seeing as how most of them are uneducated, I doubt they could compete. Even then though, that would only work if natives were to be giving birth to as many children as their financial situation would allow, which is sadly not the case for us, but is most definitely the case for muslims. Unless all of the social benefits that they receive are taken away at once, and at the same time there's a cultural shift so that we rediscover the value of family, I don't see how this could end well.

one solution is* God fuckin' damn it.

Maybe, could be it is just being young nation who remembers the past freshly and the European states have seen too much to care to taker such things seriously.

I could be wrong but younger nations tend to react more strongly to matters... old and ancient nations are established and history tells their citizens all will in the end work.

Younger nations have no such comfort, be it illusionary or not.

others slice is totally bullshit.

arabs, circassians, bosnians, albanians make up vast majority of others.

>we're becoming a minority within out countries, and as a result, due to how Democracy works, our power to affect our nation's politics diminishes.
This is basically what i refer to being the issue for us here, we are becoming balkanized as we are not only bringing in Arabs but also different asians (afghans) Africans and other groups who will start to kill eachother once they are the absolute majority, If we really want to stop this from happening then we need to stop all immigration today and deport everything that is not European but sadly this will never happend unfortunately or atleast not now when our economy and governmental institutions function.
Removing the benefits will stop all asylum seekers without relatives here for sure they would go somewhere else (Germany) instead.
There literally is nothing for them to do here we are a frozen shithole with a people that is more frozen than the fucking frozen shithole we live in kek.
All the invadors i have spoken with have said they don't wanna stay here for all their life as they don't feel like they belong here as Swedes are cold people and despite the memes not very welcoming.
I just hope they go home some day.

By the way how is the situation is Greece right now? still alot of them on the border trying to go up the Balkan route? Last time i were in Greece around 10 years ago i only saw a couple of Niggers in Athens that were trying to sell me some contraband clocks or whatever and that was literally it, I then went on to island hop between Paros, Naxos, Samos and didn't see a single Nigger/obvious muslim.
Is it still like this today or has it changed? (Asking because my brother is going to Samos in August)

Why should we when we can just let Americans die instead?

the difference is, Europe is a traditional whitemens' land for thousands of years while US is not. It adds more weights to this tragedy.

>with the exception of the UK and possibly the Scandinavian countries

Nigga you what?

Ive been to most European countries and the most "invaded" or "cucked" ones are:


Nothing else comes even close. Germany has a cultural deficit, but since Germany is such a decentralised nation, you can travel to any small city and youll see mostly Germans with somewhat old fashioned views. Lastly Germany has Turkish ghettos, which dont have Islamists problems, since Turks hate everyone and everyone hates Turks. No Pakistani suicide bomber will be hosted by Turks.

France is a feminized country with alot of muslim ghettos. Sweden is a feminized country with alot of muslim ghettos. Belgium is a feminized country with alot of muslim ghettos...

You have no idea what youre talking about. Europe is strong and Brexit has made us stronger as a political union. As a cultural group of nations its surprising how well the EU holds it together.

we really need to dissolve NATO

Several islands that are relatively close to the Turkish coast have been turned into mini-Afghanistans. There are also phenomena similar to what you talked about regarding niggers eventually turning on each other

Video very much related. Other than that, no-go zones because of immigrants have already managed to establish themselves, even within Athens. Not only that, but immigrants seem to also feed the Antifa anarchocommies numbers, who have long now maintained a no-go zone within the center of Athens. Crime reports suggest that non-Greeks make up less than 9% of the total population of Greece yet account for more than 50% of prisoners. Now some claim this figure doesn't mean anything since immigrants are uneducated and lack the money for proper legal representation, but I honestly doubt those factors are responsible for such a large over-representation.

how many swedes do you know you stupid faggot

>only 59% of Russians would fight for their country

The map is a lie or survey was held in Moscow among some gay-faggot liberals.

And in the end, nobody will ask you if you want to go to war.

>hurr durr american here, Ive got no idea about the political situation in Europe and Im here to tell you, YOU ARE DOOMED GIVE UP ALREADY, COME HOME TO AMERICA WHITE MAN

>Several islands that are relatively close to the Turkish coast have been turned into mini-Afghanistans. There are also phenomena similar to what you talked about regarding niggers eventually turning on each other
Yeah the majority of those who came here that i have seen have been Afghans, usually even they attack eachother due to being Hazari/Uzbek/Pashtun, In 2015 alone Swedish police responded to over 5,000 incidents at asylum centers regarding fighting which says alot about what type of monkeys that come here.
>The video
Remember seeing this back in 2015, Everytime someone says that they are peacefull refugees in an online discussion i always link this video or the Calais truck jumpers, I can barely watch these videos because i get so fucking mad by doing it.
>Crime reports suggest that non-Greeks make up less than 9% of the total population of Greece yet account for more than 50% of prisoners.
Here we have like 15% foreigners and they commit 80% of violent crime (notice that i don't count foreigners with Swedish citizenship) It truly is fucking insane, I would say 99,5/100 assault rapes are done by invadors, 100% of gangrapes, These are the type of crimes we have to deal with and our officers get paid less than i do and i work in a grocery store and serve as a reservist in the military.
I can't fathom how our politicians think this will work they have to be insane or just really fucking stupid.
> Now some claim this figure doesn't mean anything since immigrants are uneducated and lack the money for proper legal representation, but I honestly doubt those factors are responsible for such a large over-representation.
Same arguments here but really they are given more oppertunities than we Swedish citizen ever get all for free but they still commit more crimes and worse ones, I honestly think it is an IQ/Intelligence issue caused by retarded culture and bad genetics.
Sad to hear about Athens getting enriched though.. it was nice when i were there.

Also speaking of immigrants we had a large influx of immigrants from Greece, Italy, Yugoslavia, etc.. in the 1960s-70s.
There was literally no problems, no spiking crimes, no undermining the society, no problems.
Then we started to import middleasterns in the 80s.. And thats when the problems started.
(((((I wonder why))))

>Also speaking of immigrants we had a large influx of immigrants from Greece, Italy, Yugoslavia, etc.. in the 1960s-70s.
Yeah, no wonder immigrants from Western European nations didn't cause any trouble. Not only was the cultural gap not as wide but immigration itself was conducted in a more controlled manner, as far as numbers go, which didn't really allow for the coming immigrants to establish self-sufficient and self-governing culturally homogeneous communities, which in turn would minimize the required contact with natives. And those are both factors which play a major role in how fast, and if at all, immigrants will integrate.
>I honestly think it is an IQ/Intelligence issue caused by retarded culture and bad genetics.
That is certainly plausible. I mean.. it is widely known that Islam permits first-cousin marriages. Not only that but there have been credible reports of this being a major problem within muslim communities. The Pakistani community of the UK in particular comes to mind. I haven't seen any research on a larger scale being done though, probably because it's not politically correct to do so, but if this is an actual phenomenon within the Pakistani community of the UK, I don't see why it wouldn't be safe to assume that it isn't a reflection of the muslim community at large. Perhaps to a lesser degree, since the larger the community, the less prevalent the phenomenon becomes, but I bet it still exists.

>There was literally no problems, no spiking crimes, no undermining the society, no problems
maybe not with the italians and greeks but did you completely forget about juggemaffian

Juggemaffian didn't really become a problem until the 90s, I would say pre 90s Juggar were relatively harmless.
Exactly, we took in 163k random Africans and Middleasterns in 2015, they have caused more problems than what 5 million Europeans even remotely would cause for us.
>Inbreeding muslims
I remember a guy i know who served in Afghanistan told me that they went to this remote village in the mountains on Taliban-patrol.
They met this elderly guy who obviously was the chief of the village and he toured them around, Half the village were retarded or born with birth defects due to the village elder impregnating his cousins and relatives.
If it wasn't for them being there under ISAF and UN flag he would have had the entire village put out of its misery he said as he has never seen something as sad as that.
It is common in the middleast/muslim world to breed with your relatives due to arranged cousin marriages and different polygamous villages like the one i mentioned above where you have an elderely who is basically their god.
All i know is that i don't want these subhumans in my country or even continent for that matter.

>yfw Muslims get control of all Europe's nuke

my country most cucked
feels bad man
Looks like I have to kill off 85% of my own people.

if only 18% of germans would fight for their country, wouldn't that mean that germans don't support the current government?

How the fuck...

Not when they have no weapons and the police shoot them/arrest them

That's not how war works in 2017

Their army is invading your cities right now

If you want to nuke the enemy, say goodbye to all your cities

It's going to be a door to door civil war with every useful idiot you can imagine going full communist anarchy and pillage

Anyone have that Ben Garrison cartoon of the new spider and it's horde?

The funny thing is that most of those finns are willingto fight against muh ebil russia and not nigger invaders. But hey that's better than nothing.

Dishonorable discharge marine friend of a friend years ago became a drug addict

Came across one of those villages where they were forced to guard but not interfere with their culture.

Had to watch them beat the women. Had to listen to one of them rape little boys and come out smiling because he knew he was untouchable.

That guy just said fuckit and mag dumped the old child raper and turned in his rifle the next day. They called it self defense so he wouldn't get punished but it was a pretty clear "I can't sit here and guard child rapists when I thought I was fighting bad guys for freedom"

>All i know is that i don't want these subhumans in my country or even continent for that matter.
But that's not even all of it. Most people are mute to such realities because they refuse to judge these people on any basis other than the fact that they're human. Their reasoning revolves around the idea that if they're human, then we are obliged to offer humanitarian help. A proposal that resonates with many because they either are unwilling to investigate the effectiveness of it when compared to alternatives or simply lack the intellectual capacity to do so. An incredibly powerful argument against normies is how ineffective immigration as a form of response to the conditions these people are living in, since they perceive any harm caused to the countries receiving these immigrants as justified. This video in my opinion perfectly illustrates this.

The only way I'd fight for my country would be if multiculturalism was reversed and non Irish kicked out, otherwise I wouldn't risk my life fighting for a multicultural Ireland and if an invading army was fascist or anti globalisation/anti multiculturalism I'd be inclined to fight for them and a puppet government they install.

>Burger education
Wilders is an incompetent cunt.

good goyim
Still scratching sand out of your buttcrack in Afghanistan?

Suomenruotsalaiset (ruots. finlandssvenskar) ovat ruotsin kieltä äidinkielenään puhuvia syntyperäisiä Suomen asukkaita. Koko Suomen väestöstä oli vuoden 2013 lopussa ilmoitettu ruotsinkielisiksi 290 910 henkeä. Tämä vastaa 5,3 % kaikista Suomen asukkaista.

>The Swedish population in Finland is 290 910, which amounts to around 5.3 % of the population

take the ultimate red pill user read it share it

I can't blame him for that, i would kill for less.
He should have been awarded for killing that fucking subhuman.
Yeah exactly, Here in Sweden the main argument for why to bring migrants here is because we are "helping them" but really if we wanted to truly help them we would use all that money in their homecountry/close by country which would truly help them alot more effective.
But the problem is that they don't deserve help as they themselves have gotten themselves into the shitty situation they are in now.
Much like Sweden is deserving everything that comes to it due to bringing migrants here.
Nobody owes us anything so we should not expect help if we get ourself into trouble.
It was a joke 74% of Finns said they wanted to fight for their country but 26% said they would not.

Rare image of Sweden's new military branch - Swedish Foreign Legion.

>But the problem is that they don't deserve help
Not only that, but I believe such vast amounts of help to be counter-productive in a sense. I think of it as similar to how welfare has contributed (obviously in a negative way) to the current state of the black community in the USA. But eliminating all forms of aid would be nearly impossible. There will always exist people who will seek to justify a perception of themselves as being moral, through having contributed, in any way no matter how insignificant, towards what they consider to be an effective way of alleviating some of the suffering that has befallen these people, regardless of who is responsible for it. So the best way to go about it is to advocate for a "middle of the road" solution where still some of our money would still be dedicated to foreign aid, but at least our societies wouldn't be impacted by an infestation of immigration. Once that is achieved, if ever, then we can go on from there. We can't instantly aim at what is ideal, because that is less likely to happen given how contradictory to most people's views it is.

...... What was that?

Did you just say that you want to fight?
Well, come to Finland.
I'll Fight you.

Regarding inbreeding and Muslims I would have to be convinced that Somalis are NOT inbred to hell and back just from their universal vacant-eyed retarded look. If I wanted to be fair I'd think maybe some are that way because of some malnutrition shit growing up but I am pretty sure that inbreeding issue is a major additional factor.

Sadly if we were to ever bring that up the left's solution would be "Then we need to bring them over here even more to help them expand their gene pool! :^)"

>Not only that, but I believe such vast amounts of help to be counter-productive in a sense.
Yeah just look at Africa, population 2100 will be over 6 billion, if we have hunger problems there today may god have mercy on those who live then to experience that.
The only reason why this is possible is due to western intervention there giving them medicine, food, help etc.. We need to depopulate that continent or else it will destroy ours kill or be killed.
>There will always exist people who will seek to justify a perception of themselves as being moral.
This aswell sadly, These kind of virtue signaling cucks exist everywhere in this country and pretty much everwhere on the planet, If they only knew how much they actually are destroying..
>he best way to go about it is to advocate for a "middle of the road" solution
For our countries and the positions we are in i would agree as our countries are not as strong as for instance the US, But if i were president Trump i would use my massive military to eradicate as much of those vermin as possible by all means possible.
I wouldn't sit there with the worlds largest nuclear arsenal and not use it against the threats we face (Africans very specifically).