Why are you all so cucked by capitalism?

Why are you all so cucked by capitalism?

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Because stupid people will believe literally anything if you repeat it to them enough times. Capitalism is literally the religion of the west now. That's why poverty is seen as a moral failing and the rich are seen as saints even though they're almost all fucking demons.

yeah, why have 8 million people hunger to death if everyone could hunger to death


>those sources
Also, warlord torn africa isn't really capitalism, it's barbarism.

Capitalism isn't the problem
Communism isn't the problem

The real issue is that humans are fucking retarded

Prove him wrong.

Capitalism is responsible for all human innovations.

Taking the boat out early this morning to have a splendid time in the ocean. What is all this talk of death, poppycock!

I thought we got over that argument few decades ago, it's a taken. Communist on the other hand doesn't take humans into consideration, it's just hippie daydreaming.

>Implying that this is even remotely true. Those who shill for socialism are either ignorant of history or evil.


>"Look at how self-reliance murders all these people!"

You know there was food and water before capitalism, right OP?

>Capitalism is responsible for all human innovations.
I hope you realize how retarded you sound because the concept of capitalism has only existed for a fraction of human existence.
If you want to deal in absolutes, make sure your stance is solid.

Did they include those african socialist shitholes in this?

Extreme poverty shrank 80% from 1970 to now, faggot.

We're also literally being steamrolled by the gay agenda in case you missed it


Also not giving a shit about someone who is about to die doesn't mean I killed him. I wouldn't give a first aid to homeless person covered in diseased blood and maggots coming out of his skin, doesn't mean I killed him.

They cannot use itunes so fuck em who needs them?

>Africa exists so capitalism is bad


Yeah, if those shitholes adopted capitalism

a fraction yet significant progress to "mankind's history" 14th century to 21st

caps made it to the moon...

your turn

100 million people

caused by
>undesirable standard of living caused by shitty undisciplined people

are you fucking retarded? you think africa is not capitalist?

Most Countrys in africa aren't Capitalist...

Also look at Angola... One of the ritches countrys in Afrika and still they let their ppl starve... COMMUNISM TM

every single country in africa is capitalist with no exceptions.

Are you high xD?

exactly, altho there are capitalist businesses around e.g. my dad owns a share in the diamond mines in locapa they pay the commie mercenaries(company pays the local gov and local gov distributes their rations and pay) $50 a month and ration cards... while they pay the caps mercenary $800

at the end of the day commie mercs complained so much my dad gives em crate loads of booze every weekend just to keep them happy

hence why me n my dad always laugh at these commie retards, cause they don't know what are they fighting for LOL

there are only three countries in the entire world that arent capitalist.
>inb4 stupidly thinking social democracy isnt capitalism

Are you retarded? Do you really think that in the 40s and 50s after Europe went 'shit all this colonialism in Africa isn't doing much for us anymore' it suddenly all became communist rainbows?

It is, but Africans are retarded.

Hold the fuck on.... image says thats more deaths then communism in the last 100 years... Didn't fucking Stalin kill like 20 million under communism and Mao like 60 fucking million?

African people do not have the enterprising capitalistic mindset. They have no drive to make use of the resources around them to improve their condition. I've been to African countries, what passes for a 'business' there is is going to the government for investment or begging NGOs for gibs.

Africans have no notion of starting something for themselves, they sit around offen on valuable assets such as land and wait for NGO gibs before they can start a business

USSR -- 20 million

China -- 65 million

Vietnam -- 1 million

North Korea -- 2 million

Cambodia -- 2 million

Eastern Europe -- 1 million

Latin America -- 150,000

Africa -- 1.7 million

Afghanistan -- 1.5 million

Communist movements, parties not in power -- 10,000

this is just this century

you listed all of the places i dont want to live ROFL

all shitty countries yea?

Absolutely this.

haha exactly

Except a few in Eastern Europe which are only half-shit.

>unconvincing property rights
>highest corruption of anywhere in the world

No entrepreneur in their right mind would go to Africa to try and make a fortune. If you do succeed the chances are you'll have your property seized by corrupt politicians/warlords and get deported.

Look at how the chinese were liked out of Uganda by idi amin

>The concept of accumulating wealth to spend it at a later date for productivity growth has only existed for a fraction of human existence

>only 94M since 1917

Yeah that's BS

> cukked by freedom.

OP, u are retarded. Must be hard to be u.

>Capitalism isn't the problem
Yes it's the humans that are idiots ! Everyone take out a bank loan only racists don't take out bank loans !!!
Take millions of Muslims so I can loan your whole country out
Btw I'm a white man who is very privileged

WTF! I hate having private property now.

enjoy giving your child autism with your vaccines.
now go to hell, stupid slave.

checked, this

I hope you are ready for you helicopter ride.

>20m die every year
>total human population is over 7billion
>Ignores the fact that global poverty has done a nosedive in the last 30 years because of capitalism
Kill yourself commie cuck

>What is scarcity

There is No perfect system. This could work if we cared more about each other bizo m.youtube.com/watch?v=RJ0zHOXL7YE

>only capitalism allows you to have private property

fucking retard

>its capitalisms fault that sub-humans in other countries can't figure out the basics of life.
Retardation the post.

literally billions of people have been lifted out of poverty because of capitalism

How does corruption NOT fit into a system that values money over everything else?

You mean negros.

Money often values stability above anything else.
>Why do the markets go down during instability

(And pajeets)

>overinflated numbers
> 60 + 20 ='s 80
> 100 million is the same as 80 million