What would America be like if the south had won?

What would America be like if the south had won?

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the day that patsy cline passed away would be a national holiday. if the south woulda we'd a have it made



Impossible to say.

What if the South won? We might as well be talking about unicorns and leprechauns. A better question would be what if Lincoln let the South leave peacefully?

A two country split.

Honorable men, military geniuses, and strong horse rider s in the south.

Drunks, thiefs, and incompetent generals in the north.

Simple as that desu.

There is a reason why the best military schools at the time were run by Southerners. (See: PGT, Stonewall, etc.)

Even more blacks actually

The transatlantic slave trade was already banned in the South at the time they seceded, I'm pretty sure it was in their constitution even.

The South was an hierarchical society, so a lot more European due to the Aristocratic nature of its upper classes.

False! The confederacy was slowly ending slavery at their own pace.

A group of states didn't secede until they felt their rights were infringed upon (forced to give union soldiers to invade the seceded states).

The John Brown event was a catalyst. Northerners praised the concept of slaves rising up and killing white people. That's clearly horrifying to southerners.

It was a war of northern aggression 100%.

They still lost, take that for a genius

*if the north not decided to put the rebellion down

The South had no chance. It set a precedent to show what would happen to a socialist attempt to overthrow the government. Something like the French commune would have been nothing compared to the civil war.

The North/United States would be Canada or Sweden by now. The South's political power is the only thing stopping it from putting a Justin Trudeau in the White House.

The Confederate States of America... hard to say. Slavery would have ended. Not sure what the South, without the U.S. federal government's interference, would have done with its nigger population.

Had the Confederacy won, or the North simply let them go (as many in Congress wanted at the time), secession would have precedent as a viable option for states that don't feel adequately by Washington, D.C. So who knows what the U.S. would even look like today.

Wow! A less densely populated, less industrialized, ill-equipped nation fighting against a densely populated industrial hub of the fucking world lost!

It should be noted that the civil war honestly could have continued for a long time, but not as a conventional war. Robert E Lee and many others encouraged confederates and sympathizers to return to civil society and not fight a guerilla war (which would be akin to current situation in Middle East).

There was one uprising, called battle of liberty place. It was great.

The reason why the confederacy loss is clear as day, but you have to remember they killed just as many if not more northerners with lesser weapons and less supplies.

It would be an indisputably white country made up of self-sufficient states based on a free-market with people having a strong connection of values, culture, history, and virtuosity...in other words, paradise. Brown people would be treated like what they are--not as good as white people. It saddens me deeply that the South didn't win. They were all about liberty and freedom and white preservation, and the egalitarian fucks that defeated them sent the US on a downward path.

There is a reason it's the bloodiest battle in our history. The South really believed they were right, and, like Germany, just because they lost does not mean they were wrong. A better word in both cases would be betrayed. They were betrayed by their own people.

There would have been a massive risk that any non-Confederate states that seceded would have been absorbed into other Empires, especially the British Empire

Just like this
CSA movie trailer
and this

The southern constitution also outlawed the selling of slaves

Bigger, the confederacy wanted to expand into Latin America, they saw it as their manifest destiny to enslave the Hispanics.


as the descendant of Southerners, I want nothing more than to move to rural England and forget all about my ancestors over here.

wish I could, or any other European country

>feels bad man

Brazil. The confederates or at least the people that embodied it were very lazy and more than willing to import foreigners to do their labor- as evident by slavery. So it quickly would have become less and less white. The only people who have imported foreigners at a quicker pace than modern globalist liberals have been American slavers.

Europe Union?

>The only people who have imported foreigners at a quicker pace than modern globalist liberals have been American slavers
You are fucking retarded
Between 1525 and 1866 ~10.7 million slaves shipped in, that's about 32 000/per year, fucking nothing, and that 10 million includes all of the new world, not just the US, so I'm being generous

There's a reason 13% of the U.S population is african and only 1% of Canada's is.

it'd be the best place in the whole damn earth, thats for sure

>There's a reason 13% of the U.S population is african
Yeah, they let them breed and have been actively helping them for decades. Also it's actually about 2.5% nigger here, 11% mixed of some sort, still fairly low though

Present day pol

Zerg rushed by massive numbers

Probably the same. Still a democracy, still going to be owned by jews and private interests.

Gay as fuck raping fellow gay white men.

>Sanjee brings up rape
Why am I not surprised?

>Most of North back to English rule since they were funding the South
>South invades and takes over Mexico because of Texas and Member the Alamo
>England now owns Frenchy Canada
>Whole west coast, from Alaska to Central America belongs to Gentleman's United States
>England with half of Canada and what was North US
>Rich families like the Rockefellers would've been like gods to the Americans because of "muh jobs" and "muh work values"
>Even more control over the government
>Doubt someone like Teddy Roosevelt would've been elected
>No government protected land or wildlife preserves
>No government regulation
>Massive land grab by companies by the 1900's
>Propaganda movies about working for DuPont and Rockefeller and Carnegie become mainstream
>No colleges other than Military or science
>Mandatory minimum 2 year military/civic service after turning 18 for all men
>You come back after turning 20, when you become a "man" and are now allowed to drink, smoke, and vote
>US has smaller role in WWI; less boots but selling armaments and supplies even more
>English, with now more resources and manpower, hold back the Germans and end WWI sooner
>No Great Depression happens, maybe a smaller more containable recession
>WWII, English holds their own because more manpower+resources, US holds Japan by the balls because of even greater control over oil
>Instead of nukes, US starves them out economically
>No massive culture shock dealt to the Japs because of the bombs
>So no anime or whatever the fuck Japan is now
>Still very industrial though
>More militaristic US would've appointed either Dwight D. Eisenhower or Patton as immediate President, and gone ahead with their plans to invade Soviets after WWII
>Nukes used on Soviets instead, and the world is now completely different than we can even imagine

>no college
>implying that's bad

this. bushwhackers were the true heroes. jesse james never surrendered

Jesse James lived into the 1900s

Better . More European.

White and Christian

and he never stopped fighting kikes

Didn't imply it, just theorized that higher education would focus more on military and science, or anything that would help with growing industries.

Britain would have succeeded in dividing its longtime enemy.

britain took back america in 1812. the civil war was about making an example out of opponents to their lodon banks. and yes, they are and were jews, as in actual jews like rothschild

By which you mean the CSA would be filled with black laborers/slaves while the industrialized North/USA would have more European immigrants.