Trump Playlist
>The Paris Accord is a bad deal for America
>Pres Trump/VP Pence presser pulling out of Paris Accords 6/1/17
>Pres Trump meets PM Phuc 5/31/17
>State Dept summary of Pres trip to ME 5/30/17
>Pres Trump w/familes of the fallen 5/29/17
>Pres Trump speech Mem Day Arlington Cem 5/29/17
>SecDef C.H.A.O.S. Mattis speech Mem Day Arlington Cem 5/29/17
>Pres Trump wreath laying ceremony 5/29/17
>Pres Trump Addresses Military @Naval Air Station Sigonella, Italy 5/27/17
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
OP pastebin:
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I'm a comcast user and yeah, you straight up can't go to the site anymore.
>if you're the race mixing type
I explicitly stated I want to live in a white homogeneous society that is on par with the development and economic level of my birth. I want to marry a white woman and have white children who look like me and they can feel safe in the society they live in.
I absolutely love Japan when I visited but they do not want most anymore. If I had known then as a child what I know now I would have made entrance there a top priority but it isn't a white place even.
Is Debbie Wasserman-Kike literally insane?
Reminder that if you don't like america, you don't belong here
This. Portubro knew from last summer that Trump was going to win Pennsylvania. He never once wavered in that. He even broke it down county by county!
If ever there was a reasonable excuse to tripfag it was Portubro but I guess he wanted anonymity.
/sg/ is great why are you cherry picking the retarded croat and fin?
The Sup Forums archive?
taking PA, WI, and MI made the victory incontestable. so beautiful.
Maybe you should go back to your circle jerk, jihadist sympathizer
If she did that shit then yes, she's nuts.
I love the American ideal and what it was in the 50s. I hate what we have become. You misunderstand me entirely. This is a wretched country to raise children in or feel at peace. It is so violent and dirty. It is backwards compared to so many places.
That period between 2am and 3am was the greatest time in my entire life. I've never felt that elated ever in my 30 years on this Earth.
I don't know why someone isn't allowed to hold that opinion, even if I disagree.
I am a comcast user and I am accessing the site just fine.
liberals btfo
>It is backwards compared to so many places.
>panhandle comes in, he scores FL
>MI/WI numbers come in, dead heat
>Madison and Detroit exhaust their votes, he still holds strong
I'd do anything to relive it.
>It is backwards compared to so many places
Then move to germany or france if they're so civilized, you fuck
Gas the kikes, race war now!
A liberal (!) physics professor told me global warming is like this:
Imagine a car. If you are in it by yourself on a summer day, it's hot but bearable. Now stuff 4 more people into that car. Now it's hot as fuck and bullshit and you hate everything. Nothing changed but the amount of people in the car.
No matter what we do it's going to get hotter if there are more people and buildings on the planet. All these climate numbers start when we had a huge population boom.
Despite him being a liberal nutjob, he wasn't going to pretend that global warming is something that it isn't.
>I explicitly stated I want to live in a white homogeneous society that is on par with the development and economic level of my birth. I want to marry a white woman and have white children who look like me and they can feel safe in the society they live in.
Me too man.
I wouldn't be surprised. There must be a reason why Vienna and the rest of austria turned to pure shit
How do we stop it?
same. no presidential candidate i ever voted for before trump ever even won. it was so exciting and mindblowing.
That is strange. I remember one time when Sup Forums experienced an issue like this with Comcast and it turned out to be confined to a fairly specific region and it was temporary.
What state are you in, user? I'm a WA-fag.
>who look like me
I was naturally white-fixated in my youth but my beloved grandmother's passing redpilled me. I want to see her beautiful eyes and face in my children and grandchildren. She was the only one nice to me in my family really.
/end sap no bully
Become the next Genghis Khan
Nuke Africa.
Ethnic cleansing in the third world
Which poland are you again? /sg/ is filled with retards like any general the best part is bombing muslims through the internet and watching them sperg out.
>How do you stop mother nature?
I doubt we ever will be. All we can do is cope with it, and we won't be able to do that if globalists play their little games and destroy prosperity of countries and breed out whites
We don't because at the end of the day it's not that big of a deal anyways because we are still golden for many more thousands of years. The sun will swallow us whole before pollution and global warming do us in.
Or you can go to the source of the worlds population, aka China and India.
No need to cherry pick.
That's Evapolack
Nuke volcanoes to cause ice ages
It's the only way
I'm the one poland that doesn't seem to be licking muslim cock. The other anons there seem to be radical jihadists, not sure what the fuck is about that place that keeps attracting poles there
I actually kinda envy everyone who watched it with surprise, with Portubro and German bro (remember him with the EV race breakdowns?) giving us the numbers and me doing some calculations on my own, the map ended up filling up almost perfectly with my expectations, even though I hardly dared to believe them myself.
I think only NH and the CO margin were actually surprises to me on Election night. Otherwise it was like feeling I'd pre-programmed was surreal as hell.
Fuark I'm comfy.
Genocide Africa.
sessions on suicide watch
>Nuke volcanoes to cause ice ages
You just want to see a volcano nuked, user. I see through you.
At age 11 he was called Prince.
Then he turned white and became Michael Jackson. In the game Moonwalker he turns into a robot. /vg/ can confirm this.
Maybe we should have some fun with /sg/ during real awoo hours, if they like having fun here so much
/sg/ is scared shitless of a /ptg/ raid. if they come here again, maybe they should be reminded of it
>Steely Dan
Fuck that. We can't have stoners protecting the President. That's asking for disaster!
Colonize space, move everyone off Earth and wait for the planet to heal itself
>Mattis says US committed to Asia-Pacific as allies seek clear policy
>Kremlin: US Anti-North Korea Sanctions Continue to Affect Ties With Russia - Three Russian companies were targeted over alleged links to North Korea’s ballistic missile and nuclear programs
>Putin: US Is Using Iran and North Korean Missile Threats As ‘Pretext’ For Targeting Russia
>US-backed Kurdish forces (SDF) on the brink of cutting off last ISIS supply line to Raqqa
>The Syrian government forces have launched a fresh offensive against US-backed rebel groups (Ausoud al-Sharqiyah and Ahmed al-Abdo) in the desert
>U.S. hikes 'combat power' in Syria, with eye on Iran-backed militia: U.S. military said it had bolstered its "combat power" in southern Syria, warning that it viewed Iran-backed fighters in the area as a threat to nearby coalition troops fighting Islamic State
>US assures Turkey over arming Kurds in ISIS fight: “We are maintaining full accountability of the weapons we are providing the SDF”
>Assad Personally Oversaw the Development of Nerve Gas for Use on His Own People: testimonies, documents show Assad began developing chemical arms as early as 2009
It's the equivalent between time elapsed since a drunk driving charge, an overall look at actual character. I see nothing wrong with this. Believe me, any "stoner" going through the motions to actually land that job is not the ones we lambaste and have to worry about.
Again, you misunderstand entirely. Neither of those places is homogeneous in any way close to Japan, nor are they safe. They are economically developed somewhat but that does not compensate.
You also misunderstand in that I regard progressivism/socialism as backwards. That is what I meant by that, among other things.
To the core the country has an isolationism/tribalism nonsense going on that doesn't serve any end. They surrendered their cities to nignogs to destroy them, while other countries invested heavily in becoming highly urbanized and making these urban areas very nice and safe.
I don't know why the Polish OP is so opposed to his, I thought everyone would want this.
If I truly loved a very good person of another race I would not have any issues like most would, I just would much prefer it in my idealized life.
What the fuck happened to him? First, he tries to out the fucking illuminati, then he wants to become a white man he can never be
Fucking music industry, man. That's why I like metal, globalists don't diddle around with metallica or megadeth, at least I don't think they do, and even if that's the case, there is always black metal
how can we spread the word?
how can we help trump?
Portubro's charts and breakdowns earned me a good chunk of money. The election was glorious!
I say leave them to their worship of muh based Muslims. It's more fun just knowing we live rent free in their heads.
Undisclosed location, ha.
>protecting Trump while stoned
(((They))) are laying the groundwork to kill Trump, aren't (((they)))?
#1: Cap population growth. This solves so many global and environmental problems, it's not even funny. I have no idea why libtards never took up this mantle.
Without controlling entropy of the human population, everything else is just bullshit. Sure, the planet probably can technically support 12-15 billion...but who the hell wants to be packed like sardines?
Truly he is the visionary we need.
>Assad Personally Oversaw the Development of Nerve Gas
oh my
Don't tell /sg/
>degenerates are the ideal guardians of POTUS
What kind of backward nigger logic is this?
To quite honest with you, I don't much enjoy sharing a place with people who think rebbit refugees are just fine while thinking real life refugees are bad.
Didn't Trump keep his personal bodyguards from his civilian life tho?
No, I understand perfectly. You hate your country, and wish you were somewhere else, you're just creating excuses to justify yourself. You're no better than a liberal
Like I said before, the door is open at any time if America is so bad, no shortage of people who would give anything to take your place
A lot of us came from Reddit after all of the censorship and anti-Trump bias.
Whtat took Drumpf so long to take the travel ban case to the Supreme Court?
>Assad did
So things that never happened?
Bitch is going to fry.
Those are German bro's charts, Portubro just combined the images.
German bro was the only one giving racial breakdowns IRRC, Portubro was extrapolating from those. When we saw the black turnout was consistently down 8-12%, we knew there was a real chance.
A complete lack of staffers
Bautista's reaction is gold.
>If I truly loved a very good person of another race I would not have any issues like most would, I just would much prefer it in my idealized life.
No. I feel like I'm betraying a sacred trust. We are supposed to continue our parents. That's the reason race mixing is morally problematic - I mean love, to be sure, is above all things - but contrary to what libtards think, we are not Platonic/Cartesian souls stitched unnaturally to these bodies of ours. We are one with and wed to our flesh.
that's a good shoop. video?
>You hate your country
I absolutely do not. I hate the current state of my country and wish it honored the flag of my grandfather than hangs in my room.
I wish I was somewhere else because being here is no good. I am better than a liberal for the fact I am not a liberal.
>The door is open
Yes, but where to? I have said this repeatedly in talking to you:
There is no homogeneous, safe, and developed white country. It does not exist.
Well you need to fucking go back, plebbit scum.
Well, ironically I wish to live in a white country solely, but some time around 500 years ago I had a Japanese ancestor due to a priest of sailor in my family.
Yes every town in America is just like that. Ffs it's a gigantic fucking country move out of monkeyville and you'll be fine.
Good. Fuck this gay earth and fuck (((Holthaus)))
The only way I can see myself breeding with one not of my own would be if I go to plan B: Have as many children as possible and go full mormon mode. After about 40 or so, with multiple wives, then I could start thinking about asians and whatnot. I read about this guy who had over a hundred kids with 28 wives all over the world, not a bad way to live
What´s up with you guys and inhaling harmful gasses?
Stop shitting our bread with your anti awoo, soft globalist cuckery.
feels good, man
I wish to live in the urban enviornments I love, but have them be very low crime and clean with a sense of neighborhood. This is very possible to achieve because I have seen it, but it does not exist in America. I will do what I can but I really dislike the state of America.
President Trump's next acts will be to claim the Sun revolves around the Earth, proclaim gravity a hoax and tweet that science is for losers.
>a priest of sailor
What's up with you guys and furiously masturbating over another tribe impregnating your women?
He laid it out perfectly in his speech. We already spend billions in aid and military for other countries. Those countries need the goodwill of the USA more than they need ours.
*or, apologies.
>It's totally voluntary!
>Why didn't you do what it says, bro?!
He had to go to all of the lower courts and lose first.
The best thing was, he didn't just quietly withdraw. He made a big spectacle out of it and laid out several times what a complete scam the Paris Agreement was to the American taxpayer. I love this man.