Is christianity just another tool of the ((masters)))? Discuss. It seems the aryans are more pagan rooted, and my mind is overflowing with "What ifs" in regard to christianity and its roots in judaism.
(((Christianity))) ?
Germanic Europeans were shit-flinging spear chuckers before Christianity civilized them.
The religion that made european global dominance (spanish empire,english etc etc) a tool created by the jews?
any sources for that claim leaf? it is true that didn't have large urban centers like Rome but that doesn't make them savages.
“Barbarianism is the natural state of mankind. Civilization is unnatural. It is the whim of circumstance. And barbarianism must ultimately triumph”
― Robert E. Howard
>not being esoteric enough to draw from both Christianity and Paganism
It's ok, we need plebeians, too!
is this the work of a shit flinging savage leaf?
Roman sources maybe? There is a reason why the romans despised germans.
t. subhuman living in a mudhut
Considering (((they))) panicked and crucified the creator of Christianity, no.
>Allowing yourself to listen to people who tell you what Christ says, instead of listening to Jesus when He speaks to you Himself
Lol, you all brought this among yourselves
so being an r selected insect that lives in an apartment complex is superior to living amongst nature pic related, also didn't your ancestors live in mudhuts?
>Christianity civilized them
is that the best you have?
Pick one
The Bible holds a lot of keys. You must have noticed the almost random figures of speech the Bible often uses. Well friends its not so random. It ties into a very VERY ancient tradition.
It's true haven't you seen the show VIKANGS
those pagan snow niggers were ritual sacrificing each other and captured peoples around the same time they made contact with Christians
Ding ding ding we have a winner xD
You're probably retarded. Surprised you were even able to operate a keyboard
(((Oh, follow this religion! It's totally not jewish, in fact, jews KILLED its creator!)))
...Not suspicious at all.
almost everytime jews were kicked out of a country, it was a christian country. of course not
Jesus literally whipped the shit out of some merchants
Christcucks are by far the most pathetic and delusional group of people on this board
The best part is you will never realize how in the dark you are. Youre gonna have a HUGE surprise when you pass on friendo.
how about this? does it strike your fancy?
Germans were renowned at the time as being the best artisans.
My ancestor lived in villas made of rocks
It's allright. Jesus clearly was italian.
Christianity gave us (((Rothschilds)))
anglo saxon armour was badass but it doesnt mean that they werent killing and raping all their neighbours, being a productive european
oy vey what a wonderful little goy you are referencing (((vikings))) as historical source.
t. had to give away normandy to sub-humans to make them fuck off
It's entirely possible that Christ was a rebel and the jews killed him for it. But to me, it seems also plausible that modern-day christianity, at least, is just another (((tool))).
>be a Hebrew living in the hot arid deserts of Israel
>work outside all day long as a carpenter
>2,000 years later autists actually think Jesus was an Aryan and not a shitskin kike
Pic related is modern day Palestinian just for reference
Christianity did have it's uses.
We wouldn't be able to communicate without it since most countries would still use runes and shit instead of latin alphabet (which would be kinda awesome too), but nowadays it's just cancer, not as much as islam but still cancer
it was cooler back then
Christians killed and raped too. In Germanic law, 2 counts of murder was punishable by death and they were actually held accountable by their small communities as opposed to Christians who were given immunity or has their crimes swept under the rug by the church.
(((Vkings))) purposefully depicts the Christians as being peaceful and benign and depicts the pagans as savage barbarians but the truth is quite the opposite.
read up on the massacre of Verdun where (((Charlemagne))) the christian beheaded 4000 Saxon nobles because they refused to convert to Christianity.
It is more about ways of worship, and what you worship.
Read the New Testament and tell me it has any definable roots in Judaism, and also realize Christianity is older than the official religion Judaism.
Maybe that will activate some of your almonds.
I was just thinking earlier about how Christians are always making themselves out like doormats.
I think it may be some subconscious sexual fetish thing, where they want to be victimized. Afterward, they'll make a big show of forgiving the transgressor so they can feel morally superior for having forgiven them. I can just envision a group of white Christians standing outside their church talking and waiting for mass to begin:
>"Oh when I heard the news of that bombing I got down on my knees and asked God to forgive the terrorists."
>crowd claps
>"Yeah my cousin was killed by the explosion and I just knew I had to forgive those terrorists and let them know they are welcome in my home any time"
>crowd claps louder
>"Well my wife and I, after some serious prayer and thought, decided that racism is bad so we went and adopted a child from Ghana!"
>[clapping intensifies]
>"But that's not all! It turns out the kid we adopted is a maniac who raped our 7 year old daughter on multiple occasions."
>crowd gasps
>"It's okay though, because we forgave him for it!!!"
>clapping reaches ear-damaging decibels
I think it's all about Christians trying to out-forgive one another. Secretly they love being victimized because that just gives them another opportunity to show off how forgiving and morally superior they are.
>frog thinks he's roman top kek,
muh but there's ancient ruins in my city!
EXACTLY. The indecisiveness is making me wanna fucking cry.
Yes. This cucked pope isn't relevant in anything that happened a thousand years ago.
sure they killed and raped, but they built up europe today bringing law and order to keep everyone to better their community and coming together to be the europe we knew. pagans were mostly too individualistic and wouldnt have made europe the conquerors of the world
So now I know what race DJ Khaled is...
2,000 years isn't enough to make a significant difference. By 10,000 years ago the whole Middle East was already turned into desert
Mein Gott, you're right.
you do realize ancient Rome and Greece were pagan right? they civilized Europe, Christianity brought about the dark ages
Fuck off leaf.
Have I been praying to a sand nigger?!
they were civilized but kept to themselves, all the rest of europe was barbaric and brought them all down in the end. once christianity hit europe, pretty much every country wasnt a shithole
problem is forgiveness doesnt necessarily mean foregoing punishment.
ok cool you forgave some murderers, doesnt mean they shouldnt still be put to death.
the new testament was written in greek first
when jesus first met with the greek philosophers of the era he said "finally, the time for the son of man to be glorified is here!"
christianity is european
Someone's getting it!
do you even history? the rest of Europe was civilized through roman colonization not Christianity. in fact because of Christianity Europe eventually became one of the most backward unsophisticated parts of the world, so much so that the middle east surpassed the west in advances in science medicine
the noble vikings were just punishing their germanic brethren for accepting a foreign faith
why should a European worship a Palestinian?
t. immigrant
gaul is for gauls only
The problem is these same Christians will continue on about how it's not your place to judge, and you cannot take one life in order to save another, and the death sentence is immoral because you can't play God etc.
Christianity used to be bad ass, but now it's just kikes pretending to be Christian, telling the goyim to roll on their backs and take it. Then you also have the libshit Christians who are just so worried about what atheists think of them, you don't want to be called bigoted do you???
>tfw you will never look like dolph lundgren
>worship (((desert god)))
>worship kike on stick
>worship muh (((chosen people)))
>call pagans larpers
>post (((semen drinking)))
>deus vult
>open borders
>allahu akbar
Why are you sticking up for legitimate white people? You're more than likely a shitskin lmao.
Christianity is anti European culture by default:
28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man,
there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
29 And if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's descendants, heirs according to promise. (Galatians 3:28;29)
Englaland for the Ænglic
Christ scites out
almost all advanced metal smithing technology traces back to Scandinavia.
famous weapons like the greek xiphos, roman gladius, pugio are simply copies of nordic bronze age weapons.
all modern ships trace their design back to nordic ships like the long boat and knarr.
We basically were for the southerners as the dwarves in our ancient stories were for us.
And yet the Muslims were repelled by the HRE, and ultimately tossed out of Christian Europe, and in a period during which Christian kings reigned supreme, and the Church had even excessive power, Europeans developed the dominant civilization of the modern world, while Christian missionaries and monks alphabetized and civilized even the most bloodthirsty savages you can think of.
How was this trend possible if Christianity is so bad? How come the Middle East today is such a clusterfuck, even the parts that aren't touched by wars? I wonder what the predominant religion is there
This is the end result of pic related, which from what I can tell started from subversion of protestantism and from there transmitted to Catholicism and now (partly) to Orthodoxy.
In the context of the thread though, and purely pragmatically, I'll just say this: You're a fool if you think atheism or paganism will stop this jewish trick. They thrive on putting one against the other and they encounter the least resistance with "skeptics" and believers of weak beliefs like paganism or protestantism. They don't have the control mechanisms to stop the wave of cuckery. The only ones that do were Catholicism and Orthodoxy; Catholicism was forced, through modern atheism, to conform to the (((new morality))). Orthodoxy still hangs in there, but years of (((communism))) combined with (((western influence))) don't do well on the religion.
Of course, we could argue a thousand years about "muh it's not yuropean dho" and I could listen to a thousand years of larpers telling me how Islam and Christianity are the same despite all proof to the contrary (bosniaks albanians shqiperi somethingsomething amirite? now take a look at a map of inbreeding in Europe at those areas...), but it doesn't change pragmatic considerations. If your motivations are truly the preservation of your ethnicity, it doesn't make sense to take a dead religion and try to push it on already unreceptive people. You're not going to achieve much. Even if I'd admit for example, that most pagans were ethnocentric (wikipedia suggests only east european ones, which would correlate, guess what, with the general population being that way), this pattern isn't going to hold if, by some magic way, you converted the whole population to paganism, like Varg seems to think (don't think he actually said this, but it seems implied). I could go on, it's simple association, not something intrinsic that makes them nordic. This is also why a lot of pagan gods got exported and imported, really.
yes swords like this would be the archetype of European and eastern swords for the next three thousand years. before leaf shaped long swords like this, western and eastern swords were of very poor quality.
the reason why the west has surpassed the rest of the world is because during crusades Christians had rediscovered their ancient pagan wisdom and knolage that the muslims had preserved rather then burn, this lead to the renasance and ultimatly the age of enlightenment.
>almost all advanced metal smithing technology traces back to Scandinavia.
I'm going to go full [citation needed] on this one, as far as I know these are traced to Spain, Gaul, heck, Dacia, not Scandinavia.
>famous weapons like the greek xiphos, roman gladius, pugio are simply copies of nordic bronze age weapons.
Yet another [citation needed], from what I can find they trace themselves to the La Tene or Hallstatt cultures, not Scandinavian.
>all modern ships trace their design back to nordic ships like the long boat and knarr.
Admittedly one of the achievements of Scandinavia is ship building, but I'm still going to be very skeptical that all modern ships trace their design back to the long boat and knarr. I'd think they'd trace them more to something like the galleon, which traces itself to the galley which itself is rather of Mediterranean design.
You might find this interesting, it seems as if the copper used during the Scandinavian bronze age came from Tyrol, Sardinia and the Iberian Peninsula.
the Galleon is based on the medieval Cog which itself derives from the Nordic Knarr.
Factually? No. Christianity named the Jew. There is nothing wrong with Christians except the slave morality, but it didn't stop them from rekking the shit out of pagans.
Where are you getting that it is based on the cog? All I can find is that it is based on the carrack, which at best is based both off the cog and the galley
does this sword not resemble a gladius or a Xiphos?
i can't seem to find a reasonable source but through my research iv'e find these designs seem to have originated in bronze age Scandinavia.
When is it (or rather, the thing it is a replica of) from? This is an important thing, just because it existed in Scandinavia doesn't mean in originated in Scandinavia. Here's one that's *somewhat* (bottom one that is) similar from Romania in 17th century BC (according to the description on wikimedia). Dates are needed to accurately tell what age they are from.
well clearly the galley has influenced modern ship designs too. but overall the basic shape seems to have originated from the Knarr.
pic related is a very early Norman cog
these swords from1800bc-1500bc, they were found with the Nebra sky disk in northern Germany. you can see they are a transition between a dagger and a sword.
Pagans spend all their time attacking Christians and white knighting for women. It's quite pathetic. They have no spirituality.
Yes, because damn near every weapon and art piece you pagans brag about is just a copy of what the Romans made. "Viking shields" are Roman parmas, "Viking helmets" are late Roman spangenhelms but with ugly spectacles, and "Viking swords" are Frankish. Hell, these knots are the best thing about this, and they're Celtic.
wrong! the viking shields are a purely Germanic-Celtic design. roman Equites adopted the Celtic round shields.
the Spangenhelm is not roman it is of Sarmatian orgin, the romans adopted it from the goths and the goths got it from the Sarmatians.
as for viking swords coming from the franks, true but the franks were Germanic weren't they?
after doing a little research i found that the swords in your picture are both Nordic in origin. both were found in northern Germany, the one at the bottom from Alt Sührkow.
Weird, genuinely wonder why wiki claims otherwise then
Christianity saved Spain by kicking out Muslim trash. Pagans were retards with no education. They had no clue about the Roman empire. Technology also progressed exclusively in the Christian west with the exception of gun powder. We used gunpowder and improved upon the methods of delivering a projectile. Then we conquered the world including China and Africa. Then we cucked up as we became more and more secular. Christianity killed the savages in the Americas so we could take the land. Pagans contributed very little beyond early boat technology.
>american education
wow it really is true what they say about yanks. the ancient Romans and Greeks were pagan you absolute buffoon, they adopted Christianity in 312ad and the empire collapsed 395ad, Roman civilization began in about 509bc.
why do idiot Americans assume pagans are only Nordic tree huggers?
yes well i don't think copper deposits are common in Scandinavia. i assume their tin came from the British isles too.