He's playing 4d room cleaning. Appeal to masses, then redpill them.
>tfw I really wanted to know about his diet.
Does not go into detail. What is his diet?
he'll have the jews at each others throats soon. already my synagogue has a pro peterson and an anti-peterson camp.
this retard is reddit incarnate. Such a pandering pop-philosopher.
Yeah but what about counter semitism??!
There is already a substantial number of Jews that see Zionism as a sect of false Judaism.
Funnily enough the media leads us to believe these people simply do not exist.
He eat a low carb diet of mainly meat and veggies. He claims it helped his daughter with her chronic health conditions and he has lost a large amount of weight and lowered inflammation in his body as well.
Dr P.J. is right. Hatred towards anyone or any group is a show of weakness. We can only combat the Jew through strength of character.
Clean your room. Stop watching porn. Read good books. Ignore kike propaganda.
i like the high speed low drag version of peterson more.
He looks the part now.
Joke's on you, we're all counter-semites here.
he consumes the flesh of slain dragons for his sustenance
Not sure what else anyone would have expected, (((OP))). Peterson is a liberal boomer, always was, always will be. He is not really conservative and never was right-wing. He doesn't even understand the legitimate arguments for ethno-nationalism. He gets rich on some SJW trend, defending himself against neo-marxists. At the end of the day, it's just a classical liberal defending himself against the vultures feeding on the leviathan which he himself and his generation helped to errect.
Heil Hitler.
>your problems are probably your own fault
>sort yourself out
my almonds have been activated
>Heil Hitler.
I'm reporting you to the proper authorities for that
of course he's a kike lover, just like shapiro, whittle and all the other pseudo intellectuals
that's why the fart-right is such a joke
you either go full 1488 or stay the liberal pussy you are
>a sect of false Judaism
Judaism is false, Zionism is just more militaristic in general.
They claim to be the seed of abraham, but then why did they not accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah, as was foretold? They transgressed their moral laws in order to ensure ethnic survival, but this was against scripture.
Christianity is the true Israel. Judaism is defined by their rejection of the Logos.
Hi, my names Dr.Jordan Peterson. I help young people and my message is that you are a disgusting person if you express disapproval towards Jews.
Oh this is such a deal breaker!1
Hey buddy, I remember you
Low or no carbs?
In the video he said no.
I tried a no carb diet once felt great for a period of time then got so skinning I ended up in the hospital.
Never trust a leaf (((professor)))
uh shapiro actually is a kike.
I find it reprehensible too.Doesn't mean I like Jews.I don't,at all.
I just fucking dislike and look down upon people who blame Jews for everything.
wtf i hate peterson now
So.. a ketogenic diet?
peterson partakes in the jew lies like a cheap whore does who is booked in a gangbang into cum.
Hitler did nothing wrong and that is a fact. Anyone guzzing so deeply into the jew lies is nothing more than a useful idiot for them.
Oh, that would unironically be the Jewish communist and Stasi informant Anetta Kahane.
This idiot is the fag-right equivalent to zizek or chomsky. vapid Pop-philosophers looking to shill a product. They are to political movement what ambassadors of science like bill nye or neil degrasse tyson are to science.
I think it's no carbs. He mentions it more in depth in one of the videos he has with his daughter on Canadian tv. They talk about her depression and her arthritis (I think.) She cured herself with a radically strict diet. I would look it up for you, but I have to clean my room.
Nigga you need to eat FAT
read: good meat.
But Jews are guilty for everything.
This, but whatabout Molymeme. He is technically Ashkenazi aswell.
Anti-Judaism > anti-semitism.
lol, I would like to see this vid
EVEN IF you think the holocaust wasn't real
>start wars with absolutely everyone
>burn Europe to the ground
>nothing wrong
He's a huge fan of Solzhenitsyn. Someone give him the English version of "200 Years Together"
>Nigga you need to eat FAT
I have tried keto and it gave me horrible diarrhea. I had pretty good results with cyclical Ketogenic diets. Right now I am just intermittent fasting. But I thought about going no carb after listening to him talk about idk. That is why I was interested in the detail of his diet.
Zero potatoes for you today, Mc Schlomostein
I really hope you are doing this ironically. The rapid meme posting is making you look like a caricature of an indoctrinated fanboy.
He is kind of a wild card, sometimes he dares speak out against the Jew, so he is fine in my book
I would rather starterpack redpillers take this stance. Normies need to be introduced slowly. If you dump full 1488 on them immediately they will get scared off. That's why I love Milo so much even though I hate his degenerate behavior, and it's why (((they))) were so scared of him and had to destroy him.
+I'm 99% sure the threads that try to point out LOOK THIS REDPILL E-CELEB SAID THING Sup Forums DOESN'T AGREE WITH, HATE HIM NOW, STOP GIVING HIM ATTENTION, are libshills
What did he mean by this? Totally changes the meaning.
You seem to pop up every time JBP is mentioned and start spewing your bile all over the place.
the fuck
you resentful miserable pathetic weasel
>doesn't hate all joos
>doesn't say anything to deny the claims against elite joos
Hurrrrr da joos r gud see pol?
You are the liberal. you infested the alt-right and subverted the movement just like Ted warned. You will never "redpill" the normies they will just normalize the movement. You are the normies fuck you are even using tranny vernacular.
>Poland doesn't feel like being invaded today
>yo Hitler don't invade Poland or we'll come after you
>Hitler invades Poland
>This is somehow Britain's fault
I'm more worried about his leafness than his Schlomo grandma and therefor mother desu, he hated the guts of her after all.
Makes you wonder...Molymeme wanted to Shoah his Ashkenazi mom... youtube.com
But what if it's the Serbs :^)
that's what I was wondering actually. I'll have to watch the Q&A later and see what's up
Hint: he says absolutely nothing about whether it's an acceptable A POSTERIORI stance. He remains totally silent on this issue, the important issue.
Of course hating someone a priori is reprehensible.
Really tired of the same old debunked "arguments" every time again and again
>that clip
what the fuck did his mother do?
there's another video where someone asks him about Jews or something like that and he says he doesn't want to answer it because he hasn't "thought it through" and doesn't want to say something stupid
but if he just wanted to say "Jews are awesome and antisemitism is bad" why wouldn't he have just said that?
something to consider
Of course he supports the free money jew.
Hm...now that you mention it... a priori, as I understand it, basically means a stance derived from pure logic as opposed to an argument based on sensual input.
Doesn't really make sense in here desu. Active and reactive hatred as defined by Erich Fromm make more sense. Active hatred would be "I hate the Jews, because they are X and I really ENJOY hating them and I would enjoy seeing them get hurt."
Reactive hatred would be: "I really hate the Jews, because they did this horrible thing X to me or to anyone I relate with. I don't enjoy hating them, but they leave me no choice. I have to fight them."
There's a lot of crazy shit of Molymeme on the interwebs. I am highly ambivalent of him, to say the least. I really don't like his shilling for Churchill, Enoch Powell would be much, much better. But unfortunately he is one of the very few people who talk about the horrible murders on whites in South Africa and exposes the truth of the communist terrorist Nelson Mandela, so I have to take the whole package. youtube.com
>Hitler liked Poland
>then Poland did something Hitler didn't like
>This was immediate casus belli
It appears back then, just like now, Germans didn't understand that they shouldn't just go around imposing their will on less powerful neighbours
A priori means non-evidence-based judgement. It doesn't necessarily need to be rational, a shot in the dark.
A posteriori means empirical or evidence based, ideally with very few rational assumptions imposed.
He's saying that anti-semitism without any frame of reference, evidence, or knowing anything about history is reprehensible.
>Lithuania has a population of 1
I was wondering that as well. But considering that he also said most of his friends are Jewish, I'm pretty sure this was just slightly unorthodox use of the word. What he meant was that you should not judge an individual Jewish person based on their Jewishness, you should judge people based purely on their individual merit. Which is only sane.
That's not the meaning I derived from Kant though. Or as I encountered the conflict between him and Nietzsche on the matter. As the problem of the absolute self or logos, independent of all experience and senses. Which derives from God, who is the truth, and the a priori judgement pure logic.
>reprehensible a priori stance
>a priori
now we at Sup Forums know better, don't we hehe
Yeah, she indeed said that East Germany was too white. She is one of those figures, along with Peter Feldman, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, Michel Friedman and so forth, who make it very hard not to hate the guts of the fuckers. Even van Creveld, who is shilled here, is an anti-German cunt.
Sicut Judaeis Non
Almost lost 30lbs on keto now. I shoot for >50g a day.
Highly recommended.
This nigga knows whats up
what do you eat on an average day? would you recommend this for a vegetarian?
I've never read Kant's critiques. I'm a statistics and math person and this is what most people mean when they use the terms.
Evidential reasoning vs non-evidential reasoning.
You are actually eating 70-60% fat?
>attacking a general voice for reason because they don't share your exact views
Actually though, OP, anti-semitism IS wrong.
anti-Zionism is the position you want.
Reminder that Zionist Jews in Israel are mostly the descendants of Europeans converts, not descendants of Jacob.
Reminder that the people who never stopped living in that land are the true descendants of Jacob, gods chosen people, the semites.
Reminder that all the abrahamic religions are the same shit and that if you support ZIonist "Jewishs" Khazars you are literally supporting the Church of Satan's war of terror on Gods chosen people, the semitic descendants of Jacon who lived in the Holy Land.
Reminder that "the Jews" call themselves this entirely to confuse you about this issue and these Khazars mostly are not even religious.
Have a nice day everyone.
Kill em all
>liberal boomer does not understand groups have reality and their dynamics as a whole affects the world around them
>believes only individuals exist
Yeah, cute. That truly is revolutionary.
I am sure he is ant Zionist they aren't the same thing take the ultimate red pill read it share it
Exactly but the thing is that you just can't take a wild guess into the dark, that would be just wild imagination. It needs to have sound logic, then it can be a rational a priori argument.
>most of my friends are jews
gee I wonder why
This is bullshit user the Polish were in active German genocide when Hitler invaded get red pilled
Aha...okay den.
He has to believe this or he can't keep pretending like "Arbeit Macht Frei" was a cruel joke.
what does a priori mean?
>a priori
mein negro
He also believes in the lampshades...no comment.
Yeah, but I really would like to know what he thinks about "200 years together". Really funny how my people are supposed to commit global ethno-suicide because of the six gorillion, but our (((greatest ally))) doesn't even have to address his role in global communism. Pure coincidence, I know.
I see so much Jew-hate, it's all ridiculous. I can tell you from personal experience that the only thing Jews are guilty of is clinging to their racial identities and being clannish as hell.
White people have been brainwashed to think their race is "bad" so we've failed to do this. Jews help each other out. White people rarely do. There is no fucking conspiracy, just people doing it right.
but the real jews got kicked out of that area by hadrian, who was the one that named it palestine, after the philistines, who the jews hated. the jews got disapora'd.
Low carb protein bar and string cheese for breakfast.
Salad or grilled chicken and avocado for lunch.
Usually for dinner a simple salad is enough.
For a vegetarian I'd recommend a lot of avocado but besides that i don't know how you'd increase protein intake. Maybe a lot of egg whites and low carb protein powder.
user is a cucked retard that drank the kool aid get red pilled Zionist shill
but why do white people think they are bad? pol's answer is at least in large part the jews.
No, not that high but I do eat a lot of bacon and avocado.
It's all good and well talking about Anitsemitism ..we are against Jewish supremism
emphasis on a priori
>this meme is becoming more relevant by the day
YAWN, still waiting Sup Forums to finally wake up to this twit.
Oh boy, here we go...
elite dark occultist jews =/= average jewish person
Sup Forums doesn't care, because everyone here is an angsty teenager who just wants someone to hate and let out their sexual frustration towards
Exactly. Counter-semitism isn't the same as anti-semitism. I think Dr. Peterson is just being a goyophobe.