This is a prominent politician in Poland

This is a prominent politician in Poland.

Other urls found in this thread:

Post the little virgin dwarf who thinks his brother was killed by russians despite no evidence at all

>20 rubels have been transfered to your account.

looks like an orc from world of warcraft

Defense minister?

i would eat her ass like a bag of groceries


Is this the white version of Maxine Waters?

PHWOAR! Would give her a right go mate!

hey mate how do you eat a bag of groceries?

He/She gained attention BECAUSE it's is not normal to be trans in Poland. Thats literally the only thing going for that person



No it's not

Looks like a fucking Orc


>Krzysiek, stop making balls (Polish phrase, means stop joking)

and later
>zakaz pedaƂowania, fagotting forbidden

White Dianne Abbot


Which country has the pro wrestler in the middle standing next to Canada?

wtf dude its illegal to acknowledge gender based on physical inspection of sexual organs, you just eat it and its no longer acceptable to chose whether someone puts a vagina or penis in your mouth
get with the times bro


He's a God damn big guy

who is this demi-human?


>lesbofeminists push guys and swat at their cameras and phones with no repercussions



Are Diane's let herself go

I'll try to explain this situation. This thing used to be a man, a commie nontheless, had a wife and kids, decided that he wanted into politics. But being a commie is a huge stigma in here. So he had some shitty gender change, changed his name and entered politics.

He joined a new party that had this image of being anti-establishment. Party was anticlerical which was at that time sort of popular among younger people. They promiesed to bring work to uneployed youth, lowering the taxes as well as DUDE WEED LMAO (no kidding).

So this commie ran as a member of this new party. New is the most important part. Nobody really know who was in it outside of it's leader.

The party got into parliament after the elections and suddenly the populace actually realised who was in it. Commies, corrupt politicians, faggots and this thing.

>To summerize. This ambomination got into parliament due to nobody knowing who he was.

Im gonna add something. This party, alongside every single one that ran into parliament as leftist parties did not breach the 5% support required to enter parliament.

Poles got fed up with leftist bullshit and now every single leftist party is out of parliament.


>was a low-rank member of the parliament for one term, because people didn't know who they voted for
>didn't get elected for a second term
>is a literal nobody

Seriously. It's like a cave troll version of her.
