Are extraverted people on some kind of substance?

Do they drink in the morning? Or the alcohol hasn't evaporated from the evening before?

How the fuck are those people constantly so overreactive, sociable, loud, receptive and easy to trigger by things they already should have gotten used to? How are they so expressive and restless, and prone to sharp reactions and to use vulgar words?

Is it cigarettes? Are drugs more prevalent than I've thought? What's the secret of normies? Why are they so active on Facebook, why do they update and check their profile constantly, why do they comment everything with such emotions?

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honeslty I am curious about that too

maybe different chemical levels in the brain. More emotional sensitive, lower hearth rate hell i know. But their must be a differents

They're cancer.

But Boasian anthropology says everyone is the same, it's RACIST to say there's something genetically different with them, goyim!

Well, I've gone through different stages of life and being ridiculed by people always brought me right back down to earth, to my usual introverted self. I can only assume that extroverted people don't get shit on that much and hence their self esteem is given more room to grow.

One extravert I know smokes a lot and from another I can sometimes smell alcohol even though this isn't even evening

Snort some amphetamine (not meth please).
Welcome to extravert's world for 3-5 hours.

The eternal normie. Whats the final solution?

From experience people who are overly extroverted typically pop pills or smoke a lot of weed and cigarettes before they go about their day. There are some that do it naturally but they are also on caffeine rushes the whole day as well.

it is literally the opposite of depression

Some people however cannot function on their own without that sort of connection to the social plane.
That is probably what you can do. If you spend more time influencing your environment, you get more integrated in it. You feel a sense of belonging to a group.

You most likely lack that and subconsciously desire it without the will to make it happen. I say let the extraverted have a day of solitude and the lonely a day of socializing

Low IQ.

Just kidding, that's just something introverts (and autists) say to feel better about themselves.

Because the have always had ppl around them when growing up and they've never been "alone" - so they never had time to think for themselves and realize how irrelevant everything is.

They are animals. Can't really think so they jabber on.

It's much more common to be an extrovert than it is to be introverted, and extroverts don't seem to 'get' anyone who doesn't function like them.

Living as an extreme introvert in a world filled with extroverts is very challenging.

They lack fear responses so they treat everyone as approachable.

It is also why the tend to be liberal refugees welcome unless they go full sociopath.

fucking this
fucking normies i swear, im so sick of them all
someone needs to build a trash can for these

extroverted people have an anal fixation. they want to be near people and sniff each others asshole with the goal of licking each other

They didnt took the vaccines, we over did them.

>it is literally the opposite of depression

made me active some alimony

>Because the have always had ppl around them when growing up
I had people around me too, I have a sibling and cousins, but I didn't come out to be extraverted. I'm not an autist, I can behave among people and know basic etiquette but I'm not overreactive and I don't get excited or triggered by just any bullshit

more like this

Lack of original ideas, prefer to buy into societies big lies rather than think about harsh realities. Couple that with some peoples need to shout about everything to make sure they don't fade out of existence.

I feel like an edgelord writing all this but it seems like giving into the norm = happiness

You should read Seneca. He'd argue the exact opposite. Your just affected by modern Jewish propaganda that tells you buy, drink, and socialize instead of spending a day in your life yourself.

What do you call it when someone is very talkative and active socially, but claims to hate people?

Asking for a friend, seeing as I'm about the exact opposite.

You think too much about it. Humans are social animals, you're the abnormal one if you want to be excluded in you room doing anything productive.

>but claims to hate people?
well he's pretty fucked up and has dychotomical reactions

Different brain chemistry. You can see that in the bipolar people, when they are in mania/hypomania state. Extraverts are dulled hypomaniacs

Stupid loves company.


She's also an autist, but I think she's just kind of an arrogant dick, deep inside.

I have my circle of acquaintances but that doesn't make me a loud overreactive monkey

I used to go to clubs, but now I do rarely because it gets boring after a while and dancing there is cringey

I'm both extroverted and introverted.
I'm nearly as content with dancing at a party full of people as I am sitting alone reading something or doing something just with Mrs user. I prefer the latter usually, but the former is good sometimes.

Well I'm coming out of pretty much a 10 year rut and finally seeing clearly for the first time. Now it's about finding the best way to navigate through day-to-day life while staying true to how I feel now.

Anyway thanks for the tip about Seneca desu - any works in particular you'd recommend?

If you're talking about a woman then she's definitely just being an attention whore, no deeper meaning whatsoever.

Boasian anthropology is outdated by over a century.

It is literally the way you are raised. If you were raised in isolation, without being exposed to many different people and social circumstances, you grow to be fearful and/or inhibited.

I'm not saying chemicals don't play a part, but there are literally hundreds of examples of people who are introverted by nature and learn how to function in social situations (either by adopting another persona or using reliable social tricks.)

We like to complicate things to justify our shortcomings. Often, the simple explanation is the right one: the more experience you have of something, the less scared of it and the better you are at dealing with it. Just cause you're mad doesn't mean you are not sheltered.

You Sup Forumsacks wanting tp gas them have it wrong. These are the people you use on your normie-sled ride to success. Control your autism for at least 8 hours a day and you can ride these mutts to fiscal paradise.

We have friends that are literally working themselves to the point of exhaustion with socialization. PTA, Kid's Birthdays, BBQs, Block Parties, Charity Auctions, Travel, Concerts. They NEVER spend one weekend alone in their home without and event. Every day, they have at least one event. Usually more than one. What is the point? Plus, usually, no one gives a shit if you are there or not.


I preffered to be leaved to myself when i was as young as 5 years old

Really easy, they havent received as much emotional and physical beating from their parents as introverts has.


I did ask this out of curiosity, I don't feel introvertism is a shortcoming, I don't really care whether I get to post a photo from some loud club, and I'm not one bit mad. What normies do seem to me exhausting and is a sign of emotional instability

das a good pic user

Their lives have balance. Usually simple balance.
They aren't exhausted and frustrated by emotions attached to problems they can't even identify. They know what their problems are, they know how to solve them. Balance.
Introverts most likely can trace the source of their dysfunction directly to how shit a job their parents did in raising them.
Try it. Sever ties with people who are fonts of problems and frustration. The people who you try to help but never seem to help you.

>inb4 never pick your kids up from school

I used to be an introvert, but then I actually wanted to fuck a woman so I had to be extrovert.
Men can't afford to be introverts, women can be.

Positivist materialism, aka Satanism is a dopamine drip.

They are not in control of their emotions and require transactional stimulation with the persistent illusion.

When the beast system is rolled out they will not have seconds thoughts, it will be everything they've ever never knew they wanted.

But the core tenets are what we are dealing with today, ie. There is no rafe but the human race. That shit started by Boas and his cult

I guess they have a brain like a dog and we have a brain like a cat

Supposedly it's about "energy", not preference. Do you feel more energized after being at the club?

Extraverted people are just that... people. They're actual human beings unlike you introverted autistic fucks.

Thanks to social media and bullshit jump-cut buzzfeed videos, everyone thinks they're an introvert who loves cats (and SCIENCE... don't forget about fucking SCIENCE BRO!)

Get out of your basement and talk to people, don't be a cunt.

but I'm not creating this thread out of bitterness or anything, to me people just seem unstable and radical in some sense. They're easy to trigger and overreactive, this is what normism is

>(Not meth please)

Their internal glands may naturally secrete more oxcytocin and endorphins than an introvert

shut your cuck hole once in awhile my man

OP is a virgin.

Extroverts are parasites. Holofractal representations of the Jews that own their Goy mind.

Man was meant to sit in quiet contemplation of himself.

Eh. Social interactions are stressful for people who don't do them often. I death gripped the steering wheel the first time I drove a full hour.

It also helps if you forget the notion that talking to someone is like trying not to be ostracized teenage style.

ITT: Autistic faggots

They have simple motivations and simple dilemmas mang. If you're problems spanned a world as small as theirs' you'd seem to be moving a lot too.
Like that quote I can't be bothered to look up properly: "Small minds discuss people, great minds discuss ideas."

I've had to fake being an extrovert for most of my life. I realized at a young age I wanted to be a lawyer and get involved with politics, which requires that I be extroverted and social. Essentially I've learned to shut off certain mental processes while in public and trick my brain into treating social interactions as rewards. Pretty sure all the males in my family have done this because we all seemingly rebound on weekends and require solitude. My genuinely extroverted friends don't understand it.

Why do you think it's a substance and not just genetics that makes them more outgoing aka extraverted?

Are you on a drug that makes you retarded? No, you're just retarded, you fucking retard.

They are addicted to a drug called "social approval" and they do everything to get their hands on it. The symptoms you described are merely the way of them getting the drug

This is all the evidence we need

No but really why did you write this thinking it was a meaninful addition to the discussion?

Apparently extraverts masturbate for six hours after furiously cleaning their room

>You don't talk much, huh user?

They're basically cattle.

they literally drink coffee when they wake up in the morning yes

They're so solipsistic it sometimes seems they're not really sentient

>Because I think about what I'm going to say and my words have value. Here's a sentence for you though: kill yourself.

And then I roll away on my heelies


I think their Amygdala's are less active/developed among other things.


All extroverts suffer from this on some level, just usually not enough to make a psychiatric diagnoses. Extroverted personalities are the result of a subconscious need for attention. Everyone has to read their IRL personal blog and give the impression how much they care about whatever trivial bullshit is going on in the person's life, and is causes immense emotional pain for the extrovert when no one does.

The cost of every red pill you consume is that it will sap your energy, sociability and lust for life.

Extreme extroverted Normies will never consume a red pill because they cannot sacrifice the source of their social power for the truth. Some people don't care about the truth.

thats what the drug does to you. the things around you merely serve to get your social approval, and beyond that its insignificant. even if it means to get all your countrywomen get raped by savage shitskins, its okay as you get some social approval just through saying "refugees welcom #notallmuslim"
in that regard the refugeecrisis is a bessing because never before was it easier to virtuesignal for social approval

People with this disorder should be publicly tortured

They're not human, gas the extroverts.


>Are extraverted people on some kind of substance?
It's a lack of self-awareness and pretending to be interested in other people's shit.

>No but really why did you write this thinking it was a meaninful addition to the discussion?
Because normies don't seem healthy. They seem angry, restless and bitter, hence their overreactions. And substance can cause such overreactions so I thought they are used to daily doses of some addiction

You might as well go to Africa and complain about niggers son.

Introverted autists army when?

So normies are actually clever then, because they know how to say compliments to other people, this is what gets you connections

Your anecdotal evidence means nothing though. You know one guy normie who does drugs. In facts it's statistically proven that intoverts take to drugs a lot more than extroverts, for reasons you can imagine yourself.


The correlation between introversion/extroversion and IQ is extremely complicated. Introverts tend to score slightly higher on IQ tests than extroverts, and the difference becomes more extreme the higher up in IQ you go (75% of people with an IQ over 160 are introverts). However there's an extremely lively debate whether extroversion has a correlation with less intelligence or whether IQ tests favor introverts, as having more critical introspection can significantly help your score.

Another fun statistic I found reading up on this is that one study found that 96% of managers and executives are extroverts. Do what you want with that number.

It's the attention itself that makes them high.


you mostly see extroverted people at social gatherings when they are in their ideal-typical habitat so they appear extremely shallow when the interactions are dominated by handling group dynamics, social expectations and shit
you never get to know their actual lifes and thoughts in these kind of situations

We get energy from being around people.



If you read up on the disorder you'll see that people suffering from it typically have extremely good social skills, which allows them to subtly manipulate people to make them the center of attention without anyone really catching on, except for in the very severe stages of the disorder.

No they fear silence and loneliness so they settle for any stranger within their vicinity.

*stares blankly*

>Suffering from being extroverted


would own adult heelies

I hate not knowing what to say to normies. Makes me feel dumb. Lack of conversation is painful

I don't claim quiet people are mentally stable, of course they can be depressed and be addicted to substance, and they can unleash their inner frustrations by committing a spectacular crime for instance. But I was just wondering how do extravertics keep up with their energy to be loud and overreactive for so long

They suffer because when they don't get the attention and approval that they're seeking, it's hell for them. Social and emotional rejection is significantly more painful for extroverts than for introverts, you just never hear about it because extroverts have a massive fear of letting people know when they've been rejected.

What really sucks is that it's not that I lack thoughts or topics of conversation, it's just that my thoughts are on a far higher plane of intelligence than anything they'd be able to comprehend.

We actually get more excited and energetic when people are around. It has nothing to do with 'approval' and 'attention speaking.' I just actually like most other humans.

I believe that in 20 years, it will be shown that extroverts have stronger dopamine reactions. Not sure if this will be due to more of the chemical, better functioning dopamine pathways, or a lower threshold for a dopamine reaction to take place.

Extrovert behavior comes from their personality, not the other way around. You can't really make yourself more extroverted by acting like one, only get over your anxieties about social situations.