Pulled out of the Paris Accord

>pulled out of the Paris Accord
>Travel ban coming back
>Comey's testimony next week will confirm what we all already know

Jesus Christ. Are we about to witness a mass suicide of liberals? How will they recover from this?

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But seriously, we can't let him get his orange tiny hands on the covfefe codes.

>Countries listed in travel ban never committed acts of terror on US soil
>Saudi-Arabia, who are known for funding and carrying out terror attacks is not because muh business interests

How does this make any sense?

No wall.
No Immigration stop.
Hillary still free.
No NATO spending increase.
No Allies helping america fighting for saudi arabia.

America Btfo on all fronts.


Can't stop the jews without revolution. You ready to die for that boy?

wtf I hate drumpf now #resist

Are Liberals/Globalists/Elites really so clueless they don't see this coming? Or are they just pretending and they know what's coming but choose to lie like they do about everything else?

Exactly. So if a SA terrorist blow anything up, they have no excuse "oh he actually came from Yemen," and we'll have casus belli to invade SA.

It doesn't m8, it doesn't.

These things take time. We don't just Blitzkrieg like some countries.

I wonder why

I agree with the inmigration policies and some economic ones, but pulling out of an ecologic agreement is utterly retarded.

The Saudi Arabia thing has been a problem for decades

Like Pakistan and turkey they are too strategically important and economically linked to us military and economic intersts to do anything

Sure, but why impose the travel ban on the countries that haven't done anything in the first place? To cripple competition for the Saudis?

they all ready do

They survived him being elected.. despite being utter convinced that it never would happen..
They are resilient creatures those leftist.

>didn't hear about the Somolia attacks last year

>suicide attempts
Not really though. Botched suicides are almost always a cry for help rather than a serious attempt of killing yourself.
Attention seeking cunts.

if they do kill themselves we would cut back on carbon emisions by 50%. they would be heroes. hopefully they kts.

no you just loose.


>Yeah this might be the first one world goverment and is extremely bad for us. So lets implement it for 0.05 degree reduction.

Are u a retard?

Half of the populations of those countries are sunni fundamentalists.

it isn't about the damage USA will make pulling out of it, it's about what it means to the international community that the nation that is supposed to lead the rest of the world prefers to damage everything we need to protect if it can benefit a little with it. It's a major stepback in the world diplomacy.

Ask the Obama administration why they recommended the countries in Trump's travel ban.

I think it had something to do with record keeping.

You got a loose butthole, Hans.

We're coming for you soon Turk.

>We should take action based on the past, instead what will likely happen ink the future

So should we ban Spaniards and Brits, or just Germans and Japs?

>Pretending to fight terrorism and radical Islam
Right, but Saudi-Arbia gets a pass.
You're the most hypocritical nation on earth. You fucks enable terrorism.

>Wall being built
>Immigration Stop coming back
>Hillary boutta be locked up with based Clark at it
>Infinite leftist butthurt
>Obamacare gone
>Tax Plan rolling out
>Comey gone
>Kushner btfo
>Pulled out of Paris

This Madman cant be stopped.

>Only 41%
We could do better.


no muslims=good

I think it's great that the US is backing away from the world stage. It's going to give the EU a huge boost. The EU will need to fill the void in leadership left by the US.

The US has abundant fossil fuels of its own. The climate deal is a bad one for everyone who observes it if the US ignores it.

The idea is to spend money to shift the purchase of energy away from developing economies to domestically produced energy in the form of renewable such as wind turbines and solar panels. Now that the US is gone, the EU is throwing money down the drain.

Pulling out of the Paris accord was nothing but political dickwaving.

The travel ban has been struck down over and over, and it is highly unlikely the supreme court will reverse the decision.

Comey's testimony is likely to do further damage to Trump, and even if it doesnt dominate the news cycle every day, the russia investigation is ongoing.

And like said, no wall, no "lock her up", obama deported just as many immigrants as trump is trying to (and deported more people than any previous administration), european nations are ignoring/refusing him every step, etc etc

I'll also add that trump territory within the US is bottom of the barrel in virtually every HDI metric, and it will remain that way.

but hey, that's "winning" for you right OP? ahahahahahahahaha


#notmypresident #impeachdrumpf

Poor kid, it's retarded.


You mean the guy that had never been to Somalia because he was born in the US?

Watching Trump deliver body blows to the lefties is getting to be so common that it'll take surgery to get the smile off my face.

I haven't had this much fun since the time I was teaching chimpanzees to knife fight

>Obama deported just as many immigrants as trump is trying to (and deported more people than any previous administration)

Turning people away at th border =/ deporting them. Why do liberals always make up new definitions for words when it suits them best?

It won't come back. The wall will never be built. Trump is a cuck. The Paris thing is all you're getting. Can't wait for based neocon Trump to invade Syria
He did deport them you white trash inbred

These next 7years are going to be hard on you kek. Shouldn't have drank the koolaid

Funny, coming from you

Travel ban coming back HAHA

Literally cultural marxism


Haha the eternal kraut. God only knows how much i hate every single German.


Brockpuppet sighted. Sage and hide its threads (if in its thread), Anons; he probably won't flip proxies for awhile. Pay attention to his rhetoric - keep a profile and screencaps. This'll be important when they're doxed.